Gettin' It In
wats a good drag and drop app for reading comics on a phone idk how to use comicana
X-Men: Powerless Arc
Uncanny X-Men #379-380 - X-Men v2 #99 - Cable #78 - X-Force #101 - Wolverine v2 #149
Professor Xavier holds a Shi’ar holoempathic matrix crystal in his hand that contains the essence of his fallen student Scott Summers. It is a farewell gift from Shadowcat and Colossus. Having decided to help the mutant Skrulls in their new life, Xavier boards a ship with them and departs. As Xavier leaves Kitty decides it is time to follow her dreams. The High Evolutionary contacts the X-Men in New York to tell them that he has created a device to reverse the mutant genome, making them human. The Evolutionary triggers this device and mutants around the world revert to humans.
Logan has a cup of coffee at Marvel Burger. There, he is recognized by Richard Rider, Nova, who proceeds to follow him. Reaching a junkyard where the Skrull version of himself visited, Logan does some investigating. There, he runs into the Reanimator. Eventually, Logan finds himself in a desperate situation until Nova arrives and helps him out. Logan then sends him to get some help. Shortly, Nova returns with the New Warriors in tow – Aegis, Turbo, Speedball and Namorita. After a brief battle, they destroy all of the Reanimator’s robots. Later that evening, Logan tells Nova that the New Warriors need to have better teamwork but that they did well today.
On Genosha, Iceman and Beast are fighting along side some mutates against humans when Magneto and Polaris save them. With Magneto de-powered, the islands factions want to destroy the mutates. Posing as a lawyer, Rogue meets with Mystique, who was recently arrested. Mystique needs Rogue to get her out of prison. In a hidden part of the word, the Neo’s community is devastated due to the loss of their mutant powers. Now, the remaining people, including Domina and her husband Hunter, declare war on humanity, whom they believe caused this. Elsewhere, Jubilee is chased into a dark alley by a group of thugs, when Wolverine saves her. However, he is dying of adamantium poisoning. Dani Moonstar is brought into a psychic plane by her powers, which seem to be mutating. It is here that she is reunited with Cable, who has been taken over by his techno-organic virus. Back on Genosha, the Beast realizes that mutants are only the first step in this worldwide regression. Soon, all living things will be in danger. Magneto gives Iceman and Beast his last remaining ship in hopes that they can reach the X-Men in time so they can save the world. In his space station, the Evolutionary discovers a stray signal, which Dr. Essex reveals is his. Sealing the Evolutionary in his suit, Essex reveals himself as Mr. Sinister. With no one left to stop him, Sinister states he will turn the world into a giant experiment.
The X-Men decide to go off into space aboard a Skrull spaceship they have in order to defeat Sinister and the Evolutionary. Having rocketed into orbit, the X-Men pass the satellites responsible for the regression process and all feel a wave of nausea. Once onboard the station they face a whole horde of the Evolutionary’s New Men, who are being controlled by Sinister. Wolverine sniffs Sinister out and takes Storm and Shadowcat to confront him. The X-Men are ambushed by more New Men, but Wolverine takes the fight straight to Sinister. Sinister blasts Wolverine away, but Logan still survives.
Wondering how Logan survived, Shadowcat realizes that the wave of nausea they felt earlier was the return of their powers. Sinister realizes his mistake but feels that it can be dealt with. Wolverine destroys the control panel for the satellites, which causes part of the station to blow up. Sinister escapes aboard the X-Men’s ship as the team confronts the Evolutionary, who reveals that Wolverine only broke to controls to his tube; the Evolutionary himself destroyed all his research on evolution. The Evolutionary apologizes for being so ignorant and blind and offers the X-Men a ride back to Earth as mutants across the globe regain their powers. Elsewhere, Mystique escapes prison and swears to destroy all those that have betrayed her. Back on Genosha, the re-powered Magneto and his Acolytes defeat the human magistrates and retake the capital. After that, Polaris and Magneto begin to explore the possibilities their powers have on one another.
couple questions
- so far who are you 3 favorite mutants or X-men?
- has that changed since before you started reading them all
- do you prefer the intergallactic stuff or the earth based
- who is your favorite xmen villian
oh shyt you did this in quite comical on the IC. whatup
I thought you gave up on this. How bad were the inconsistency you stumble upon?