To add a bit more to my previous post. I specifically highlighted 7-Eleven, Starbucks, and other big establishments because you have a large percentage of the population who won't even trust a small company such as Jose's Bodega because the name is not out there. I live in Lexington right now and what is it that we see all around? Starbucks, Chili's, McDonald's, Burger King, Papa John's, Walgreens, Walmart, Target, Meijer, Gamestop, and other big chains. WHY? I have had longtime residents here flat out tell me that they don't see how so many people in New York can just trust some person selling sandwiches, hot dogs, and other things in a corner...their whole mentality is still based on the fact that if I had an option to order a whole pizza from Papa John's over Liquid's Pizza Shop...they will always go to Papa Johns because its established and has a somewhat solid reputation. They won't even give me a chance unless I have to put it at a DEEP discount which I might not be in a position to do.
Go to the rougher spots? More of the local/family owned spots start showing up...they have no clue on what a community is. They look at a small establishment with a perception that if they don't have a big name in the city then its something that they are either not doing right or just not as good as the big chains. THAT is what made NYC unique and that is being fact I heard a couple of days ago people crying foul for 7-Eleven being opened somewhere near midtown...folks like @She Agree That I'm Looney just won't understand. Do you know why Bank of America sticks out like a sore thumb on 171st street over the Banco Popular that was there before? Do you think that the local Pharmacy which is owned by a local resident is going to be able to fork up the kinda cash that can be earned by a place like Walgreens?
Do you think people in Lexington would go to @NYC Rebel and his hair loss center for black men? Or would they go to a spot that is backed by Supercuts that claims to help with hair loss for black men? Think about that...that's what NYC is losing and it fukking sucks.
edit: Actually, I take some of that bolded back. We as minorities are a little more open to local spots even out here, but still have some people look at spots like that with the

face on.