My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
The next 6 issues revolve around the X-Men finally trying to find Charles Xavier after he went missing during Zero Tolerance.

Uncanny X-Men #362-364 & X-Men v2 #82-84
We start off with SHIELD trying to take down Pyro in Nebraska, who is spiraling out of control spreading fires and seemingly called for Xavier. Nick Fury approaches the X-Men about this and asks for their help finding him.


In Nebraska, the X-Men succeed in saving lives from Pyro and dousing his flames, however he becomes burnt out and near death when SHIELD steps in and takes him into custody. We also see that some unidentified figure was possibly the cause of the fires, and Pyro was just running from him. Meanwhile, we see that Xavier is on the run with an unknown accomplice. Also, Dr. Cecilia Reyes is now running her own medical office at the Salem Center where she recieves a huge package from Moira MacTaggart. It turns out to be her own version of cerebro, which Kitty uses to try to find Xavier. They receive two different matches for his bio-signature, one in San Francisco and one in Russia so the X-Men split up to find him.

Storm, Colossus, Rogue & Gambit make it to Russie and come across a giant ice palace where they think they'll find the professor, and once inside they find a lot of dead monks.



There they encounter a huge crystal barrier, and upon entering find themselves in a world of altered realities where a little girl called Nina uses her psychic powers to try and keep them away. Nina is taking her orders from someone that she calls "Charley." The X-Men find a way out of their warped reality; strong emotions. When they escape Nina's guardian, Renée (who was an old friend of Charles Xavier and was part of the Genoshan war), identifies them as the X-Men. Nina is upset, though; they have let in the very monster that she was trying to prevent access to her. It is called Cerebro, and it has come for Charles Xavier, and it is to eliminate all opposition.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Hunt for Xavier continued...

The real Professor Xavier is revealed to be on Alcatraz Island, apparently a prisoner of the new Brotherhood of Mutants. Charles lookin like a G in his prison suit though...


Meanwhile some other form of Cerebro hunts down a latent mutant female and apparently kills her? Maybe. Then it makes its way to Area 52 in Utah.


Wolverine, Kitty Pryde, Nightcrawler & Marrow arrive in San Francisco. They pay a visit to an old friend of Wolverine who winds up telling them they can find Professor X with the Brotherhood in Alcatraz, and when they arrive there they are attacked. The Brotherhood still has Toad & Blob but Mimic & Post have also joined now.


Their enemies know their tactics and training. It becomes evident why when they find Xavier, who turns out to be not their prisoner, but their teacher. A powerless Xavier tells them that enemies can be bound together by the need to fight a mutual foe. A foe which has gained sentience because of Bastion; a foe called Cerebro. At that moment a unit of Cerebro crashes in, calling itself Cerebrite Beta. It has come for Xavier, and to catalogue the mutants with him.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Hunt for Xavier Continued...
Back in the ice palace in Russia, the other X-Men try to fight off the other Cerebrite Alpha. The little girl Nina helps them, which we find out is a mutant with reality warping powers and the same bio-signature as Charles Xavier. They are able to fend it off and escape with their lives. Later, Renee Majcomb tells the X-Men about how Charles saved Nina from Bastion during Operation Zero Tolerance, and helped her escape. During the story Cerebrite Alpha returns and bonds itself to Colossus. The X-Men are taken down yet again, leaving Nina unprotected. Storm is apparently killed. Cerebrite Alpha takes Nina and heads off to be with Cerebro, where humanity awaits their final program.


Cerebro Prime is checking over current activities concerning mutants when his current base is detected. He quits the base, taking his files with him, and ordering the discorporation of his fake X-Men as he leaves. His base explodes due to the self-destruct.

Back at Alcatraz the X-Men & Brotherhood fight together against Cerebrite Beta. The creature apparently kills Toad, Kitty & Mimic. Blob explains that Cerebrite Beta is an unit commanded by Cerebro, who was created by Bastion during Operation: Zero Tolerance. Xavier explains that Kitty, Toad, and Mimic were not killed, just moved somewhere else. He feels the only to get Kitty back is to be "moved" by Cerebrite Beta too, much to Marrow's horror. As Nightcrawler, who had gone back to the jet, flies over-head, he sees the X-Men vanish. He decides to go to Tajikistan to find the other X-Men, thinking they can help him find his team-mates; if they are even alive.

The X-Men not taken by Cerebro (Rogue, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Gambit, plus Renée) are heading out in the X-jet to find Xavier. Suddenly Cerebrites Bet and Alpha attack the jet. Cerebro explains to Xavier of his creation; Bastion was indeed his accidental creator, and his mission is to scan and catalogue every human on Earth. Once catalogued all hostilities will cease. To do this they need to bond. Xavier wont do it, so Cerebro grabs Nina, threatening to rip the information out of her mind on how to reactivate his telepathic powers. At that moment the X-Men arrive, after bailing out of the jet during a fight with the Cerebrites. Xavier has no choice; he allows Nina to reactivate his powers.


Cerebro activates the Xavier protocols, and swiftly the X-Men are killed. However, it turns out to be a trick made by Xavier and Nina. Xavier quickly uses his powers to stop the Cerebrites so the X-Men can take them out. But Cerebro's mind is still active, and tries to activate the nanos that will sweep the power-lines and scan and catalogue every human on Earth! Xavier and Nina enter the astral realm, where Nina is able to reprogram the nanos so Cerebro scans human minds instead. Seeing them as individuals confuses him to the point where he dissipates into nothingness. With Xavier returned to them, and Cerebro defeated, the X-Men decide to return home.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine v2 #133-138 // The Great Escape
Wolverine is chilling with Carol Danvers at a bar and she's getting mad drunk because she's still depressed over being dropped from the Avengers. Suddenly they see that the UN is being attacked by a female mutant named Powerhouse who is trying to prove a point about human/mutant relations. Wolverine & Carol head to the destruction and they manage to stop her, even though Carol is extremely reckless.

Meanwhile some mysterious female alien who hops bodies has made its way to earth and in the wreckage of the UN fight, manages to take control of Wolverine. He begins attacking Carol & the police until Vision, Firestar & Justice arrive to confront him. He defeats them easily and then takes out Moon Knight, who arrived to try and help. Next he squares off against Captain America, Black Widow & Falcon as well as two villains named Cardiac & Solo. Lastly, he also defeats Human Torch, Black Cat, Darkhawk, Rage & Speedball. Finally, the woman in his body tells him that her name is Aria and it was all a test because she needs help defeating a man named The Collector who has millions of prisoner entrapped on his planet, and Logan accepts.

Once they make it to the Prison world, they are separated after defeating alien guards they meet up again, but she is now in the body of a different alien. However they are soon both captured by Sidri aliens & taken into custody. While in prison Logan is able to unite the prisoners and come up with an escape plan. In another section Aria is taken from the body she is in and placed in an inhibitor. Unfortunately, the Starjammers find out about this and decide to side with the Collector. Logan is eventually able to get free and rescue Aria as well as let all of the prisoners free, who begin to riot. During the struggle the planet begins to break apart around them. Just then the massive form of Galactus appears before them. Together Wolverina, Aria & the Starjammers decide to try and attack Galactus’ converter in an attempt to stop him. Unfortunately, their plan is for naught and both Torgo and Aria are injured. Logan attempt to take out the converter himself, but his bone claws break while he strikes it. At that moment, Ch’od arrives via teleportation and pleads with Logan to come back with him. Logan denies until Torgo and Aria arrive on the scene. Torgo stays behind while the trio teleport away. Aboard the Starjammers ship, Logan watches the planet blow up and learns that Aria has died. Back on Earth, Logan meets up with Carol Danvers in an attempt at reconciliation. He knows Carol will forgive what he did to her but he will never forgive himself for what he did afterwards.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Generation X #47
Forge comes to the school to build them a new danger room in the gym, since the biosphere was stolen. Emma also tells Artie & Leech that they will soon begin training in the use of their powers. While Forge is giving the kids a lesson, a cyber-morph (a form of artificial intelligence that Forge deactivate and programmed into the danger room) named Paradox comes alive and attacks. The kids finish him off with ease.


Cable #64
Cable decides to finally tell Irene Merryweather his life story, which he'd been promising her all along, so she could write about it. This is basically a retelling of the Origin of Cable, which I've already read so I won't get into this issue summary. You can wikipedia Cable and read all that lol, hella complicated.

X-Force #84
We start off seeing Skids & Locus, who had been captured a couple issues back, being held prisoner somewhere in Latveria. Skids is trying to excape, but Locus has been reduced to a whimpering coward on the floor. We find out it is some old lady named Pandemonia who imprisoned them and plans to use them to finally escape the mountain they are staying on. She teleports with the two girls, taking control of their minds, and winds up in the X-Force base and is able to control all of them, minus Cannonball & Moonstar & Jesse Aaronson. When they return home, they find the place has been redecorated into some type of dungeon. Then they come face to face with their teammates, however they are certainly not normal.


After being attacked they retreat and meet up with a guy who is familiar with witches and magic, he tells them to go visit Jennifer Kale who is a very powerful sorceress. She easily figures out the identity of Pandemonia and helps the 3 of them to defeat her. After they return her to where she came from, Skids is reunited with the team and Locus talks some shyt before leaving. The only question now is, Moonstar was using some very strange new powers that she never had before, which could be a result of her run-in with Arcadia.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #23-25
The next three issues are called Dead Reckoning.

Apparently Deadpool & Zoe Culloden finally think he is ready to proceed to the confrontation with Tiamat. Deadpool apologizes to her about her partner, Noah's, death and lets her know that he is done joking around about this whole mission, and he will be 100% focused. They arrive at the base where they find Noah & other corpses. Back at the base, Dixon tells his agents to contact the “second string” like planned. Monty fears something is up and that he knew what, but Dixon made him forget. Back at the Deadhut, Gerry and Blind Al are approached by Blackout agents and Gerry recalls that he taught Dixon well. Deadpool gets attacked by Tiamat.


But then, she notices a panel on which Tiamat kills the merc. She tries to warn Wade about it, but Dixon teleports her back to base. She learns the truth that Dixon set them all up, and gave Monty the mind-wipe because he told him Deadpool would survive the confrontation, where he would go to and how Dixon could deal with that and call in his other helper. He slaps Zoe in the face, upsetting Monty, who fights, Dixon giving Zoe the chance to escape. A beaten up Deadpool also manages to escape back to the Deadhut, where Al takes care of him, but Wade believes he’s a loser. Zoe arrives at Wade’s home as well, where she notices a time bomb, which explodes, destroying the entire Deadhut! Later, Dixon summons the man he believes is the true Mithras:


Tiamat rushes through some Landau, Luckman & Lake Blackout agents and kills them all. He escapes back into the ocean of Puerto Rico, where he takes some time to recover. In Chicago, Gerry desperately searches at the Hellhouse for clues about Deadpool’s whereabouts, but he is nowhere to be found. Later at the San Francisco Golden Gate Park, Gerry reveals his real name to Blind Al and Zoe: he is actually Gerry Lequare, the formerly believed dead, fourth “L” member of Landau, Luckman & Lake! Years ago, Gerry went undercover in an attempt to train Deadpool better for his big fight against Tiamat but it looks like Gerry failed a little. At the same time at the LL&L operation base, Dixon explains to Captain America what being a Mithras is all about. After seeing Monty’s bad condition, he thinks Dixon lies about most things, but still wants to defend the Earth from an alien threat. In outer space, a comet flies at full speed and kills some Shi’Ar crewman, and even worries the Watcher.


In Egypt, Dixon and his aides prepare Captain America for his confrontation with Tiamat and give him a robotic suit to wear for his own protection. Elsewhere, Blind Al, Gerry and Zoe are still searching for the missing Deadpool. Gerry has an idea: he sends Zoe back to the Landau, Luckman & Lake base so she can rescue Monty and he travels with Al back in time. They travel a few months back, where Deadpool was confronting Sasquatch. The real Deadpool is trying to figure out why Zoe and Noah were so stubborn to have him as the Mithras, even though Noah wasn’t certain that they had the right target. After a pep-talk from Al, who tells him a story of an adventure she had with a true hero during World War II, they travel back to the present. Cap is defeated by Tiamat but luckily Wade arrives on the scene. But on that very moment, the strange comet (the Messiah) also lands on Earth and is revealed to be the Destroyer, the true enemy. With Tiamat being too stubborn to kill Wade, his council bosses strip him off his powers and armor and temporarily give it to Deadpool. They telepathically teach him what the Destroyer is all about, stripping humans of free will, and Wade realizes the danger and manages to defeat him and bring Cap back to normal.


Some time later, Zoe is promoted as new Overboss of Landau, Luckman & Lake. Dixon gets put into a mental institution, watched over by the three main bosses of LL&L. After receiving a kiss from Monty, Zoe decided that he is of no longer use to the company. Captain America doesn't remember much of the whole thing and has been sent home. Unfortunately, Deadpool, Blind Al, Gerry, Tiamat and the Destroyer have all vanished from sight. Zoe suggests that the company forgets of ever having met Wade, and heads to her training.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine v2 #139
In Hardcase’s bar, Logan is attempting to reconcile with the death of Aria when Cable arrives to check up on him. Before long they are attacked by a lobster-like creature and later they are engulfed in a ship fighting more animal looking monstrosities. They come to find out that their creator is Arnim Zola.


They manage to escape the ship, and Zola gets away. We find out as he flees that he is holding Viper, Wolverines ex, hostage.

Cable #65
Some weird stuff going on in this issue. First of all Cable has to fight a machine that is destroying building in Hell's Kitchen. Meanwhile, Blaquesmith meets with Ozymandias who shows him prophecy's of the return of Apocalypse. Apparently, two of the prophesies have already been fulfilled (which includes the current state of New York being pitch black). Ozymandias tells him that the only chance humanity has is a group of beings coming together with special powers, and them being known as "The Twelve".

Meanwhile, back in New York Cable is approached by Rachel Summers from the future and she plants an idea in his brain of vast importance that he will be able to use later. Afterwords, he destroys the attacking robot thing. As the issue ends we see this man/machine floating over a dark NYC.


Generation X #48-49
Emma is informed that academy is having financial problems, so she’ll have to ask her older sister, Adrienne, for a loan. Later that day, Paige returns back at the school and has an awkward reunion with Chamber. M and Jubilee have yet again another confrontation and Jubilee has had enough. She challenges M in a Danger Room session. At the end of the fight, M shows how much of a boss she is:


Meanwhile, outside the school, a cab stops. After the driver gets paid, none other than Maggott steps out! Maggott has settled into the school, but later in the woods, the kids are ambushed by a hunter who calls himself the Slaughter! He shoots Maggott’s slugs and wants to keep them as trophies. The Slaughter quickly defeats the kids using his advanced weapons and after tying them up escapes with the slugs. Synch synches Maggott’s powers in order to free themselves, and together they go after the Slaughter. Maggott tries to finish the battle, but the Slaughter escapes, mentioning that there are many more trophies out there for him to get. Maggott can’t live with the fact that the Slaughter might hurt someone, and decides to leave and track the Slaughter down. At the same time, Emma visits her older sister, Adrienne, and asks her to loan some money. At first, Adrienne refuses but, after using her powers and learning about Generation X, she agrees to help out, but only under one condition. Emma agrees, and takes her sister to the school, where she introduces her as… the new headmistress!



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
How do I do this myself?
Help me out where to start, Wolverine comics too.

I used this site for the reading order which includes all solo series that are linked to X-Men characters and stuff. As for finding the issues, I usually just google them and try to find downloadable CBR files. Also you can find torrents of full series'. I don't really know any site that just has it all right there, so searching is the way I did it.

Some issues I couldn't find, but those are usually like annuals and stuff, so for those I just found a summary of it and read that.

Any other specific questions just ask.
  • Dap
Reactions: Jax


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
good stuff, breh. good memories.

well.... some good memories. lol Wolverine as a comic series is always soooo hit or miss

Totally agree. A lot of the series I'm reading now is complete crap. I basically start skim reading it whenever its like that.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
Totally agree. A lot of the series I'm reading now is complete crap. I basically start skim reading it whenever its like that.

at the time, I think Deadpool was the best mutant book on the market.

I was reading Uncanny X Men for Bachalo's art, but the story was kinda ehhhhhhhhhhh

shyt seems like forever ago, though so I could be wrong lol


Staff member
Jul 22, 2012

I used this site for the reading order which includes all solo series that are linked to X-Men characters and stuff. As for finding the issues, I usually just google them and try to find downloadable CBR files. Also you can find torrents of full series'. I don't really know any site that just has it all right there, so searching is the way I did it.

Some issues I couldn't find, but those are usually like annuals and stuff, so for those I just found a summary of it and read that.

Any other specific questions just ask.
Imma cop them at thepiratebay and :salute:


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
at the time, I think Deadpool was the best mutant book on the market.

I was reading Uncanny X Men for Bachalo's art, but the story was kinda ehhhhhhhhhhh

shyt seems like forever ago, though so I could be wrong lol

Deadpool is easily my fav character at the moment.