my keto diet brehs n brehettes


Mar 18, 2013
Sorry @beanz but this thread represents everything I hate about diet and nutrition ans your most recent story was an inevitable outcome. Stopped myself from being negative in this thread multiple times because I didnt want to fukk with the W's you were catching

Point blank....keto fukking sucks. It works, but so does every single diet in existence. It provides no special metabolic advantage over an equal calorie carb filled diet. The reason it sucks is the exact reason you are down on yourself right now....because diet success is determined by long term adherence, not by structure.

You rebound binged. It was inevitable.

The good news is, no short term failure is a reason to give up. Minimal damage can be done. Most of your weight gain is probably water. I doubt you gained more than a few pounds of actual fat unless you arent being forthcoming with the true extent of your cheating.

You need to reevaluate you idea of what a diet has to be. A diet should not be a set of restrictive rules doomed for eventual failure
Keto diets are for people seeking a deep cut six pack and trying to manipulate their hormones. Its not for obese people.

Restrict your portions. Eat filling foods like hard boiled eggs, fat free greek yogurt, old fashioned oatmeal, lean meat, and veggies. Sprinkle delcacies and comfort foods here and there, but try and limit portions and try and keep it to 10% of your overall food intake.

10 small good choices add up to a major difference. Always try to make a good choice every time you eat (leave out a bun....get a kid sized popcorn at the theater....skip the baked potato toppings and eat it plain.....only grab a small handful of chips instead of taking the bag with you to eat out of....etc, etc)

I wanted to try something different. I made alot of progress and I liked the fact I was hardly ever hungry because I have a huge appetite. Anything that curbs that is worth a shot because even when I'm eating a regular healthy diet, I get these cravings that end up controlling me. With the keto I never felt any cravings or like binging. I was having a hard time just keeping up with the recommended fat and going above 2000 cals. My myfitnesspal has 18 straight days logged in below 2500 cals :damn:.

But i know what u saying. I'm just getting a little desperate to drop this weight.


In and out
Oct 6, 2012
We already discussed in the beginning of the thread that it isn't a maintenance diet, and that the water weight comes on at first cheat. We discussed cycles of keto to help get to the goal, and that maintenance becomes easier afterwards cause the sugar cravings aren't as crazy.

I would disagree and feel that it can provide an advantage to many, especially in regards to brain health, autoimmune disorders, insulin resistance, and especially, hunger pains. That covers a large percent of Americans, not just body builders and hormone adjusters. High fat well sourced diets are really good for a lot of vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, so even a few rounds have the ability for the body to absorb more nutrients. We know that most obese folks are over fed but under nourished.You also preserve more muscle mass on low carb and keto diets than just a calorie restriction diet. Is it feasible for months at a time with no breaks? Not for most, but cycles are great.

I don't feel like @beanz rebound binged (y'all don't know what a real binge is), and like you, I agree that he probably didn't gain much body fat from his few cheats. Going off the S.A.D. no matter what alternate you choose, is mentally tough during the holidays. I really doubt most folks will skip a Dominican thanksgiving buffet to eat yogurt, hard boiled eggs and oatmeal, Breh. This aspect of behavior modification is a mental game.


Mar 18, 2013
We already discussed in the beginning of the thread that it isn't a maintenance diet, and that the water weight comes on at first cheat. We discussed cycles of keto to help get to the goal, and that maintenance becomes easier afterwards cause the sugar cravings aren't as crazy.

I would disagree and feel that it can provide an advantage to many, especially in regards to brain health, autoimmune disorders, insulin resistance, and especially, hunger pains. That covers a large percent of Americans, not just body builders and hormone adjusters. High fat well sourced diets are really good for a lot of vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, so even a few rounds have the ability for the body to absorb more nutrients. We know that most obese folks are over fed but under nourished.You also preserve more muscle mass on low carb and keto diets than just a calorie restriction diet. Is it feasible for months at a time with no breaks? Not for most, but cycles are great.

I don't feel like @beanz rebound binged (y'all don't know what a real binge is), and like you, I agree that he probably didn't gain much body fat from his few cheats. Going off the S.A.D. no matter what alternate you choose, is mentally tough during the holidays. I really doubt most folks will skip a Dominican thanksgiving buffet to eat yogurt, hard boiled eggs and oatmeal, Breh. This aspect of behavior modification is a mental game.

Definitely mental. I never got a craving or binged during those few weeks on it(only the sancocho slip up but it wasn't relatively that bad), but as soon as I was face to face with that table I couldn't help myself. If i had stayed home on Thanksgiving with my spinach and steak I would have been fine. Seeing it just makes me lose control tho. My first plate was dark meat with lettuce and cabbage :russ: but it was too tough to pass on all that other goodness. Especially after a few drinks with the cousins.


In and out
Oct 6, 2012
When I get a deep ass craving, I just succumb to it, enjoy it and move on. Maintenance mode: For a while there, I craved Nutella crepes every weekend, so I let myself do it until that last crepe just didn't taste as good as it used to, so it was easy to let go after that. I'll gain some negligible pounds here and there, but it doesn't result in some big failure for months. The worst way to approach weight loss is an all or nothing way.

Just for inspo, here's some food pics of mine. As you can see, it is flavor heavy.
North African stew, Thai and Indian curries, gumbo, roasted dark meats, coconut and nut covered fish, mashed cauliflower (for when you're craving potatoes), cabbage, bacon, guacamole, ground lamb, chicken feet, coconut everything, ice cream, coco crack bars, and of course, grass fed butter

I basically learn to make a low carb version of what I like (or pinterest it), and then add in a bunch of butter or coconut oil sauces. My portions are small to moderate and filling as fukk cause of the fats.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
Definitely mental. I never got a craving or binged during those few weeks on it(only the sancocho slip up but it wasn't relatively that bad), but as soon as I was face to face with that table I couldn't help myself. If i had stayed home on Thanksgiving with my spinach and steak I would have been fine. Seeing it just makes me lose control tho. My first plate was dark meat with lettuce and cabbage :russ: but it was too tough to pass on all that other goodness. Especially after a few drinks with the cousins.
That's his point. You are so constricted this early on that being in front of the food triggered what what happened.

The long term goal should be that you have a flexible enough diet where foods like that are normal or if you do go in the overall impact is minimal the next day. It's a long process and for where you are keto is the deep end of the pool.

My struggles around here are well known but as much as I have battled and experimented the I have my body to a point where one day almost isn't noticeable the next morning. I'm not saying I look great but the bloat and everything else is fairly minimal. For example the Tueaday before Thanksgiving I ate hella carbs that night. The next morning I looked and felt generally the same. I ate normal on Thanksgiving which for me is mostly protein, fat and carbs from veggies. I lost three pounds that week.

I'm rambling but the point is that eventually you find a path that allows you have things in moderation so the cravings aren't killer and/or when you do eat a lot the impact is a setback.

@Adam3000 and @HoustonHeat both have valid points. Keto can work but it doesn't seem optimal for you right now.


Mar 18, 2013
@Adam3000 @HoustonHeat @The ADD

i really appreciate all the input guys for real. right now im just eating ok and trying to do as much cardio as i can on days i dont train. i weighed myself last night just to get an idea of how much i gained even tho i usually just weigh myself friday mornings when i wake up. i was at 276 last night which i guess isnt bad considering it was in the evening after dinner. ima ride it out just eating as well as i can until after the holidays and then ima give keto another try but i wont OD in the beginning like i did before. somebody suggested a paleo diet which he says is a less constrictive low carb diet.

any of u have experience with that before? ima research it today but i just got into work. any input u guys have is appreciated.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
Paleo diet, consistently ranked among the worst diets in the world for the same reason that keto is so is highly restrictive and difficult to adhere to long term. It is a cult diet, just like keto

There is a reason that many Paleo followers actually do 'modified' Paleo diets which I prefer to call 'not Paleo diets':lolbron:......but the cult is so deep and the marketing is so deep that the P word still is used

Honestly I hate all 'labeled' diets for the simple reason that they rely on rules rather than education. When you find yourself in a tough spot, you are forced to break a rule which is mentally damaging. Education on the other hand can get your mental game in check and help you understand what that tough spot is doing to your body and how you can minimize the effects.

But you do what you gotta do. If you TRULY want it, you will succeed because the HOW part of it is less, move more.


Mar 18, 2013
Paleo diet, consistently ranked among the worst diets in the world for the same reason that keto is so is highly restrictive and difficult to adhere to long term. It is a cult diet, just like keto

There is a reason that many Paleo followers actually do 'modified' Paleo diets which I prefer to call 'not Paleo diets':lolbron:......but the cult is so deep and the marketing is so deep that the P word still is used

Honestly I hate all 'labeled' diets for the simple reason that they rely on rules rather than education. When you find yourself in a tough spot, you are forced to break a rule which is mentally damaging. Education on the other hand can get your mental game in check and help you understand what that tough spot is doing to your body and how you can minimize the effects.

But you do what you gotta do. If you TRULY want it, you will succeed because the HOW part of it is less, move more.

because i lost so much in so little time, and i actually stuck with it minus a few bad days, ima give the keto another shot in january. even if its just for 3 months, if i can drop 35 lbs it will be a huge help going forward. i get what u are saying tho, but since it actually did work im gonna do it again n go from there.
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA
because i lost so much in so little time, and i actually stuck with it minus a few bad days, ima give the keto another shot in january. even if its just for 3 months, if i can drop 35 lbs it will be a huge help going forward. i get what u are saying tho, but since it actually did work im gonna do it again n go from there.

Let me drop the post I was about to make anyway, even though you have made up your mind:

Time and research have shown that there is a perfect diet. There is only one perfect diet. That diet is called "whatever one you stick to"

The structure and rules are a nearly irrelevant secondary item. The #1 thing that matters is adherence to the diet

For me personally, there is not a single diet on Earth that promotes eating candy, and therefore there is not a single diet on Earth that I will adhere to. I love candy. It then follows that I hate diets. For this reason, I have chosen the path of calorie counting which I find to be incredibly easy and quick and it removes all the stress from weight management. I eat whatever types of foods I want and the only thing I avoid are 'mystery' dishes that could potentially have far more calories than I can safely estimate (shyt like fettucine alfredo). I have my weight down to a science. I'm not trying to convince you of any correct way of doing things, I'm just saying what I personally do and why i do it.

All that being said, perhaps you should give an overview of a large variety of structured diets and see if any of them appeal to you for long term use. Every single one of these from the top to the bottom will work as long as they are adhered to:

Also, let me give a big recommendation to Lyle McDonald's e-book "A Guide To Flexible Dieting". Lyle McDonald wrote the be-all-end-all book on Keto diets so you may be interested in what he has to say. I have taken the liberty to upload a copy of the book for you.


Mar 18, 2013

Let me drop the post I was about to make anyway, even though you have made up your mind:

Time and research have shown that there is a perfect diet. There is only one perfect diet. That diet is called "whatever one you stick to"

The structure and rules are a nearly irrelevant secondary item. The #1 thing that matters is adherence to the diet

For me personally, there is not a single diet on Earth that promotes eating candy, and therefore there is not a single diet on Earth that I will adhere to. I love candy. It then follows that I hate diets. For this reason, I have chosen the path of calorie counting which I find to be incredibly easy and quick and it removes all the stress from weight management. I eat whatever types of foods I want and the only thing I avoid are 'mystery' dishes that could potentially have far more calories than I can safely estimate (shyt like fettucine alfredo). I have my weight down to a science. I'm not trying to convince you of any correct way of doing things, I'm just saying what I personally do and why i do it.

All that being said, perhaps you should give an overview of a large variety of structured diets and see if any of them appeal to you for long term use. Every single one of these from the top to the bottom will work as long as they are adhered to:

Also, let me give a big recommendation to Lyle McDonald's e-book "A Guide To Flexible Dieting". Lyle McDonald wrote the be-all-end-all book on Keto diets so you may be interested in what he has to say. I have taken the liberty to upload a copy of the book for you.

thanks for the upload breh ima download that now.


Old Master
May 11, 2012
I'm with @Adam3000 on this even though you made up your mind.

Personal opinion is that you aren't looking at this long term enough. Lose 35 being restrictive and then what?

To me keto, low carb, etc are methods to solve acute health issues, make the final steps towards being lean or maximize training. At your weight losing can be consistent and optimal without going those routes.

I lost the bulk of my weight not on those types of diets and have struggled more (until recently) trying to adhere to those types of methods.


Mar 18, 2013
Personal opinion is that you aren't looking at this long term enough. Lose 35 being restrictive and then what?

i would say u are right on that. impatience is a problem of mine. i enjoy seeing the fast results i achieved when i first went on a weight loss journey 5 years ago. i started at 340 in february and by september i was at 280 and it was awesome to see my big clothes be loose on me. i want to feel that again but doing the shyt i did back then doesnt seem to be working as well now that im trying to drop from the 280s. maybe cause im a little older(31 now compared to 26 then). now it seems like doing the same things hardly budge me at all. last summer i did it for a few weeks and i lost like 5 lbs and it was frustrating. to see nearly 15 come off in 18 days was :whew:.

to be fair, my working out intensity wasnt the same in the summer because my back was still a little fukked up so i wasnt running as much, but i restricted my diet enough that i should have lost weight anyway. the bjj helps, but idk i gotta figure something out with my diet. my appetite is just monstrous. i pretty much feel like i have an eating disorder at times. for example saturday at my anniversary dinner, i felt full halfway thru, but i just couldnt stop. its like the site of food on my plate bothers me and i have to wipe it clean. i really enjoyed the fact that on the keto that did not happen as long as i stayed home. even at work i would order a burger and throw out the bun! and i love bread.

it is restrictive, but it seems to be right for me in a couple of ways. but ill see what happens this month on a regular diet and working out.

Arianne Martell

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
Jan 22, 2014
House Martell #SnakeGang #Targset

so i guess im hitting my first rocky patch. friday's weigh in i was back at 274 for some reason. then saturday night my mother made sancocho, which is a carb laden stew that she rarely makes but i love. i had 4 bowls during the course of the night :mjcry:.

yesterday i did good, but i guess eating all those carbs on saturday fukked me up, cause today im hungry as fukk. i havent eaten any carbs, but i been eating too much so far today and its not even 9am yet. ate like 4 slices of cheese, 2 string cheese sticks, like 5 strips of bacon, and some pork rinds i was saving. n im still feeling like a ravenous pregnant woman.

:shaq2: ima push thru tho and hopefully get myself back in ketosis if im out of it.

:mjcry: i suck

thanksgiving started off ok, but after a couple cups of henny and a couple of coronas (light), i went back for another plate with no carb considerations.

friday i did good. only carbs i really had were a few onion rings from my wife's plate at a diner. i ate a chicken salad.

saturday was our 1st anniversary. we went to a dominican restaurant called mamajuanas. i had a dish that came with a lot of steak, chorizo, and chicken. but it also came with tostones (fried plantains) which i said i wouldnt touch. bullshyt :mjcry: i ate like 8 of them. then the restaurant surprised us with an anniversary dessert on the house. it was some kind of cake either flan or tres leches im not sure. ate half of that too.

yesterday i was ok too but i know im so far out of ketosis it doesnt matter now.

fukk me and my self control :upsetfavre: ima have to start from scratch.


gotdamn everytime!!! :damn:


Mar 18, 2013

gotdamn everytime!!! :damn:

My self control is my biggest weakness when it comes to food. I literally asked my mother to stop making locrio back when I 1st lost weight. That's the killer right there. I would eat the whole pot if they let me.

Locrio de costillitas :mjcry: I want some now.