My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #52-53
The Mercy sisters kill Killer dikk, a famous musician. Finally the police investigate and the press braodcasts news about the “Switchblade Sisters“. Deadpool decides to get involved, wanting to collect the rewars, but the girls beat him to Detective Huff’s appartment, where they kill his ex-wife and seriously injure the policeman. Deadpool questions him at the hospital, but one of the Mercy sister is there too, dressed as a nurse. They fight on the hospital’s roof and Deadpool falls off after receiving a bullet in his shoulder. On the street he gets up, but the two sisters approach from opposing sides and sandwhich him between their cars, however Mary forgot to buckle herself and falls face front through her car’s window. Deadpool’s legs are broken as he got sandwiched between the Mercy sisters cars. He crawls home, and Mary too tends her sisters injuries. At the same time the police hunt them down; they find their city appartment with a storage chamber full of dead bodies and also an adress of a second home where the girls are hiding. Grace is slowly dying of internal bleeding and Mary puts her out of misery right before the police arrive to find more dead bodies in this place. At his warehouse Deadpool is sitting in a wheelchair while waiting for his healing factor to kick in. He arranges a meeting with nurse Veronica only to reveal that he knew it was Copycat all along. He promises to think about renewing their relationship. Later, fully healed he chases Mary across the town and finally kills her.

Peter Gnucci learns that he will only inherit aunt‘s money if he kills the one responsible for her death -- Punisher.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1-4
A nightmarish memory of war torn Egypt plagues Cyclops’ dreams. He relives the battles fought from the point of view of a young En Sabah Nur who cares not for his own people, but for the death and destruction he can wreak. Scott usually awakens yelling and in turn wakes the other crewmembers on the ship from which he now works. His only friend Achmed defends him against the angry Sallah who doesn’t like being awoken night after night. Things eventually settle down and in the morning they port in El Jadida. Meanwhile, Jean Grey reenacts the final moments before Cyclops sacrifice thanks to Danger Room technology. Cyclops’ son, Cable, using a holographic projector in his NYC safehouse, also mourns his father’s image knowing he should have been the one to sacrifice his life. Back in Morocco Achmed takes Scott out into the marketplace where the latter spots a beautiful woman staring at him. The next moment she’s gone, but after Scott looks into a nearby mirror and sees his face become Apocalypse-like he takes off and runs into her in an alley. The woman, Anais, gives him cryptic clues about who he really is. After telling Scott his friends are most likely dead by now Scott takes off toward the ship. There, he’s almost taken out by a sniper who turns out to be Gauntlet. Scott uses some deft maneuvering to defeat the former Dark Rider and ultimately decides to leave the crew so they can be safe. Walking down the dock Scott runs into Anais once more. Underneath the Moroccan sands, along an ancient hallway, Ozymandias ponders the impending return of his master and of those who must seek him out.

Memories of Apocalypse’s past haunt Scott until he’s brought back to reality by Libyan border patrol. The interrogation of the truck driver illegally transporting them begins and Anais takes the opportunity to flirt with some of the guards. She then lures three of them away hinting at a sexual rendezvous, but all is not as it seems. Meanwhile in New York, Cable and Blaquesmith discuss Cyclops’ sacrifice and Cable’s disappointment that it should have been him. Not much later, Cable is at Xavier’s in the Danger Room running a simulation against Apocalypse. The simulation turns on him and Jean reveals herself as the culprit. They both bear their souls about Scott until Ozymandias teleports in and offers them information. They arrive back at Ozymandias’ sanctuary where he gives them some help in their search for Scott. Back at the Libyan border Anais transforms and begins killing the guards one by one. Meanwhile, Scott has another flashback to Apocalypse’s childhood and attacks the man left guarding him. Anais rushes over and Scott tells her he wants her help, her guidance, for he doesn’t know what’s inside him and fears he might like it.

Scott’s nightmares continue as he and Anais currently find themselves in Farafirah. Anais leaves the recently awoken Scott to secure them transportation to Akkaba, where all his questions shall be answered. Unfortunately for Farafirah, they’ve been hit with a deadly plague recently and the body pile is mounting. Bearing witness to this are Cable and Jean who are hot on Scott’s trail. Jean’s attempts at a telepathic contact prove fruitless so they go about their search the hard way. They come across someone who rented a room to them and when Jean tries another mind contact it works for a brief moment and the trail is hot once more. Scott, meanwhile, is kidnapped and dragged into the sewers by Pestilence, horseman to Apocalypse. All parties, including Anais and Gauntlet converge in the sewers for a final showdown. A partial collapse of the tunnel ends the hostilities, leaving Scott and his fellow X-Men separated. Scott takes off for Akkaba knowing he’ll finally get the answers he’s been searching for. Cable figures out where his father must be headed thanks to a dropped train ticket with the destination printed on it.

With the help of a young Egyptian boy Scott makes his way to the dilapidated city of Akkaba. He is soon joined by Anais who wants to be the vessel for Apocalypse. When Scott doesn’t give it up willingly she threatens to take it by force. The timely arriving of Cable and Jean prevents that from happening. Cable battles Anais one on one while Jean tries to get into Scott’s mind. She finally manages, but Apocalypse asserts control and hits her with an optic blast before taking off. After Anais gets away, Cable tells Jean he’s going after Scott to deal with it once and for all. Meanwhile, at Cable’s New York safehouse, Blaquesmith deletes the records of Apocalypse and Gauntlet from the computer files in an attempt to hide his involvement in the attempted assassination of Cyclops. Back in Akkaba, Cable battles with Cyclopalypse and is losing badly. It isn’t until Scott regains control and returns to his human form that Cable finally realizes he can’t kill him. He doesn’t have to, though, as Jean was able to use the psychic rapport she and Scott shared to finally get into his mind and shut it down. Then, using her awesome telepathic power, she separates Apocalypse’s essence from Scott’s body, which is then skewered by Cable and his psimitar. All seems to end happily, but as Anais points out in a brief meeting with Cable and Ozymandias surmises in his temple, can anything Apocalypse touches remain pure?




Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Men: Eve of Destruction
X-Men v2 #111-113 & Uncanny X-Men #391-393
After arriving back from "the dead" Cyclops meets with his father Corsair in the woods. Father and son go fishing, but nothing either of them says can break the ice. Scott finally has enough when his father reveals that he thought Scott could cause fire with his powers. Scott snaps at his father and asks why Corsair never came back for him and Alex, though he clearly had the means. After dancing around the topic for a few moments, Corsair reveals that he was ashamed to return, because he could do nothing but throw his children out of a crashing plane and watch his wife get murdered. Scott realizes that his father has been through a lot and, even though he will never understand him, Scott Summers will always love his father.


The world watches a live news report from Trish Tilby, reporting live from Genosha, which has prepared to launch a genetic war against humanity. Due to the recent cure for the Legacy Virus, Magneto now has a powerful army, ready to fight with him. In response to Magneto’s threats, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers are standing ready to fight Magneto if necessary. Trish then reveals that the Genoshan freedom fighter, Quicksilver, was found weeks ago, aimlessly wandering on a ship in Russia. Magneto then responds to an interview and explains to the world that he will no longer watch as mutants are slowly killed off and will remove humans if necessary, if they do no surrender. Magneto then departs and retrieves his rallying symbol for his troops. What the world does not know, however, is that the symbol is Charles Xavier!

Jean Grey heads out to assemble a new team of X-Men to save Charles Xavier and to stop Magneto from leading Genosha against humanity. Jean first breaks Frenzy out of the Pentagon and “convinces” her to help out. Next, she finds Northstar, who reluctantly agrees. Jean then contacts two unknown mutants, Hector Rendoza and Paulie Provenzano. Jean brings them all to the mansion, where she encounters Sunpyre, the sister to Sunfire, and Jean accepts her help. Cyclops and Wolverine are already in Genosha. However, the new team must leave immediately, which isn’t as bad as it seems, since they have insider information, thanks to the newly reformed Frenzy. Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Jean opens it to find Dazzler, a former X-Man, who is in a weary condition.


Wolverine and Cyclops aid human refugees off Genosha and into Wakanda with the aid of Polaris. Wolverine sniffs out Blob and Random, waiting to ambush them, but, before he can attack, Cyclops stops him and shows off a double ricochet optic blast, which worries Wolverine as it is uncharacteristic of Cyclops to show off. The two reach the rendezvous point, but are ambushed by the Homo Sapiens Liberation Army. Cyclops cuts loose with his powers and defeats the group before Wolverine can even move, which once again troubles Wolverine. Elsewhere, Magneto delivers a speech to his army in front of the chained Xavier, while Amelia Voght watches and wonders if war has truly finally come to her doorstep.

Magneto uses his magnetic powers to stem the flow of iron to Xavier’s brain, preventing him from using his telepathy. Elsewhere, Phoenix’s X-Men race towards Genosha. On board, Northstar realizes that Frenzy may be mind controlled by Phoenix into aiding the team. Phoenix takes everyone into a mental Danger Room in Dazzler’s mind, where they learn that the Mojoverse was destroyed by Mojo’s “Age of Apocalypse” production. Worse yet, Longshot may be dead. Before Phoenix can question Dazzler further about the tragedy, Magneto rips apart the Blackbird and brings the team down to the ground in the middle of Magda Square. Upon seeing the chained Xavier, Dazzler lashes out against Magneto, who turns her powers against her and seemingly kills Dazzler. Angered over the death of Dazzler, the interim X-Men attack but Paulie is jettisoned into the atmosphere and Northstar gives chase. Frenzy, who is mind controlled by Phoenix, is easily defeated and so is Sunpyre, who tries her best to stop Magneto. Magneto attacks Wraith, who turns Magneto’s skin invisible and disorients him. Cyclops and Wolverine arrive and Cyclops takes down Magneto while he is disoriented, but the latter man recuperates and stops Cyclops. Magneto is about to tear the adamantium from Wolverine’s skeleton again but discovers that he cannot, for Amelia Voght has freed Xavier and he is using his telepathy to prevent Magneto from accessing his powers. Dazzler reveals that she did not die and has been posing as Xavier on the cross, while Amelia snuck the real one out. Wanting to end the battle now, Wolverine stabs Magneto in the gut and the X-Men leave Genosha in the hands of the people. The next day, the interim X-Men decline an invitation to stay with the X-Men, leaving only four left.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #93-96
Two weeks ago, Rachel Summers attended the Students Against Mutants rally, where the organiser, Connie Moore, plans to cause an explosion and blame it on mutants, as she is a member of the Dark Sisterhood. Claiming to be an FBI agent undercover, Rachel prevented the Sisterhood from setting off an explosionthat was meant to incite more anti-mutant hate. Rachel then leaves the university, knowing she has to find Cable.

In Alaska, GW Bridge is doing research on certain women in power - all of whom were appointed by Secretary of Defense, Gina Anderson.

Today Cable’s plot to destroy the Dark Sisterhood is going well, as he releases a “virus” of sorts that erases their memories. In the process, he erases all information that the Dark Sisterhood has on him from their computer database. Cable is at a new safe house, but later, some members of the Dark Sisterhood track him down - however, every one of them falls victim to his mind-erasing plan.

Irene Merryweather, under her disguise of Margaret Brundage, investigates the sudden mass appearance of women whose memories have been wiped. Irene gets a phone call from Cable, who asks her to meet him. Irene does, and finally reunited with her friend, she learns that Cable knew his associates would take care of her following her car crash. Cable has been investigating the Sisterhood, and reveals the complex history that he has uncovered. He explains that every member of the Sisterhood is a descendant of the Dark Mother. He tells Irene about how the members of the Sisterhood have been placed in important positions throughout the country, and how recently men, like GW Bridge, have been transferred out. At the same time, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate are both killed in co-ordinated attacks, which the media announces Cable is responsible for. Irene realizes what the Dark Mother’s plan is, and when Cable tells her that the plan is called the Sixth Progression, Irene tells him that the Sixth Progression is the order of succession to the White House - meaning Gina Anderson, sixth in line to the Presidency and currently the Secretary of Defense, will be sworn in as President if all of those ahead of her are killed - and it looks like the plan will succeed, as Gina Anderson is flown to Washington, while the President holds an emergency meeting. At the same time, GW Bridge demands to see Henry Gyrich, showing him research and proof that the Sisterhood have been strategically placing its members into positions of power. When Gina arrives in Washington, she believes she is about to be informed that the President and the other senior officials have been killed in an explosion, but she is told that they have been rescued, just before the explosion, as her plan was discovered. She is placed under arrest for treason. Meanwhile, Cable and Irene Merryweather have arrived at Xylon Corporation, the headquarters of the Dark Mother and her Sisterhood, when Rachel Summers arrives to help them out. Shortly, a huge squadron of SHIELD officers descend on Xylon, and start to attack the Dark Sisterhood. Cable finds the Dark Mother. Words are exchanged, as the Dark Mother reveals why she has been framing Cable, and hates him so much - because she cannot predict his actions, and that three centuries ago, her brother named him as her nemesis. Their battle is a physical one, and when the Dark Mother’s cloak falls back, Cable is shocked to see that she looks like Jean Grey. The Dark Mother claims to be Jean’s grandmother, many times removed, which makes Cable her grandson. She prepares to kill Cable, but Irene comes to his aid, and the Dark Mother goes into a catatonic state when she can’t read Irene’s mind thanks to a psi-shield. Rachel arrives and tells Cable that the Dark Mother probably isn’t their relative, that she just had surgery to make herself look like Jean and confuse them. The three then depart, leaving the Dark Mother cationic on her throne, ready for the SHIELD agents to find.

Rachel Summers Back!



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #54-56
Deadpool heard about Peter Gnucci only inheriting Ma Gnucci’s fortune if the Punisher is killed and so offers to perform the kill for three million dollars. Peter agrees and Deadpool hunts the Punisher down, yet talks too much before killing him and is shot instead. After his healing factor kicks in Deadpool returns home, where he receives a phone call from Copycat, wanting to sort out their relationship. They are cut short as the TV reports another Punisher sighting. Deadpool rushes towards the area, and sees the Punisher jumping off a bridge to escape from the police. While the law believes the Punisher dead, Deadpool recognizes a boat in the water. When the Punisher swims to the surface he is staring right into Deadpool’s rifle. Deadpool and the Punisher fight, but are interrupted by the police and end up in a river. The Punisher takes off his costume and cuts Deadpools leg, rendering him unconscious. Costume and blood mix, letting the police think the Punisher is killed. Peter Gnucci is happy, with the Punisher gone, he now inherits Ma Gnucci’s fortune. He goes to his bank and collects a check over 300 million dollars, but outside drops the check. He runs after it on the street and is run over by a truck. Deadpool awakes tied up at the Punisher’s place. He frees himself with aknife and again they fight all over the city. Finally they crash through a window of a TV shop, right as the news broadcast Peter’s death. Deadpool now without employer backs down and apologizes, only to receive a TV set on his head by the angry Punisher, who then leaves. Later Deadpool feels alone and meets with Vanessa for a romantic date.



Wade and Vanessa have spent the night together. As Deadpoool prepares to leave for an assignment, she gets suspicious that he might see another woman, and after Wade left, Theresa calls and leaves a message on the answering machine to meet her at a flower exhibition. Vanessa, impersonating Deadpool, meets with Syrin and beats her up pretty badly for messing with her boyfriend. Later Wade and Vanessa are at the warehouse again and suddenly it knocks. It’s Syrin demanding an explanation for the incident at the exhibition. Deadpool doesn’t know what she is talking about and Syrin leaves in tears. Deadpool runs after her and Vanessa too leaves, understanding that he doesn’t love her. Suddenly the warehouse blows up, courtsey to Kid Deadpool, who presents a new girlfriend and wants to say a final goodbye.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1-4
A nightmarish memory of war torn Egypt plagues Cyclops’ dreams. He relives the battles fought from the point of view of a young En Sabah Nur who cares not for his own people, but for the death and destruction he can wreak. Scott usually awakens yelling and in turn wakes the other crewmembers on the ship from which he now works. His only friend Achmed defends him against the angry Sallah who doesn’t like being awoken night after night. Things eventually settle down and in the morning they port in El Jadida. Meanwhile, Jean Grey reenacts the final moments before Cyclops sacrifice thanks to Danger Room technology. Cyclops’ son, Cable, using a holographic projector in his NYC safehouse, also mourns his father’s image knowing he should have been the one to sacrifice his life. Back in Morocco Achmed takes Scott out into the marketplace where the latter spots a beautiful woman staring at him. The next moment she’s gone, but after Scott looks into a nearby mirror and sees his face become Apocalypse-like he takes off and runs into her in an alley. The woman, Anais, gives him cryptic clues about who he really is. After telling Scott his friends are most likely dead by now Scott takes off toward the ship. There, he’s almost taken out by a sniper who turns out to be Gauntlet. Scott uses some deft maneuvering to defeat the former Dark Rider and ultimately decides to leave the crew so they can be safe. Walking down the dock Scott runs into Anais once more. Underneath the Moroccan sands, along an ancient hallway, Ozymandias ponders the impending return of his master and of those who must seek him out.

Memories of Apocalypse’s past haunt Scott until he’s brought back to reality by Libyan border patrol. The interrogation of the truck driver illegally transporting them begins and Anais takes the opportunity to flirt with some of the guards. She then lures three of them away hinting at a sexual rendezvous, but all is not as it seems. Meanwhile in New York, Cable and Blaquesmith discuss Cyclops’ sacrifice and Cable’s disappointment that it should have been him. Not much later, Cable is at Xavier’s in the Danger Room running a simulation against Apocalypse. The simulation turns on him and Jean reveals herself as the culprit. They both bear their souls about Scott until Ozymandias teleports in and offers them information. They arrive back at Ozymandias’ sanctuary where he gives them some help in their search for Scott. Back at the Libyan border Anais transforms and begins killing the guards one by one. Meanwhile, Scott has another flashback to Apocalypse’s childhood and attacks the man left guarding him. Anais rushes over and Scott tells her he wants her help, her guidance, for he doesn’t know what’s inside him and fears he might like it.

Scott’s nightmares continue as he and Anais currently find themselves in Farafirah. Anais leaves the recently awoken Scott to secure them transportation to Akkaba, where all his questions shall be answered. Unfortunately for Farafirah, they’ve been hit with a deadly plague recently and the body pile is mounting. Bearing witness to this are Cable and Jean who are hot on Scott’s trail. Jean’s attempts at a telepathic contact prove fruitless so they go about their search the hard way. They come across someone who rented a room to them and when Jean tries another mind contact it works for a brief moment and the trail is hot once more. Scott, meanwhile, is kidnapped and dragged into the sewers by Pestilence, horseman to Apocalypse. All parties, including Anais and Gauntlet converge in the sewers for a final showdown. A partial collapse of the tunnel ends the hostilities, leaving Scott and his fellow X-Men separated. Scott takes off for Akkaba knowing he’ll finally get the answers he’s been searching for. Cable figures out where his father must be headed thanks to a dropped train ticket with the destination printed on it.

With the help of a young Egyptian boy Scott makes his way to the dilapidated city of Akkaba. He is soon joined by Anais who wants to be the vessel for Apocalypse. When Scott doesn’t give it up willingly she threatens to take it by force. The timely arriving of Cable and Jean prevents that from happening. Cable battles Anais one on one while Jean tries to get into Scott’s mind. She finally manages, but Apocalypse asserts control and hits her with an optic blast before taking off. After Anais gets away, Cable tells Jean he’s going after Scott to deal with it once and for all. Meanwhile, at Cable’s New York safehouse, Blaquesmith deletes the records of Apocalypse and Gauntlet from the computer files in an attempt to hide his involvement in the attempted assassination of Cyclops. Back in Akkaba, Cable battles with Cyclopalypse and is losing badly. It isn’t until Scott regains control and returns to his human form that Cable finally realizes he can’t kill him. He doesn’t have to, though, as Jean was able to use the psychic rapport she and Scott shared to finally get into his mind and shut it down. Then, using her awesome telepathic power, she separates Apocalypse’s essence from Scott’s body, which is then skewered by Cable and his psimitar. All seems to end happily, but as Anais points out in a brief meeting with Cable and Ozymandias surmises in his temple, can anything Apocalypse touches remain pure?



such a wasted opportunity. :to:

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
Gambit v3 #24-25
The New Sun brings Gambit to his own earth which is in ruins. He explains that when they followed their prophecies of the Old Kingdom and the Diable Blanc, the unleashed a chain reaction that literally brought “heaven on earth“ as cascading energy waves caused it to burn like a new sun, killing everyone besides himself. The New Sun wants to prevent the same from happening on any other earth and plans to kill Gambit. They fight at the side of the Old Kingdom, and Gambit blasts his “twin“ full force, burning out his increased powers. The statue of the King topples and impales the New Son on a spear. As that alternate earth evaporates, Courier pulls Gambit through one of Quiet Bill’s portals.


Gambit Volume 3 comes to an end with this.
We get another short series featuring him with Gambit & Bishop: Sons of the Atom

shark jumping 101. Gambit was damn near the best mutant book they had. Then they did this New Sun shyt


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #97-100
A bomb goes off in a busy street in Lima. Cable hears it on a news report as he sits in a diner which is outside a prison. Cable hears a noise and runs out of the diner towards the prison. He jumps the wall and enters into a battle with members of the Shining Path. They free their leader Ernesto Sanz and teleport away before Cable can get to them. Back in a hotel he listens to some news reports before heading off to find the Shinig Path. Cable has found his way to the camp but is surrounded. Meanwhile the police too learn of the camp's whereabouts. They capture a criminal named Angel Esteban and torture him till he gives away the location of the Shining Path, then he is shot. Cable is surrounded and tries to fight back, however the techno organic virus flares up and he is captured and put in a cell. Meanwhile Inza and some of the Shining Path break into the peruvian finance minister‘s home and kill him and his daughter. A young boy Phillipe takes some food to Cable and sees him meditate. Cable shows him how it is done and while they are at it finds something inside him has changed. The rest of the Shining Path soldiers are relaxing when suddenly the police attack them. Cable covers Inza from an exploding wall before she teleports to protect Sanz. The Shining Path fight back and Cable gets caught in the cross fire whilst trying to help some peasants. Cable is about to be shot by Inza but is saved by Phillipe. Inza tells her son he made his decision and teleports away with Sanz. Cable grabs the boy and flies away from the camp, which is under attack. Cable goes to the hospital to run some tests on himself. Inza and Sanz are at the house of Senator Steinberg and find that they have 14 billion dollars. Sanz liquidates the account and asks him to buy 51% of the Peruvian debt, thus buying the country. Cable believes that he can remove the Techno-organic virus, but doesn’t know what’ll happen if he does. Inza and Sanz return to the safe house. Cable is waiting in Inza’s room and tells her he knows all about their plan before kissing her.
Ernesto walks in, he shatters Inza's eardrum and telekinetically slams Ernesto against a wall. Ernesto and Inza catch a reporter off guard and deliver a message saying they aren't going to interfere with the government, and throws her a tape. However it was only Cable posing as them through mental disguises, while the Inza and Ernesto are tied up in his car. The remaining Shining Path girls try to rob a bank but Cable stops them. They are taken to the police., During an interrogation, Gomez, the policeman kills his fellow officer, Kaval, whilst questioning Carla. He then shoots her blaming her for Kaval's death. Two men attempt to take over the old shining path camp, but are stopped by Phillipe and the other children, who are wearing phoenix emblems and using Askani teaching to push them back. Cable visits Inza in Jail and tells her he will look after Phillipe. He checks out of his hotel and goes for a walk.

Cable meditates on a beach probing his body for the techno-organic virus. The Virus flares up and cable is inside a lab. He is attacked by robotic monsters, but is able to defeat them. We return to the beach and we see parts of Cable's history, but the virus flares again. Suddenly he spews up the virus and he realizes he is free of it. He tries his powers but is knocked out by the force of them. When he awakes he throws the virus into the sea, before being crapped on by a seagull.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
New Series
X-Treme X-Men #1-4


The team are in Valencia, Spain, where they all get attacked the local guardia forces. Rogue is shot into the sea, while Storm, Bishop, Beast, Psylocke and Thunderbird are caught; only Sage manages to escape. The Deputy Minister of Justice arrives at the high tech base of the guardia where she is met by the commanding officer. Meanwhile Vargas and his henchmen kill some local police who are hoping of capturing Rogue when she washes ashore. The rest of the team wake up to find themselves in a maze and after a short battle fall through a hole in the floor. The five captured X-Men deal with everything that the Civil Guardia throws at them in their examining Maze, but they get separated. Rogue and Sage locate the base, and Rogue forcefully enters the ancient towers, only to find the scientists killed. She is then attacked by Vargas, who defeats her. Beast and Psylocke come to the scene, and again Vargas easily beats Hank, breaking many of his bones; only Psylocke is left standing. In the following battle Vargas kills her by running his sword though her gut. Vargas claims that she was only the first and leaves to let the rest of the team find their beaten comrades and a word written with Betsy’s blood : “PRONTO“.


The rest of the team search the city all over, but can’t find the killer, who is neither mutant, nor superbeing, yet something more than human. To save the Beast from dying Tessa uses a never before seen power. She can perceive mutants' full potential and temporarily bring it forth. It strains her a lot, but she boost Hank McCoy’s healing factor so that he is able to survive his injuries. Later Psylocke’s coffin is brought to the airport to be flown to England. Storm also sends the Beast back top Westchester as he is too weak and would only be a liability. Throughout the issue various flashback are made; they mention Betsy’s days as a supermodel, her S.T.R.I.K.E. training, Tessa preventing her geeting drawn into the Hellfire Club, Psylocke’s desire for action and battle and her choice to enjoy every single moment of life as it might be the last. Also Storm quotes the diary to mention a threat to the X-Men from within. From one of Gateway’s dreamtime visions, the X-Treme X-Men learn that Bishop is a descendant of Gateway. Also they see a vision of the future involving a 'needle“, a special elevator that transports cargo from earth’s surface into the orbit. They look at a diary page, which pictures Gambit crucified with six pieces of jewelry and something growing out of his chest.


Later the X-Men break into Destiny’s house only to find a crate with goodies prepared for them. One box looks like holding a diary, but it has been stolen by Vargas. At the same time Gambit breaks into Vargas‘ castle, but is captured and defeated. Yet he charms his way out of the situation and is allowed to leave, on the way out he steals a big diamond, which Vargas notices, but pretends not to. Later Gambit checks on the X-Treme team and finding them to be alright, leaves before being spotted.

Uncanny X-Men #394
While a grumpy Cyclops watches with dismay media reports on mutants, a young mutant, Warp Savant, celebrates his eighteenth birthday - by going to Cape Citadel and announcing himself as an evil mutant. Wolverine and Phoenix are the first on scene to investigate, but they too find themselves elsewhere when Warp uses his power on them. Cyclops and Archangel arrive, with a device that manages to quell Warp’s ability - but unbeknownst to them Wolverine and Phoenix have been transported into Warp’s brain. While Warp is taken down, Wolverine and Phoenix are forced to confront the fact that they may be about to die - and so they share a passionate kiss - only to be ripped back to reality when Warp releases them. Warp then uses his power on himself, and vanishes, leaving a still angry Cyclops, a bothered Phoenix and a scowling Wolverine to pick up the pieces.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #57-60
The Weapon X project is back. They have succesfully recruited Sabretooth, Garrison Kane, Mesmero, Wild Child and Sauron into their ranks and improved their abilities. Deadpool is the next in line for recruitment, approached by Sabretooth, Deadpool has no way to turn the “offer“ down. It’s either come along, or get killed. The project shows Wade that they can boost his damaged healing factor to regrowing his limbs, and removing the scars from his disfugured body. After experiencing one hour of looking normal, Deadpool accepts and undergoes treatment. They are sent to deal with a dangerous mutant in Iowa. Along the way, Deadpool makes fun of Kane, by comparing him to various mechanical beings of cinema history, and finally the real source of their enemity is brought up – Vanessa, who had a relationship with both of them. In the town they find a huge glowing figure that can’t control it’s abilities, kane tries to kill it, but none of his weapons work. Deadpool is able to calm their “opponent“ by telleing joke after joke and as the creature powers down, there remains only a frightened teenage boy. Kane uses the chance to shoot him in the back – crisis dealt with. Deadpool gets angry and tells the Director that he wishes to leave the Program, especially after discovering that he recieved mental inhibitors that prevent him from harming any of the staff. However the Director get his attention once more, as he reveals Deadpool’s next task : He is ordered to kill a failed agent of the Program – Copycat, aka Vanessa. He pretends to take the assignment, but actually wants to help his former girlfriend. The Weapon X project expected this and send Garrison Kane and Sabretooth after them. While in Creed’s appartment, agent Jackson finds dozens of recently killed bodies and starts to have second thoughts about his place in the organisation, as his superiors don’t seem to care about this at all. Garrison Kane hunts Copycat and Deadpool through the town, finally they face each other in the zoo, with Vanessa being hidden in the gorilla cage, posing as one of the apes. After Deadpool has defeated Kane he returns to the cage, only to witness Copoycat dying in his arms. Sabretooth finished her off while the others were fighting.


Deadpool removes his implant that ensures his good behavior and battles the entire Weapon X troops. He makes his way to the Weapon X complex, intending to take down the Director, but he is intercepted by Sabretooth, who teases him with how much Copycat screamed when he killed her. They fight and suddenly a gas is released that interacts with the projects modifications on Deadpool’s body. He starts to melt, his entire body losing cohesion. Deadpool goes down and continues to insult the Director, till nothing remains of him besides his right fist. Later Wolverine receives a package, it contains the fist and a letter, telling Logan to reconsider joining as this is what happens to those who oppose the Weapon X project.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #61-64

Following his death last issue, Deadpool is now a ghost and attends his own funeral. He then moves on to the afterlife, passing many famous dead characters, until he reaches a replica of Bates Motel. Inside he finds mistress Death waiting for him, and right as they are about to get it on, Deadpool is pulled back to life by a mysterious fuigure using some magical energies. Deadpool bursts out of his grave, his body now emanating some incredible stench. Deadpool’s mysterious ressurection left him naked and amnesiac. He wanders the streets in a shabby tranchcoat and befriends a few homeless people. They run into Deadpool’s friend Weasel, who can’t believe that Deadpool is still alive. All over the city four other Deadpools appear. One, acting like a true hero, stops a bank robbery, one is trying to take over New York’s underworld by shooting a few crimelords, another one is a performance artist about to become a media star, and the last one is a psychotic killer running amok.

Weasel takes Deadpool and his homless friends to his secret base, and gets him to remember his past. Meanwhile T-Ray hires killer Deadpool to assassinate media Deadpool while he hosts the VTV awards later that night. It all comes together during the awards. In the end the Deadpools decide to form a team, but as they do T-Ray shows up. Before even a fight between T-Ray and Team Deadpool can start, killer Deadpool betrays his associates and shoots heroic Deadpool, media Deadpool, maniac Deadpool and finally the real Deadpool, who is still talking despite having a huge hole in his chest. T-Ray and killer Deadpool carry the bodies away, to a strange grave surrounded by stoneblocks. The tombstone says “Deadpool – Cursed With Life“, before displaying images of important stages in his life. T-Ray finally reveals that the other four Deadpools are embodyments of different personality traits of him, and he demostrates it by using a device called the Gemini Star to extract another one, this time a nerd version of Deadpool. Deadpool and T-Ray’s employer are in love with the same woman, and the plan is too drain Deadpool of all personality so that he is no longer interesting. Deadpool can’t beleive that there is nothing else to him other than four guys and a nerd, so he uses the Gemini Star himself and a feminine Deadpool, his inner child and the unrespected Deadpool appear. Salvation arrives in the form of Weasel, Deadpool’s homeless friends and an army of grammar school kids, the only people with weapons they could assemble fast. In the confusion T-Ray wrests the device back from Deapool, but it gets damaged, and all eight additional Deadpools get sucked into T-Ray who then collapses. Later Weasel and Deadpool are hanging out together, they meet the homeless bums again, who have all decided to get new lives. Duke wants to run for mayor with Scuzzy being his spokesperson, and Popeye spends a romantic week with T-Ray, who is kind of apathic, and is now a cross of the nerd, the unrespected and the maniac Deadpool. Elsewhere Thanos is bickering, he does not tolerate that Death the woman he loves is in love with Deadpool, and to ensure that they never meet again, he has cursed Deadpool so that he can never die.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wovlerine v2 #170-176

As one of the injured contestants of the reality show “Stay Alive” is transported due to injury, they are ambushed by Mauvais and his minions, Bloodscream and Vermin. There, Mauvais takes the form of the show’s host and transports up to the Arctic. In a diner, Logan is watching the show on television and sees Mauvais reveal his true self and attack and kill the contestants. Logan immediately heads to the Arctic to face his foe. As he does so, Mauvais uses the dead bodies to cast a spell to take revenge on the Canadian gods who imprisoned him all those years ago. Once he finally makes his way to Mauvais, he is unable to attack him until the monstrous Wendigo has been summoned. Mauvais intends to eat the creature’s heart in an effort to destroy his captors those many years ago. Realizing his situation, Logan must save the Wendigo if he has any chance of saving Canada. Elsewhere, Sabretooth spies on Lady Deathstrike in Japan. Meanwhile, in Brooklyn, Sabretooth secretly spies on Omega Red and watches him murder a cheating associate of the General’s.


Logan and the Wendigo face off against Mauvais. Each time Logan gains the upper hand on Mauvais, the Wendigo intervenes and attacks Logan. Eventually, Mauvais is able to get the Wendigo alone and proceeds to kill him. After eating its heart, Mauvais turns into a Wendigo hybrid. Extremely powerful, Mauvais beats Logan into unconsciousness and goes to bite him in the neck. Before he can, however, members of Alpha Flight show up and save Logan from death.


Thanks to the huge ice column he created, the Northern Gods are unable to participate in the battle. Using teamwork, Logan and Alpha Flight are able to fight Mauvais, monsters he reanimates and eventually the column itself. Eventually, it all becomes too much for Mauvais to control and he begins to lose. When the column is finally destroyed with a fastball special, performed by Sasquatch and Logan, the Northern Gods appear and banish Mauvais to the Realm of the Great Beasts. Before they do, however, Mauvais attempts to drag Logan along but, after receiving a vision of Logan’s miserable future, he laughs at him and lets him go. Once Mauvais has disappeared, Logan is left to ponder what Mauvais meant.


Wovlerine v2 #173-176

Systematically, Nightcrawler, Heather and James MacDonald Hudson, and Yukio are taken out by the combined forces of Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike. During their attack, they also take Amiko into custody. Meanwhile, at Alpha Flight’s headquarters up in Canada, Logan talks with Shaman about his impending doom when they realize that it may be those close to him. Logan is able to inform Cyclops of what the situation is before he is shot by a mutant power cannon operated by Weapon X. It is powered by the mutant Leech, which drains Logan of his mutant power. However, the Director didn’t intend for it to fire. In Las Vegas, Sabretooth has the photos of the targets in front of him along with a diskette.


At the Weapon X compound, the Director learns from Kane that Sabretooth is the one who used his codes and also stole a bunch of materials, including the Logan Files. Brent Jackson shoots his mouth off and, after the Director slaps him, attempts to fight back. However, he learns that he cannot and is knocked out by the Director himself. In Japan, Logan visits the grave of Mariko before going to visit Yukio. There, he learns that she was attacked by both Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike. On her back is a note for Logan to find what he is looking for at the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas. Once there, Logan proceeds to battle both Omega and Lady D. Luckily he is wearing one of Guardian’s old suits. Eventually, the numbers game takes over and the two beat Logan into submission. After that, they take him to Creed, who is holding Amiko captive.


In Las Vegas, Creed double-crosses Omega Red and Lady Deathstrike and teleports away with Logan and Amiko in tow to the forest surrounding the old Weapon X facility. After some cat and mouse and a few battles, Logan and Creed ultimately battle inside the facility itself. There, Logan finds the Logan files and Amiko, who is barely breathing. At that moment, Creed viciously attacks Logan. After he has beaten him severely, Creed tells Logan that the reason he can’t recall his memories is because his healing factor heals over the bad ones, not because they were modified. Simultaneously, the Director, Kane and various Weapon X agents arrive. When the Director discovers that Creed is close to killing Logan, he orders the M.P.C. to be fired upon him. When it is, it weakens him and Logan is able to battle back. However, before he delivers the killing blow, the Director arrives on the scene. When he does, Creed uses a device to teleport himself away, just as Logan falls to the ground dead.

In the afterlife, Logan meets a redhead who takes him through a number of experiences in his life. Logan believes her to be Jean Grey, though she avoids confirmation of such. The redhead proceeds to point out to him that, in his life, he chose to either lash out or withdraw. She then leads him through a door where he can achieve happiness. Before he can start his journey, however, he is approached by Lord Shingen, Cyber and a number of other dead villains. Logan chooses to attack them, much to the redhead’s displeasure, and is assisted in his ordeal by Peter Rasputin, Colossus, who greets him warmly. Eventually, Colossus and the villains disappear before his eyes and the redhead tells him that, as a result of his choice, he has lost his chance at happiness. As she goes, she adds that she is not Jean, at which point Logan realizes that she was actually his first love, Rose. Now alive, Logan escapes his bodybag, kills the Weapon X agents transporting him and makes his way back to the X-Mansion. There, he is visited by Amiko, who was healed by the Weapon X program as a sign of good faith. Content for the time being, Logan goes to enjoy some time with his foster daughter.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #395-399

In a nightclub in London, Chamber rescues popsinger Sugar Kane from a crowd and is invited to talk to her in privacy. Meanwhile Archangel, Nichtcrawler and Iceman come to London too, both to investigate a spike of mutant energy detected by their new Cerebra device and to search for Chamber who never showed up at the mansion after Generation X’s disbanding. In the sewer system they encounter a mutant community similar to the Morlocks in New York. While the three X-Men discuss what to do in their hotel, Mr. Clean, equipped with a flame-thrower enters the tunnels, and torches most of the people down there.


Sugar Kane and Chamber continue their romance, though Jono is unsure about all the media attention they get. Iceman and Nightcrawler pay him a visit to remind him of his responsibilities to mutantkind, but he turns them down. Archangel scans the tunnels and according to his readouts some of the underground community survived being scorched. Later he, Nightcrawler and Iceman investigate and run into Mr. Clean who is able to fight them off and escape. Wolverine arrives in London.

Mr. Clean is revealed to belong to a larger organization led by the Supreme Pontiff. He thinks about commiting suicide, but then continues to hunt through the tunnels for any survivors of the underground community that he earlier attacked. Wolverine pays a visit to let Jono know that the team will always be there for him and to back up his words he beats up one of the guards who called Chamber a freak. Nightcrawler, Archangel and Iceman head into the subway tunnels to help the outcast mutants that survived the incident with Mr. Clean. Kurt finds them and introduces himself as an X-Man. Newspapers speculate that Sugar Kane is pregnant with Chamber‘s baby. While Wolverine kills Mr. Clean, the X-Men help the survivors of the underground massacre to leave London. They even offer them to come to Xavier’s school, but they prefer to live in secrecy and peace. Sugar Kane’s manager arranges for her to be “abducted“ by some men in containment suit. Kater TV news report that she was tested at a governmental facility and is not pregnant. She secretly meets with Chamber one last time and confesses that she needed him to give her good-girl image a needed edge to maintain her career. Feeling used Chamber returns to the X-Men.

Archangel learns that members of his organization have been spending company money on a mutant brothel called the X-Ranch. The X-Men send Iceman to the ranch to investigate and he masquerades as a client. The brothel’s house mother, Madame Drache, escorts Iceman to his appointment, Stacy X.


Stacy uses her pheromone powers to control Iceman’s bodily functions and incapacitate him. Archangel comes to save him and subdue Stacy. The Church of Humanity enters the brothel armed with deadly weapons and an appetite for mass murder. The X-Men and Stacy fight off the attackers and escape, but not before several X-Ranch employees and clients are murdered. Once they’re all safe inside the X-Wing, the X-Men and Stacy fly east.


Dont Hate Participate
May 3, 2012
Byrd Gang
I'm really into Xmen right now too, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to read every single one. I just google lists of the best and then reserve them from my local library :blessed:


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I'm really into Xmen right now too, but there's no way in hell that I'm going to read every single one. I just google lists of the best and then reserve them from my local library :blessed:

I'm just starting Grant Morrison's run, New X-Men, and the first arc which I'm about to post now "E is for Extinction" is really good. I've heard this is a really good point to being reading from.