MsJackyOh (Dcyoungfly wife) dies while getting cosmetic surgery


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
Woman won't tell you this, but in their mind, a womans worth and position in the social hirarchy is completely defined by her looks. It is deeply ingrained and contrary to popular belief, not mainly driven by men but by female competition. Just look at the hirarchy inside a group of female friends, and mothers and grandmas commenting on their daughters and granddaughters bodies and looks or at woman saying things like "she's way to pretty to do...(working a minimum wage job, do sexwork etc.).

So in essence, it's not about how they feel about their image, it's about where they feel their place in the social hirarchy and in their peer group is.
I get shyt for this men behave the same way. You would think this stuntin shyt would go away when women aren't around but it increases in some situations when its only fellas. :francis:

See male retreats, male prisons, male training camps, etc


Mar 11, 2022
I wouldn’t even want a man who was ok with me having fake t*ts and a fake ass. Like, the fukk are YOU thinking? Makes me think he’d be into trannys. :hhh:

I had a friend who got a “mommy makeover” and her body was all scarred up from the tummy tuck bytch looked like Freddy Krueger got her ass. Not to mention her boobs looked like baseballs and would make it so she couldn’t fully rest her arms at her side.


RIP those kids lost a mom over some bullshyt.

the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
" mommy makeover can include any combination of the following: Tummy Tuck, Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, Liposuction, and Vaginal Rejuvenation Surgery. Traditionally, the standard Mommy Makeover entails a Tummy tuck and breast augmentation."

These surgeons have no shame.... marketing this dangerous ass shyt with a soft name like "Mommy Makeover".


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
One thing I gotta comment on is that its more “regular” women than you think. I live in ATL and BBL/Breast implants are so common its just an every day thing. I was astounded that women 40+ and grand mothers are going over to DR in DROVES to get BBL’s. The BBL craze is truly a phenomena that needs to be studied and not even on no joke shyt.

A 50 year old prison security guard went over to the DR to get a BBL and died. Her husband was devastated and said he pleaded with her NOT to get the surgery but she she was adamant and kept saying how much he’d love it after he saw it. Dude said he told her every day she was beautiful to him but she did that shyt anyway. Got a whole ass family she left behind for a big ass. FIFTY YEARS OLD

I hear this shyt from alot of boyfriends/husbands whose women seem ADDICTED to the idea of having huge Nicki Minaj type asses. And these aren’t even women who are flat! One guy I film with was telling me how his girl of 3 years wanted him to help her save up for a BBL. No vacations, no birthday gifts, no Valentine’s, just save up and go half on a BBL. The woman was a cute around the way type, she a nice shape, wasn’t flat in the SLIGHTEST but had become obsessed with wanting an ass like SZA. He told me she would be up at night researching the best surgeons and had the whole shyt planned out. She’s not an actress, singer, model or influencer. She’s a damn HR Manager for Verizon!
When he told her that wasting money on a BBL was stupid she was on some “My body my choice and YOUR going to benefit for this so I don’t see the problem”. Its like women want to throw their decision to get body enhancements in the men’s faces like its something we want even when we voice opposition. Its absurd!
Maybe because its literally ingrained in the culture down here, being the epicenter where people fly into here if they do it in the states, they coming to miami, I have seen it grow from a back yard thing that was a trans demograhic, transfer over to the nightlife girls and it was only a few who took that chance, the latin culture would go to DR/Colombia as its big there, but when Covid hit and that Bandemic money flooded the streets aint nothing been the same.

Im telling you when I saw the facebook groups and the size of these groups and the amount of activity I was shocked. Mostly black women in all age groups but A TON that are 35+ like ya out the game, wtfff.. shyt is DANGEROUS and ya goin multiple times under?! That shyt is everywhere down here, its ingrained and I think social media is making it spread cities.. To see it be only nightlife girls like 10 years ago to now, regular girls that deliver mail, work at walmart, some dont even have jobs but they got bbls, shyt is bizarro land

Hmm, i wonder if it could be just the fact that yall are in locations that have a lot of women and men in the industry—Miami and Atlanta, LA, etc--ton of socialites, influencers, artists, models, and regular women who see those women when they’re out may feel like they need to keep up and compete. I dunno, I legit don’t know anyone within that’s gotten major cosmetic surgery. When I’m out, the women I’m seeing look very regular/normal.

Then again I guess I wouldn’t really know if someone got it unless it really sticks out. I’ll concede that I could be wrong. I’m just not seeing women where I can tell that they got a lot of work done…

I love myself and I’m fine with how I look, and even my girls who have some insecurities—they know they look good regardless. None of us are talking about getting surgery. Like we think we’re too cute.

So on that note, I’ll see my way out of this conversation because i admit I could be just speaking from my own bubble.

Rip to this beautiful woman. May God look over her children and her husband. Awful situation.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
When he told her that wasting money on a BBL was stupid she was on some “My body my choice and YOUR going to benefit for this so I don’t see the problem”. Its like women want to throw their decision to get body enhancements in the men’s faces like its something we want even when we voice opposition. Its absurd!

This is facts. It’s a losing battle that I will never entertain again. Trying to convince any woman to not get one is a waste of time. Whether it’s a female relative, friend, whatever, once she has already said “I’m thinking about getting a bb..” her mind is already made up and it’s over. “It’s not your body!!” Her appointment was already scheduled months ago and the surgery is next week. All the women in her life will co-sign her decision including her sisters mom grandma great grandma. “Girl if you don’t like something about your body don’t let a man stop you from being happy.”

Now after the surgery she’s in severe pain and can barely move while she recovers from the surgery talking about I shouldn’t have done this and you have to keep on a straight supportive face and keep your mouth shut. Then you must take her to those massage appointments and listen to her bytch about the terrible massage methods being too rough and the doctors not prescribing enough pain medication. If the surgery didn’t come out as expected and you show even the slightest bit of “I told you so” on your face then you are the most unsupportive person on earth because she was doing this “for you.” Never mind the fact that you expressed so many times that her body is perfect and doesn’t need any work done and now it looks cartoonish and low key less attractive and end up leaving her later for a normal looking woman. Then a few years later on a random Sunday night, that normal looking woman says, “baby, do you think I would look good with a bigger butt?” DAMMIT!
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Hmm, i wonder if it could be just the fact that yall are in locations that have a lot of women and men in the industry—Miami and Atlanta, LA, etc--ton of socialites, influencers, artists, models, and regular women who see those women when they’re out may feel like they need to keep up and compete. I dunno, I legit don’t know anyone within that’s gotten major cosmetic surgery. When I’m out, the women I’m seeing look very regular/normal.

Then again I guess I wouldn’t really know if someone got it unless it really sticks out. I’ll concede that I could be wrong. I’m just not seeing women where I can tell that they got a lot of work done…

I love myself and I’m fine with how I look, and even my girls who have some insecurities—they know they look good regardless. None of us are talking about getting surgery. Like we think we’re too cute.

So on that note, I’ll see my way out of this conversation because i admit I could be just speaking from my own bubble.

Rip to this beautiful woman. May God look over her children and her husband. Awful situation.

If you don’t mind my asking where do you live? You dont have to be specific i’m just trying to get clarity on if it really is a geographic thing because the way it is out here got me thinking that BBL’s are reaching epidemic status amongst our community


At peace
Nov 19, 2016
If you don’t mind my asking where do you live? You dont have to be specific i’m just trying to get clarity on if it really is a geographic thing because the way it is out here got me thinking that BBL’s are reaching epidemic status amongst our community
Charlotte. Like I said maybe I’m terrible at being able to tell if a woman has gotten a bbl but when im out at clubs and such, the women I see with big booties are built very similar to me and one of my girl’s(who’s bottom heavy), so to me they look like a regular hour glass/pear shape woman. I mean I do see a lot of long ass weave with the baby hairs and certain looks in terms of how they wear the make up and the fashion nova shyt lol but I never see anything that looks real extra. I have a regular body and I get compliments from random women all the time. I have locs in my hair and get compliments all the time on those too from all kinds of black women —I just feel like im seeing and interacting with a lot of regular women… I don’t see ever really women who look as enhanced as the way you see them on IG… is that what you’re seeing in Atlanta—women who you can tell has gotten work done?


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
If you don’t mind my asking where do you live? You dont have to be specific i’m just trying to get clarity on if it really is a geographic thing because the way it is out here got me thinking that BBL’s are reaching epidemic status amongst our community
It’s regional, that IG look is heavily ATL, Houston, Miami, LA and NYC stripper chicks. I didn’t see that in DC at all, huge black Mecca. That said, a lot of people get work done, just subtly. One of my girls from college got her t*ts done, they look and feel good cuz she didn’t get some crazy t*ts that don’t fit her body, no one would tell looking at her. I got lipo around my bra line, again, not some crazy augmentation, just a little help where I was storing unwanted fat. I was looking into BBL’s as early as 06/07, the average BBL didn’t look like what these IG chicks have, and I’m sure there are plenty of women getting BBL’s today who aren’t buiding nicki ninaj/cardi b ant booties., just using it to have a better contour.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Charlotte. Like I said maybe I’m terrible at being able to tell if a woman has gotten a bbl but when im out at clubs and such, the women I see with big booties are built very similar to me and one of my girl’s(who’s bottom heavy), so to me they look like a regular hour glass/pear shape woman. I mean I do see a lot of long ass weave with the baby hairs and certain looks in terms of how they wear the make up and the fashion nova shyt lol but I never see anything that looks real extra. I have a regular body and I get compliments from random women all the time. I have locs in my hair and get compliments all the time on those too from all kinds of black women —I just feel like im seeing and interacting with a lot of regular women… I don’t see ever really women who look as enhanced as the way you see them on IG… is that what you’re seeing in Atlanta—women who you can tell has gotten work done?

See here’s the thing, its not that the BBL’s LOOK all that fake, its that the women truly don’t give a fukk about hiding it. Most of the women in their 20’s-early 30’s could get away with most people thinking its natural but their BRAGGING about it.

Now the older women in their 40’s and up are the ones who go overboard and look cartoonish as hell. I was at the Nas/Wu-Tang show last year and my date ran into an old boss of hers and when she turned around her ass was so phat it looked like something out of Roger Rabbit! Once we exchanged pleasentries and she left Ole girl was giving me the lowdown on how she had gotten a BBL and then went back to (you guessed it) the DR a year later to get MORE. She was shaped like a damn ant. And this is a woman in her 40’s who works for the school district.

These women wear they’re BBL’s like badges of honor and I have no idea why. Now the doctors have added payment plans to the equation and 2 for 1 discounts that include BBL’s and Tummy Tucks. I usually wouldn’t even be all pressed about something like this but I sincerely don’t want to see any more black women DYING because they feel like they HAVE to have a big ignorant ass. I’ve been an ass man since I was like 11 years old. I LOVE a nice phat ass but NOT at the expense of a woman’s life. And especially since these women are mostly just fine physically in their natural state and the fact their doing it so young and so old now. Its like damn chick you 22 and getting MAJOR surgery on your ass when your body hasn’t even fully developed yet?!?!?!

shyt is scary


Mar 11, 2022
Getting in shape wont give you a shape that you dont have. And there are zero benefits in dating a woman whos a gym rat. Dating a woman who eats properly and doesnt come from a long line of obese family is beneficial.
Nothing more of a blessing than a women that eats like a rabbit.. Full off appetizers and shyt.. :ohlawd:
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