Mulatto Tennis player says she isn't black or white


Nov 27, 2012
uuhhh because you just attempted to speak for me. Dumb fukk.

Cool, but if you don't even care to know how I think then you damn sure shouldn't pretend to know how I think.

I asked because you didn't seem to know the answer but I didn't want to judge based on just an assumption. You're sucking your teeth shaking your neck for no reason.

:heh: so white is defined as "of the white race" and black is defined as "of the black race"? European isn't a race and there those who are classified as white who aren't descendants of people from the Caucasus mountains. At the same time there are Caucasians outside of Europe. There are Caucasians from Africa and Asia. You didn't answer the questions in the least. They were trick questions anyway. Race is a social construct. It's made up. In simple terms, "white" is defined as not black or Asian.
I don't disagree with you here. My issue with your last comment was you saying that race isn't real. It is real. It's just a not a concept or construct that's based on science.

How does the ODR equate to white supremacy? It doesn't. That's c00n logic. White supremacy is the belief that whites are superior. If you don't believe in white supremacy/black inferiority then what's your problem with the ODR? The ODR is simply a way of classifying people. We can acknowledge/accept the concept of race(the grouping of people based on phenotypical traits) while rejecting the white supremacist ideology that whites have attached to that concept. In other words, we can accept that people who are visibly of African descent are classified as black while rejecting the idea that black is inferior. Trying to deny that people who are visibly of African descent are black is just a waste of time. It's no coincidence that those who do that are generally on some c00n shyt. The only mixed blacks that you say claiming mixed over blacks are c00ns who have no intention of challenging systematic white supremacy. This young lady seems to be yet another example. "She's mixed not black or white" You sound silly and it's a shame that in 2015 while we're in the 6th year of the first black president's term(who's biracial), we have people who still hold on to dumb shyt like this. Mixed and black have never been mutually exclusive. Wake up.

They haven't changed any rules in the UK. That's more c00n rhetoric. Whites have been allowing mixed folk to claim shyt other than black for awhile now. People can do that here in Amerikkka. White supremacy remains the status quo tho which means the rules haven't changed in the slightest. The rules of white supremacy are unwritten because they adapt and change with the times. Whites allowing mixed folks to symbolicly distance themselves from blacks is just a chess move. Whites understand that when mixed folk distance themselves from blacks even while knowing that whites will never accept them as their own it perpetuates white supremacy. Mixed people who run from being black are just trying to get in where they fit in with white supremacy and they are no threat to challenge that system. None of that changes the fact that regardless of what's on paper whites see mixed blacks the same as other blacks, people to be oppressed to ensure their supremacy.
@marcuz :mjpls:


May 1, 2012
how you going to bow out of our debate to quote another nikka. @Gravity is another one drop ruling nikka just like you.
You're just a simple hard headed type dude. I take pride in being black and I've got love and respect from anybody else of African descent who takes pride in their blackness as well. I'm thinking that you're probably some ugly dark skinned cat with colorism scars and self esteem issues. The shyt you say regarding this topic literally makes no sense.


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
You didn't answer the questions in the least. They were trick questions anyway. Race is a social construct. It's made up. In simple terms, "white" is defined as not black or Asian.
Look FruitLoops, Im speaking in terms of genetics. If you notice all the points i made were pinning to how yo can't have a + b = b or a+b =a. It's a combination of both. Society can call it what its wants based o prejudice and bias but technically a Mulatto is not black nor white.

Outside of genetics the only input i had on the matter was as seen the the post below. READ


May 1, 2012
Look FruitLoops, Im speaking in terms of genetics. If you notice all the points i made were pinning to how yo can't have a + b = b or a+b =a. It's a combination of both. Society can call it what its wants based o prejudice and bias but technically a Mulatto is not black nor white.
Race isn't based on genetics though you fukking idiot. Race is a social construct, not a genetic/scientific one. This is why people who weren't considered white 100 years ago are white today.


May 2, 2012
You're just a simple hard headed type dude. I take pride in being black and I've got love and respect from anybody else of African descent who takes pride in their blackness as well. I'm thinking that you're probably some ugly dark skinned cat with colorism scars and self esteem issues. The shyt you say regarding this topic literally makes no sense.
bruh, i've already dismantled your logic on the shyt several times now. i wont even bother addressing you again because its easier to copy & paste previous quotes. what literally makes no sense is nikkas in america acting like they've got some type of superior genetics that can breed out whites, when all we see are examples of racial whitening and blacks breeding themselves completely out of existence.

all that lil petty ass name calling and shyt, save it. i know how emotional black men get when we try to re-organize the race and seperate ourselves from fukking white and mixed chicks.


Apr 16, 2013

Even back then the mother looked :flabbynsick: :scusthov:


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
Race isn't based on genetics though you fukking idiot. Race is a social construct, not a genetic/scientific one. This is why people who weren't considered white 100 years ago are white today.
Yes there are genetics components to race. How do you account for physical features which carries from that of other races? hair? Skin?

Outside of genetics the only point i had on the matter was this. READ and notice the timestamp


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
if these people dont want to be black


but pick a side and stay on it. dont decide to not be black, then once your white boyfriend, racist cop, or conservative neighborhood revokes you from white supremacist privileges, dont come running back to those black folks you were ashamed to be hoping we will go all selma with you.

i think some of us want to retain some of these "i am a human " ass people because we worried about stats and allowed white folks to tell us that its a number game as far as benefits, voting and getting your issues heard. so they can scapegoat us no longer being this "major minority" to excuse the fact they not hearing our demands.

the homos are probably the smallest minority in this country yet have mobilized enough to have they issues heard and many benefits set aside for them. true a ton of that is the government using they so called struggle as a catalyst and conduit to feminize black men for the purpose of population control, but the point still remains they saw themselves as a community, got a bunker mentality and united on common concerns and goals

this should be the goal for us. to hell with people who dont want to identify with those of us who came on slave ships and suffer from the psychological stranglehold of white supremacy that plagues black people not only here but all over the planet. if they want to act like that is not there, we offer them some education on it, but then move on quickly. we identify with those who do share common concerns and issues in that black community, mobilize and unite economically politically academically and socially and create our own communities. we gotta let these c00ns go, aint no saving these nikkas. they identify with being white, so let them


May 1, 2012
bruh, i've already dismantled your logic on the shyt several times now. i wont even bother addressing you again because its easier to copy & paste previous quotes. what literally makes no sense is nikkas in america acting like they've got some type of superior genetics that can breed out whites, when all we see are examples of racial whitening and blacks breeding themselves completely out of existence.

all that lil petty ass name calling and shyt, save it. i know how emotional black men get when we try to re-organize the race and seperate ourselves from fukking white and mixed chicks.
You haven't dismantled shyt. Your argument/position on this is absolutely nonsensical.

This has nothing to do with breeding whites out of any of that dumb shyt. That's an irrelevant deflection. This is about the reality concerning the concept of race. "Black" is a general term used to describe brown skinned people who are of African descent. That's a fact. It's not arguable. I can cite countless examples of mixed people of African descent being classified as black, starting with the fukking president of the usa. This divide that you're trying to draw amongst black people has never existed because "black" has always been a general all inclusive term. You're so insecure and hurt that you're irrational. Perpetuating a divide amongst black oeople is not productive, it's counterproductive. Race is a made up concept. You're just beating your head up against a brick wall trying to fight that concept or redefine it according to your personal beliefs. We don't need to fight the concept of race we need to fight and reject the ideology that is white supremacy. What beef could you possibly have with a mixed person of African descent who's proud of being black and down for the fight against white supremacy? How is shunning those blacks productive to our cause? Blacks need to unite not divide.


May 2, 2012
You haven't dismantled shyt. Your argument/position on this is absolutely nonsensical.

This has nothing to do with breeding whites out of any of that dumb shyt. That's an irrelevant deflection. This is about the reality concerning the concept of race. "Black" is a general term used to describe brown skinned people who are of African descent. That's a fact. It's not arguable. I can cite countless examples of mixed people of African descent being classified as black, starting with the fukking president of the usa. This divide that you're trying to draw amongst black people has never existed because "black" has always been a general all inclusive term. You're so insecure and hurt that you're irrational. Perpetuating a divide amongst black oeople is not productive, it's counterproductive. Race is a made up concept. You're just beating your head up against a brick wall trying to fight that concept or redefine it according to your personal beliefs. We don't need to fight the concept of race we need to fight and reject the ideology that is white supremacy. What beef could you possibly have with a mixed person of African descent who's proud of being black and down for the fight against white supremacy? How is shunning those blacks productive to our cause? Blacks need to unite not divide.

all you're doing is acknowledging and adhering to the one drop rule. your first example being a biracial man that really had no leg in the black community, and that's why nikkas cant even ask obama for something now. that's why your "black" president looking out for any and everyone BUT black americans.

and seeing that race is a social construct. why would biracials be motivated to claim blackness when we have nothing to collectively offer except our inherent "coolness"

lastly, i dont have to redefine the concept of blackness, biracials will do that for themselves. hence, this thread and all you nikkas feeling p*ssy hurt over a biracial woman acknowledging herself as biracial. :umad: