My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Generation X #59-62
Jubilee, Chamber and Skin are spending Christmas at the school with Banshee and Emma while the others have returned home. Emma’s younger sister Cordelia Frost suddenly crashes through the lounge window, being chased by someone who after fighting the mysterious enemy they learn is Mondo, who they all thought was dead. Mondo is not alone, and soon Black Tom and Juggernaut make their presence known.


Generation X fight Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy who along with Mondo were trying to kill Cordelia Frost. They learn that the Mondo who joined the team some time ago was in fact a clone of the one they see now, and that he was a plant among the team the whole time, from Black Tom, who had retrieved Mondo from Cordelia Frost, who wanted to use Mondo to buy her way into the Hellfire Club and become its new White Queen. Generation X teamwork enables them to defeat the Juggernaut, however Black Tom and Juggernaut escape with Mondo.

Meanwhile, Monet realizes that she misses her old teammates now that she is at a new school, but uncovers a mystery preventing her from returning to them, one involving a vampire that just attacked her roommate’s friend. Monet is asked to her new headmaster’s office after the death of her roommate’s friend, and she discovers that the headmaster is in fact the murderer and a vampire. He tries to turn Monet into one, but her telepathy serves as a deflector, however before she manages to fight him off he bites her. Monet was able to “tune out” his control over her because of her telepathy. However when she and the police raided the headmaster’s office they found no evidence that he was the killer. Monet tried exposing him to sunlight, however it didn’t work, and the police thought she was mad. Thinking about what to do, Monet realizes that there are only two ways to stop him – cut off his head or stake him, and she is about to make her plan when she is attacked by Tabitha, a girl who was the most recent victim. Monet stakes her after the battle and proceeds to find Delacorte, who is comforting Monet’s roommate, Charlene. He is about to bite Charlene when Monet bursts through to rescue her, but Delacorte escapes by turning into mist. Charlene goes to safety when Delacorte’s assistant attacks Monet, and again she stakes the old woman before “back tracking” the telepathic link she had with Delacorte to find him, and just in time as he is about to bite his next victim. The two engage in aerial combat, until Monet uses her super strength to force him down on top of the spike, which sits on the bell tower, and he explodes. The school was closed down and Monet had to chose, which school to go to now – and she returns to the Massachusetts Academy.

Gambit v3 #11
Constrictor steals an adamantium stomach that is supposed to be implanted into a Judge Buechler. Daredevil, a friend of the judge, tries to get it back and Gambit too gets involved as he needs some adamantium to save Sabretooth, who has become dependent on the metal to survive.


They follow Constrictor to the crimelord Sal Donato, who needs the stomach for himself (some of his enemies put glass dust into his food) and used Constrictor’s love for his daughter into helping him. In the end a deal is made : Gambit charges the glass particles, Constrictor donates some of his adamantium coils to Creed and the judge gets the stomach. Fontanelle dreamprobes Sinister and sees him buying a newspaper about the Black Womb Killer a century ago.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Men: Powerless Arc

Uncanny X-Men #379-380 - X-Men v2 #99 - Cable #78 - X-Force #101 - Wolverine v2 #149
Professor Xavier holds a Shi’ar holoempathic matrix crystal in his hand that contains the essence of his fallen student Scott Summers. It is a farewell gift from Shadowcat and Colossus. Having decided to help the mutant Skrulls in their new life, Xavier boards a ship with them and departs. As Xavier leaves Kitty decides it is time to follow her dreams. The High Evolutionary contacts the X-Men in New York to tell them that he has created a device to reverse the mutant genome, making them human. The Evolutionary triggers this device and mutants around the world revert to humans.


Meanwhile on Genosha, Magneto and Polaris stop an open human rebellion and prevents a burgeoning one by Cortez, who is trying to take over the Acolytes. Witnessing this, Polaris is unsure of her place with Magneto. After losing his powers Magneto realizes that his enemies will soon strike now that he has a new handicap. Nearby, the Beast and Iceman secretly reach the Genoshan Coast so Hank can study the Legacy Virus. After they lose their powers Beast realizes that this is the work of the Evolutionary, who may have a secret beneficiary helping him.

In America, Mystique sneaks into the NRO offices to cover up some of her aliases that have recently been compromised. After losing her powers the authorities capture her.

Elsewhere in a hideout, the Blob gathers some villains to pull a heist, but after losing their powers the plan seems to be finished.


Phoenix and X-Man meet in Alaska to discuss what happened to Cyclops and what Nate should do with his future.

Meanwhile, After recent catastrophic events in Cable’s life, he heads home to find a ransacked safehouse and an injured Blaquesmith. After briefing his mentor of the recent events concerning the demise of Apocalypse, Cable learns the purpose behind the attack, a secret part of the building even he didn’t know about, which contains information that might lead to a cure for the T-O virus. Once Cable gets his head back together he stops by Stacey’s work to talk. She tells Cable she loves him and wants to make it work, but Cable refuses because he doesn’t want to put her at risk and end up losing her. He tells Stacey he loves her, but only after he wipes her memory of all traces of him. Cable leaves the diner and shortly after succumbs to the T-O virus due to the High Evolutionary taking away all mutant powers.


High above, Ranshi operatives, hailing from a timeline 2,000 years in the future, detect the energy signatures from some time travelers they assume are the Harmonists. They send down an attack squad to take them out.

Logan has a cup of coffee at Marvel Burger. There, he is recognized by Richard Rider, Nova, who proceeds to follow him. Reaching a junkyard where the Skrull version of himself visited, Logan does some investigating. There, he runs into the Reanimator. Eventually, Logan finds himself in a desperate situation until Nova arrives and helps him out. Logan then sends him to get some help. Shortly, Nova returns with the New Warriors in tow – Aegis, Turbo, Speedball and Namorita. After a brief battle, they destroy all of the Reanimator’s robots. Later that evening, Logan tells Nova that the New Warriors need to have better teamwork but that they did well today.

On Genosha, Iceman and Beast are fighting along side some mutates against humans when Magneto and Polaris save them. With Magneto de-powered, the islands factions want to destroy the mutates. Posing as a lawyer, Rogue meets with Mystique, who was recently arrested. Mystique needs Rogue to get her out of prison. In a hidden part of the word, the Neo’s community is devastated due to the loss of their mutant powers. Now, the remaining people, including Domina and her husband Hunter, declare war on humanity, whom they believe caused this. Elsewhere, Jubilee is chased into a dark alley by a group of thugs, when Wolverine saves her. However, he is dying of adamantium poisoning. Dani Moonstar is brought into a psychic plane by her powers, which seem to be mutating. It is here that she is reunited with Cable, who has been taken over by his techno-organic virus. Back on Genosha, the Beast realizes that mutants are only the first step in this worldwide regression. Soon, all living things will be in danger. Magneto gives Iceman and Beast his last remaining ship in hopes that they can reach the X-Men in time so they can save the world. In his space station, the Evolutionary discovers a stray signal, which Dr. Essex reveals is his. Sealing the Evolutionary in his suit, Essex reveals himself as Mr. Sinister. With no one left to stop him, Sinister states he will turn the world into a giant experiment.

The X-Men decide to go off into space aboard a Skrull spaceship they have in order to defeat Sinister and the Evolutionary. Having rocketed into orbit, the X-Men pass the satellites responsible for the regression process and all feel a wave of nausea. Once onboard the station they face a whole horde of the Evolutionary’s New Men, who are being controlled by Sinister. Wolverine sniffs Sinister out and takes Storm and Shadowcat to confront him. The X-Men are ambushed by more New Men, but Wolverine takes the fight straight to Sinister. Sinister blasts Wolverine away, but Logan still survives.


Wondering how Logan survived, Shadowcat realizes that the wave of nausea they felt earlier was the return of their powers. Sinister realizes his mistake but feels that it can be dealt with. Wolverine destroys the control panel for the satellites, which causes part of the station to blow up. Sinister escapes aboard the X-Men’s ship as the team confronts the Evolutionary, who reveals that Wolverine only broke to controls to his tube; the Evolutionary himself destroyed all his research on evolution. The Evolutionary apologizes for being so ignorant and blind and offers the X-Men a ride back to Earth as mutants across the globe regain their powers. Elsewhere, Mystique escapes prison and swears to destroy all those that have betrayed her. Back on Genosha, the re-powered Magneto and his Acolytes defeat the human magistrates and retake the capital. After that, Polaris and Magneto begin to explore the possibilities their powers have on one another.

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Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Gambit v3 #12-19 & Annual 2000
Jean-Luc LeBeau and Tante Mattie fill in Gambit that they both were saved by him at the end of the 19th century. They even have a hundred year old photo to prove his presence in the past. Gambit asks Sekmeht Conoway for help and she suggests that he uses Dr. Doom’s time machine. Along with the Courier and the Mengo Brothers they invade Latveria, fight their way past many Doombots and reach the platform. Gambit takes Courier with him and they arrive in London 1891. They track down the Thieves Guild and learn that because of an earlier failure, Candra has taken Jean-Luc LeBeau (his grandpa) and Belize Marceaux (both still young boys) hostage and has not renewed the guild pact. Candra needs knowledge on Dr. Essex to prepare herself against Apocalypse, and Gambit offers to provide it, yet the Guild have learned Essex’s whereabouts too and prefer to work off Candra’s debt themselves. Gambit grabs Jean-Luc and leaves, it’s a race to new York, where Essex lives under the alias of Dr. Milbury.

Gambit Still Gettin bytches In 1891...

In the past, Gambit, Courier and Jean-Luc head to New York, where Sinister works under the cover of an obstetrician. Courier shapeshifts into a woman and makes an appointment, but Sinister discovers that “she“ is a mutant with morphing abilities and captures her. Remy and Jean-Luc run into the Thieves Guild while checking out Amanda Müeller. Jean-Luc betrays Gambit and leaves with the Guild, who are later attacked in the tunnels below New York. Gambit too enters the tunnels and finds himself in Sinister’s lab; he is offered a deal for the life of Courier. He lets the Guild track down Ozymandias to study his texts for Candra and also restores the Courier from liquid state, in exchange for a cell sample of the shapeshifter, which Sinister uses to give himself the ability to morph. Upon restoring the Courier he makes a wrong assumption that the woman who visited him was Courier’s natural state, and Jacob Gavin is now stuck in the female form. Remy and Sinister follow the Guild to Ozymandias place and defeat Candra, who is then turned over to her fellow Externals, who are not happy that she risked disturbing Apocalypse. Sinister erases the memories of Ozymandias‘ texts from the Guild’s minds and locks the information deep in Gambit’s mind, at the same time he notices that Gambit must have undergone brain surgery before. Gambit and the Courier accomplished all they came for, but now are stuck in the past.


In the present Fontanelle visits Rogue in her dreams to tell her that Remy is in need of help. Rogue searches for the missing Gambit and tracks down Sekmeht and the Mengo Brothers. Since since being on the run they ended up in a place called Folding City, a maze of space-time fragments. The place is run by the father of the Mengos, he attempts to turn all of Latveria into this state, but Rogue defeats him and all of them escape back to reality. Gambit gave Sinister the mysterious vial which contained a part of his brain that improves his powers to such a degree that Gambit can transport himself and Courier to the present.

The New Son contacts Archangel and asks him to kill Gambit. He then explains to Fontanelle that many alternate Gambit’s have been killed in the same way. The New Son dismisses Fontanelle as she has gathered all required information, he then sends the Courier to recruit some assasins. Fontanelle appears in Courier’s dreams and wants to know which side he is on, Gambit’s or the New Son’s.

Gambit now is constantly charged up and able to kiss Rogue, protected by his own bio-field. Yet over a few weeks, the powers get more unstable and he randomly causes burns and explosions. He leaves Rogue and gets back to New Orleans where after being readmitted into the Thieves Guild even becomes their leader. His first day sitting in the throne, he is stabbed in the chest by Bullseye. The Assasins Guild arrives, wanting to kill Remy themselves. In the confusion he slips away and is taken to a secure place be his fellow Thieves Guild members. With help of Tante Mattie and his hypercharged powers Gambit starts to heal from the injury, but the Constrictor crashes in, renders the Guild unconscious and Gambit again has to fight for his life. More villains arrive eager to collect the price money on Gambit’s head; FBI agent Carl Denti offers Gambit a ride, but suddenly they are attacked by Denti’s former alter ego, the X-Cutioner.


More and more superpowered villains arrive to collect the price on Remy’s head. Some of them even fight each other, while Gambit tries to get away from the X-Cutioner. Courier turns against the New Son and calls Archangel to help Gambit. In the end most villains keep themselves busy, the Assasins take on the X-Cutioner causing a big explosion. Gambit and Bella Donna are buried by debris. Outside the two Guilds form a truce, while below the rubble, Gambit and Bella Donna sort out their relationship. The New Son exploits Quiet Bill‘s ability to create dimensional doorways, much to Courier‘s concern. After Gambit has disintegrated enough debris to free himself and his ex-wife, and Denti dealt with the police to let them go, Gambit is suddenly grabbed by his fellow X-Man Archangel. They battle in the skies over New York, but as the X-Men arrive, Warren departs without revealing his reasons. In the New Son’s Crystal Cathedral Courier and Warren realize they are both in this to help Gambit. Bill is no longer sure of the New Son‘s actions and transports the X-Men and Gambit into the Cathedral. Turns out that Warren only played along with the New Son to expose his plans. In the end New Son attacks Remy, Warren and the Courier, but Remy is able to counteract the energies, because the New Son is nobody else than Remy himself; only from an alternate reality, older and more experienced. Before any questions can be answered, the Cathedral collapses. The New Son is taken through a portal, the others get back to earth in Siberia. Gambit writes a warning on the ground that the place belongs to the New Son.

Cool Guild Family Tree:



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Deadpool #38-45

Wade becomes obsessed by trying to get over Loki’s curse, which has completely restored his face. Patch has left the Hellhouse leaving someone named Beef in charge. Wade returns home and his automated security system does not recognize him, therefore blowing up his hideout and destroying his costume. While waiting for a new suit, he finds a beautiful place and decides to take it, though it has one down-part: Deadpool becomes roommates with the Constrictor and Titania. Deadpool, believing that the Constrictor and Titania have been sent to kill him, fights and defeats them. After doing that, Wade decides to take the new place. A few weeks pass, and Wade has already become a little more acquainted with his new roommates. One day their home gets broken into and they find a tape, which has a message recorded, which comes from none other than the Taskmaster looking for Titania. Titania gives Wade the codes she knows, and he travels to the Taskmaster’s hideout. Titania convinces the Taskmaster to let Wade go on the job instead of her. However, little does Wade know that Titania and Constrictor have a scheme plotted, wanting payback for getting beaten up by him. Deadpool attends the Taskmaster’s class, where he gets briefed. Wade gets introduced to his partners for the mission, namely Electa, Pyron and Malovick.

Taskmaster sends them and Deadpool on their way to steal a NASA space shuttle, so they can travel to Baron Zemo’s platform. However, Wade has his suspicions that he’s being set up. Deadpool and his “interns” manage to steal the shuttle and head into space. Once on board of Zemo’s platform, Deadpool starts fighting his teammates, who declare that the Taskmaster was aware that Wade would pull a stint like this. With gravity off, Wade’s body starts turning fat, and Pyron uses his headbeam to have Wade’s mind wiped! They separate the platform in two pieces, and the interns disables Deadpool’s pod, with him only having about ten minutes left to live.


Taskmaster and his crew made it home only to be apprehended by SHIELD. Meanwhile, Wade winds up being beamed inside a cloacked ship, which restores his shape. Wade is introduced to the Last Men, who are each the last man of their species and the most feared in 12 galaxies. They want Deapool to rescue their leader, Dirty Wolf, in exchange for a ride home. He frees Dirty Wolf from a prison, but a riot starts resulting in Wade's ride home exploding. Wolf brings Wade to his bike, but Wade steals it, leaving him stranded. He gets approached by the Starjammers but denies their ride and they radio for help.

Meanwhile, Constrictor and Titania are on a job, when they get attacked by Absorbing Man! Creel thinks the Constrictor is trying to hit on his wife. Titania mysteriously disappears during the battle and leaves Frank to himself. After defeating Creel, he angrily returns back home and demands an explanation, but she simply claims it’s all husband-and-wife stuff. Wade comes back home and tells his story, and refuses to give Titania her money. On that moment, the trio is approached by their new client: Achebe, and adversary of Black Panther who has just came out of a coma. He hints that Titania has a secret, then offers them money if they help him steal a leopard from Erik Killmonger, one of Black Panther's worst enemies. Apparently he has defeated T'Challa and become the head chief of Wakanda, and now is at Avengers mansion trying to take his spot on the team as Black Panther. Deadpool and friends show up at the mansion and fight the Avengers. They lose the battle, Achebe escapes, and Triathalon is transported to Wakanda.

The Avengers have arrived in Africa in search of the missing Triathlon. At the same time, Triathlon and Preyy the leopard wake up to find themselves in the presence of Achebe, who is ready for the next phase of his plan, and teleports Wade out of jail. Achebe orders him to meet up with Triathlon and help him get back home, as his kidnapping was a mere accident. The Avengers are soon attacked by T’Challa’s guards, and Eric is confronted with Deadpool. Achebe messed with his teleporter unit to separate him from Triathlon, in the hopes that Wade would kill Killmonger. Triathlon finds himself lost, but meets a mysterious stranger who tells him to move out of the Avengers, as they don’t even really want him on the team. Deadpool has had enough of this nonsense and teleports home. Not much later, the Avengers find Triathlon again and also leave, but Killmonger decides to stay in Africa to undo the work of Ross, as he dislikes seeing Africa and America united into one.

Meanwhile, Constrictor and Titania are still in jail. “Titania” reveals her true colors and reveals herself to actually be… Copycat?! She transforms into one of the guards and knocks them out, and sets herself free to return to Wade. A few minutes later, Wade meets up with Hayden the salesman and is glad to see him. After eating dinner with him, Wade starts fighting him and Copycat transforms back to her real self. Wade admits that he always had known Titania was actually Vanessa in disguise, but always thought it was just her way to get close to him again. Vanessa denies that, explaining she made a deal with the Wizard and the Taskmaster to steal all of Wade’s money. After carving his pin-code number onto Vanessa’s face, telling her she can have his money; he doesn’t care; the Wizard reveals he has explosives taped all over the Deadlounge and has the place explodes.


Wade luckily survives, and goes drinking. There, he first remembers Loki’s curse when he is approached by an older man. They have a “happy” conversation together and, afterwards, Wade notices that his old, horrible face has returned! He realizes that the old man was actually Loki in disguise.


Aug 7, 2012
What's been your favorite arc or series so far? I just read cable vol 2 and starting X-Men second coming now, this series made me a huge cable fan but I've been out of comics for YEARS before a few months ago.
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Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
could someone hook me up with that whole x men series where apocalypse turned gambit into death


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
What's been your favorite arc or series so far? I just read cable vol 2 and starting X-Men second coming now, this series made me a huge cable fan but I've been out of comics for YEARS before a few months ago.
Love cable and I'm not even done with his first ongoing series yet. Can't wait to read the Cable/Deadpool ongoing.

As for my favorites, hmmm. I'd say Morlock Massacre, X-Cutioners Song, or the build up to the Apocalypse The Twelve story (actual event kind of disappointing)..


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Actually bought this as a Trade Paper Back just cuz I saw it

Wolverine #150-153 Blood Debt
In Japan, Logan visits the gravesite of Mariko Yashida where he runs into a drunken Silver Samurai.


After a brief altercation, Logan goes to visit Yukio and sees a grown-up Amiko.


Back at Yukio’s place, they are joined by an injured Silver Samurai, who had been attacked by the men of Haan Kaishek. In short time, Yukio’s place is overrun by Haan’s men. Yukio and Amiko get out safely while Logan and Harada fight the men. Once outside, Logan comes face to face with Haan himself. Haan is able to kick Logan off of the rooftop and proceeds to stab Harada with his own sword. Making his way back onto the rooftop, Logan swipes at Haan, gathers Harada, and makes his way down to the street. There, they are picked up by Gom Kaishek. At Gom’s house, Logan learns that Gom and Haan are at war. Gom wants Logan to help him but Logan declines. However, after learning that Amiko and Yukio have been taken captive, and being shot in the forehead, Logan reluctantly agrees.

In Japan, at Haan’s penthouse, Logan is met by Haan and his army of men. After a vicious and deadly battle, Logan makes his way back to Gom’s penthouse. Haan arrives and sets off an explosive that rocks Gom’s penthouse. When it does, Gom rushes off while Logan faces off against Haan’s men. In the courtyard, Haan catches up to Gom and shoots his brother in the forehead.


In another section of the penthouse, Kia saves Amiko, Yukio and the Silver Samurai from three of Gom’s guards and takes them into her custody, offering them safe passage. Her motives, however, are far more devious as she takes them hostage herself. Later, in the courtyard, Kia convinces Logan to help her stop the bloodshed her family has endured for years. Begrudgingly, Logan accepts but tells her that, if anything happens to Yukio or Amiko, he’ll come after her.

At Haan’s penthouse, Logan enters with Kia by his side. After a brief battle with some of his men, Kia convinces Haan that they need to have a sit-down meeting with Logan present. Meanwhile, Yukio and Amiko are able to overpower their captor, Tupa. Once they do, Yukio proceeds to call Kia on her cell-phone. When Kia answers it during her sit-down meeting with Haan, Yukio yells on the other end and informs Logan that they are free. From there, all hell breaks loose. Kia shoots her brother, Haan, in the chest and then tosses the gun to Logan.


When Haan’s men enter and see him lying on the ground shot, they assume that Logan did it. During their assault on Logan, Kia deftly escapes. After Logan disposes of Haan’s men, Haan tells Logan with his last breath that Kia is the mastermind of the whole thing and that she is going to kill their dad, Yolyn, and to take over the Kaishek Empire. After reconnecting with Amiko and the Silver Samurai at Yukio’s apartment, Logan learns that Yukio has gone to Mongolia to deal with Kia. Logan instantly decides that he is going to Mongolia and with some convincing – and agrees to let Harada and Amiko tag along.

In Mongolia, Kia enters her fathers chambers and proceeds to shoot him. Once she does, Yukio arrives and starts to take out her frustration on Kia herself. Yukio gives chase and is herself shot by Kia. Before she is able to kill her, however, Amiko arrives and saves her. Kia decides to take her hostage and goes deeper into the compound. Catching up, Logan saves Amiko and slashes Kia across the face. After a vicious battle, they tumble down a pit and, in doing so, knock some pipes loose emitting gas. Knowing that her quest is for naught, Kia sacrifices herself and slams her sword into one of Logan’s claws, causing a fiery explosion. Thanks to his healing factor, Logan is able to survive and lands outside after being badly burned. There, he meets up with the Silver Samurai, Yukio and Amiko. When Amiko check on him, Logan simply tells her that he’ll be fine and that it’s time to go home.



Aug 7, 2012
Love cable and I'm not even done with his first ongoing series yet. Can't wait to read the Cable/Deadpool ongoing.

As for my favorites, hmmm. I'd say Morlock Massacre, X-Cutioners Song, or the build up to the Apocalypse The Twelve story (actual event kind of disappointing)..

I actually believe x-cutioners song is on of the last arcs I read before I got out of comics. Haven't read morlock massacre, I got that on the list. I tried reading generation hope since it follows second coming but that shyt is terrible. I just started up avengers vs x-men and I'm reading thief of thieves and the '68 series as a break from the x-men stuff. Both of those are piff


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I actually believe x-cutioners song is on of the last arcs I read before I got out of comics. Haven't read morlock massacre, I got that on the list. I tried reading generation hope since it follows second coming but that shyt is terrible. I just started up avengers vs x-men and I'm reading thief of thieves and the '68 series as a break from the x-men stuff. Both of those are piff

Yeah that stuff is way later than what I've read up to yet.
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
Love cable and I'm not even done with his first ongoing series yet. Can't wait to read the Cable/Deadpool ongoing.

As for my favorites, hmmm. I'd say Morlock Massacre, X-Cutioners Song, or the build up to the Apocalypse The Twelve story (actual event kind of disappointing)..
Stryfe was built up as a REAL badass in that and the art in that story was awesome


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Magneto: Dark Seduction #1-4
Magneto's Team:

It has been several months since Magneto assumed control of the island nation of Genosha. In that time, he has made incredible strides to unify and rebuild the once war-torn and chaotic country. His success has come from ruling with an iron hand and deftly managing the nation’s remaining assets. His cabinet is an eclectic bunch with some questioning his rule, including his own son, Quicksilver. Genosha’s rebirth is hindered by a rebellion in Carrion Cove and limits on the nation’s resources due to UN sanctions. Magneto finds support for his waning powers from Polaris who in turn is gaining knowledge of her own powers from the true Master of Magnetism. Quicksilver worries that she may be seduced by this power. The rebellion uses former Acolytes turned mercenary to stand their ground and protect a secret so great, it prompts Amelia Voght to join their cause to keep it from Magneto’s hands. The UN decides that their original appointee, Dr. Alda Huxley is too personally involved and sends a new envoy… Magneto’s daughter, the Scarlet Witch.


She cannot help but be impressed by his results despite her misgivings and their past relationship. Quicksilver learns the secret hidden in Carrion Cove and allies himself with those determined to keep it from Magneto. The Genoshan forces take the Krolik Foothills and still do not know how the former Acolytes who work for the rebellion have grown so powerful. Cortez secretly reports to the UN the latest in Genosha, with his own agenda clearly in play. Pipeline realizes that Pietro knows the truth of what Carrion Cove is hiding and teleports him away. He is determined to claim this power for himself and rid Genosha of outside rule once and for all. He then teleports the rebels and their mutant allies away and is about to claim the prize for himself when Carrion Cove is rocked by yet another attack. The UN has deployed a “special task force” of their own to protect the hidden technologies at Carrion Cove. They’ve sent in the Avengers!


The Avengers’ arrival in Genosha sparks a battle with the Genoshan cabinet. Magneto arrives with Polaris and battles the Avengers to a standstill. Alda Huxley learns of Fabian Cortez betrayal and confronts him. He offers information that she finds valuable and they strike a bargain. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch try to disable the coveted equipment while Magneto is occupied on the battlefield. Magneto pushes Polaris’ powers beyond their limits in order to end his battle with the Avengers. While the assembled heroes try to save lives in the wake of the destruction Magneto unleashes, he goes to claim his prize. All that stands in his way are his estranged children. He chooses to give up his chance for reconciliation to attain this power and forcefully subdues them. He is about to acquire the advanced genetic devices that will restore his powers when Polaris arrives to stop him. Magneto defeats her and uses the machines to repair his damaged DNA. When he emerges once more, he is invigorated and uses his powers to immobilize the Avengers. He tells them to get out of his country and when they try to argue that the UN didn’t agree to this, he points out they have violated their own treaty and that they and Roxxon have been supporting the rebellion against him. He refuses to recognize human law. The Wasp declares that it’s in the world best interest that they stop him here and now. He asks how they plan to do that and as a demonstration of his raw power, he magnetically reaches out to Hammer Bay, grabs the traitorous Fabian Cortez and smashes his body against the rocks before the assembled heroes. He then positions satellites and threatens to crash them into major cities if the Avengers don’t leave. The Wasp relents and Magneto exchanges harsh words with his children: Wanda and Pietro before they depart. He tells them that they have once again disappointed him and they express their disgust with him. Polaris departs as well, explaining that it’s what Alex would have wanted her to do. Magneto is left alone to rebuild Genosha and prepare for the next stage of his plans.




Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I arrived at the Six Month Gap, or revoltion. In each series, the "Revolution" issue represented a jump of six months after the previous issue's events. In most cases, "Revolution" also marked an attempt to send each title in a new creative direction, and to this end new creative teams were assigned to the titles. Many characters' costumes were redesigned, and a "Revolution" logo was printed along the right-hand side of each issue.

X-Men Unlimited #27
In India, a kid named Neal Shaara and Karima Shapandar work together to find Neal's missing brother. They are kidnapped by Bastion and discover that he has been kidnapping the poor and is turning them into Prime Sentinels to make a comeback for Operation: Zero Tolerance. Bastion turns Karima into a Sentinel and is about to do the same to Neal, but discovers that he is a mutant and activates his latent powers. Karima rebels against Bastion and the installation is destroyed. However, Neal is forced to part with his lover Karima, who is now a Sentinel. Seven months later, Neal comes to Muir Isle to see Moira MacTaggart, a family friend, and also meets the X-Men. Neal is at first scared by his mutant powers but, after a talk with Jean Grey, he considers learning how to control his powers and accepts Jean’s invitation to join the X-Men. They call him Thunderbird.

X-Men v2 #100-102
Nightcrawler prays in the Church of St. Michael the Archangel when, suddenly, he is shot in the back with an arrow. Frightened, he teleports away from a group called the Neo, led by Domina. Jaeger absorbs Kurt’s powers and goes after him.


Nightcrawler teleports himself to Cecilia Reyes for medical attention and in the infirmary Jaeger shoots Cecilia with an arrow. Right as Jaeger is about the kill Nightcrawler, Cecilia’s force field extends itself and skewers Jaeger. Elsewhere, in space, Shadowcat, Colossus, Psylocke, Rogue, and the new Thunderbird are working on making the High Evolutionary’s station habitable. The new space team arrives at the station aboard the Intrepid and quickly gets to work to get the station on line. During a party, Colossus asks Rogue if she read the letter Corbeau delivered for Gambit. Rogue told her that she ripped it up, because she knows that since Gambit is leading the Thieves Guild, he will one day have to choose sides. Colossus turns into his metal form and kisses Rogue, who is left surprised.


Elsewhere on the station, Shadowcat goes down a vertical tunnel where she meets her new boyfriend Seth, another crewmember. Seth, however, attacks her. Right before she fades into unconsciousness, he tells Kitty that of all on board, only they will live. Awakening, Kitty is wrapped up like a mummy and uses her earring to cut her way out. She finds Seth, who is dressed in a new kind of techno-space suit. Seth tells Domina that the station, which destroyed their civilization, will soon be destroyed. Domina questions Seth’s choice to bring Kitty but Seth tells Domina that Kitty is Neo. Domina’s transmission breaks up as she realizes that Jaeger is dead. The X-Men reveal their identitiesand battle Seth but he ruptures the hull and tosses Rogue out. He says goodbye to Kitty and flies down to Earth. The station falls out of orbit and begins to head towards Earth. The X-Men find that only the Intrepid shuttle is left. Psylocke wraps the shuttle in a bubble to keep the atmosphere in while Colossus and Rogue toss the crew across the space to Thunderbird and Corbeau. Everyone gets aboard but a girder assembly breaks off and heads towards the ship. Shadowcat is tossed by Colossus to the girder and she phases it through the shuttle. Not waiting for Kitty, the team blasts off back to Earth. Kitty returns to where Seth put his suit on and finds one for her. She puts it on and relays a message to the Intrepid to fill them in on her status. Kitty turns the suit on and streaks towards Earth.

The X-Men make a safe landing and return to the mansion to search for Shadowcat. At the Church of St. Michaels, the Neo bring back the body of Jaeger to Domina, who swears revenge on the one who killed her husband. Cecilia takes Kurt to an illegal infirmary for criminals. The criminal Delgado and his boys drive a truck into the building in an attempt to kill Charlotte Jones. Delgado takes out a gun and shoots Jones when Archangel saves her and knocks Delgado down. The gun is about to blow when Cecilia uses her force field to contain the explosion. Jones runs after Delgado with Archangel behind her. The crisis over, Cecilia finds some vials of rave and decides it is unsafe to leave them lying around and pockets them. Elsewhere, Delgado kidnaps Tartarus, one of the Neo. Warren is next lured into a trap and winds up losing conciousness. Following Archangel, Charlotte arrives and hears someone scream. She finds herself in a field of bones with remembrances of Delgado’s victims. Delgado has turned into a monster but Jones defeats him. However, she starts to mutate also. Nearby, the Neo ambush Cecilia and Kurt, who is helpless from his injuries. Without options, Cecilia injects herself with rave, which amplifies mutant powers.

Wolverine and Moonstar break into the remains of one of Sinister’s labs. Wolverine tells Moonstar that this is the 17th attack and the 17th time Sinister was killed. Moonstar uses her powers to show Wolverine Sinister’s death, which reveals to have been done by Domina, leader of the Neo. Wolverine also learns from the image that Sabretooth is alive. Forge calls them back to the mansion, because the space station the X-Men were on was sabotaged. At the Church of St. Michael, Cecilia defends Nightcrawler and the Morlocks from the Neo. Suddenly, the X-Men break in and join the fight and Archangel returns to save Psylocke from Barbican. Domina attacks the X-Men and quickly defeats them all. She goes to kill Cecilia for killing her husband when Wolverine arrives and defeats her. Barbican tries to seal the church so no one can escape, but Psylocke and Cecilia keep a tunnel open with their powers. Cecilia realizes that Charlotte Jones is missing and stays behind to find her as the X-Men and Morlocks escape. Outside the church, the X-Men vow to find a way to save Cecilia and Charlotte.

In Boston, Tessa, former servant of Sebastian Shaw, confronts Senator Kelly in a cemetery. Tessa warns Kelly not to run for president, as he may bring the end of the human race. However, Kelly dismisses her warning, as he wants to avenge his wife’s death.