My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
wats a good drag and drop app for reading comics on a phone idk how to use comicana


May 3, 2012
X-Men: Powerless Arc

Uncanny X-Men #379-380 - X-Men v2 #99 - Cable #78 - X-Force #101 - Wolverine v2 #149
Professor Xavier holds a Shi’ar holoempathic matrix crystal in his hand that contains the essence of his fallen student Scott Summers. It is a farewell gift from Shadowcat and Colossus. Having decided to help the mutant Skrulls in their new life, Xavier boards a ship with them and departs. As Xavier leaves Kitty decides it is time to follow her dreams. The High Evolutionary contacts the X-Men in New York to tell them that he has created a device to reverse the mutant genome, making them human. The Evolutionary triggers this device and mutants around the world revert to humans.


Logan has a cup of coffee at Marvel Burger. There, he is recognized by Richard Rider, Nova, who proceeds to follow him. Reaching a junkyard where the Skrull version of himself visited, Logan does some investigating. There, he runs into the Reanimator. Eventually, Logan finds himself in a desperate situation until Nova arrives and helps him out. Logan then sends him to get some help. Shortly, Nova returns with the New Warriors in tow – Aegis, Turbo, Speedball and Namorita. After a brief battle, they destroy all of the Reanimator’s robots. Later that evening, Logan tells Nova that the New Warriors need to have better teamwork but that they did well today.

On Genosha, Iceman and Beast are fighting along side some mutates against humans when Magneto and Polaris save them. With Magneto de-powered, the islands factions want to destroy the mutates. Posing as a lawyer, Rogue meets with Mystique, who was recently arrested. Mystique needs Rogue to get her out of prison. In a hidden part of the word, the Neo’s community is devastated due to the loss of their mutant powers. Now, the remaining people, including Domina and her husband Hunter, declare war on humanity, whom they believe caused this. Elsewhere, Jubilee is chased into a dark alley by a group of thugs, when Wolverine saves her. However, he is dying of adamantium poisoning. Dani Moonstar is brought into a psychic plane by her powers, which seem to be mutating. It is here that she is reunited with Cable, who has been taken over by his techno-organic virus. Back on Genosha, the Beast realizes that mutants are only the first step in this worldwide regression. Soon, all living things will be in danger. Magneto gives Iceman and Beast his last remaining ship in hopes that they can reach the X-Men in time so they can save the world. In his space station, the Evolutionary discovers a stray signal, which Dr. Essex reveals is his. Sealing the Evolutionary in his suit, Essex reveals himself as Mr. Sinister. With no one left to stop him, Sinister states he will turn the world into a giant experiment.

The X-Men decide to go off into space aboard a Skrull spaceship they have in order to defeat Sinister and the Evolutionary. Having rocketed into orbit, the X-Men pass the satellites responsible for the regression process and all feel a wave of nausea. Once onboard the station they face a whole horde of the Evolutionary’s New Men, who are being controlled by Sinister. Wolverine sniffs Sinister out and takes Storm and Shadowcat to confront him. The X-Men are ambushed by more New Men, but Wolverine takes the fight straight to Sinister. Sinister blasts Wolverine away, but Logan still survives.


Wondering how Logan survived, Shadowcat realizes that the wave of nausea they felt earlier was the return of their powers. Sinister realizes his mistake but feels that it can be dealt with. Wolverine destroys the control panel for the satellites, which causes part of the station to blow up. Sinister escapes aboard the X-Men’s ship as the team confronts the Evolutionary, who reveals that Wolverine only broke to controls to his tube; the Evolutionary himself destroyed all his research on evolution. The Evolutionary apologizes for being so ignorant and blind and offers the X-Men a ride back to Earth as mutants across the globe regain their powers. Elsewhere, Mystique escapes prison and swears to destroy all those that have betrayed her. Back on Genosha, the re-powered Magneto and his Acolytes defeat the human magistrates and retake the capital. After that, Polaris and Magneto begin to explore the possibilities their powers have on one another.

Its numerous showings like this in Logan's past which is why I really didn't/don't care for other writer's interpretations of Logan without his powers being kind of helpless and ineffective. This dude ran up on Sinster dolo with zero fear of dying while powerless. Wolverine's heroism is not defined by his powers.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
I'm baaaaaacckkkkkk

Cable #79-84
Cable is mulling over recent life-altering events when three witches visit him. They warn him of three tests tonight and three tomorrow. Then they show him a vision about a good man named Andy who becomes possessed and tried to go on a killing spree at MSG. When Cable stops him he encounters an alien presence in his mind who identifies himself as Aentaros, one of the Undying. Andy falls to the ground dead. Meanwhile, a man by the name of Randall Shire learns he was the target of the assassination attempt from Andy. He also learns Aentaros was behind it. However, he will still continue with his plan to make the world his. In the Sinai Desert, Professor Oxton and Berger come across what they believe to be the Lost City of Atlantis. Also happening concurrently, Blockade lies in his hospital bed with no change in his comatose status. That is until Aentaros chooses him as his next host body. Blockade awakens and decides to go after Cable first, then Shire.


And speaking of Cable, as he walks the city streets a woman in front of him is grabbed by two men and taken through a door. He charges to the rescue only to find the place full of military robots and a soldier in futuristic armor. Cable easily dispatches the robots and when he grabs a hold of the soldier he teleports away. Cable heads back to his safehouse, unsure of the day’s events. When he walks through the front door he finds himself transported to a plush, vibrant landscape. The witches tell him this is the “Third Test.” He soon stumbles upon a woman named Eyla who invites him to her family’s home. It turns out Cable was transported 2,000 years into the future, where Earth is now known as Harmony. Cable, as the first traveler to come through the city in a long time, is an honored guest and they throw him a party. The party is attacked by Ranshi operatives halfway through and during the skirmish Cable is sent back to the present. Cable recaps what happened to him in Harmony to Blaquesmith and Irene. Irene suggests they go check out one of her contacts named Clarity, who may be able to shed more light on the Undying. Later, they’re picked up in limo and driven to Clarity’s residence.


Blockade has broken out of the hospital and has left a trail of death and destruction on his way to see Cable. Randall Shire’s message is reaching more and more people. Berger and Oxton try breaking through the temple door, but fail. They’re met by some soldiers who warn them of the dangers the temple possesses. Controller Sandella of the Ranshi is lenient on Malan for his failure to capture Cable, but warns he better come back with him next time or else. Back at Clarity’s, Blockade busts through the wall and goes after Cable. Immediately after Malan and his crew teleport in, their sights set on Cable as well. Cable finds himself captive on the timeship Conquest. There he learns all about the Ranshi Empire, but when it’s discovered their prisoner is Cable, “the Nexus”, the Ranshi immediately send him back to his encounter with Blockade. Aentaros doesn’t accept defeat and instead snaps his own neck so he can die and be free to choose another host. With the battle finished, Cable has Clarity check up on the Undying. It turns out the Undying have been around for centuries, possessing people and using them to kill countless innocents. Cable takes this all in and wonders what the connection is between Ranshi, Harmony, Randall Shire and the Undying. Speaking of Randall Shire, Bridge pays him a visit to warn him of Blockade’s threat. While there Bridge falls under Shire’s influence. While in the Harmony timeline, Manuel Cire receives a visit from the Three Witches warning him Cable is the key to his future. Manuel sets about preparing a timeship to jump to the past. He has Eyla go with it in the hopes she can convince Cable to start the Harmony timeline. Over in the Sinai Desert, Oxton and Berger learn that the demon Azazel guards the ancient temple and those who speak of it die instantly. Professor Oxton doesn’t believe in that garbage, but when he tries radioing his find back to base camp he turns into a statue. Berger thinks quickly and sets up a digital camera and his laptop to record the findings. His hope is Azazel won’t know what any of that stuff is. Cable has Blaquesmith create a device that will trap the Undying in its host body. Then he goes out to meet Bridge for pizza so he can discuss what happened to Blockade. While there Cable figures out Bridge is under the influence of Shire and heads back to the safehouse. Inside, Cable finds Blaquesmith beaten and nearly dead. He also finds Irene, with a bloody butcher knife and the Undying symbol on her forehead. Cable doesn’t want to kill her, but on the other hand he doesn’t want to die. While doing his best to keep Irene at bay Cable mentally contacts the local Emergency Center and has an ambulance dispatched to his location. When they arrive he telekinetically gives Irene a heart attack and kills her, thus Aentaros flees her body. The medics bring Irene back to life and take her to the hospital. Cable takes a cab and on the way has a disturbing vision of Rachel Summers trapped in a cage. Meanwhile, Key tries convincing Shire not to kill him and Wall when it’s all over, but Shire doesn’t care. Key decides to take matters into his own hands when he sends information to Clarity on Shire. At the hospital, Cable extracts information from Irene on the Undying, how they operate and their purpose, as well as the identity of another member who only watches, Azazel. Lea stops by the room with news from Clarity. He’s found Azazel and wants Cable back at his place. Meanwhile, the Harmonists travel back into the past to make sure Cable starts their timeline. They manage to track down his energy signature, and despite the looming Ranshi who are sure to attack when they let their shields down, the Harmonists plan on extracting him. At Clarity’s, Cable learns about Azazel who is supposedly guarding some ancient temple in the Sinai. At this point Cable is teleported into the Harmonist ship. The Ranshi take advantage of the situation and teleport in an attack platoon. With both sides tearing each other apart Cable intervenes. He asks each side what they want him to do. The Ranshi want him to prevent the assassination of Shire, thereby allowing their future to unfold. The Harmonists want the assassination to go as planned, thereby starting the path to their future.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #79-84 Continued...

Back at Shire’s, Bridge pays the Undying One a visit and warns him there’s someone coming for him, someone powerful. Shire orders that person killed if they try. Back in the Harmony timeship, Cable wants more details on the assassination attempt, but both sides only know a name, Domino. Cable is released from the Harmony timeship and travels to his safehouse where he fills Blaquesmith in on recent events and receives some new gear. He heads back to Madison Square Garden where Shire is set to speak. He’s not alone as the Aentaros-possessed Domino sneaks inside too. Before the climactic showdown can occur Cable receives another visit from the Three Witches who warn him of the consequences of his decision, that two future realities hang in the balance. The show begins, and after taking Bridge out of the fight, Cable battles Domino. The battle lasts a while, Cable losing his weapon, but in the end he is able to activate a round of ammunition that encases Domino in a tight force field. He also manipulates Shire into a barrage of obscenities, which causes the crowd to turn against him. Both the Ranshi and Harmony timelines immediately erase, as Cable prevented Shire’s death, but also turned everyone against him. Mission accomplished, Cable talks to Key and Wall about his upcoming operation to free Shire and Domino of their possession. During this meeting he receives another brief psychic distress call from Rachel, which he resigns to answer after putting an end to Undying once and for all.


Cable and his crew arrive at the fortress of the Undying. There, they meet Berger and Sheik Hamid. Beast discovers the rocky formation surrounding the door is merely an illusion. Key then uses his mutant powers to interface with the computer system monitoring the door. They gain access and discover not a cavernous lair, but an ancient starship. They also find five bodies in holding tanks in the center of the room. Key heads to the computer terminal and learns that Azazel is the ship’s artificial intelligence. Suddenly the holding tanks burst open wide, the Undying returning to their host bodies. They attack the invaders and Cable is eventually able to subdue them. Key learns about their origin from the computer system and relays it to everyone else, including the diabolical game they’ve been playing with each other to see who could kill the most people. Cable tells Key to change the settings of the game so that they can only inhabit the bodies of cockroaches. The Undying mount one last offensive, but their bodies fail them. With the new settings locked in Cable and crew leave the starship, satisfied with a job well done. Later, Cable visits Irene in the hospital and tells her the whole story. He suddenly finds himself teleported to either the Ranshi or Harmony timeship where Eyla and Sandella greet him. They forgive him and explain they’re joining forces to make the universe a better place. After they both kiss him he is returned to Irene, none the worse for the wear. Sometime later, Cable meditates on the visions he’s been receiving about his sister, Rachel, captured by some madman name Gaunt.


Chances make champions
Sep 27, 2012
206 x 734
couple questions

  • so far who are you 3 favorite mutants or X-men?
  • has that changed since before you started reading them all
  • do you prefer the intergallactic stuff or the earth based
  • who is your favorite xmen villian


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
couple questions

  • so far who are you 3 favorite mutants or X-men?
  • has that changed since before you started reading them all
  • do you prefer the intergallactic stuff or the earth based
  • who is your favorite xmen villian

  • Tough question... right now I'd go with Deadpool, Cable and Gambit.
  • Yes that changed, I used to think Wolverine was the realest, but not so much anymore. I hadn't known much about deadpool in the beginning, but I always did like Gambit/Cable from what I knew of them. As a kid I loved Beast & Nightcrawler because they looked cool LMAO
  • I much prefer earth based stuff. Even with movies and TV shows, I feel the same way
  • Favorite Villain is another tough one. I like Juggernaut, Sabretooth, Mags of course. I guess I'd have to go Magneto for now, but its tough. I always generally am more intrigued by Villains than Heroes.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #102-105
Six months ago, Pete Wisdom returned to England aboard a ship, where he encountered Alistaire Stuart. They discussed various things, mostly the under-world of society, spies, and crimes against mutants. Wisdom warned Alistaire that people are keeping an eye on him, and people like him. Today, Major Valentina Rychenko and her officers are attempting to take down the mysterious Russian facility known as Science City 51, where innocent civilians are in danger from meatspore automatons. They are assisted by Pete Wisdom, and X-Force. Meltdown can now manifest her time-bombs as streams of plasma, and Bedlam is more powerful than before. Their combined teamwork takes down Science City 51. Wisdom reminds X-Force about their mission to take down dark places and seek vengeance from wrong doings to mutants. Later, in San Francisco, a woman jogging along a street suddenly convulses and starts shooting beams of energy from her eyes. At Science City 53, somewhere in Russia, Wisdom receives a report from his ally Valentina Rychenko regarding the mysterious Cuckoo, an organisation which was essentially the shadow of the CIA, devoted to analysing, advising on and reacting to “unusual threats”. Dr Niles Roman was Cuckoo’s only known administrator, working with technologies and sciences ten times what Cuckoo’s resources never knew about, but assassination attempts on his life left him transformed. Tension runs a little high between Cannonball and Meltdown, before Wisdom joins them and they depart for San Francisco. Elsewhere, Dr Niles Roman receives a report that the San Francisco installation is active, and the mad scientist is pleased that the bioreactor has finally triggered.


En route home, X-Force learn that they will be taking up base at an old facility that Cuckoo once operated out of. He reveals to them a story about drugs testing on the general population of San Francisco in the 1950s. In San Francisco, people start changing, mutating, developing powers that are out of control. X-Force get caught up in a traffic jam as they head into the city, and their car is soon shunted off the road and down a cliff. Dr Niles Roman and Ford close in on San Francisco. The mad scientist is thrilled to see the chaos that his bio-reactor has unleashed. The city is in flames and people have been transformed. X-Force makes their way back up to the freeway, to find all the civilians in their cars unconscious. In the city itself, numerous civilians now with powers unleash them on others, killing them. Mid-flight, X-Force are attacked by a transformed person, but manage to escape. Roman and Ford arrive at an old observation suite, where they promptly set up and observe the chaos around the city on various monitors. Wisdom takes X-Force to another old Cuckoo facility where he wants to set up base, explaining that it was also used as a SHIELD observation post, but long ago abandoned. He reveals to X-Force more about Niles Roman, and explains that he created a bio-reactor which caused mutants to mutate rapidly, frying specific chemical triggers in the brain, but the bio-reactor was buried under San Francisco, only it was on a timer. Wisdom watches the chaos in the city on monitors, while X-Force depart to save the world from itself. At his own observation facility, the mad scientist Dr Niles Roman finds that he is having trouble keeping watch, as if someone is piggy-backing on their cameras and the signal is being split. Ford is able to the trace the signal. Roman knows the SHIELD facility is abandoned, and supposes that whoever is using it, is in charge of his foes. X-Force soon come across some civilians in danger, holed up in a store, where police officers are shooting at the mutated humans. Cannonball wastes no time in giving X-Force orders as part of a plan, which they carry out, though it involves the ever-reluctant Bedlam once again pushing his powers to the limit. Wisdom discovers a severely mutated group of civilians, merged into one creature, sitting on top of the bio-reactor. Observing the mutated civilians that Bedlam took out with an electro-pulse, X-Force learn that they revert to their normal selves. Wisdom reports that the bio-reactor is at least three hundred feet right underneath them. Cannonball blasts into the sky, ready to “bomb” his way underground, but the creature emerges, and Bedlam is forced to confront it, doing so, he manages to split the creature apart, rescuing the civilians. Cannonball dives into the hole, and destroys the bio-reactor. Wisdom is pleased at X-Force’s good work, but he is soon confronted by Niles Roman, who shoots him. X-Force return to the SHIELD base, on a high after their successful mission, only to find Wisdom, dead.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Force #106-109
Six months ago, Cannonball, Moonstar, Meltdown, Proudstar and Bedlam engage Domino in a training exercise at their warehouse headquarters. But Domino tells them that they are sloppy and slow, and points out that when the High Evolutionary stripped them of their powers, it was a wake-up call that they need to be better trained. Suddenly, Pete Wisdom appears, and after mocking Domino, reveals he was invited. Cannonball and Bedlam admit they invited Wisdom, for after the Genosha incident, Wisdom offered to train them and help them enter the “spook world” to seek vengeance on the injustices done to mutants and humanity. Domino refuses to allow this to happen, but Cannonball tells her that it isn’t her choice. Moonstar is the most upset however, and after Cannonball points out that X-Force has no purpose and is always reacting instead of acting, Bedlam declares that Xavier’s dream is just a dream. Wisdom offers to teach X-Force new things about themselves in his quest to make the world a better place. Cannonball and Bedlam have already made up their minds, and Proudstar and Meltdown join them. Moonstar lashes out at Wisdom for tearing X-Force apart, but pointing at himself, Cannonball, Proudstar, Meltdown and Bedlam, he tells her that she is looking at X-Force. Today, Cannonball, Proudstar, Meltdown and Bedlam attend a funeral - for Pete Wisdom.


No one else attends, not even Shadowcat or any of Excalibur. They remember everything Wisdom has done for them, and decide to carry on together, when an old woman arrives. She lights a match on Wisdom’s coffin, then departs. When she leaves, Domino emerges from the shadows and explains that it was Romany Wisdom, Pete’s sister. X-Force accompany their old friend to a coffee house, where Domino begins to reveal her whereabouts since they abandoned her. Domino explains that she is scared, and recounts how she took a mercenary job for a while, which put her in contact with a man called Marcus Tsung, a man with the mutant gene for murder, who is coming for her once more.


Six months ago, Wisdom took X-Force to an old Hulkbuster compound in Nevada, where he trained them further in the use of their mutant powers, most notably, teaching Proudstar to fly and Meltdown to create her plasma in the form of beams as opposed to bombs. Today, Domino seems surprised that Meltdown is able to hack databases and at how much her former teammates know about the underworld. They explain how much Wisdom has changed them, before Domino reveals what she had uncovered about Marucs Tsung’s history, including that he used to kill bull elephants with his bare hands. Meltdown ask Domino why he is after her, to which Domino explains that he has already killed her once before. In California, Marcus Tsung arrives, killing those who were sent to greet him, he leaves bloody footprints in the sand, before driving away. Domino shows X-Force the strange creature that is somehow stuck to her back. Bedlam attempts to scan it with his electro-powers, only the creature seems to scan him right back.


Domino reveals that after her first encounter with Tsung, she went underground, changing her appearance, but that he found her and killed her, only she woke to find herself about to undergo an autopsy. She escaped, her appearance back to normal, save the creature on her back. Tsung arrives at a birthday party, where he proceeds to kill everyone in an instant, even the children. He receives a phone call, informing him that he is to concentrate on Domino, that X-Force will be dealt with. X-Force and Domino are waiting for their help - a bus pulls up and a compartment underneath opens. They enter and meet three strange people called Abel, Baker and Charlie. Tensions are high due to the three having association with Wisdom, and are upset at his death. Bedlam locates two archaeological digs which have fossils matching the creature’s physiology - there are two of them, which means there is another creature out there somewhere. Shortly though, black helicopters descend over the city, and drop missiles on the bus! Cannonball takes to the air and engages the choppers, while Bedlam causes one of them to crash to the ground. Tsung closes in on X-Force, attempting to kill Cannonball, he finds his power cannot breach Cannonball’s force field when he is blasting. Tsung runs up the side of a building, and attacks Cannonball, causing him fall to the ground, Tsung prepares to break his neck, but Bedlam attacks him, holding him in an electro-hold, Proudstar prepares to take Tsung out, but Tsung grabs Proudstar and causes him to fall on Bedlam. The villain turns his attention back to Cannonball, only Meltdown places her hands over Tsung’s eyes and releases a massive surge of plasma, seemingly defeating him. Tsung suddenly gets up, his face burnt and one eye missing, he grabs Meltdown, and Domino shoots him, when suddenly, Romany Wisdom appears, she gives the order for her men to take Tsung out, and they do. Romany gives Wisdom’s old allies a stern warning, before telling X-Force that they are to come with her, as Domino has Armageddon attached to her back. Possessed by the creature, Domino attacks Romany and Cannonball, and tentacles emerge from the creature, until Romany shoots her. Later, X-Force are met by Romany, who reports that Domino is fine, that they got to her in time. She reveals that they honestly don’t know what the creature is, but think it is sentient technology of an alien component. Romany assures X-Force that they can go home with Domino, while she will keep the device. Cannonball challenges Romany, questioning as to where she is who she says she is, pointing out her difference in appearance since they last saw her. Romany gives X-Force the hard word about Pete Wisdom, revealing that there is a reason he was a zealot, driven to punish those who had inflicted terrible injustices - because before Black Air, he committed atrocities against mutants himself. Romany suggests to X-Force that they go home and get a life, before they bury another friend, or their friend has to bury them.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine #154-157
Amidst some trees, Logan is approached by Deadpool and mercenaries he hired to help take him in. After a brief struggle, Deadpool shoots Logan with some darts that take him down. Falling to the ground, Logan recalls how he got there. He was in a bar and was accosted by the bartender and the waitress, both of them bounty hunters intent on taking him down. Outside the bar, Deadpool tells Reckless Eric of the Scourge to blow up the building. Once he does, Logan comes face to face with Reckless Eric, which brings us back to present time. Eventually, a large towering figure by the name of the Administrator approaches and takes Logan into custody and to the Watchtower. There, Deadpool oversees Siryn who he brought there to be healed of her injuries. The Administrator plans on using Logan’s healing factor to save others. Just then, Logan is saved by four mysterious individuals. They are there to help him and to take on the Administrator. Eventually, Logan makes his way to the Administrator but discovers that it is only a holographic image. Over time, the group makes their way to where Deadpool is moving the tube carrying Siryn.


After a brief battle, a slight truce is met until Deadpool snaps and goes after Shooter. When he does, Shooter takes him out with her hand-gun and knocks him into Siryn’s tube. Upon impact, it breaks and Siryn emerges, voice intact. After discovering what has happened, Siryn flies off with Deadpool in tow, appreciative of his actions. Logan agrees to join Crowe in his journey to take down the Administrator. Sometime later, Logan again meets a holographic image of the Administrator. After said meeting, he is even more determined to take him and the Watchtower down.

After learning of six mysterious slayings in an abandoned Manhattan subway station, Logan chooses to investigate them himself. In the abandoned tunnels, Logan runs across Lieutenant Tara Curson and her crew of heavily armed members of the NYPD. After brief introductions, they are attacked by gigantic rock creatures. Eventually, Logan is able to wound one of them but not before the others decimate Curson’s crew, save for Curson. Logan leaves her there and proceeds after the creatures. After some time, he encounters Spider-Man and together they take down one of the creatures. The two are then joined by Curson and they all head off after the creatures. A little time later they happen upon the Mole Man, his Moloids and a number of the rock creatures.


As Spider-Man, Wolverine and Lieutenant Curson battle with the Mole Man and his Moloids, they stop fighting when one of the rock creatures viciously attacks Curson. The Mole Man is able to subdue the creature and then asks the trio why they have traveled down there. After a discussion, Wolverine discovers that the Mole Man and his followers had nothing to do with the murders but that he is battling another crew who are threatening his turf. Wolverine is able to convince the Mole Man to take them to the offenders. There, Wolverine faces off against Carver and meets the murderer, a gigantic beast by the name of Fugue. They are Morlocks and Wolverine challenges Carver for the leadership role. During the battle, Fugue is knocked into a chasm and Carver tries to save him with the assistance of Wolverine and Spider-Man to no avail as tremors rock the underground. Once they reach safer grounds, Wolverine and the creator of the tremors, the Mole Man, part ways. Wolverine then tells Curson that while it wasn’t a resolution that was most desired, it’ll do since the recent string of murders will cease.


Jun 12, 2012
I thought you gave up on this. How bad were the inconsistency you stumble upon?


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
oh shyt you did this in quite comical on the IC. whatup

Yeah I do it on both sites, I get more of a response here though.

I thought you gave up on this. How bad were the inconsistency you stumble upon?

I got way too busy for this for a while there, but did not give up nah. The inconsistencies are part of it but I don't really think its that bad.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Generation X #63-66
Six months ago, a man named Warden Coffin was tracked down by SHIELD agents, but he defeated them. He then received a phone call and was offered a new job in the United States. In the present, Generation X are still at the Massachusetts Academy, though things have changed and part of the complex is in ruins. Synch is no longer there, apparently dead, as Banshee comforts M about her loss. Emma Frost now owns her sister Adrienne’s fortune, and the kids no longer train to become superheroes but simply to survive. Paige spends lot of her time at her computer terminal reading newsgroups and emails, she discovers that many teenagers have been arrested for minor degrees of anti-social behavior and then they were never heard of. Generation X decides to investigate. Monet, Husk, Jubilee, Skin and Chamber arrive at the school where Jonathan Somers attended, and after breaking in, they find his file, and learn he had been taken to a correctional facility. Husk takes what little information they have to the internet, and finds the details of the correctional facility. Meanwhile, Jonathan Somers arrives at a mysterious location in the middle of the desert, where he is processed. Several other teens are being held there, and one, a mutant, tries to escape, but is killed by a strange cyborg-like creature called Emma:0052.


Jonathan is taken to meet Warden Coffin, who reveals a little information about himself, that he has been custodian of this facility for many years - a place where America’s shame is sent to. Coffin reveals that America is tired of being viewed as a “bad mother” with so many out of control children, and that it is afraid of those children. Preparing to board a private aircraft to take them to the desert, Generation X are attacked by agents of the House of Corrections. Generation X put their recent training into practice, and take the agents out without any casualties. During the battle, Husk learns of yet another form she can turn her body into, a strange kind of rubber. At the House of Corrections, Warden Coffin tells one of his guards, Baxter, about the current situation, and warns him to be prepared for an attack. Aboard the jet the team discusses what will happen once they have freed the kids inside, and Monet wants justice to done. Not long after Generation X arrive, the House of Correction is under attack, as Generation X follow Jubilee’s lead, and storm through the front door. Generation X take on the House of Correction guards, and easily hold their own against them, particularly Monet. Warden Coffin lets loose his “special children” cyborgs whom he created from children years ago. Skin finds Warden Coffin, who rants on about how he is doing America a favor, and starts to attack Skin, until Banshee arrives. Husk and Chamber kill the cyborgs after the “special children” plead with them do to so. All of the children are freed, and Banshee takes down Warden Coffin. Unsure about how to get the children home, Generation X don’t have to worry about that, as Husk sent a message to all the parents of the children, who arrive to collect their kids.

Generation X #67-70
Six montha go, In London, Adrienne Frost murders her lover, deciding that it is time she returned to the States and paid a visit to her sister, Emma. At the Massachusetts Academy, chemistry runs rampant between Monet and Synch. Later, in the cafeteria Skin defends one of the human students who is being bullied by three others. During the confrontation though, one of the bullies grabs hold of his skin, and sees it stretch. Skin explains the situation to Banshee and the White Queen, who reveal that they have spoken to the mother of the student who stretched Skin’s skin, and explained that he has a rare medical condition. Banshee and the White Queen don’t seem too concerned that Skin was doing the right thing trying to help the other student, and after an outburst from Jubilee, the White Queen declares that she wished they were more like Synch. This of course upsets Jubilee terribly. Later, Monet reveals to Synch that she thought a lot about him while she was away, and they kiss, unaware that they are being watched by Adrienne Frost. Synch is visited by three school bullies, who question him about several of his friends, wanting to know if they are mutants. Synch reports the incident to Banshee, who locates the White Queen and wants to talk to her about it, only to discover that they have an unwelcome guest - Adrienne Frost. Banshee is highly annoyed at Adrienne’s return, and reminds her of what she did when she was last here. Banshee wants to get rid of her, until the revelation is made that Adrienne has documentation and evidence that there are mutants attending the Academy. Adrienne is granted sanctuary at the Academy. Banshee and the White Queen meet with all of Generation X, plus the Academy’s wards - Penance, Leech and Artie Maddikks, and inform them that they must now lay low, as there is a sudden anti-mutant stigma around the school. The kids are told to remain in their rooms, and the White Queen reveals that Adrienne has returned, shocking the kids. En route back to their dorm rooms, several of the kids smell smoke, and soon find that Jubilee’s room is ablaze. Late one night at the Massachusetts Academy, a young male student becomes the latest play-mate of Adrienne Frost, while Banshee installs a security alarm in Monet’s dorm room, which is also the temporary room to Jubilee and Husk. Monet and Husk regroup after doing some investigating around the school, both came up with similar things - that the majority of the students are discussing who is likely to be a mutant. They soon witness the boy from the other day under attack by the school bullies. Monet comes to his rescue, but in doing so, uses her super strength against one of the bullies, in front of several other students. Later that night, Adrienne’s young lover leaves her room, while the White Queen and Banshee discuss the attack on the other boy, who may now live through the night. They discuss what they think they have done wrong, and the White Queen announces that Penance, Leech and Artie have arrived safely in Morocco where Ambassador St. Croix is going to look after them. Suddenly, several cars pull up outside the Academy, and the White Queen senses hate and fear coming from those inside the vehicles.

Banshee and the White Queen are soon confronted by angry parents who have come to find their kids. Adrienne Frost reveals that she is responsible for all of this, and that there are bombs throughout the Academy. Banshee goes to deal with the bombs, while the White Queen begins a fist-fight with her sister. Banshee and Synch are deactivating another of the bombs, but Synch wants to go and do some himself. Banshee doesn’t let him, but as they move onto the next, Banshee comes across Monet, who has found Jubilee, Husk, Chamber and Skin, only to discover that Synch has gone off on his own. Monet goes to find him, while Banshee and the others being moving parents and students away from the Academy buildings. Synch has located another bomb, but the school bullies grab Synch, thinking he is responsible for what is going on at the school. With only a few seconds left before the bomb goes off, Synch uses his powers to reach out to Monet and synchs what power he can from her, enabling him to break free from the bullies, and throw them from harms way, before the bomb goes off. Generation X hear the explosion and race off in the direction, while the White Queen deals with her gloating sister - permanently (she pulls a gun on her and it is assumed she shoots her). Generation X and Banshee find a devastated Monet with Synch’s motionless body.


Later, the students and parents are gone, with the White Queen ensuring that they forget everything that happened, before she and Banshee announce that the Generation X kids can take things into their own hands, and that they will no longer be kept at school, basically, it’s their world, now they just have to find what they want to do with it.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Man #63-66
An alien monster brutally kills members of a select circle of mutants. One woman witnessing this goes crazy until a vastly changed Nate Grey helps her.


He informs her that the creature will kill them all, unless he leads her to the other members of her group, so that he can help. He considers this his job now, as he has become a shaman and they are all his tribe. Helen leads him to the group and, after a brutal fight with a sadistic telekinetic who acts as security Nate introduces himself to the group. Six months earlier on another Earth, the inventor Forge is murdered by orders of the Queen, so that he won’t be able to share his secrets. Nate telekinetically shields the Gauntlet’s chamber and then swaps stories with the still distrustful group. They are a group of mutants who aren’t interested in Xavier or Magneto’s way, but instead use their powers for their own gains and combine them to explore other times and other dimensions. However, something has followed them back. From someplace down-spiral, the creature attacks them, bypassing Nate’s shield. Nate chases the others out and confronts the creature alone. Nate tries to learn the reason for its vendetta against the Gauntlet, but it refuses to comply. Eventually, Nate brings down the building on it, but he finds only its arm and realizes the creature has survived. Nate considers the creature and its actions and then goes in telepathic search of the Gauntlet. They admit to using their powers to explore other universes, including the broken worlds down-Spiral. They refuse to admit what they did there, though Nate already suspects it was something heinous. Nate then teleports to the creature’s world and announces that he is going to handle the Gauntlet and that he knows what they did. The creature is still hostile, and reveals something Nate was not aware of. Not only did the Gauntlet trap the creature’s people on their world, they also stole their children. The members of the Gauntlet abducted his race’s children, as their adaptability would make them perfect as organ donors. Nate explains that he was the one who failed so far, not the broken man, and vows to take care of this business. After learning that the children have been dead for weeks, he kills all the members of the Gauntlet with the exception of Helen Burnside. He reveals that Helen is the guiltiest one of all, for it was her idea to take the children. He teleports her to the Broken Man’s universe, where the members of his race can take revenge on her. Later, he vows to the dead children that the mutant race has to act more responsibly and he is there to make sure they will.

X-Man #67-70
Nate Grey dreams of destroying a South-American city. When he awakes, he senses that he has used his power in some way. He takes Madelyne on a walk to clear his head, while not noticing her domineering and sinister behavior. By chance, he sees a newspaper and learns that the city of his dream has been destroyed. He takes Madelyne to the place and sees her face etched in the ruins. She has made him do this. She explains that she has wormed her way into his head and the destruction of the city was a final test. He didn’t create her. He created his Madelyne, but she was just a phantom she stepped into. She tantalizes him with more information if he takes her home. From her mind, he learns how to move across dimensions and they arrive on her world, where Mr. Scratch expects them and where Madelyne is a queen. On a higher plane of reality in a place called the Brilliant City, several citizens argue about the consequences of the fact that now the lower dimensions have also spawned dimension-travelers. The one called Qabiri fears that eventually they will discover and spoil the Brilliant City. Over the protest of his comrades, he leaves the City, deciding to destroy all dimension-walkers.


Nate learns of the nature of reality and that Madelyne has gone fishing for Nate Greys before, as he is the ultimate doomsday weapon. She intends to sue him to further and consolidate her rule on the world. When she shows him that she can use his powers against his will and mentions that she will use him to exterminate Asia, Nate flees, guided by a strange telepathic voice. The voice turns out to belong to another, weaker Nate Grey, the one indigenous to this reality. Queen Madelyne rallies her troops to go search for Nate Grey, while Mr. Scratch enforces discipline among the men in his own inimitable fashion. Nate finds himself face-to-face with his counterpart, the Nate Grey from this world. The latter has a hard time convincing Nate of his identity, but eventually succeeds. Nate learns that the Queen keeps on looking for Nate Greys from different universes, as they are the ultimate weapon. However, sooner or later, all have proved faulty and she has killed them. Nate 998 was the first; he was badly damaged and is somewhat insane, but he managed to flee. He has since tried to make his madness work for him, by using his powers for something Nate Grey aren’t built for: being a shaman, helping people instead of being a weapon. He leads Nate to his tribe, which has kept something for him: the corpse of Mr. Forge. Nate 998 explains to Nate that, being more powerful, he can briefly re-animate the corpse and learn Madelyne’s secrets. Nate does so and they learn from Forge who was the Queen’s lover that Queen Maddie is an impostor. She is actually a Jean Grey from another universe. They are surprised by Mr. Scratch, who destroys Forge and promises to do horrible things to Nate. As Scratch is immune to mutant powers, he breaks Nate’s spine and crushes the other Nate’s windpipe. Nate-998 manages to briefly bury him underground and uses that time to ask Nate to merge their powers to help them both. Light engulfs the two Nates and, after that Nate-998 is gone, apparently disintegrated. The paralyzed Nate is brought back to the Queen, who taps into his power to destroy all of Asia, but it turns out the power isn’t anywhere near sufficient to produce more than a light effect. The two Nates tricked her – this is Nate-998, who switched physical aspects with the other Nate. Madelyne reads his mind to learn the whereabouts of the other Nate, then kills him and, in a fit of pique, orders Mr. Scratch to kill himself after preparing the engines of the Gods for her to retrieve Nate. Nate is back on Earth 616, only to be mugged and saved by a friendly Samaritan. Getting to grips with his new appearance and the X-brand that will prolong his life, Nate recalls his experiences on the other world and decides he has unfinished business there. He confronts Maddie/Jean and Scratch, just when Scratch is about to blackmail the Queen into marrying him, and destroys the Engine of the Gods. He literally overloads Jean with power, killing her and destroying all her creations. Power should be used for better things, Nate decides. Months later, Nate has reinvented himself as the shaman of Earth 616 mutants.