My homie asked his girl to sign a pre-nup. She said no


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
SEE HERE, dont listen to these kinds of posts above. listen to that ego bravado speak. there is no place for that in a marriage. and no you dont NEED that to be ...... MAN. thats the nonsense that be getting us dudes caught up once we do get married. trying to prove to yourself, your homeboys(like yall sleepin together or something) that you still got it. that EGO,Bravado talking to you. PRIDE will kill a marriage in a minute. now you're more worried about looking like a sucker to some DUDE then you are about some chick you say you LOVE to death. yall dudes just might be :wrist:

notice what i said in the previous post. LOVE dont make you blind. take a look. does she look like the type that would do something to blow the relationship? you should know. you know her. and if you dont KNOW HER. GET to know her before yall skip down that AISLE. it may take months, years. whats the rush? yalls going to be together forever anyway once yall do get hitched. i have never once met a dude or known a dude that ran into a broad and married her. and she took him for his loot. without him even suspecting she was a digger, or spiteful, or selfish type of chick. he knew going in what he was dealing with. so of course when things get crazy she's going to be the worse kind of her she could be and vice versa. but again HE knew that going in. no one said marry the chick anyway.

if you have a selfish spiteful chick on your hand. DONT MARRY HER. atleast until she gets rid of those last two character flaws. you can help her work on them. but dont yall walk down that aisle until she has those two under control. aint no room in a marriage for selfishness and spiteful behavior.
i don't give a fukk how long you've known a person you don't know their inner most thoughts and the worst they're capable of doing to another human being. on top of that as life goes on people change, evolve, and adapt. the woman you married 5 years ago might turn into a totally different person in that span mentally.

marriage is luck like winning the lottery is luck. you take the chance and let the dice fall where they may. there's no real prep work you can do to know where' you'll bee 10 years after you walk down the aisle and anybody that tells you otherwise is full of shyt.

and relationships between males and females boil down to power. honestly i believe subconsciously a woman doesn't wanna be with a man she can control. if you show her that she can control you or make a power play on you she loses respect for you gradually or maybe even drastically.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
lol@she's 'on her grind' and 'going to med school', aka she's not making all that much money herself and is about to rack up a dumptruck of debt. It'll be fun times for him if she cheats or gets bored, leaves that marriage and leaves him with that debt while taking off with what he has.
Men keep on getting hustled because of a woman 'getting offended.' What in the world does she have a right to get offended about? What is offensive about the woman taking her stuff and the man taking his stuff in the case they separate? But negroes are vagina slaves and absolutely just must appease the woman and let her flip the script, talking about well you must not trust me or you are assuming the marriage will fail from the get go. That is some of the dumbest stuff I've ever heard. I guess she doesn't plan on getting health insurance because that will directly contribute to her getting sick in the future. She must not have car insurance because getting car insurance means she will definitely get in a wreck in the future and she isn't trusting her own driving skills. Does that make any sense?

Let's be real. IF a woman decided to marry a man and she made significantly more money, she will slide him that pre-nup at lightning speed, but realistically speaking, more often than not women do NOT marry men who make less than them.

Dudes aren't listening these days breh. Too much "but but but but thats my queen, I don't deserve her" nonsense going on. Roll a no-prenup wanting strump into the foliage like shes a bowling ball. :mjpls:


May 2, 2012
Also where in the world do negroes get teh impression that pre-nups are only to protect the rich? If you are making middling money, getting taking for half hurts you MORE on top of having to dish out those crazy alimony payments and child support. If you are making something like $70,000 a year and you get divorced, she ends up with the house, but you end up being forced to pay the mortgage, she gets half of the savings, you have to pay child support, you have to pay alimony, etc., that will TEAR YOU UP because you will essentially be living like a pauper after it is said and done. Your future live is ultimately left up to the whims of your wife and how vindictive she decides to be in the event of a marriage. That ain't the place to be.

Thats why I :rudy: everytime I hear some moron say that. A millionaire will live after a divorce. A nikka making 60k gonna be contemplating suicide.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Thats why I :rudy: everytime I hear some moron say that. A millionaire will live after a divorce. A nikka making 60k gonna be contemplating suicide.
a millionaire or a multimillionaire? most millionaires are people with modest incomes that managed their money right for years and have a net worth of over one million but under two million dollars. ie they aren't rich per-say but they're doing very well.

now if a multimillionaire gets divorced he'll live. if a millionaire gets divorced they'll probably never become a millionaire again in life.


May 6, 2012
Thats why I :rudy: everytime I hear some moron say that. A millionaire will live after a divorce. A nikka making 60k gonna be contemplating suicide.

A nikka making 60K should marry a woman making 60K or more. If you're making 60K and supporting a stay at home mom or a broad who works at the grocery store you deserve to get got.

Any dude that you know who's had a terrible divorce...I bet you he made a lot more than his wife and probably put down for the house while she put down nothing.
May 3, 2012
Everyone is entitled to protect what's theirs, so this is simple for me. Sign a prenup, because if you were making more than me and had more assets than me I would do the same :manny:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The thing is when it comes down to it you don't know what someone else will do, what disagreements you and the woman will have as the relationship progresses, etc., unless you have the ability to predict the future. You don't even necessarily know the direction YOU will grow in. It could be her fault or it could be your fault if the marriage ends. Who knows? Ultimately, the problem is that the legal system is so slanted that one party will definitely be getting the short end of the stick in the EVENT that a separation occurs, and thus it makes common sense . I fail to see why a supplemental document based upon the contingency of a divorce occuring is a bad thing. How does a prenuptial, in any realistic manner, contribute to a divorce? In fact, it can help legitimize more marriages by helping to remove those who would get married under false pretenses, ie money instead of love.

If you buy a brand new I Phone or an expensive Samsung television, it'd be wise to get insurance. Would buying insurance for that television mean you're expecting it to definitely break down? No. If you expected it to definitely break down, you wouldn't have bought that television in the first place. However, knowing that in life, anything can happen, you get that insurance in the EVENT that a break-down may happen. The same thing with a prenup. It's like saying I never wear a seat belt because that would be showing that I don't trust my own driving skills.

I fail to see how prenups contribute towards marriages failing and I fail to see what is offensive about them. What in the world is offensive about stating in legal terms that I keep the things I had PRIOR to marrying you and you keep the things you had IF the marriage fails? A prenup is a document that only comes into play IF the marriage fails, not when it fails.


May 6, 2012
SEE HERE, dont listen to these kinds of posts above. listen to that ego bravado speak. there is no place for that in a marriage. and no you dont NEED that to be ...... MAN. thats the nonsense that be getting us dudes caught up once we do get married. trying to prove to yourself, your homeboys(like yall sleepin together or something) that you still got it. that EGO,Bravado talking to you. PRIDE will kill a marriage in a minute. now you're more worried about looking like a sucker to some DUDE then you are about some chick you say you LOVE to death. yall dudes just might be :wrist:

notice what i said in the previous post. LOVE dont make you blind. take a look. does she look like the type that would do something to blow the relationship? you should know. you know her. and if you dont KNOW HER. GET to know her before yall skip down that AISLE. it may take months, years. whats the rush? yalls going to be together forever anyway once yall do get hitched. i have never once met a dude or known a dude that ran into a broad and married her. and she took him for his loot. without him even suspecting she was a digger, or spiteful, or selfish type of chick. he knew going in what he was dealing with. so of course when things get crazy she's going to be the worse kind of her she could be and vice versa. but again HE knew that going in. no one said marry the chick anyway.

if you have a selfish spiteful chick on your hand. DONT MARRY HER. atleast until she gets rid of those last two character flaws. you can help her work on them. but dont yall walk down that aisle until she has those two under control. aint no room in a marriage for selfishness and spiteful behavior.
fukk what your homies think. i'm talking about looking like a sucker in her eyes. once she loses respect for you, you think the love you talk about will remain the same on her part? that's why i specifically said, if you're gonna bring up a prenup you better not back down once the words come out of your mouth. if dude wasn't ready for the outcome of her saying "i'm not signing shyt" he should never even have brought up a prenup in the first place. cause now if he backs down he's already demonstrating that he'll backdown from stuff that he considers important. fukk ego, we're talking about something much more important. we're talking about principle.

T'Kuvma Da Unforgettable

My Wallabies attract bowlegged b1tches
Jun 23, 2012
How you date a woman for that long and prenup never comes up til the wedding is around the corner?

My black brothers keep disappointing me


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
It's not about how much you make as much as it is how you manage it. If you make 60k a year with a paid off car and or house with no kids you can pretty much bank your checks and live better than people that make 89-90k and have a car note mortgage and child support or whatever.

This is nonsense.
The best solution to this problem is for your homeboy to marry her when she finishes school and has job.

Then he wouldnt have to worry about a prenup

Quoted for emphasis
a millionaire or a multimillionaire? most millionaires are people with modest incomes that managed their money right for years and have a net worth of over one million but under two million dollars. ie they aren't rich per-say but they're doing very well.

now if a multimillionaire gets divorced he'll live. if a millionaire gets divorced they'll probably never become a millionaire again in life.



May 2, 2012
now that I recall my ex manger from red wing shoes went through a divorce before he became a manager there.
he used to be a manager at a furniture store and one day his wife told him she was cheating on him and she was divorcing him.
dude ended up having to sell his motorcycle, Corvette, to get a good divorce lawyer.
he ended up keeping the house they were renting out but his wife got the condo they had. and he got both his kids his wife didn't want the kids cause she was too busy with her new not friend.
skip to 2 yrs later and he gets summoned for court. his ex wife misses the kids and she wants full custody now and child support. she even hired a private detective to record video of how long he left the kids at the house alone to prove he was a bad father.

the good news is he won and gets child support from her now.
but man that guy would always bring up how much he lost from that divorce anytime we talked about women in the store

sent from my phone nikka....


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
I agree. If a man truly has something to protect that I didn't help him get then more power to him. However, it is always the most broke negroes talking about losing half. :why: A few thousand dollars in the bank isn't shyt.

that actually makes sense, because a broke n!gga has alot to lose...I mean he's already broke :whatyouthinkthisis:

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
She's playing a game of chicken with him. She knows that there's a nice cushy safety net waiting for her if she leaves him and he's banking comfortably. Especially if she chooses to not work and just stay at home with the kids. She's not going to want to ruin that, even if she loves him now. He's got the power now. Tell him to call that very obvious bluff. If a woman gets a marriage proposal she gets egg on her face and that's why she's so freaked out by the idea of having to sign a prenuptial agreement.


All Star
Jul 29, 2012
there's no such thing "she will never do that" thats foolish thinking. but going into it thinking about all the ways you have to protect yourself = SELFISH. SELFISH and marriage do not go hand in hand.

now you want to right up a prenupt that makes sense.

throw in a few clauses.

IF i cheat on you, you get 90%
If you cheat on me, I get whatever you have even if its half of your paycheck until you leave this earth.

If you decide to just up and leave just cause you're sick of me(not an excuse to divorce anyone). fine, just make sure you hand over 50%.

now tell me how many people would get divorced with this in place?

are yall down for that kind of prenupt? that cuts out "she's a good girl she wouldnt do that." or "he was a church boy, i never thought he would do me like this."
:wtf: What the fukk did I just read? :what: