With all the stress I have deal with in world why the fukk should I deal with stress, in an area that’s supposed to be the safest area of my life? The shyt literally doesn’t seem like a benefit in most cases.
Breh, this hit me hard. I’m getting married this summer and I feel exactly the same way. My home should be my sanctuary. My domain. My place of retreat.
Having to deal with all the BS this world throws at me as a black man, I should be coming home to serenity, not drama. It pains me to see men who dread going home and would rather stay at work as long as possible, just to avoid their wife.
What kind of life is that? That’s prison every single day. To be that afraid of going home just to avoid your woman is a nightmare I swear I’ll never endure. I don’t blame a lot of men for staying single.
There’s so much trash out there in the market, I’ll remain single if my marriage doesn’t work out. A peace of mind over a piece of ass, anytime!