My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #381-383
Six months have passed since the High Evolutionary tried to eliminate mutant kind. In Venice, Italy, Phoenix shows Cable a room full of treasure that she always meant to show her deceased husband, Cyclops. The two go outside into the streets to celebrate the Carnival where they mee with Beast. They discover that both have been summoned to Venice by Gambit. A group of men called the Shockwave Riders, members of the Neo, attack the X-Men. Storm comes in and saves Jean, but the Riders use their powers to send Cable’s techno-organic virus out of control. As Jean protects him, another Rider uses his powers to steal some memories of Cyclops from Jean. Gambit arrives, as the Neo are defeated. The Neo escape, except for one, who wills himself to death. Jean creates a mind link with him to get her memories back but, if she does not return to her body before he dies, she will die with him. Cable sends the other three into the astral plane to aid Phoenix. Phoenix finds herself in an immense forest, but then immerges into a memory of the land of the Neo. The Rider, whom she was chasing, attacks her and accuses her world of destroying the Neo civilization. Phoenix defeats him and the other X-Men arrive, only to be ambushed by the Lost Souls who quickly defeat the X-Men and merge the X-Men with themselves, creating new versions of the Lost Souls.


The X-Men are sent to deal with their inner demons. Cable is ambushed by more Neo and is quickly overwhelmed. He uses his Psimitar to send psychic energy to the other X-Men, which helps the X-Men escape from the Lost Souls. In his inner soul, Gambit also came to terms with the Mutant Massacre and Rogue’s decision to leave him. Phoenix returns everyone to their bodies, including the Rider. The Riders and X-Men decide to end the battle and fight another day. Later, Gambit tells the X-Men he wants to launch a rescue mission.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Men v2 #103-104 Uncanny X-Men #383-385
While Psylocke trains in the Danger Room with Tessa and Nightcrawler, Rogue is jumped by Wolverine and wakes up in a Danger Room simulation. She winds up defeating Wolverine and finds out it was set up to test her skills for the new leadership position. Nearby, at Harry’s Hideaway, Colossus is attacked by three mutants calling themselves the Goth.


At the mansion, Rogue is not sure she has what it takes to lead, but accepts the offer. Thunderbird, Psylocke, and Archangel go to Harry’s and are attacked by the Goth. The Goth defeat them, but not before Thunderbird sends out a distress call. Rogue, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler head to the bar, but the Goth leave, kidnapping the entire town as they do. Forge calls the remaining team and tells them the bad news. Rogue then decides they need to call Gambit and reunite the whole team for this mission. Meanwhile, it seems Senator Robert Kelly has returned and is going to run for president, using the public’s fear of mutants as his stepping stone.

In Russia, Storm kidnaps an old ally named Simyon Borisovitch Kurasov from his home and enlists him in helping her free the other X-Men, who have been captured. Storm tells Simyon her story, how the X-Men came to Russia to help Gambit pay off an old debt to Colonel Alexei Mikhailovitch Vazhin. Their goal was to sneak into a club named “the Slash!” and free Major Debra Levin. They were ambushed by Manacle, Bludgeon, Cudgel, and Revenant, who were sent by the club owner, Ransome Sole. Sole had his slave, Sketch, encase the four captured X-Men in shells but Storm escaped. Simyon agrees to help. He takes a S.H.I.E.L.D. like model decoy, programmed to mimic Storm, and pretends to hand the real Storm to Sole. The real Storm sneaks in and frees Levin and attacks Bludgeon and Cudgel. Meanwhile, Sole is trying to sell the captured X-Men to his guests: some Shockwave Riders and the slaver known as Tullamore Voge.


Sketch transforms the fake Storm into a machine gun to help out the X-Men. She frees the X-Men and they take down Ransome Sole, Big Casino and the other mutant guards. Some Shockwave Riders escape with Sole and his associates as Revenant teleports away. In the end, the X-Men free Levin, free a slave, and capture Voge, but realize more is going on that meets the eye and that their trip to Moscow will be prolonged. Defense Minister Dmitri Koniev is kidnapped by Killian and the Crimson Pirates, who force him to help them gain access to the Research Annex, where the X-Men and Colonel Alexei Vazhin hold their colleague, Tullamore Voge, in custody.


At the Research Annex, Phoenix enters the mind of Voge, but is interrupted by Wolverine using Cerebro, who requests aid from her team to help free some captured X-Men from the Goth, who are also slavers like Voge. Before Phoenix can ask more, they are ambushed by Voge. Phoenix sends Wolverine out of the astral plane, but is ambushed by an unknown man whom Phoenix recognizes. Cable follows Jean in the astral plane, but ends up being possessed by the mysterious villain, who seems to have removed the techno-organic virus from Cable’s system. The Crimson Pirates get into the building, but are defeated by Gambit and Storm. Cable, who is possessed, ambushes Gambit and Storm. Vazhin tells Beast, Phoenix, and Major Debra Levin that they have been betrayed, but is murdered by the Sea Dogs before he can say more. Beast, Phoenix, and Levin barely escape the building as the Pirates free Voge and run off with Storm, Cable, and Gambit.

In Hollywood, after learning more about Senator Kelly’s plan to use mutants as his presidential campaign topic, Mystique vows to stop Kelly, no matter what. With volume 7 of 13 of Destiny’s diaries, she may very well be able to do so.

In Hong Kong, the five remaining X-Men attack the local Hellfire Club branch in search of another lead to find the Crimson Pirates and the Goth. Phoenix mentally finds their next lead, who is a waitress spying on the Hellfire Club. Wolverine stalks the women to her meeting point with the Goth. Elsewhere, the captured X-Men make an escape attempt, but find themselves neck-deep in a giant slave-processing center, where hundreds of kidnapped people are being packaged for transport. They encounter the leader of the Goth, who is appropriately also called the Goth.


To evade being recaptured, Gambit proposes a deal to the Goth. Rogue absorbs Phoenix’s telepathy and attacks Killian and the Crimson Pirates at their Hong Kong headquarters. There, she meets Kymri, a friend of Nightcrawler’s who has been converted into a personal Hound for Killian. Rogue escapes and the X-Men head out to face the Pirates and the Goth in final confrontation.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Men Forever Mini-Series #1-6
I couldn't find a download for this series so I read the summary. Basically it was made to clear up some plot holes of certian characters. For example:

Toad learned that his deformed body was the result of experimentation by Juggernaut's father, Kurt Marko, at Alamogordo, New Mexico, which left Toad with an unstable genetic structure. The Stranger's equipment corrected his genetic flaws, resulting in an almost complete metamorphosis: Toad had a taller and slimmer appearance and had his powers augmented. Among the most notable changes was a prehensile tongue. Though his change improved his self-esteem, Toad continued to live life without direction.

Iceman developed his powers even further, which led him to not be afraid anymore of the natural course of his powers and he returned to the X-Men.

Mystique's sanity is further damaged by the revelation that Destiny was one of the founding members of the anti-mutant conspiracy Mystique had dedicated countless years to fighting, and had willfully withheld medical treatment to mutant children that would have resulted in them not growing up deformed due to their mutations.

Jean grey learns that she is an "Omega-level" mutant with unlimited potential.

Juggernaut decides to work for the government thinking it will aleviate the guilt he feels.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Gambit v2 #20-22
In his dreams Gambit is visited by Fontanelle. She explains that when she was originally contacted by the Courier to work for the New Son, she was supposed to do a profile on Gambit. Probing the X-Men, she learned of him having been abandoned in Antarctica, and the New Son rescued Remy from there. Claiming that his goal was to create a new perfect world, Gambit agreed to help him and rescued Courier from the Evolutionary’s base and aquired various objects to complete the task, yet Planet Doom shifting into this universe pulled New Son’s plans to a stop. Also Fontanelle reveals that the job took a personal interest when she found out about Amanda Mueller’s involvement with Mr. Sinister in the past, for Mueller is actually her mother. Conclusion is that they need to find out more about the New Son’s motives, his origin and about the Old Kingdom prophecies of the Guilds, therefore they need to find out about Gambit’s own past. For a start Gambit travels to Washington where he asks Courier to impersonate Xavier to gain access to some governmental facalties. Gambit sends two of his Guild members to search the records of his birth, but they have been erased. Later the Unified Guild opens the Casket of All Tomorrows, but surprisingly it is empty. Gambit suspects that Gris-Gris and Theoren stole it’s content and they confess, though they were asked to destroy the material by Gambit’s father Jean-Luc. In Washington, Courier, posing as Xavier, gains access to Carl Denti’s files. He finds out that Amanda Mueller started a gernetic research programm called Black Womb shortly after World War II. Courier is discovered by fellow shapeshifter Mystique. She gets curious and corners Courier, knowing that whoever employed him will show up sooner or later. Like expected Gambit comes to the rescue and is able to surprise Mystique with both his improoved power levels and the time delayed charge.

I thought this was a funny scene, just seeing "Xavier" at a water fountain with the wheel chair behind him LOL.


While the Unified Guild holds a vote of confidence on Gambit’s leadership, he is attacked by Rax of the Neo. Actually he could easily defeat him with his improoved powers, but Gambit has to make sure that some innocent bystanders aren’t endangered. In the end both the Neo and the Guild interrupt. Domina decides for her group to leave and Bella Donna fills in Gambit that he will remain their leader. Fontanelle dreamprobes Quiet Bill and learns that he saw many alternate dead versions of Gambit, yet in one world he witnessed the New Son battling New York’s heroes. Courier uncovers evidence that links FBI agent Fred Duncan and the X-Cutioner armour to Amanda Mueller’s Black Womb project. Also in Siberia, New Sun has awakened.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Men v2 105-106 & Uncanny X-Men #386
Betsy and Warren are attacked in Warren’s NYC penthouse by the Twister Sisters, which is left in ruins. The five sisters have been hired to kill one of them, but they do not specify which one they are after. Betsy and Warren assume it is Warren they are after and do their best to escape, but are easily defeated. Rogue and the other X-Men pick up the energy spike when Betsy jettisoned the two from the penthouse and help the lovers fight and defeat the Twisted Sisters. After the Sisters are taken by the NYPD and everything cleared up, Warren and Betsy leave, not knowing that the man who hired the Sisters is watching them. In truth, Betsy was the real target, because the telepathic villain who hired the Sisters has a vendetta against her.

Meanwhile, Mystique discovers that Cable has infiltrated Senator Kelly’s political campaign team. As she wonders where Cable’s loyalties lay, she quickly morphs into Moira MacTaggert before Moira’s daughter Rahne picks up her scent. For her own, unknown reason, Mystique has infiltrated Muir Island and is using it as a base of operations for her latest scheme.

Gambit takes Rogue and his team of X-Men down to New Orleans for some rest after their ordeals during the last few days. Cable has a hard time fitting in with the team and relaxing, even though Rogue tries to help him. Gambit and Rogue discuss how weird Cable has been acting lately and wonder what is wrong with him. Jean follows Cable to the docks, but their conversation about Cyclops is interrupted when Jean picks up a mayday call from Lee Forrester, whose ship is trapped in Hurricane Sam. Storm, Cable and Rogue fly out to the Arcadia, Lee’s ship, and try to help, but Storm is knocked out when pieces of the plane Hercules fall on her. Storm wakes up and rallies the team together to make a run for the eye of the hurricane. Rogue pushes the ship from behind, Storm bends the wind and Cable cuts down the waves. When they reach the eye, Rogue is swept away in the undertow, but follows a vision of Cyclops back to the Arcadia. Cable also has a vision of Cyclops, which leads him to Rogue. As Rogue wonders what this revelation means, Storm comes out and says that they still have a long way to go before they are safe.

In the Church of St. Michael the Archangel, Domina, leader of the Warclan of the Neo, goes through the Harrowing, a ceremony of the Neo to seek redemption for their dead. Thanks to her brother, Ransome Sole, Domina fights and kills simulations of the X-Men in preparation for the inevitable second match. Cecelia Reyes watches the whole time and wonders how long she can survive, especially since she only has a few vials left of Rave left, the mutant enhancing drug she has become addicted to. Domina is called to a murder scene in the building and sends Rax to find and kill Cecelia and Detective Charlotte Jones. What Domina does not know is that Rax has enlisted the aid of Rufus Delgado in taking Domina down. Delgado, however, has been merged with Charlotte Jones, thanks to an accident by Elysia and Tartarus. Outside, Nightcrawler and Wolverine make a plan to teleport inside the stronghold, but once inside they find Elysia being attacked by the Delgado hybrid. Cecilia saves them all as they escape to recuperate. Elysia wakes up and accuses the X-Men of trying to destroy the Neo. Wolverine and Nightcrawler are able to calm the girl down and convince her that it was a madman responsible for the catastrophe that struck the Neo. Elysia believes them, but says it does not matter as long as Domina believes otherwise. Rax enlists Rogue and the others to help him take down Domina, but Rogue turns his plan against him and the team breaks into the church. The team is reunited as Delgado betrays Rax. Wolverine is forced to decapitate Delgado, killing the drug lord, which causes Charlotte to return back to normal. Domina stabs Wolverine in the back and goes for the kill when Elysia intervenes, defending the X-Men. Nightcrawler and Rogue tell Domina that Elysia is telling the truth and that humanity is not responsible for the destruction of the Neo. Inside, Domina trusts the X-Men and lets them go so she can think about what she will do next. The X-Men leave with their people, leaving the next move to Domina.

Elsewhere, in Pennsylvania, Mystique reforms the Brotherhood of Mutants for their latest scheme, which involves Senator Kelly. The team includes Blob, Toad, Avalanche, Post, a female Crimson Commando, and Sabre. In Ohio, Kelly is approached by Valerie Cooper and Sharon Carter, who warn him that if he continues on his chosen path he is going to be put in danger. Kelly refuses to listen and says he is willing to sacrifice his life to save humanity if he has to.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Avengers/X-Men: Maximum Security Crossover

Maximum Sexurity: Dangerous Planet
The Intergalactic Council, which represents beings from no less than eight galaxies, convenes on Selandiar to discuss an ever-pressing matter: humanity. Empress Lilandra heads the meeting of ten thousand delegates. Ambassador Kreddik of the Skrulls demands that humanity be judged by the Judgment Gems, which is the perfect form of law. The gems sense the innermost beliefs of those present. If the gems turn all black, the party is guilty. If white, they are not guilty. Lilandra pauses the discussion to introduce the newest race to be accepted into the council, the Ruul, who are represented by Kronaster Sintariis. Suddenly, she gets a message that the planet of Krylor has been destroyed by Ego, the living planet.


After Ego has continued his rampage for several days, the council sets a trap for Ego. It is accidentally ruined by an ally of humanity: the Silver Surfer. The council discusses humanity’s interferences in the past, causing more Judgment Gems to turn black. Meanwhile, Sintariis seems to be plotting something behind the back of Empress Lilandra. Days later, when Ego suddenly attacks Selandiar, Xavier and his Skrull team, Cadre K, arrive and attack Ego with the help of the Silver Surfer. It is the Ruul, however, that manages to knock Ego into a peaceful slumber with one of their weapons. The menace of Ego ended, the Shi’ar attack Cadre K and Z’cann is captured while the others escape. Embarrassed by the events, the council becomes angrier, especially when Z’cann tries speaking to them. Lilandra decides to inform the delegates about the Time-Keepers, who are allowing humanity to interfere in certain galactic affairs, when she is informed by Avios, her aid, that Kang the Conqueror, another human, has killed the Time-Keepers at the end of time. With that, the Judgment Gems all turn black and humanity is sentenced to death. However, Sintariis tells Lilandra that there may be another way to contain humanity without killing them. Meanwhile, on Earth, a redneck family finds something that fell from space.

Maximum Security #1
At S.T.A.R.S. headquarters, USagent is told by Agent Magruder that aliens have been spotted around the world, fighting various superheroes. USagent goes to Virginia to interview the captured aliens and discovers that the aliens are not invading Earth, but were sentenced to the planet for various reasons. USagent confronts Valerie Cooper with this information. She calls in the Avengers, which angers USagent. The Avengers are filled in on the situation and, when USagent arrives with the authority to commander the Avengers, several fights break out between him and Triathlon and Warbird. Peter Corbeau informs the Avengers of an energy wall surrounding their solar system and Goliath discovers an installation in space, which may be from where the aliens are being transported to Earth. The Avengers fly to the station, the Citadel, but are captured by Ronan the Accuser, whose punishment is to be the warden for Earth.


Ronan explains that the Intergalactic Council deemed Earth a threat to all and made it a prison planet in order to contain humanity within their own solar system. Ronan teleports the Avengers back to Earth, where Magruder calls USagent and updates him on a situation in Nebraska. The Avengers discover that Ego, the Living Planet has been compressed and sent to Earth, where he has begun to grow. Goliath discovers that something is wrong and that this cannot be what the Council intended. How can they send prisoners to Earth when, in a week, the whole planet will be absorbed into Ego?


Thor v2 #30
Malekith is in Svartalfheim, relishing having the Cask of Ancient Winters once more within his grasp. Using its power, he calls forth Pentigaar, to go to Midgard and kill Thor. In Asgard, Sif asks Neffethesk when Odin might wake from the Odinsleep, but he does not know. In outer space, Thor and some other Avengers are relaxing after dealing with the Infinites. Thor though is still concerned for Hogun, and goes to leave when Galactic Patrol agents attack them and try to "deport" Thor and the others back to Earth. Thor summons a hurricane force wind, and blows them all away easily. Balder, using Thor's chariot, rides towards Midgard to deliver Neffethesk's remedy for Hogun, but is attacked by Pentigaar. Balder and the icy demon battle, until a mysterious egg is cracked open, and Beta Ray Bill steps forth. Balder and Bill defeat Pentigaar, sending him back to where he came from. Bill tells Balder that he doesn't know how he got his Asgardian powers back, or why he was attacked and sent to Earth, but he's back now. Balder arrives just in time to the hospital, and Hogun is saved from Hela's grasp. But in Asgard, Sif notices an extreme cold in the throne room.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #387
Down in New Orleans, the X-Men recuperate in a secret hospital after saving Lee Forrester and others from a hurricane. Everett K. Ross and another woman come looking for Storm on behalf of Black Panther. Storm meets the two and tells the X-Men that the Panther has requested for her alone and she must respect his decision. Suddenly, the hospital is attacked by Mandroids, but the X-Men quickly defeat them. However, Jean is captured by a man called Starhammer after a few former Shi’ar Imperial Guardsmen distract the rest of the X-Men. Starhammer is actually a D’bari, whose home planet was destroyed by the Dark Phoenix. Starhammer has come to Earth to kill Jean, which Jean allows him to do in the Astral Plane. The X-Men defeat the aliens and save Jean, who is more determined to live up to the name of Phoenix. Beast, however, is worried when he learns that the aliens claim they are imprisoned on Earth. Jean is distracted, though, with a renewed hope that Cyclops is alive after recent events. In space, Professor Xavier meets with Empress Lilandra on board the Starjammer. Corsair tells Xavier that he blames him for Cyclops’ death, which makes Xavier more intent on saving the Earth and the X-Men. He finds out there is nothing Empress Lilandra can do about earth becoming a prison planet.

Ironman v3 #35
Inside Fours Freedom Plaza, Reed Richards helps decipher the memories of the alien, Max Power, from Iron Man, after Iron Man was telepathically attacked by the now-comatose man. Together, they discover that Max Power discovered that Ego has been sent to Littletown, Nebraska. Iron Man and the Fantastic Four go to Littletown, where everything seems normal at first, but the five soon discover that the whole entire town has been absorbed by Ego. Ego ends the charade and attacks the Fantastic Four, while Iron Man discovers where the source of the Ego-spore is. Iron Man injects the spore with an inoculant to make sure Ego does not set its roots in Littletown, thus slowing down his spread. Ego knocks out everyone and disappears to another part of the planet. Reed comes up with the idea of recompressing Ego back into the state he was put in when he was shipped to Earth, but he will need a cosmic host. Suddenly, the Thing attacks a mysterious man approaching them, who ends up being the Silver Surfer.

Bishop: The Last X-Man #15
Professor Xavier and Cadre K board a Shi’ar outpost on the fringes of the Shi’ar Empire, only to find the entire crew dead at the hands of Deathbird. A temporal portal opens and Bishop, who is somehow anchored to Deathbird, crash-lands in the ship.


Deathbird finds him just as Xavier finds Deathbird. She uses him as a shield against Cadre K. Deathbird escapes into the lower parts of the ship, leaving the unconscious Bishop with the very shocked Xavier. Xavier telepathically learns of Bishop’s whereabouts during the last year and informs Bishop of a dire threat on Earth. Z’cann, a member of Cadre K, has been taken prisoner and Xavier needs a key to get an agent past the barrier and on to Earth to aid the X-Men and Earth’s other heroes. Deathbird has that key. Bishop finds himself in a position where he must kill Deathbird. Deathbird hands over the key to her one-time love and opens an air lock, which sucks her out to an unknown fate. Bishop closes the airlock, retrieves the key and agrees to be Xavier’s agent to be sent to Earth.

Maximum Secuirty #2
Vision and Warbird find Beta-Ray Bill, who tells them that a new race of aliens known as the Ruul is in charge of the Maximum Security program. Wasp contacts the Avengers Infinity squad and fills them in on what is happening. Quasar promises that they will find a way to stop Maximum Security from the other side of the barrier. Professor Xavier, Bishop and Cadre K lead an assault to gain an audience with Lilandra, but are quickly subdued. However, this seems to be a part of Xavier’s plan. In Nebraska, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Silver Surfer and S.H.I.E.L.D. barely escape Ego, as he suddenly breaks free of his containment. The Surfer tells Reed to finish his machine to absorb Ego into the Surfer, even if it could lead to the Surfer’s death. In Vermont, the U.S.Agent tracks a group of aliens, whom he believes are the Ruul. He finds the aliens and discovers that they are using an omni-wave device to communicate. Only the Kree can do that, which means the Ruul are the Kree in disguise! On the Moon, the Sintariis leads the Ruul to take over the S.H.I.E.L.D. installation to free the Supreme Intelligence, who is behind all this madness.


Gambit v3 #23
Gambit leads the Unified Guild of Thieves and Assassins against the threat of Ego in New Orleans. After clearing a block from the threat of the Ego-spore, Gambit and his group are approached by Heth’sa, an alien imprisoned on Earth. He explains that he once used to be a prison guard from the planet Culth, which uses the X-Cutioner armor as a guard uniform, but during a prison riot he ran away in cowardice and was sentenced to prison. When Maximum Security was implemented, he was sent to Earth. If they can help him break into an Oklahoma silo and get him to the X-Cutioner armor, he will give them a c.d. containing information on Ego collected by the High Evolutionary. Gambit, Emil, Bella Donna, Mercy and Heth’sa break into the facility and get the c.d. Heth’sa uses the transport system of the suit to go back in time to kill him instead of letting himself run away. Gambit follows Heth’sa, knowing that if the man does not live then they would never retrieve the information on Ego. Gambit prevents Heth’sa from killing his past self and, instead, helps the man decide to make amends by fighting now. Gambit returns to the future and makes plans to get the c.d. to Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four. After they leave, the New Sun reveals that he was in the X-Cutioner armor during the Assassination Game and plans on killing Gambit to save the Earth.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Men v2 #107
In the Danger Room Nightcrawler goes through a practice session when he is interrupted by Cerise, who kisses him.


Despite protests from Cerise, Nightcrawler refuses to kiss her, because it would be against his new faith. Cerise tells Nightcrawler she was sent by Empress Lilandra to contact the X-Men. By the train station, Rogue broods over how she killed the Goth and contemplates what Gambit told her about the duties of a leader. Nearby, Z’cann, a member of Xavier’s Cadre K, is ambushed by the Blood Brothers, who have been sent to kill her before she reaches the X-Men. Rogue rushes to the site of the battle and defeats the Brothers. Z’cann, who fears that she is dying, touches Rogue to pass on her information, but she uses her telepathy to boost up the process, which causes Rogue’s powers to go haywire. Now, she is manifesting powers of people she has absorbed in the past. Rogue returns to the mansion with Z’cann, but looks like a Skrull. After proving she is for real, she leads the X-Men to Ellis Island to destroy an alien transmat ring. However, Z’cann’s memories are taking their time integrating with Rogue’s. Luckily, at the last moment, she realizes that she has to protect the ring so one of Xavier’s agents can come through. Rogue throws Colossus in the way of Thunderbird’s plasma bolt to save the transmat ring, just in time for Xavier’s agent and former X-Man, Bishop, to teleport through.


X-Men Unlimited #29
The X-Men rendezvous with Goliath and Warbird of the Avengers and head off to space to obtain the key they need from the Citadel, which will allow them to traverse the barrier that is erected around their solar system. On the Citadel, the heroes split into two groups. Wolverine, Rogue, Bishop and Warbird find the computer they need with the key data on it, but Bishop does not know Kree and cannot use the computer. Likewise, Warbird does not know what to look for. Rogue confronts Warbird about their past and Warbird agrees to allow Rogue to absorb her so Rogue can use the Kree knowledge Warbird has to find the key data. Ronan the Accuser attacks the other group and Psylocke is able to wound him. Ronan has the scientists transfer the power of Ego, who has terraformed 60% of the planet, into him. Ronan attacks the reunited heroes and destroys their Quinjet. Rogue absorbs the memories of an alien pilot and uses the alien ship to escape with the others to get the key data to the rest of the Avengers. Elsewhere in space, Xavier regroups with Cadre K and tells them that the time to strike is now. Meanwhile, Z’cann’s condition takes a turn for the worse.

Avengers v3 #35
On the planet Selandiar, Thor and the Avengers Infinity team demand to speak with Empress Lilandra and the rest of the intergalactic council about the imprisonment of Earth. After consideration, Lilandra tells the Avengers that she will bring up their case to plea to the council. While the Avengers wait for a reply from the council, Ruul warriors attack the Avengers and use a knock-out gas that is absorbed through the skin to even knock out Thor. When the Avengers awake, they find themselves imprisoned. To their horror, they discover that the Ruul are the Kree, who are being led by the Supreme Intelligence. The Supreme Intelligence reveals his plan to them and also tells them that he is going to frame the Avengers for wiping out the Shi’ar world of all life. On Earth, U.S.Agent gains federal authority to commandeer the alien prisoners and all of Earth’s heroes against the alien threat.

Maximum Secuirty #3
With the Omega Codes retrieved from the Citadel, U.S.Agent leads an army of Earth’s heroes, as well as alien prisoners, on an assault on the processing center in space.


On Hala, the Avengers Infinity squad find themselves jailed, while the Supreme Intelligence is left free to carry out his nefarious plan. In the end, it is Tigra who is able to escape her bonds and free the others. Quasar quantum-jumps everyone back to Selandiar, where Moondragon telepathically shows the council what they have learned. The council is in disbelief, however, until Cerise sends a video to the council, showing Earth’s heroes fighting the Ruul and what the Ruul/Kree really did to Earth. The council sees that Ego has terraformed over half the Earth. The Supreme Intelligence telepathically appears and tells the council that he has staged the return of the Kree and is leading an army of Kree, who have already retaken Hala and a score of other former Kree worlds. The terrified council, who was drastically weakened by Ego, does not know what to do. Quasar and the others journey to the processing center to help the heroes. In Florida, the Scarlet Witch leads a group of sorcerers against Ego, but they fail. Gambit reaches Reed Richards and gives him the data to compress Ego. The process works, but Ronan the Accuser arrives with an army of Kree. Quasar teleports all the heroes in the processing center to Earth and a massive battle begins. Reed begins to compress Ego into the Surfer, but the Surfer cannot contain him and is left near death. Quasar volunteers to take the Surfer’s place.


Ronan goes after Quasar, but U.S.Agent interferes, which ensues into a heated battle. Ronan wins, but is too late to stop Quasar. With his power gone, Ronan is easily beaten and arrested by U.S.Agent. Despondently, Quasar departs to space to serve his exile once more. A week later, after clean up is almost done, the Avengers try to congratulate U.S.Agent on his leadership, but the man refuses to accept the thanks and is angry that Maximum Security even occurred in the first place. However, when Mowat insults the Avengers, U.S.Agent puts him in his place to the other man’s shock.

Maximum Security Completed


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Gambit's title was hella fun..

But the main X titles were a complete mess at the time.
I definitely agree but a lot of the titles are coming to an end shortly so things should start becoming more organized. I'm near the end of cable, generation X, X-Man ... Will see how it goes after that.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #85-86
Irene is awoken by the Second of the Three Witches. She advises Irene to delve into Cable’s past and subtly places doubts in Irene’s head about Blaquesmith and his true intentions. Meanwhile, Cable comes across a dojo not far from the safehouse. Since it seemingly came out of nowhere he heads inside to investigate and eventually spars with the master, Shin. She bests him easily and makes him her apprentice. At that moment in some other place in time and space a group called the Black Dawn begin their search for Shin’s apprentice. Later, Cable suits up for his jaunt through time to rescue his sister, Rachel. Arriving two billion years in the future Cable meets Rachel’s captor, Gaunt. It turns out Gaunt was a would-be universe conqueror who almost succeeded. He was sentenced to the end of time as his punishment and after Rachel ended up there he learned of Cable and used her to lure him there. The reason behind all this is because he’s bored and wants someone worthy to fight, hand to hand, no rules, no time limit. If Cable wins he gets to take Rachel back, but if he loses they become Gaunt’s prisoners forever.


The fight begins and Cable is brutally beaten. However, he scores a hit to Gaunt’s face that draws blood. Cable’s blood mixes with Gaunt’s and that proves to be his undoing. It takes a few minutes, but Gaunt collapses to the ground, Cable’s version of the t-o virus messing up his body. With Cable the victor he and Rachel enter the timestream and head back to present day New York. Gaunt on the other hand is presumably killed by an unknown character having fulfilled his part of the bargain of reuniting Cable and Rachel. Meanwhile, Cable and Rachel find their way back to Cable’s safehouse where Blaquesmith and Irene are waiting. They fill Rachel in on recent events and she decides she wants to live a normal life and go to college. Cable makes everyone promise to keep her return a secret until Rachel’s ready to let others know.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #110-113
Meltdown reveals to Cannonball that she is pleased she did what she did to Tsung. Meltdown and Cannonball debate matters, before they express their feelings for each other and kiss. In New York City, two strange beings arrive at a home and murder a teenage girl’s mother and father. She tries to escape, but the strange half-machine, half-humanoid creatures capture her. In New England, a mysterious man arrives at a home, and causes two seemingly normal people to transform into monsters. He then kills their son.


In San Diego, two people are at a dock and waiting to ambush someone who was supposed to arrive on a cargo ship. However, it is she who surprises them, and kills one of them. The other transforms into a strange creature similar to those in New York, but she manages to take him down, too. Domino apologizes to the team for the way she reacted when they abandoned her for Pete Wisdom, before they discuss their next plans. Domino reveals the mass of files that Wisdom collated regarding sordid goings-on in the spook “industry”, which she has read, before Bedlam starts receiving strange electrical headaches. X-Force realize that someone is sending Morse Code distress calls to him - it’s Major Valentina Rychenko, who is at a dock in San Diego and in trouble. X-Force arrives and intervenes, saving her life. Domino monitors Cannonball, Meltdown, Proudstar and Bedlam against what Rychenko calls “Warborgs”. During the battle, Proudstar is badly injured, and Rychnenko reports that Pete Wisdom will be able to help him, but X-Force explain that Wisdom was shot by Niles Roman. Rychenko reveals that the Warborgs are constructed from Russian soldiers who were injured in combat, and that the person who created them will be able to help Proudstar. Cannonball takes Meltdown and Rychenko to the man who created the Warborgs and who can help Proudstar - Constantin Racal. She reveals the story of several men and women from the Russian army who underwent a process where they were programmed with new identities and sent to the United States as sleeper agents, however the process gave their DNA a secondary mutagenic template, and the use of a verbal key would awaken this, turning them into weapons. The agents were then sent to the States to start But when they arrive at a facility where they have tracked the Warborg creator, they find tanks full of the stolen children - and Constantin Racal keeping watching over them. Rychenko then reveals that she is Constantin’s daughter.

Cannonball and Meltdown demand that Constantin Racal go with them to help the dying Proudstar. SHIELD is now aware of the situation, and Fury sends a large squadron after X-Force. Rychenko and Meltdown discover the mass SHIELD contingent that has surrounded the facility. At X-Force’s office blocks headquarters in San Francisco, Domino receives a visit from another large group of SHIELD officers, requesting she accompany them. Cannonball and Constantin Racal arrive at the location where Bedlam has been keeping watch over Proudstar. Nick Fury and another large army of SHIELD officers arrive. X-Force, Rychenko and Constantin accompany Fury to a SHIELD facility, where Fury reveals that X-Force have the chance to catch the man who killed Pete Wisdom - Dr Niles Roman. He explains that the meatspore storm troopers they fought were built by Constantin Racal, that they were early versions of the Warborgs, who in turn were replaced by the sleeper agents. Constantin reveals what he had been doing recently, while Fury announces that satellite recon showed Niles Roman arriving in the Ural Mountains in Russia, and he wants X-Force to investigate, as it is out of SHIELD’s authority. Constantin explains that he thinks Niles Roman will be using the fetuses of the daughters of the sleeper agents to harvest a whole new army of warriors. And indeed, inside a facility in the Ural Mountains, Russia, hundreds of “wombs” are lined up with warriors growing inside them.

X-Force and Major Valentina Rychenko arrive at the Ural Mountains, and easily take out the numerous guards protecting a facility SHIELD has asked them to infiltrate. When X-Force break into the facility, however, they find it full of fully-grown, hideous warrior-creatures. Niles Roman is monitoring their every move, and while X-Force are unable to keep the warriors at bay for long, they begin a full-on confrontation. Domino and Rychenko locate the power source that Niles Roman is using to keep his facility in action, and plan to take it out. Before long, however, Niles Roman confronts X-Force, ending the battle between them and the warriors. Roman reveals to them information about his mysterious actions over the years, and about the alien device which recently latched itself onto Domino - that it was planning to take over the world, and that the army he has been creating will be used to fight the alien take-over. Roman isn’t able to prove this, but tries to convince X-Force. However, they are all unaware that they are being watched by someone at another location. This mysterious person activates a vibranium bomb - which turns out to be Major Rychenko - who explodes, seemingly killing X-Force, Niles Roman and all of the creatures.

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Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Gambit v3 #24-25
The New Sun brings Gambit to his own earth which is in ruins. He explains that when they followed their prophecies of the Old Kingdom and the Diable Blanc, the unleashed a chain reaction that literally brought “heaven on earth“ as cascading energy waves caused it to burn like a new sun, killing everyone besides himself. The New Sun wants to prevent the same from happening on any other earth and plans to kill Gambit. They fight at the side of the Old Kingdom, and Gambit blasts his “twin“ full force, burning out his increased powers. The statue of the King topples and impales the New Son on a spear. As that alternate earth evaporates, Courier pulls Gambit through one of Quiet Bill’s portals.


Gambit Volume 3 comes to an end with this.
We get another short series featuring him with Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #46-48
Wade gets approached by police officer Fred Pierson, who offers him a big paid job. Wade accepts to meet up at the Brooklyn Bridge later that day. First, he goes back to his new home at the Industrial docks, and has a talk with his landlord, Mr. Jambo, as Wade still owes him money. Later that night, Wade goes back to meet up with Fred, who already gives him 50,000 dollars just for agreeing to meet him. And if Wade succeeds in the job of killing six dangerous mob bosses, he’ll get another million. Wade realizes the job is dangerous, but goes for it, as he needs the money. Fred tells him to meet up with a woman named Anastasia, who works at a tattoo parlor and will be Wade’s contract for the job, as she knows the mob bosses’ every move.


Wade goes to meet the gorgeous Anna, and falls in love with her. She explains that the first mob boss Wade has to kill is Lou Bazo. Wade tracks him down and successfully kills the man, with nobody having a clue he is the culprit. He uses Fred’s advance to partly pay of the debts he has with Jambo. Meanwhile, a happy Fred tells his wife Beth they are going to the Bahamas in a couple of weeks. When he leaves for work, Beth is shot by a mysterious stranger. Wade goes back to Anna, and she gives him the location of the next mob boss. She also wants to put a tattoo on him, or else people will get suspicious. Wade thinks he better shows Anna his real face first, and does so. Anna is impressed, and thinks this is something she can work with.

Deadpool impersonates Mike the Monster and provokes Big Eddie B. A blood bath follows, killing both thugs. Later, he attends the funeral of Beth Pierson. Wade admits he almost feels bad for taking the officer’s money. He meets up with Anastasia, who gives him a small tattoo on his lip. Anna has the hardest time not to fall for Wade’s romantic interludes. They even go to the Coney Island carnival together, but Anna doesn’t want to go any deeper into their relationship. Wade understands. He goes over to his next targets, and kills mafia bosses Vinnie and the Possa brothers. Wade feels lucky, though he admits he’s getting Anna too involved, as Busta, her partner at the tattoo parlor, was on the scene when Vinnie got shot. He contacts Fred to give him the money now and he agrees. Wade later again meets up with Anna, and gives her a bag filled with money and a cell phone, wanting her to get out of town as soon as possible and he’ll follow her once the dust settles. Later, Wade meets up with Fred about the money, but he admits he doesn’t have it. Wade doesn’t understand it, and on that moment, gets hit by a shovel by… Anna?!


Deadpool wakes up, and doesn’t realize he has been buried alive by Anastasia and Fred. He discovers they still left a lighter in his costume and, when he tries to use it, the entire coffin and his costume catch on fire! Meanwhile, Fred and Anna try to escape, but when Anna discovers that Fred lied to her and he doesn’t have the promised money, she betrays him. She makes Fred return to Redhook, where they buried Wade, and she digs him back up and kills Fred. At the same time, Vinnie has killed Nikki and he himself is still alive. He has Busta hire a spy, Sandee, to find out who Deadpool is and what’s going on. Not after long, Sandee reports back to him and has spotted Wade and Sandee. Vinnie has Busta drive him to the scene. Anna tries to explain how this entire event was set in motion, but Wade doesn’t believe her, and also not that she ever had feelings for him. He feels used. Vinnie and Busta rush in, but their car crashes and Vinnie dies in the explosion. Anna gives Wade her gun, claiming her feelings are real. She wants Wade to shoot her if he believes otherwise, but she’s certain he won’t do that. Wade stands up, correcting Anna that she doesn’t know him at all, and pulls the trigger


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine v2 #159-161
Mr. X assassinates a random jogger in the street, and calls his secretary to have her find everything on his next prospective ‘client’ by next Thursday. Elsewhere, Logan is having nightmares about killing the X-Men. He heads to a ba and a group of soldiers attacks him, but Wolverine wades through them with relative ease. Their major calls Mr. X, who is pleased that Wolverine will be a challenge to him. He decides to send his bodyguard, Blok, to see the major and has the major call two of his girls, T&A. They receive the major’s call as they are beating the crud out of a nightclub doorman. They’re happy to see even more action. Wolverine, meanwhile, finds the major and beats on him for information. As the major seems about to spill, Wolverine is grabbed by Blok, T and A.


Meanwhile, a politician named John is assassinated when his car explodes. Elsewhere, two of John’s former colleagues are murdered in a drive-by shooting.

Meanwhile, Sabretooth makes his way to a potential employer’s house, where he is told he will be working exclusively for him. Creed complains but is soon made unconscious by knockout gas.


Wolverine fights T&A and Blok; three of Mr. X’s assassins. They are real tough, but Wolverine’s healing factor allows him to recover from all they’re dishing out fairly quickly. The major recovers enough to grab his pistols, but Wolverine slashes them and puts him down for the count once again. The three assassins use Wolverine as a pinball, but he uses his experience to have Blok knock out A for him. Mr. X calls the major, who wakes long enough to inform him that Wolverine appears to be gaining the upper hand. Mr. X is pleased. Wolverine takes out T before crashing through a skylight with Blok. He then tries to get information out of the big guy before the major appears again to deliver a message. Mr. X wants to meet him that evening at nine o’clock. That night, Wolverine arrives at a warehouse, where Mr. X is waiting for him. They begin to fight but, strangely, Wolverine can’t lay a finger on him. Mr. X strikes with skill and ferocity, leaving Wolverine struggling in a pool of blood, almost unconscious. Yeah, Logan got worked.


Logan regains consciousness, only to find he is bound and gagged. Mr. X and his cronies are seated before him around a dinner table. Mr. X’s strange request is that Logan signs a document, relinquishing the right to claim he is the best there is at what he does, as this is clearly no longer the case. Logan asks him to stick it, so Mr. X decides to provide an understanding of his background. He explains that he went from being the son of a wealthy couple, to witnessing the exhilarating death of a woman, to being a full-blown killer. Logan realizes he’s quite insane. Mr. X trained himself to kill people, and became quite proficient. Now, he simply wants the document signing. Wolverine calls him sick, and breaks free of his shackles. He attacks Mr. X and they tussle once again. During the fight, Logan has to go into a berserker rage, and he notices that it’s only then that he seems to gain the upper hand. Mr. X escapes to a trophy room, where he uses a machine gun and a flamethrower to try and stop Wolverine’s incessant attack. Logan finally gains the upper hand, but is unexpectedly knocked out by Mr. X’s bodyguard, Blok. He wakes to find himself in a dinghy, with a note from Mr. X. It congratulates him on being a worthy opponent, and asks him not to bother looking for him. Despite this, Logan and Nightcrawler later find Mr. X’s island, but there is no trace of the madman. Logan knows they’ll meet again.