Mulatto Tennis player says she isn't black or white


Apr 16, 2013
Your delusion never ceases to amaze me. You don't have any idea what the normal proportion of biracial children who c00n actually is. Most biracial children are generally from black men so if biracials do anything (bad or good), black men are involved as per course. But this is just numbers; it does not reveal what the offspring of bed wenches does in comparison. In fact, as it goes, the biracial offspring of black men in the USA have the highest propensity to fukk with black people in history of the world. So, ironically, your assertions that black male's half breed offspring c00ns more than others' is categorically unsubstantiated. But how about we look at bed wench's?

Case in point: Stacey Dash's son posts c00n garbage. He is a c00n as she is. Bed wenches have strong self-hating complexes (whether they accept such or not). That implies their children will have similar sentiment . After all, studies imply that more racist people tend to have children with more racist views. And so it goes.

She has kids?! :what::snoop:


May 2, 2012

Apparently her son is 25. :leon:

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
I always find it funny how people like her claim they not black they biracial.
But they always end up with whites not other biracial people. chick just need to keep it real and say I feel more white .


May 1, 2012
all you're doing is acknowledging and adhering to the one drop rule. your first example being a biracial man that really had no leg in the black community, and that's why nikkas cant even ask obama for something now. that's why your "black" president looking out for any and everyone BUT black americans.

and seeing that race is a social construct. why would biracials be motivated to claim blackness when we have nothing to collectively offer except our inherent "coolness"
Well you understand that race is a social construct but you don't understand how that construct works. The concept of race isn't based on how people personally classify themselves. You can classify uourself and claim any race that you want, but your race is actually determined by how people in society see you. I use this example all the time. Tiger Woods made up a race for himself and claimed it(sorta like this chic is doing here) yet it didn't stop the world from seeing and treating him like a black man when shyt got real. See it's not about "claiming" mixed blacks or trying to convince them to join our team. To anybody black who doesn't want to be black, fukk 'em. Are some mixed blacks c00ns who ultimately perpetuate white supremacy? Of course. There are plenty of blacks who aren't seen as mixed who do the same thing though. What part of that don't you get?

lastly, i dont have to redefine the concept of blackness, biracials will do that for themselves. hence, this thread and all you nikkas feeling p*ssy hurt over a biracial woman acknowledging herself as biracial. :umad:
Who's hurt but you? You're so mad and hurt by mixed black folk that you want to shun them and kick them out of the race:pachaha: To me a c00n is a c00n, whether they are mixed with something else as light as this chic or not visibly mixed as dark as Clarence Thomas. Biracials/mixed aren't redefining shyt. You have those who embrace and are proud of their blackness and you have those that run from it. I got love for the ones who embrace their blackness, fukk the ones who run from it. fukk the c00ns trying to keep us divided as well.


May 2, 2012
Well you understand that race is a social construct but you don't understand how that construct works. The concept of race isn't based on how people personally classify themselves. You can classify uourself and claim any race that you want, but your race is actually determined by how people in society see you. I use this example all the time. Tiger Woods made up a race for himself and claimed it(sorta like this chic is doing here) yet it didn't stop the world from seeing and treating him like a black man when shyt got real. See it's not about "claiming" mixed blacks or trying to convince them to join our team. To anybody black who doesn't want to be black, fukk 'em. Are some mixed blacks c00ns who ultimately perpetuate white supremacy? Of course. There are plenty of blacks who aren't seen as mixed who do the same thing though. What part of that don't you get?

bruh, you typed a bunch of words, when you could have just said what every other one drop ruling nikka says. " :stopitslime: man, stop it. white folks treat them like they're black, so they're black "

you want to cling onto tiger woods and use him as an example, so lets go with that:


here's where it leads you. once the kids procreate white, there be will no black left. tigers dad will have literally bred himself out.

Who's hurt but you? You're so mad and hurt by mixed black folk that you want to shun them and kick them out of the race:pachaha: To me a c00n is a c00n, whether they are mixed with something else as light as this chic or not visibly mixed as dark as Clarence Thomas. Biracials/mixed aren't redefining shyt. You have those who embrace and are proud of their blackness and you have those that run from it. I got love for the ones who embrace their blackness, fukk the ones who run from it. fukk the c00ns trying to keep us divided as well.

i have no beef with mixed or biracials outside of them being automatically elevated above blacks. i'm just trying to wake you nikkas up to the path you're choosing.


May 2, 2012

Apparently her son is 25. :leon:

they've allowed black women to be replaced in media, but these dudes wont get it until biracials like him are presented as the ideal black man.

then these nikkas gon be like "w-wait, what, NAH HE AINT BLACK. MAN fukk THAT! :damn: " all that unity shyt is going to go straight out the window


All Star
Aug 17, 2014
nikkas want acceptance so bad they get in their feelings when they get rejected
this is like those dudes that holla at a girl and say shyt like " fukk u anyway u slut" when she dont pay them no mind
look how these "pro black" nikkas dissing a girl because she's being herself sad


May 1, 2012
bruh, you typed a bunch of words, when you could have just said what every other one drop ruling nikka says. " :stopitslime: man, stop it. white folks treat them like they're black, so they're black "

you want to cling onto tiger woods and use him as an example, so lets go with that:


here's where it leads you. once the kids procreate white, there be will no black left. tigers dad will have literally bred himself out.
What part of "a c00n is a c00n regardless of complexion" don't you get? I don't give a fukk about any black person that chooses to get with a white person. If a black person decides to procreate with a white person then fukk 'em. Notice I said fukk them though, not their biracial offspring. I don't judge mixed black folk and automatically shun them because they didn't choose to be mixed. All mixed blacks don't go white. There are a lot who are proud of their blackness and embrace it fully. How does shunning proud people of African descent who just may be a little more mixed than the average black person help our fight against the systematic white supremacy that oppresses all people of African descent? You've yet to explain how your position helps us.

i have no beef with mixed or biracials outside of them being automatically elevated above blacks. i'm just trying to wake you nikkas up to the path you're choosing.
Mixed/biracial people being elevated over darker skinned blacks in white societies isn't their fault. This is what makes you sound insecure and jealous. Your beef is with white supremacy and those who support it. If you don't have beef with people of African descent who are mixed then stop trying to shun them opposing their right to claim and embrace their blackness like every other proud black person.


May 2, 2012
What part of "a c00n is a c00n regardless of complexion" don't you get? I don't give a fukk about any black person that chooses to get with a white person. If a black person decides to procreate with a white person then fukk 'em. Notice I said fukk them though, not their biracial offspring. I don't judge mixed black folk and automatically shun them because they didn't choose to be mixed. All mixed blacks don't go white. There are a lot who are proud of their blackness and embrace it fully. How does shunning proud people of African descent who just may be a little more mixed than the average black person help our fight against the systematic white supremacy that oppresses all people of African descent? You've yet to explain how your position helps us.

then why is tiger woods a c00n when he's biracial? why are the offspring of biracials scrutinized for dating white when literally 1 half of them is white? to me, the c00n is the first black man that decided he could make black children without a black woman.

and once again, stop with the excuses and strawmans about shunning people. nobody said anything like that, but we will see more examples of biracials publicly separating themselves from blacks, and you're going to have to eat that pill, not me.

Mixed/biracial people being elevated over darker skinned blacks in white societies isn't their fault. This is what makes you sound insecure and jealous.

hell, lets go with it. its insecurity and jealousy to not one non-blacks elevated as acceptable blacks, all while representing the race at the forefront. why wouldn't i have a problem with it? i dont see biracials being uplifted as the best of any other community except ours. if you dont have a problem with non-blacks receiving favoritism over full blacks, you're either dumb, biracial or procreating w/non-blacks. which is it?

Your beef is with white supremacy and those who support it. If you don't have beef with people of African descent who are mixed then stop trying to shun them opposing their right to claim and embrace their blackness like every other proud black person.
what you refuse to acknowledge is the same biracials you're accepting as your own have no problem supporting it as well. :pachaha: but y'all dont learn
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Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
they've allowed black women to be replaced in media, but these dudes wont get it until biracials like him are presented as the ideal black man.

then these nikkas gon be like "w-wait, what, NAH HE AINT BLACK. MAN fukk THAT! :damn: " all that unity shyt is going to go straight out the window
This is a real fear of yours? By the time this doomsday scenario logic that you have typed out has happened for black people, it will have happened for most white people who populate the western world as well. The world is going to look vastly different "racially" in 100 years. If you haven't realized by now, every race that exists in the western world is being bred out. It ain't just black people. This topic of biracials will be so irrelevant, can you imagine what will happen once white folks really start getting bred out? Who cares if light skin Kevin is elevated over you as ideal black man, he might be the new white man too. :dead:


May 2, 2012
This is a real fear of yours? By the time this doomsday scenario logic that you have typed out has happened for black people, it will have happened for most white people who populate the western world as well. The world is going to look vastly different "racially" in 100 years. If you haven't realized by now, every race that exists in the western world is being bred out. It ain't just black people. This topic of biracials will be so irrelevant, can you imagine what will happen once white folks really start getting bred out? Who cares if light skin Kevin is elevated over you as ideal black man, he might be the new white man too. :dead:

no a real fear of mine is dark skinned blacks become locked into a permanent underclass, with everyone trying to join the light skinned buffer class before fully breeding themselves out to whites.

and 100 yrs? blacks are being phased out right now. :heh: white folks aint going no where, they keep that constant fear alive to insure they dont collectively breed themselves out.


May 1, 2012
then why is tiger woods a c00n when he's biracial? why are the offspring of biracials scrutinized for dating white when literally 1 half of them is white? to me, the c00n is the first black man that decided he could make black children without a black woman.
:snoop: How are you still lost? For the umpteenth time, biracial isn't a race. There is no such thing as "half and half". White people only play along with that dumb shyt because it signifies an acceptance of the white supremacy/black inferiority ideology. The truth of the matter is they don't make a distinction. A visibly mixed person is never going to be accepted as white in the white community. They don't play those half n half games and only use it on us as a means to keep us divided. This is why biracials born during slavery were enslaved like all the other blacks. Tiger is a c00n because he tried to run from his blackness. Instead of just embracing his blackness, he tried to get cute and make some shyt up. That did nothing from stopping him from being looked at and treated like the black man that he is when it came time.

and once again, stop with the excuses and strawmans about shunning people. nobody said anything like that, but we will see more examples of biracials publicly separating themselves from blacks, and you're going to have to eat that pill, not me.
I don't have to eat shyt because I don't give a fukk about any black person that tries to separate themselves from being black. How many times must I say that before it sinks in? You insist upon pretending as if being a c00n is just a problem amongst mixed race blacks and that exposes your ignorance.

hell, lets go with it. its insecurity and jealousy to not one non-blacks elevated as acceptable blacks, all while representing the race at the forefront. why wouldn't i have a problem with it? i dont see biracials being uplifted as the best of any other community except ours. if you dont have a problem with non-blacks receiving favoritism over full blacks, you're either dumb, biracial or procreating w/non-blacks. which is it?
Your problem is with systematic white supremacy, not the people who you perceive to be slightly more privileged than you're miserable ass. Mixed race black people don't control the system that privileges them a little more over darker skinned blacks. fukk you mad at them for? Again, your beef should be with the system of white supremacy and those who support/maintain it. A mixed black person who embraces and is proud of their blackness isn't someone who perpetuates the system of white supremacy. You're literally owned by white people. They've got you so fukked up that you're not embracing your own people because of what they do. "white people like you more than me:to: so you can't be on my team".

what you refuse to acknowledge is the same biracials you're accepting as your own have no problem supporting it as well. :pachaha: but y'all dont learn
So all mixed black people support white supremacy huh? All mixed race blacks are the same huh? Malcolm X(who was clearly of mixed racial heritage and a former white woman chasing c00n) wasn't down for the fight against white supremacy huh?