My Quest to Read All X-Men Related Comics in Order from Beginning to Present time


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Contest of Champions II #1-5
Many heroes are teleported away from Earth and into an arena, where they are asked to fight each other for the alien Coterie’s pleasure. In return, they will be provided with glory and a peek at the information the Coterie have gathered on their many travels across the space universe. The heroes all accept, but none of them (with the exception of Iron man) have a clue that they have been infected with nanites in their bodies, and are secretly being controlled by the mysterious Emperiatrix. Iron Man is the first hero to fight, and has to battle Psylocke and defeats her.


The Emperiatrix wants Iron Man destroyed before the secret comes out, and therefore lets him fight the entire team of X-Force! Most members are no match for Iron Man, but after Bedlam’s electricity powers disarm his armor, Iron Man gets defeated and a kick from Domino is the final draw. A defeated Iron Man is teleported away to a special place.


The Human Torch beats the new Spider –Woman and later faces his former teammate, the She-Hulk again defeating her. However, he loses against Storm as he is unwilling to kill her.




Hulk also defeats Reed Richards.


Meanwhile, Iron Man lands in a swamp like area and is attacked by local predators. He gets rescued by Psylocke, who only wants to finish their match until one of them is dead. Iron Man easily defeats her again and tries to find a way to cure his friends from the infecting nanites. He finds a solution, but before being allowed to spread it, he gets surprised by Psylocke who knocks him out with her psychic knife. Meanwhile, Kitty Pryde finds out who is really behind all of this, and its someone the X-Men have fought before.

To Be Continued...


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Contest of Champions II Continued
Spider-Woman lands in the same place Iron Man and Psylocke have landed in before. She gets attacked by a vicious Brood predator and has to confront it without her powers. Luckily, she gets the help from the newly-arrived Lockdown and Rosetta Stone! These two new heroes knock the Brood creature down, but unfortunately also Spider-Woman. More Brood attack, but Lockdown and Rosetta get the help from Iron Man and Psylocke, who is back to her normal self. Once all the Brood predators are defeated, Psylocke explains to Iron Man, Lockdown and Rosetta who and what the Brood are. Elsewhere Cable has to fight the Scarlet Witch who creates some powerful hex spheres, that eventually knock Cable down. Before he collapses, Cable tries to warn her that the contest is fake, but loses his breath before he can say the actual words.

imgur: the simple image sharer

More contests are fought.




Among them Storm vs. Thor. Thor, not impressed by Storm’s power of the weather, kisses the mutant, literally taking her breath away, until she faints. Thor wins the round.


The Brood Queen observes the battles and has thought up a plan to be able to install an embryo inside Kitty’s body. The Brood Queen takes over Rogue’s body and mind and is hereby able to steal whoever’s powers she wants! The contest goes on. Deadpool beats Daredevil. The next round goes between the Black Widow and Thor. Thor easily wins. Deadpool has to battle the Hulk and loses. The final round goes between the two X-Men Gambit and Wolverine. Thanks to “Rogue’s” arrival, Wolverine gets confused and allows Gambit to win. The contest is finally over and Rogue proudly presents her winners to a cheering crowd.


None of the heroes realize that they are being watched by Hawkeye, who has an arrow aimed at Rogue’s heart! At the same time, more defeated heroes arrive inside the Acanti and join Iron Man’s team. Iron Man and Rosetta Stone spread their nanites in the jungle, so that newly arriving heroes get their powers quicker back and will be able to defeat attacking Brood predators. Iron Man splits his team up into two groups: one group shall help the other heroes arriving in the Acanti, and the other group will have to fight the Brood and the Brotherhood of the Badoon.

Hawkeye attacks the Brood Queen, who is still inside Rogue’s body. Hawkeye traps the Queen, but gets attacked by her contest winners and defeated. The winners help their Queen get up. The Queen grows impatient and absorbs all her contest winners’ powers. The Brood Queen feels victorious, but finds resistance in the arriving Deadpool and some other heroes. Meanwhile, Iron Man and Rosetta Stone separate from the other heroes and try to dismantle the Brood Queen’s ship. They also free the imprisoned Shadowcat and Warbird, who find a way to send everyone back to Earth. Warbird wants revenge for the torture the Brood Queen put her through and attacks her and even wants to kill her. The Queen is confident that Carol won’t kill, because she is still inside Rogue’s body. Carol says that sacrificing Rogue in order to defeat the Queen once and for all won’t be such a big deal. The Brood Queen panics and flies out of Rogue’s body and escapes. Carol and the last remaining heroes want to follow her, but then they get teleported back to Earth. They celebrate their victory and take goodbye from Rosetta Stone and Lockdown. Afterwards, a surviving but angry Brood Queen arrives on Brother Royal’s ship. She wants revenge, and is so angry that she kills Royal and his entire crew.


Her Name Is Mistress Death
Jun 29, 2012
SouthSide, MPLS
Deadpool #27-28
Deadpool is still in therapy session and he keeps seeing a mysterious, black-haired woman he thinks he knows, but can’t put his finger on. In order to get his frustrations away, his therapist tells him to beat someone to death. He travels to Chinatown and finds Wolverine and Shadowcat. At first Wolverine wont fight him until he does this:




May 3, 2012
Uncanny X-Men #368-369 & X-Men v2 #88
Wolverine runs through Danger Room scenarios, each time trying to kill Magneto. Charles Xavier, meanwhile, visits Dr. Huxley at the United Nations but his brief conversation doesn’t go well. The X-Men prepare for Joseph’s funeral, and Rogue in particular is taking his death hard. Wolverine won't join them. Charles provides everyone with a mental glimpse of what Joseph was feeling when he died, and it moves not only them, but also Wolverine and Sister Maria de la Joya as far away as Brazil. After the funeral, the X-Men join Charles in the Danger Room as he tries to dissuade Wolverine from his current course of actions. As they chat, inexplicably, an alien appears and whisks them away to another dimension.


The X-Men are teleported by Ejulp to a strange, other-dimensional world. Traditional laws of physics do not apply here and their mutant abilities work much differently and, after using her powers, Storm is rendered unconscious. Ejulp explains to the team that Storm is being kept in a protective trance by the Trion, the sentient manifestations of the forces that comprise this dimension. Black Tom Cassidy also shows up, much to everyone’s surprise, and explains that the Juggernaut has been possessed by an evil force and is now crushing his way across dimensions. It was Black Tom who sent Ejulp to retrieve the X-Men. While Ororo – still locked in her dream – meets a younger version of her self, Xavier’s astral form and Wolverine – the two accidentally merged after touching each other – together with Shadowcat and Nightcrawler pursue Juggernaut and soon discover him. Sadly, he is now of gigantic proportions.


The Trion have entrapped Ororo inside a dream to prevent her interfering in their plans. Her fellow X-Men have the job of halting the giant Juggernaut’s progress as he crashes from dimension to dimension. Ejulp has taken the X-Men to her own dimension, and both Charles Xavier and Wolverine, joined into one body, try and stop Cain. They manage to enter Cain Marko’s psyche, where they separate and persuade Cain that the dark entity that has possessed him is not to be feared. Cain stands up to the entity, and now free from its possession, causes the giant Juggernaut that has been crashing through dimensions to explode, opening a rift in the fabric of time and space. Ororo figures out what the Trion are trying to do and overcomes them, using her altered powers to heal the rift. Ejulp teleports the team back to their own world. However, when they arrive, things aren’t quite the way the left them.

"We" (comic nerds) Call him "8th Day Juggernaut" as he was a ridiculously powerful version of him capable of punching through realitiest and dimensions, in the same fashion Pre-Crisis Superman did in Infinite Crisis.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Cable #7274
Something draws cable towards the Morlock tunnels and it turns out to be his enemy, Post, who worked under Onslaught. We learn the history between these two. Kevin Tremain was a mutant CIA agent captured and studied by the Chinese villain the Mandarin. The Mandarin would subject Tremain to dangerous and painful experiments intending to use the mutant as a template for an army of mutant soldiers. On a secret mission, the Six Pack attacked the secret base Tremain was held in. Kevin was mortally injured and Cable tried to keep him alive by first using his telekinesis to keep his body together then by giving him a blood transfusion. Although it seems he survived this trauma, Cable seemed to think Tremain had later died. After a fight, Cable is able to convince Tremain to try to get his life back on track.

Meanwhile, Caliban emerges from some sort of coc00n and he has been greatly transformed. He is now known as Pestilence, the first Horseman of Apocalypse. As Cable is reuniting with X-Force to say his goodbyes before his final battle with destiny, Caliban shows up ready for a fight.


He attacks James Proudstar and Dani Moonstar, before leaving the X-Force base. He heads back to the tunnels and meets with his ally. After telling Caliban he has done his part so far, she reveals herself as Deathbird, the second Horseman of Apocalypse known as War.


X-Force follows Caliban, but cautiously as they are aware they are being expected. They are quickly ambushed by Caliban and Deathbird. Caliban infects them all with a disease and Cable is forces to leave his body and attack Caliban on the astral plane. However, it is a trap and Deathbird and Caliban take Cable away, leaving X-Force wondering where he is. He has been taken by Apocalypse and is referred to as one of The Twelve!



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
X-Man #55-5
A Shi’ar stargate opens wide as a vessel passes into Earth’s atmosphere. Cyclops and Nate return home to Jean with 2 injured citizens. The three mutants plan how to get into town and find the doctor, while Nate tries to dull the symptoms of the rapidly declining younger man. The men are revealed to be aliens, dropping their disguise when they realize Nate has figured them out. They are Modt and Jahf, first guardians of the M’Kraan Crystal, the heart of their reality. A battle follows, with Nate, Jean and Cyclops working well together to try and defeat the aliens who had come in search of a breach from another reality, which has led them here. The large robot-like alien decides that Nate Grey has passed the test which they had set for him, and despite the protests of the other alien, they leave. The next day, the sun shines and Nate announces that he has to leave. But his relationship with Cyclops and Jean has grown, and as a gesture of that, Cyclops gives Nate one of his old costumes. But with Nate leaving, a new lease on his life, he is unaware that Threnody is in pursuit of him.


Next it seems Nate Grey has woken up in a seemingly perfect world called Greyville where he hangs out with Spider-Man, Threnody and Madelyn Pryor. It doesn't seem that he realizes the world is fake, as he fights off people trying to take over. Finally Nate realizes that the whole thing is a ruse, and decides that the Purple Man is behind it all. In the end though, Mysterio is shown to be the mastermind behind it all.


While Nate was distracted by Greyville, he was using him to rob banks across the world, however his main goal was to figure out Spider-Man's true identity. He manages to trap Mysterio into his own fake reality leaving him to carry out his delusions forever. Also, Nate gets his telepathy back in the end and Threnody finally catches up to him.
They go back to the apartment where they used to live together and Thren lets him know that she never walked out on him, Madelyn Pryor had killed her, or tried to. She also confessed to Nate about her feedings at the cancer ward and among the homeless. Both Threnody and Nate finally acknowledged that she was addicted to death. The zomboids soon located their unwitting mistress and Threnody and Nate fled to an anchored yacht far from the zomboids and anyone near death that Threnody could feed off. Nate hoped that this would allow her to beat her addiction “cold turkey”. Her withdrawal was a difficult one, particularly because of Nate’s own unique death energy. Because his power was killing him and would cut his life short before he reached 21, Nate Grey was a constant source of ripe death energy for Threnody. She had been feeding on Nate’s death energies since they met. In her newly enhanced state, Threnody was actively weakening Nate every minute they were together. He provided an everlasting high for her death addiction. For both their sakes, Threnody insisted on cutting ties with Nate and going her own way. When he told her he loved her and would stay by her regardless, Threnody pushed Nate away by claiming that she never loved him, only the “taste” of his death energies. To save the man she loved, Threnody broke his heart, leaving a shattered Nate Grey behind as she disappeared once more into the night. After parting ways with Nate this final time, Threnody retrieved a bundle from her refuge which appeared to be a newborn child. The secrets of this child and its parentage along with the true nature of Threnody's pregnancy have not yet been revealed

  • Dap
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Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Generation X #53-54
Paladin informs Generation X that he was attacked in Madripoor by a group of young criminals called The Rising Sons. Apparently, Adrienne Frost had sent him there to retrieve a sword for her. The Generation X kids decide to go back with him, however Monet and Penance stay behind. Jubilee and Paladin get separated from the others and are approached by The Rising Sons and Noy, the man with the sword.


While battling, Viper sets her sights on the team and plans to pay them a visit. Finally they defeat the Rising Sons and bring back the sword to Adrienne, and we find out that she used that sword to kill her husband.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Generation X #55-56
Generation X wake to find that their regular uniforms have been replaced with the costumes of the Hellions, not to mention that when they look in a mirror, their reflection is replaced with that of one of the Hellions. Emma summons the students and she is wearing clothes she wore during her days as the Hellfire Club’s White Queen, and informs the students that an attempt has been made on her life and that at a party tonight the X-Men will be there to assist should anything happen. Jubilee realizes that Emma described the day that the Hellions died and convinces her somewhat skeptic teammates that they need to play along, for while the Hellions didn’t know they were about to die, Jubilee does know what is going to happen. At the party a battle starts between the “Hellions” and the X-Men. Jean Grey stops the battle and while the X-Men talk to Emma, until Trevor Fitzroy enters the Hellfire Club building. The X-Men and “Hellions” try to stop him, to no avail as he has an advanced weaponry system. When one of Archangel’s wing-blades bounces off Fitzroy and cuts Monet, she suddenly wakes up in the Danger Room of the Massachusetts Academy discovering that her wound is real, and unable to wake her teammates, she becomes concerned that they could die while trapped in the dream. After she can't find Emma and Adrienne she brings herself back to the alternate reality. Next thing they know they are fighting Sentinels. Emma enters the fake reality and looking at her younger self tells her that the death of the Hellions is not her fault as she did everything she could. Emma makes all the fake beings within the reality disappear before shattering it and everyone returns to the real world. Gathering themselves, they are greeted by the woman responsible for their near deaths – Adrienne Frost, calling herself the new White Queen! Adrienne informs Emma that she wanted her to suffer by the children’s deaths, but before Generation X can attack she disappears.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Generation X #57-58
During the school dance, Emplate shows up in a fury. They realize that he is just a diversion for he is in a very weakened state. Monet, Emma, Iceman, Synch and Chamber rush to see if Penance is okay, where they find her under attack by Emplate’s lackey D.O.A and three goons. They defeat the goons and bring Penance back to Proudstar Hall with them when they find Banshee, Jubilee, Husk and Skin under mental control of Emplate, they battle each other for some time until Proudstar Hall explodes with everyone inside. Thanks to Iceman constructing an ice dome, everyone survives, Emplate is injured as he was not in the dome, and Penance lies possibly dead – until everyone sees Nicole and Claudette are free from Penance and unharmed from the explosion. Later, Emplate is put on life support, while Emma, Sean and Tom wonder what to do about the lifeless Penance form. Husk and Tristan make out, while Iceman and Emma have an awkward moment concerning their feelings for each other. The Penance form wakes up and runs off into the night.


Banshee realizes Penance is gone and they find out she may have attacked someone in the woods, so they all search for her. Next they are attacked by a real Sasquatch – until Penance comes to their rescue, stopping the creature from harming anyone seriously. Banshee finds a soldier and they learn that the creature was being taken to Boston to be tested upon. Emma uses her telepathy to stop the soldier’s mission and Alpha Flight, including their own Sasquatch, are called in to deal with the real Sasquatch, while the mysterious new Penance returns to the Academy with everyone. Meanwhile, Monet’s father has come to the Academy after learning that his twin daughters Claudette and Nicole were freed from the Penance form, and that Marius / Emplate is on campus. Then he shocks her by telling her he is withdrawing her from the Massachusetts Academy.
  • Dap
Reactions: R=G


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Domino is captured by a man named Halloween Jack who is obsessed with her, but she easily manages to escape and calls SHIELD on him. Meanwhile, he INS reveals to Sunspot that they have images of him consorting with Reignfire, a known terrorist, and that he can face trial in the States or return to his own country voluntarily. Finally, Proudstar, Cannonball, Moonstar, Meltdown and Bedlam are taking some time out, discussing their missing teammates, unaware of the trouble Domino and Sunspot are in, when a strange voice announces that they are in need of Moonstar’s power and that the whole world depends on her.

Moonstar, Cannonball, Proudstar, Meltdown and Bedlam accompany two Eternals - Electryon and Astarte - to an island in the Pacific where they announce quantum disruptions are occurring and going to effect the world, and only Moonstar’s power can stop them. X-Force make their way to a temple and discover an alien device, which they believe is causing these quantum disruptions - but the device transforms Cannonball, Proudstar, Meltdown and Bedlam, leaving Moonstar the only one free - until Electryon and Astarte apparently steal her power, before knocking Moonstar down a shaft, where she wakes to find the mysterious being. He attacks her, before using his powers to learn all he can about her. He explains to Moonstar that her quantum energy is limitless, and with her powers returned, Moonstar rescues her teammates, and they find Electryon and Astarte who were informing X-Force’s enemy Odysseus Indigo that they have Moonstar’s power for him - until X-Force take the two Eternals down, and disrupt their ship, leaving them stranded on the island.


Meanwhile, Domino returns to San Francisco, only to learn that Sunspot is being deported. After Sunspot is driven to the airport by the INS, Domino decides to investigate this, as it doesn’t seem right, before a package arrives for Cannonball - from Genosha.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Alestaire arrives at the Hellhouse and meets up with Patch, who agrees to help him out after hearing Deadpool’s name. Deadpool reveals to Mercedes that after they got married, they bought an isolated house in the snow and lived happily together. Unfortunately, that all changed when they rescued an apparent stranger in danger, who turned out to be T-Ray. When a blizzard didn’t allow T-Ray to return home after being healed, he became insane and killed Mercedes with his bare hands, and Wade could only watch. Monty warns Wade he got a fax from the Hellhouse and he decides to pay a visit. However, the place has gone completely insane and all the mercenaries attack him. Luckily, Wade gets rescued by Patch, CF and Fenway and make it to Alestaire. Before they get some answers out of him, Alestaire is eaten by Patch’s cat, which has now turned into a demon. Wade fears for Mercedes’ safety and goes to check up on her, only to find Monty tied up and covered in green fog, with a note hanging on his body that the culprit and Wade will soon meet. Deadpool thinks it’s like he feared: T-Ray is back!


After finding an almost-dead Monty, Deadpool, Mercedes and Ilaney teleport to Landau, Luckman & Lake. There, he has a reunion with Zoe, who has her scientist take care of Monty. Zoe is upset at Wade and knocks him out, having further plans with him. Thanks to the aid of Wade’s equipment, an explosion takes place, which sets them free. Meanwhile, Zoe continues to take care of Monty, remembering what it was like working together with Wade during the Mithras Directive. On that very moment, Monty shows brain activity, and a viewing screen reveals his true feelings to Zoe. At the same time, Deadpool and his friends are in deep trouble, as LL&L security guards attack and have them outnumbered. Wade wants to strike a deal by agreeing to work for the company for the safety and mind wiping of Mercedes and Ilaney in return. Once Monty is recovered, Zoe knows what to do. She uses her Overboss gem to put the guards asleep, fires herself from being Overboss and ends the contract she has with LL&L. She and Monty want to live the rest of their lives together. They thank Wade for his help, and open a teleportation portal and step through it. Before leaving, Zoe also opens a portal for Wade and his friends so they can decide where to go from here. Mercedes suggests that, since they now have a second chance, she and Wade try to work things out without having to think about T-Ray. Wade agrees and, together with Mercedes and Ilaney, step through the portal. They arrive in Madrid, but something weird is happening. It’s snowing there. As they scout the area, Deadpool freaks out, as he finds an old enemy waiting for him… T-Ray!


As Deadpool starts to fight T-Ray memories start coming back in Mercedes’ mind. During the battle, T-Ray reveals past memories of what seems to be Wade and Mercedes rescuing a badly injured T-Ray from an ice-cold river and later being responsible for Mercedes’ death. T-Ray vanishes with Ilaney and Mercedes and everything turns black, separating them from Wade. T-Ray gives Ilaney the choice to freely leave right now, not thinking this is her fight. But Ilaney refuses to betray Deadpool like that, as he gave her life a meaning. That’s fine by T-Ray, who in return chooses to torture her, using his magic powers. Deadpool and T-Ray continue to fight each other, but T-Ray leaves Mercedes behind in a dungeon leaving a viewing globe so she can still witness everything. The two combatants battle on a beach, where T-Ray reveals that this is the same beach where Wade and Mercedes had their honeymoon. Mercedes remembers, but Wade apparently doesn’t recall any of it. In a next memory, T-Ray has Ilaney relive her worst memory, of her plane crashing down, but this time Mercedes’ parents are on board. However, Wade doesn’t even recognize them. Wade pushes himself and T-Ray out of the plane so Ilaney can try to bring it in safety. They arrive at the university where Wade and Mercedes met, during a philosophy class they shared. Mercedes remembers, but not Wade. T-Ray finds that to be very simple. He reveals that Wade doesn’t remember any of what he shows him because the memories do not belong to Wade, but instead… to T-Ray himself?! To explain what he means, T-Ray further reveals that it wasn’t him who was badly pulled out of that river, but… it was Deadpool!

T-Ray mentions that Deadpool is in fact a low-life mercenary called Jack, and not the man Wade Wilson. That identity belongs to T-Ray! He further reveals how Jack lost a mission and needed to change his identity. After being found by Wade Wilson and his wife, Mercedes, he researched their lives and decided to take over Wade’s identity after killing him. However, Jack failed and instead killed Mercedes. The real Wade, T-Ray, was approached by Jack’s former employers who wanted revenge on the merc. Feeling unsatisfied by their teachings, Wade became T-Ray and sought out teachers in Japan, who taught him how to use magic. He used it to bring Mercedes back to life to torture Deadpool, and to make him pay for what he did. He shows Deadpool all of the people he killed.


Deadpool laughs at the whole thing, claiming that might be all true but, despite all of it, he claims to be a different man today, trying to do good whenever he’s got the chance.


They start fighting but Mercedes stops them. She feels used and kicks her murderer. T-Ray gives her part of his magic to finish Deadpool off, but she refuses to become a monster like they are. Nonetheless, she chooses to leave Deadpool’s side and go rescue Ilaney from her living hell. She takes T-Ray with her, who allows Deadpool to continue use the Wade Wilson name. Deadpool gets one last surprise from T-Ray: he has to fight all of the people he killed in the past. They quickly outnumber him, but luckily Wade is rescued by Death. Death explains that the gods made him dead for only 99% and that he isn’t done suffering yet. It’s all part of his redemption file. Wade is dead for about thirty days, and she decides they take it to make some sweet love. Wade agrees, and they start making love in a beautiful grass field.



Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Gambit v3 #6-7 & Annual 1999
The Pig kidnapped the mind-sapping-gas-creating-boy Shirow from the Thieves Guild. Jean Luc calls in Gambit, who teams up with Zoe Ishihara to rescue the child, but they run into the Mengo Brothers and are knocked out and brought to The Pig. Gambit also remembers his first encounter with the Pig. When he was 15 years old, Remy tried to help his cousin through the guide tilling, but they were captured while stealing from Candra. The boys then were sold to the Pig and only escaped because of Gambit’s newly manifested mutant ability.


The boys jumped into the ocean, but Etienne drowned. Currently, The Pig plans to use the mind-sapping gas produced by the mutant body of little Shirow worldwide. Gambit and Zoe, prisoners in his base, break lose and rescue Shirow and other captive children while blowing up the base. The remainder of the gas is used on the Pig, who then is ordered to jump off a cliff and he falls to his death.

Meanwhile, Fontanelle is shown entering the dreams of a woman whose sister died years ago. The dead Mary Purcell seems connected to the green mist entity inside Gambit‘s body. Fontanelle also learns from Scalphunter’s dreams the nature of Gambit’s involvement in the Mutant Massacre and reports to the New Son that Gambit is innocent, because he did not know the Marauders true intention.

The green energy entity in Gambit’s body is revealed as the psionic form of Mary Purcell, a mutant girl, who died years ago in an explosion caused by her own powers. Xavier is able to separate her from Gambit, but angrily Mary renders all X-Men unconscious and then leaves with Gambit to her hometown. The X-Men search the base in Antarctica for clues, since Gambit must have picked up the green energy there. They find a video log : As energy Mary traveled around the world and even tried to take over Magneto, but he was able to capture the energy form instead and put it into a test tube to store later. Later Magneto posed as Eric the Red and held Gambit’s trial to cause some trouble among the X-Men. When he left he forgot about the green energy, which was then discovered by Gambit, whom the X-Men left behind in the frozen wastelands. Back in the United States, Mary wants Gambit to die, so that their energies came create a new bio-energetic life-form. The X-men arrive with devices to separate them and kill Mary, but as she helped him survive in Antarctica Gambit can’t allow this and blows up the device in midprocess. Afterwards the green energy woman has vanished and Gambit is back to normal. Gambit and Rogue visit her grave and make up.


Hate White People
Dec 26, 2012
Wolverine v2 #140-144
Wolverine and Nightcrawler go to a restaurant where they discussed recent events that happened in the X-Men’s lives. After Logan got into a fight there, Solo and Cardiac arrive to exact revenge on what Wolverine did to them a while ago.


After a brief tussle, Nightcrawler is able to intervene as the voice of reason and the battle is stopped. At the X-Mansion, Professor Xavier is giving Marrow a hard time when she storms out. Upon hearing what happened, Logan attempts to reconcile but Xavier tells him that he’s not a teacher; so do him a favor and continue playing his role and he’ll carry on doing his.

At the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Wolverine is visiting the members of Generation X and checking out their computer system. Suddenly Gateway transports he and Jubilee to Cable’s chateau in the Swiss Alps by Gateway. There, they find the cyborg by the name of Donald Pierce and they fight. Eventually, the battle makes its way outside, with Pierce having the upper-hand. Before he can finish off Wolverine, another cyborg by the name of Khyber appears. He proceeds to attack Pierce and orders his robotic minions to destroy the chateau.


Once safe from the wreckage, Khyber calls Wolverine by his true name, Logan, and tells him that, when he is done with the cyborg, they will settle up another time.

Next Wolverine has teamed up with Heather Hudson and Alpha Flight to rescue Guardian and his duplicate, now known as Vindicator - from the clutches of the A.I.M. They are unaware that Modok is keeping a very close eye on them. Wolverine gets separated from Alpha Flight, who are all then knocked unconscious by some gas, and captured by the A.I.M. Wolverine makes his way through the complex and comes to a lab where Guardian and Vindicator are being held, and. Wolverine kills everyone in the lab, before setting about trying to wake Mac up. Modok oversees his servants as they chain up Heather and Alpha Flight, before learning that Wolverine has made it to the lower levels and has found Guardian. Modok is furious, before revealing his secret weapon that Wolverine will have no chance against - Garrison Kane a.k.a. Weapon X!


Wolverine, Guardian and Vindicator make their way through the lab to find Alpha Flight and get out, they stumble across an unused lab where they are shocked to see Snowbird, suspended in a tank. Guardian recalls that Snowbird’s death was one of Alpha Flight’s greatest tragedies, but doesn’t understand how she could be here.


As they are about to get Snowbird out of the tank, Weapon X shows up. He and Wolverine fight each other, each claiming to be better then the other, when Wolverine throws him into the tank, shattering it, and freeing Snowbird. After Vindicator helps knock Kane out, Guardian grabs Snowbird and they leave. Modok reveals that he has been reading Heather’s thoughts, and boasts that they are all going to die. Wolverine makes his presence known, and starts tearing through the A.I.M. operatives. He is joined by a giant A.I.M. android, and after Alpha Flight are freed they too join in. Modok uses his powers to disable the android, and it catches on fire. Guardian, who still has Snowbird, reveals that Vindicator is in the android and that they have to help him, but as Modok and his few surviving followers make their exit, Wolverine suggests that they have to go also, as the android is going to explode - and it does, with Vindicator still inside.