Uncanny X-Men #372 & X-Men v2 #92
This begins a mini-event called The Shattering:
In the early hours, Charles Xavier sets the alarms going, forcing the X-Men to gather in the Danger Room. He chastises them on their slow response. A training session begins which lasts for several hours, during which Charles watches, as if he’s looking for something out of the ordinary. Wolverine shows unusual signs of fatigue, whilst Marrow appears to have much greater control over her abilities than before they went to the Skrull homeworld. He tries to get Marrow to retract her bones inside her body, but she struggles to do so due to the enormous pain it causes. Gambit jumps in and argues with Charles about his teaching methods. Charles is abrupt with him and tells him that they are free to leave at any time. Kitty is the next to be tested, and she fails what Charles thinks is a simple task. He dismisses the team and retires to his study and Storm joins him. Kitty, like Remy, questions whether her being at the institute is altogether a good thing. Ororo eventually exits the study and tells Kurt that they need to contact Jean Grey. She and Jean Grey visit Xavier, and with the exception of Storm, the rest of the X-Men are banned from seeing him. Xavier’s erratic behavior, however, takes its toll and an exasperated Gambit is the first to depart. Xavier finally appears before the team and expresses his utmost disappointment, asserting that his students have failed him and asking them all to leave and stay gone. Rogue, Shadowcat and Nightcrawler depart together, intent on vacationing, whereas Colossus and Marrow head for Boston.
In space, Bishop asks Deathbird why it’s taking so long to get back to Earth. She makes up a story for him, before they come across a human-shaped planet that contains fossilized Homo superior D.N.A. On this planet, Deathbird neutralizes Bishop for reasons unknown. Bishop later wakes up in what appears to be the Nevada desert.
Meanwhile, Nina is teleported away from Renee Majcomb by the other Mannites.
Mannites have teleported Nina into their hideaway, hoping she can help them with the latest of their kind, a baby called Beautiful Dreamer. The baby has been unable to wake up, after discerning an impending evil with his powers. Nina indeed senses something evil when she touches the baby and decides to enlist Xavier’s aid. However, after she finds herself unable to telepathically contact Xavier, since the Professor has raised a protective wall around his mind, Nina’s psychic form contacts Wolverine, Cyclops and Phoenix instead, begging for their help. They agree to do it as the new X-Men!
This begins a mini-event called The Shattering:
In the early hours, Charles Xavier sets the alarms going, forcing the X-Men to gather in the Danger Room. He chastises them on their slow response. A training session begins which lasts for several hours, during which Charles watches, as if he’s looking for something out of the ordinary. Wolverine shows unusual signs of fatigue, whilst Marrow appears to have much greater control over her abilities than before they went to the Skrull homeworld. He tries to get Marrow to retract her bones inside her body, but she struggles to do so due to the enormous pain it causes. Gambit jumps in and argues with Charles about his teaching methods. Charles is abrupt with him and tells him that they are free to leave at any time. Kitty is the next to be tested, and she fails what Charles thinks is a simple task. He dismisses the team and retires to his study and Storm joins him. Kitty, like Remy, questions whether her being at the institute is altogether a good thing. Ororo eventually exits the study and tells Kurt that they need to contact Jean Grey. She and Jean Grey visit Xavier, and with the exception of Storm, the rest of the X-Men are banned from seeing him. Xavier’s erratic behavior, however, takes its toll and an exasperated Gambit is the first to depart. Xavier finally appears before the team and expresses his utmost disappointment, asserting that his students have failed him and asking them all to leave and stay gone. Rogue, Shadowcat and Nightcrawler depart together, intent on vacationing, whereas Colossus and Marrow head for Boston.
In space, Bishop asks Deathbird why it’s taking so long to get back to Earth. She makes up a story for him, before they come across a human-shaped planet that contains fossilized Homo superior D.N.A. On this planet, Deathbird neutralizes Bishop for reasons unknown. Bishop later wakes up in what appears to be the Nevada desert.
Meanwhile, Nina is teleported away from Renee Majcomb by the other Mannites.

Mannites have teleported Nina into their hideaway, hoping she can help them with the latest of their kind, a baby called Beautiful Dreamer. The baby has been unable to wake up, after discerning an impending evil with his powers. Nina indeed senses something evil when she touches the baby and decides to enlist Xavier’s aid. However, after she finds herself unable to telepathically contact Xavier, since the Professor has raised a protective wall around his mind, Nina’s psychic form contacts Wolverine, Cyclops and Phoenix instead, begging for their help. They agree to do it as the new X-Men!