My homie asked his girl to sign a pre-nup. She said no

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
this doesnt make much sense to me...simply because arent all prenups signed under duress? isnt that always the leverage one would hold over another..."if you cant agree to the prenup then we cant get married"

I only said that cuz I've seen it happen in many divorce cases. When a lawyer uses duress that means it was signed under severe pressure meaning the situation I originally quoted. Forcing her to sign it the day of or a few days before the wedding. Me personally, if you sign it you sign it, but the court uses that bullshyt to give the woman the upper hand.

TrapHouse Rock

All Star
Jul 29, 2012
fyi, he can be liable for the debt she accrues trying to get into med school or while in med school. so i think its decent idea for him to get a prenup

i know because i'm in med school, it happens when divorces start getting ugly and shyt. you never know how people are and shyt. i'm always surprised by med students who don't get the concept of a pre-nup.

marriage isnt the most important thing to everyone, if it fails it fails, but we don't want it to drag down other parts of our lives. getting a pre-nup seems logical to me. my career and what i accomplish as a person has been and always will be more important than my family and personal life. doesn't mean i don't give a relationship 100%


breh random as fukk and from and old thread i had the tab open for, but how ya like med school
Jul 6, 2012

Now he's at a stalemate. Dude just wants to protect the property that he owned before they get married.

She's playing the "You're predicting us to fail! Do I seem like the type of woman to do you dirty?!?" card and refusing to sign.

Any advice for this brother. He's a good dude too. and I know he loves her dearly. She's a good girl as well and not the gold-digging type but she's stuck on the perception of the whole thing.

I told him to flip it on her and say "If we don't work out then you got nothin to worry about baby."

It's lookin like he's gonna have to just let it go and get married or make a point and break-up.

They both feel VERY STRONG about this. I told him if he gives up now he's taking the first L of his marriage and its a sign of things to come.

I'm just glad it aint me bruhs. :whew::whew:

But if it was me I'd call her bluff and cancel the wedding. The embarassment a woman gets from a cancelled engagement >>>> a mans.

I want them to work out tho. We need more black love. :damn:

Stephen Jackson already provided the right steps to take when a chick refuses to sign a pre-nup...

Find another woman who will...Any girl who refuses to sign, is definitely trying to do you dirty...

You were a seatbelt because it could save your life in case of an accident, not because you want to be a reckless driver...So her argument is moot...