"Mr. Robot" Season 4 Official Thread


May 1, 2012
Pleasantville atmosphere:patrice: Scooter girl grown up:leon: Mama Aldersan's gypsy accent:dwillhuh: Happy-go-lucky:drunk: Price:smugbiden: Aftershock FUKKERY:whoa: Commercials on a hundred, thousand, trillion:hhh: Hack a doppelganger:lupe: Elliots finally confronted:feedme: Butterfly Effect your self, brehs:dame: Beat Cop:laff: Dom:skip: Twilight Zone dollhouse homage:banderas: Mr. Robot reemergence:sitdown: FSociety beach gathering:dahell: Runaway Ghost Bride:gucci: Soundstage patchy audio:hamster: Angela's fragmented:usure: Coney Island Elm Street:huhldup: Glitches Go HAM:bryan: Psycho American Tyrell:demonic: Coli gotta shout-out:krs: Krista's the Oracle:ooh: Loop around into contention:umad: Snoop Dogg Debris:dead: Darlene's:fire: clarity:ohlawd: Projection faded memories:damn: Qwerty's POV:mindblown: Open-ended interpretation:jbhmm:
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May 1, 2012
I thought Darlene was a great character, there were times in the middle of the series she could be annoying but that was prob part of the point. She became a much more likable character this season (even without the emotional ending scenes with Elliot)

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
You're a troll and those links say nothing about USA canceling the show. The internet is a weird place, if you don't like the show why are you watching and why are wasting time posting in here:mindblown:
First off they sure do and I told you what to google

second off I been here from jump. Being a fan doesn’t mean liking everything all the time. Why y’all nikkas mad about my opinion, I don’t know. Y’all liking it isn’t making me upset. I didn’t like it. Oh well. On to the next show

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I think the major difference is the twist didn’t negate what we saw. Everything we saw was still real and did happen. So for that reason I didn’t mind the ‘we never met the real elliot’ twist.
What did it was the red herring of the machine. The audience is shown more than Elliott. WE know all the hints Esmail dropped towards time travel and alternate universes. Elliott wasn’t there to see it. So we were fed the breadcrumbs to lead us away from what we already were guessing. It wasn’t like it was some plot as to why we thought it was possible. It was because Esmail would do things like use the same actress for young Angela and purposely not answer if it meant something. But purposely make Angela fully believe in the machine after that.

now we know Angela knew the real Elliott. And yet that quickly changed her mind to follow WR. Things like thousands of soldiers ready to die cause they believed they’d come back. Even Angela dying but making sure to say destroy the machine cause it does work and it must be destroyed.

all of that stuff. If it never was introduced, would have made us never believe that dream. The whole machine was a plot device to fake us into thinking it worked, so he could sell the “dream” so we’d be “fooled” into thinking it worked.

Haha gotcha. And when tasked to explain why anyone went along with this machine plan.... nope no time for that folks.

TLDR: imagine this show minus the machine parts. Just WR as an evil guy who wanted power. Same show could have been made with the same elements.

what wouldn’t have worked though without it? Us falling for the “dream”

It was a red herring/macguffin that in the end, didn’t even matter if it worked or what it did, as long as you thought it did and thought he was in it


May 10, 2012
The Swamp
I found another dope Reddit post explaining Tyrell. I didn't really think about it this way :ehh:

Most of the confusion/anger seems to be around Tyrell and his "importance" as he was odd, and a lot of time was spent on him. Also the "Bonsoir, Elliot" and "Hello, Friend/Elliot" feels at least convenient.

Here's my take:

First off, Sam explains who Tyrell is pretty well after his death this season:

"Tyrell doesn't have to be someone for Elliot. Elliot turns out to be almost an idol, someone Tyrell wishes he was, that he didn't have to care about what other people think of him, to fit into this frame that he created for himself and his wife, all of it. Elliot stands for all the freedom that Tyrell really wants."

He admires Elliot because he has a multitude of identities (whether he realizes it or not). Much like Elliot's dream prison, the real world was Tyrell's prison.

Tyrell is a classic narcissist, IMO. Narcissists are characterized as people who both believe they should be envied and envy others. Early on he believes he should be envied, more specifically he believes that us, the viewers should envy him, but as his world crumbles, he ends up envying Elliot, which makes us the viewers feel weird about his character. He goes from thinking he is "God" to thinking Elliot/MM is a "God" During this transition he even says "We are Gods".

This transition is complete by the end when he's CEO of Ecorp, and miserable. We, the viewers, see this transition as a bit strange, and something always feels off and weird about him, because the more we get to know him the more we see how sick he really is.

In the Christmas Eve scene after Elliot basically tells him to fukk off, he dies saving Elliot. The end of the scene where he dies, he seems happy and is able the regain some status of feeling like "God" he tried to project to us in season 1. Aside from being intentional devices to make us a bit crazy ourselves, the wolves (?) at the end of this episode symbolize this as they allude to his Swedish identity and the blue light could be seen as him discovering that we, the viewers, actually and ultimately loved him all along (the glow of the screen).

The finale tonight, revealed that the MM personality of Elliot was pretty much a sociopath. Narcissists (NPD) and Sociopaths (APD) share many similar characteristics, with the key difference being that Sociopaths are much less interested in social norms (which Esmail pointed out in the earlier quote). This both explains our desire for "Tyrelliot" and the disappointment that nothing more was explained. Tyrell was important as he was the ying to Elliot/MM's yang. The "Bonsior Elliot" vs. "Hello Elliot" demonstrates this.

Tonight also showed how this was ultimately a show about mental illness. Tyrell's self-inflicted demise during the show was coupled with Elliot/MM ultimately using him and killing him to show how much damage you can do to yourself and others with these illnesses. It was also revealed that Tyrell was indeed real and inflicted real damage. We (the viewer/voyeur) feel uncomfortable with his unanswered questions because we, like many others in relationships with these people, need to believe there is more to him than the fact that he's simply a narcissistic businessman, which is the point of Tyrell.

May 29, 2012
I kinda hope we did see what WR showed Angela. But I had a feeling her machine was one big red herring when they showed her backstory. She was vindictive and petty, just wanted to hurt people. Her machine was likely useless and killing herself was demonstrating how psycho she really was. This is a show about mental illness and a very interesting one


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
Also, Darlene knew the Mastermind wasn't Elliot the whole time. Hence the "did you forget again". But she'd lost Elliot once and couldn't again.
Complete explains why he tried to smash his sister :picard::russ:

I can’t front, I was confused during the first ep. but 2nd ep explained everything and made sense.