Murder is the leading cause of death for Black men under 44

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Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
There's no way you're fighting all of that with the current hand. But you can go from a bad situation to a better one - and the fact that its such a substantial hurdle shouldn't be slapped with a reductionist quip lol

Like this is what I mean. You cannot expect anything like some systemic upheaval when black men killing black men is what's chopping the legs out of any kind of genuine growth we're gonna need for several generations. If you can't appreciate the individuals making it from one plateau that's horrific to another where they can sustain themselves finally, then you're putting the cart before the horse and have lost the narrative.
aight whatever man

there's a reason you see communal based ethnicities prospering even when they have many hurdles to overcome. they eat together and raise up together. shyt is really not that complicated b.

the power of one vs many... your individual strengths/accomplishments would be multiplied exponentially as opposed to the gradual shuffle you talking about of waiting generations.
May 15, 2012
this is shows you the lack of common sense most people have and low level logic displayed by american

how many how else could a fully healthy person die other than being killed

Of course the numbers are like that, nobody 24 years old is dying of muthafukking heart disease

69 others

May 2, 2012
this is shows you the lack of common sense most people have and low level logic displayed by american

how many how else could a fully healthy person die other than being killed

Of course the numbers are like that, nobody 24 years old is dying of muthafukking heart disease

oh just what we needed in the thread: gems like these from "Master Teacher" :laff:


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
The weird reflex people have to ignore outside factors and put this solely on black people always boggles the mind.

I think most people account for external factors (e.g., poverty). However, we can’t get bogged down by fallacy of a single causation. Comparatively, other indigent communities are not killing 35% of their youth. In turn, there has to be factors that are not wholly encompassed by poverty that are exacerbating the killing in our communities. Admittedly, I will say that these other factors (whatever they may or may not be) are hard to quantify in an empirical data set vis-a-vis something as numerically non-amorphous as murder. I’m just going to bullet point some observations of our current predicament.

* We’ve completely lost the ability to police our own communities. I really noticed it when Trayvon Martin was murdered. It occurred to me after that young lady he was on the phone with took the stand and was almost incapable of forming a complete sentence. There was a lot of backlash surrounding her online, but she had a legion of supporters too. Currently, there is always a throng of supporters for whatever social, educational, moral, or psychological inadequacies a person may have in our community. Years ago when she was a child and struggling with speech — a neighbor, clergy, a teacher, someone — would have pulled her aside and said, “Hey, we need to work on you being able to articulate yourself. You’re going to have to be able to navigate the world on your own accord,” but those things are old-hat now. The reality is, the world was always going to be a much crueler place for a young black girl with children already that can’t/couldn’t effectively speak than whatever someone was saying about her on Instagram. However, we can’t address those micro realities anymore.

* Some of the same things that are proverbial poison pills socially are the biggest entertainment blocs in our community. The same stuff that’s poisoning us, we often find entertaining. People don’t like to hear it; but rap has a huge influence. For example, look how everyone says “smoking on a _____ pack,” now. Where’d that come from? That’s just an example how rap is easily able to disseminate ideas to the masses, and if you’re ingesting, “spin the block music” all day as a impressionable youth…. Yeah.

* nikka. Again, another mass delusion; but shyt has been incredibly detrimental for the community. It’s the constant reiteration and commodifIcation of “other status.” I mean, you’re not even really a fully actualized — nor realized person. You’re something else. You’re a league below that. You’re a “nikka.” Of course — I gotta get your ass out of the paint…. nikka.

* We often live such constrained; yet impasse ridden lives that we’ve normalized a lot of behaviors that aren’t normal and are in fact deviant behaviors. Moreover, a lot of us find such behaviors funny or cute. fukking a woman in the middle of a restaurant is not normal. Shootouts on the expressway is not some normal run of the mill social activity in a functional society. A black man getting up and slapping another black man in the middle of an awards show is not a normative behavior. All varying levels of deviance, but all with a lot of people on here that we’re cheering these acts on and most of the dudes on this site are 30-40+ years old.

* This goes back to your point about external factors. Even with external stimuli accounted for there has to be somethings we can proactively do for ourselves to improve of plight. If not, we’ve not only have already lost the battle but the war. We just don’t realize it, yet. It would be a fait accompli. Martin Delaney was talking about the same stuff we’re talking about today in 1852 when he wrote: The Condition, Elevation, Emigration, and Destiny of Colored People in the US. The same stuff in 1852! That’s incredibly sobering. What befuddles me about the black community is we actually have the highest self-esteem in most age ranges respective to other races. This is data I’ve seen/pulled myself from the GSS before. Thus, when people say our problem is “self-hate,” I believe it to be too simplistic in scope. I’m still thinking of a name for this phenomenon.

Reading this you’d think I was some conservative foggy. I’m actually a relatively young progressive. However, I can’t turn a blind eye to the things I’ve seen anecdotally or have gleaned empirically in my studies. I’m always going to be optimistic; but yeah. We’re in a bad state.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
aight whatever man

there's a reason you see communal based ethnicities prospering even when they have many hurdles to overcome. they eat together and raise up together. shyt is really not that complicated b.

the power of one vs many... your individual strengths would be multiplied exponentially as opposed to the gradual shuffle you talking about of waiting generations. a cultural shift could do miracles today.
There's a reason and its not complicated. For real - the label on this thread is black men dying to directed violence. Its a lot easier to build when you're in a safe position to do so. And when so much of that danger is within the boxed in lines that others have drawn for us, then what's the point of that reaction at all? Its not irrational at all.

The sooner more individuals stop trying to fight colossal structures that have become so good at keeping us down that they hijack our own movements and stop relying primarily on some formless thing like community to save them when its clearly polluted... the sooner we can have more people able to throw life preservers back and pull others out.

There is no solution to this that will occur in one generation.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Right now, Black division is just POURING In at all levels.

I remember politickin with a California Hoover brother that spent a summer up here and I asked him how could brothers fight the Mexicans effectively in Cali and he told me flat out there will never be no peace in LA streets simply because Crip nikkas will purposely dismantle it. In New York I would say that’s very accurate of Bloods, in Chicago that’s very accurate of Gangster Disciples. The super gangs in most Blk cities that are comprised of the essence of the youth is ALWAYS an EBK/Shoot everything Black program.

(Recall that street gangs prevented MLK riots in New York and precented mass casualties during the 92 LA riots)

Within almost every Black woman sphere there’s talk about Black men being the weakest link, Black men molest kids and kill Blk women, Blk men are homo, Blk men are homophobic.

(Black women are everything to our culture. Unable to continue without them)

The new hustle is fukk them coconut/Jollof rice nikkas over there.
(Thereby cutting the richest group of Blacks with the ability to empower us all, off from the entire race, going against historical precedent)

This majority site thinks Dr. Umar is perpetuating the greatest scam in Black history but the very second we talk about what to do for Black ppl they all post that “not everybody gonna make it” video..ALL Black culture in 2022 is shouting emphatically “fukk them nikkas over there” and ALL Black people are internalizing that as a world view.

I do think well beat this but as a group we deep in recession right now, mid 2008 shyt.

At best ,"beating this" will consist of you being assimilated by the European. Probably whitewashing yourself culturally and physically. With most of the young black population being octaroons by the year 2050.

But if you want to try to fight against cancer,while living in a cancer riddled body,while simeotaneously feeding the cancer. Feel free to try,but I dont believe you can survive it.

But dont worry,black people will live on through those of us who leave in 2028. We will tell the tragic story of the Octaroonians,formerly known as African Americans,who stayed behind in the U.S:respect:

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
tl;dr - You can't save the whole race, but you can save your neighborhood

A lot of people, it seems like, hide under Black dysfunction to justify inaction.

Trust me, I really, really understand why someone would "give up" and me personally, I don't have any high hopes or magical, pie-in-the-sky plans for all Black folk but what you can do is start giving a damn about your neighborhood, your community and start from there.

Go to a city council meeting, volunteer at your church's food drive, vote locally, do SOMETHING that'll help those around you in real time.

Another thing is social media, at this point in time, you're choosing toxic platforms to listen to whether it's bird babble, red pill shyt, gossip, LGBT shyt, etc. I only see the aforementioned stuff on here.

There's normal, regular Black people out here and online :yeshrug:


All Star
Sep 5, 2015

Our people be killing each other....

But these other folks be really offing themselves...


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
The sad thing is how it’s become so normal to us. There’s always been violence in my city but they doing shyt at places and times they never would have in the past. There’s been two shootings less than a half mile from my house just in the past week. Both at different shopping centers while the sun was still up. shyt is crazy. But the shyt has become so normal that I actually have more fear of some white supremacist coming thru randomly shooting up some place I’m at when the odds of that happening are way less

it's past normal, we celebrate and promote it in our music. Even invoking the names of Black males that were murdered in the chorus of songs.

"Who I smoke???? {insert dead Black male}"



All Star
Aug 5, 2013
The Chi
So what are we gonna do to fix this poverty thing? Because I been hearing this since I was a toddler and I'm in my 30s now and folks still ain't figured it out.

I'm extremely pro reparations and think that's the only solution. But I'm down to hear more
There's pretty much no reason why 80-95% of black men should be poor/broke/unemployed. Folks just don't want to do it. Listen to an urban radio station for an hour, especially around rush hour and you'll hear ads about free job training. they're targeting blk folks and blk men for jobs... I see all types of advertising for skills training. keep it 100.... I've been hearing these ads on the radio since I was like 10 years old. yall gotta stop the cap.
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Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
There's a reason and its not complicated. For real - the label on this thread is black men dying to directed violence. Its a lot easier to build when you're in a safe position to do so. And when so much of that danger is within the boxed in lines that others have drawn for us, then what's the point of that reaction at all? Its not irrational at all.

The sooner more individuals stop trying to fight colossal structures that have become so good at keeping us down that they hijack our own movements and stop relying primarily on some formless thing like community to save them when its clearly polluted... the sooner we can have more people able to throw life preservers back and pull others out.

There is no solution to this that will occur in one generation.
you are now talking in circles

fight culture not structure.

nobody said rely on anything to save you. or do nothing. that's disingenuous. there's absolutely nothing stoping your from doing things in parallel that are not in conflict just excuses. if that danger is within boxed in lines it's solvable and within reach to address. that's why a community would be vital to do so and would do it fast. those lines are the boundaries of it


All Star
May 22, 2012
This part is incorrect, as it showed that each group in the study had murder in the top 3 causes of death. except i think one group(i think whites) had it only in the top 5. pacific islanders had both murder and accidents combined as the leading cause of death in the number one category.
and yes i understand someone posted other studies that better coincide with the arguments being made in this thread. Not disputing those just the responses to the OP.
You’re aggregating data, using the term “top 3, to try to make a point that’s not valid. Even though only 2 groups had homicide outside the top 3, the next highest percentage of deaths from homicide is like 16%. The rest are like 14% and 6% or less. Black people are at 35%. So the closest group has less than half of the amount of deaths from homicide, by percentage, than black men.

Regarding the data though, I’m curious as to why some of these numbers don’t even come out to 50%