Met my dog working IT in DC in 2007. Cool , hardworking Bmore dude. Works IT and has a union job at the Baltimore Harbor. Just one of them good dudes that tried to do things the right way. College, good career, wife, house, kids. In the early days I could see things weren't right. I've posted about him on her before, but he would work 12 hours a day and would come home to an unemployed wife with no meal prepared. On top of that she was rationing out sex. To me, that's major disrespect. He help get her a Top Secret clearance and Lifestyle poly. They're banking, but she just keep getting worse. Fast forward to 2023, after years of complaining, his wife finally drops the divorce papers on him. He already pays for most of everything. Mortgage and 2 kids in private school. My boy making around 180k a year. He moves back in with his parents, gets a lawyer (5k retainer) + a few thousands every other month. After the lawyers do a financial colonoscopy on both of them. He finds out she's been saving (30k+) while his spending all his money on the kids and trips and upgrading their home. After a year an a half of depression and misery ( suicidal a one point). Plus kids shytting on him. It was settled.
1.Wife gets the house (she has to refinance and give him the equity out of the home) He has to pay her closing cost and tax.
Got the house for 315k in 2017, now it's work 450k. Says some how he's only getting about 20k.

2. Plus pay 1700$ monthly child support and pay the kids private school I think is around 6k a year.
My other boy i met in 3rd grade, been cool since. I was in his wedding in 2017. He's in Dallas. Wife always rubbed me the wrong way and she doesnt like me. Bcuz she known my ex, who's finer and 14 years young than us. I've never said anything to him bcuz he doesn't speak much on his marriage to me. His wife is a successful career woman, makes more than him. He recently opened up about how they're deciding if they want to stay together or not. He doesnt seem to want to talk much but he called her a b:tch...