I put it in quotes because it seems like the only metric of interaction you deem valid is seeing people hanging out on the corner together. .
I made SURE not to say "the corner" because of the negative attributes I knew you'd reach for. Yet, you couldn't help yourself.
I'm sorry, but these newbies don't hang out with people around the way and stay to themselves. That doesn't solely comprise of hanging out on the corner, but hey....who didn't know you'd go "there"?
I tell you new folks have tried to interact with the old folks and at times been met with animosity, you invalidate all anecdotes but your own. "I never had a problem, therefore there must be no problem". I want to meet the person or see the certificate that ordains you the spokesperson of all things BK
I asked you who are you speaking for?
I gave an example of MY experience at 95 South, visiting there twice, being just as much a stranger to the people there as any of the people you're speaking about and met no animosity. So
again, who are you speaking for and their experiences at 95 South?
Ask most people around the way and they'll tell you that these newbies keep it moving or walk in tiny little packs amongst themselves. I'm not patron saint of BK, but don't front like you spent your time in BK trying to get to know your neighbors beyond having your bike taken.
Not to mention all the crime + violence, often directed at the very folks you are looking to demonize
Prospect Heights, NY Patch
So to a degree keeping to one's self is in one's interest
Hold up. So it didn't count when it was happening at a worse degree when I lived there, now that a few are facing a minutia of that experience, they and they alone are the ones "often" victims of crimes out in "Prospect Heights?"
Underhill has been dangerous before a newbie stepped foot there. Just because these thugs have proven to be equal opportunity criminals, why is it that it didn't effect the communal spirit people had amongst each other when I was there compared to now? shyt...most of the victims in that link you sent are of the locals, not the newbies!!
You're making excuses for them staying to themselves.
The idea that someone would move into a neighborhood of high crime and any kind of level of resentment for them given a choice to live elsewhere is ridiculous. The folks you see as outsiders are in these neighborhoods because they have no choice.
The resentment is a byproduct of their isolation and keeping to themselves, period. I was with my wife at a sports bar in BK this past Sunday, and my boy Marlon happened to be there with a bunch of his new neighbors. The only ink spot amongst them. Why is it that its never the other way around where some newbie decides to chill with the locals? It's always us that expected to chill with them which we're good for but its NEVER the other way around. Oh yeah....all the locals reflect the type of niqqas that stole your bike. So that justifies keeping to themselves as you've advocated.