Generation X #59-62
Jubilee, Chamber and Skin are spending Christmas at the school with Banshee and Emma while the others have returned home. Emma’s younger sister Cordelia Frost suddenly crashes through the lounge window, being chased by someone who after fighting the mysterious enemy they learn is Mondo, who they all thought was dead. Mondo is not alone, and soon Black Tom and Juggernaut make their presence known.
Generation X fight Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy who along with Mondo were trying to kill Cordelia Frost. They learn that the Mondo who joined the team some time ago was in fact a clone of the one they see now, and that he was a plant among the team the whole time, from Black Tom, who had retrieved Mondo from Cordelia Frost, who wanted to use Mondo to buy her way into the Hellfire Club and become its new White Queen. Generation X teamwork enables them to defeat the Juggernaut, however Black Tom and Juggernaut escape with Mondo.
Meanwhile, Monet realizes that she misses her old teammates now that she is at a new school, but uncovers a mystery preventing her from returning to them, one involving a vampire that just attacked her roommate’s friend. Monet is asked to her new headmaster’s office after the death of her roommate’s friend, and she discovers that the headmaster is in fact the murderer and a vampire. He tries to turn Monet into one, but her telepathy serves as a deflector, however before she manages to fight him off he bites her. Monet was able to “tune out” his control over her because of her telepathy. However when she and the police raided the headmaster’s office they found no evidence that he was the killer. Monet tried exposing him to sunlight, however it didn’t work, and the police thought she was mad. Thinking about what to do, Monet realizes that there are only two ways to stop him – cut off his head or stake him, and she is about to make her plan when she is attacked by Tabitha, a girl who was the most recent victim. Monet stakes her after the battle and proceeds to find Delacorte, who is comforting Monet’s roommate, Charlene. He is about to bite Charlene when Monet bursts through to rescue her, but Delacorte escapes by turning into mist. Charlene goes to safety when Delacorte’s assistant attacks Monet, and again she stakes the old woman before “back tracking” the telepathic link she had with Delacorte to find him, and just in time as he is about to bite his next victim. The two engage in aerial combat, until Monet uses her super strength to force him down on top of the spike, which sits on the bell tower, and he explodes. The school was closed down and Monet had to chose, which school to go to now – and she returns to the Massachusetts Academy.
Gambit v3 #11
Constrictor steals an adamantium stomach that is supposed to be implanted into a Judge Buechler. Daredevil, a friend of the judge, tries to get it back and Gambit too gets involved as he needs some adamantium to save Sabretooth, who has become dependent on the metal to survive.
They follow Constrictor to the crimelord Sal Donato, who needs the stomach for himself (some of his enemies put glass dust into his food) and used Constrictor’s love for his daughter into helping him. In the end a deal is made : Gambit charges the glass particles, Constrictor donates some of his adamantium coils to Creed and the judge gets the stomach. Fontanelle dreamprobes Sinister and sees him buying a newspaper about the Black Womb Killer a century ago.
Jubilee, Chamber and Skin are spending Christmas at the school with Banshee and Emma while the others have returned home. Emma’s younger sister Cordelia Frost suddenly crashes through the lounge window, being chased by someone who after fighting the mysterious enemy they learn is Mondo, who they all thought was dead. Mondo is not alone, and soon Black Tom and Juggernaut make their presence known.

Generation X fight Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy who along with Mondo were trying to kill Cordelia Frost. They learn that the Mondo who joined the team some time ago was in fact a clone of the one they see now, and that he was a plant among the team the whole time, from Black Tom, who had retrieved Mondo from Cordelia Frost, who wanted to use Mondo to buy her way into the Hellfire Club and become its new White Queen. Generation X teamwork enables them to defeat the Juggernaut, however Black Tom and Juggernaut escape with Mondo.
Meanwhile, Monet realizes that she misses her old teammates now that she is at a new school, but uncovers a mystery preventing her from returning to them, one involving a vampire that just attacked her roommate’s friend. Monet is asked to her new headmaster’s office after the death of her roommate’s friend, and she discovers that the headmaster is in fact the murderer and a vampire. He tries to turn Monet into one, but her telepathy serves as a deflector, however before she manages to fight him off he bites her. Monet was able to “tune out” his control over her because of her telepathy. However when she and the police raided the headmaster’s office they found no evidence that he was the killer. Monet tried exposing him to sunlight, however it didn’t work, and the police thought she was mad. Thinking about what to do, Monet realizes that there are only two ways to stop him – cut off his head or stake him, and she is about to make her plan when she is attacked by Tabitha, a girl who was the most recent victim. Monet stakes her after the battle and proceeds to find Delacorte, who is comforting Monet’s roommate, Charlene. He is about to bite Charlene when Monet bursts through to rescue her, but Delacorte escapes by turning into mist. Charlene goes to safety when Delacorte’s assistant attacks Monet, and again she stakes the old woman before “back tracking” the telepathic link she had with Delacorte to find him, and just in time as he is about to bite his next victim. The two engage in aerial combat, until Monet uses her super strength to force him down on top of the spike, which sits on the bell tower, and he explodes. The school was closed down and Monet had to chose, which school to go to now – and she returns to the Massachusetts Academy.
Gambit v3 #11
Constrictor steals an adamantium stomach that is supposed to be implanted into a Judge Buechler. Daredevil, a friend of the judge, tries to get it back and Gambit too gets involved as he needs some adamantium to save Sabretooth, who has become dependent on the metal to survive.

They follow Constrictor to the crimelord Sal Donato, who needs the stomach for himself (some of his enemies put glass dust into his food) and used Constrictor’s love for his daughter into helping him. In the end a deal is made : Gambit charges the glass particles, Constrictor donates some of his adamantium coils to Creed and the judge gets the stomach. Fontanelle dreamprobes Sinister and sees him buying a newspaper about the Black Womb Killer a century ago.