Moving abroad, and renouncing citizenship?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
HERE as in this country. The United States of America.:merchant:

thats what i thought, i was just making sure

here is what you wrote

The US recognizing my citizenship (and taxing me) is good if I'm MOVING HERE

so if you replace 'here' with the 'us', it reads

The US recognizing my citizenship (and taxing me) is good if I'm moving to the united states

its just a weird are moving to the united states? what? lol

and then you follow it with this

it will be less beneficial if I have another passport from before and I'M LEAVING for good.

both sentences have weird structures that makes it hard to understand what you are saying, but if i gather correctly you are saying a us passport is only beneficial if you are living in the us and its not advantageous for tax reasons if you are living for good in another country and are never coming back

and my response is that what you are saying is not true, the us passport is less beneficial only if you are rich and only if the country you are moving to has a passport that has the equivalent privileges as a us passport, like a swiss passport, the advantages of international travel with a us passport are actually worth the taxes that you are paying

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
Brother @Malta knows a lot about living abroad

I don't think renouncing US citizenship is a good idea though. I think the US has a lot of problems and I can see why a lot of people want to leave. But I think there is a lot of easy opportunity here that doesn't exist anywhere else. Not to mention the US is tops in economic and political stability right now.


Feb 28, 2015
do you know how they treat people with passports from those countries compared to how people with a us passport get treated?

if you want to do it fo rpoltical reasons then go ahead, but to give up your us passports for a ghana passport for example is just plain dumb, it makes sense for people like tina turner cuz she is rich and has swiss citizenship

I can renounce when I choose. I wouldn't have to renounce immediately. I would when Paying US taxes isn't worth it any more.

Why would I want to pay taxes to one country if Im a permanent resident of another country. To me that's plain dumb.

in the countries above there is actually less economic opportunity than in the US, if there was actually more economic opportunity over there you would just move there, but there isnt that is why even you have to sayy you are gonna stack your bread here

More ≠ Better.

thats what i thought, i was just making sure

here is what you wrote

The US recognizing my citizenship (and taxing me) is good if I'm MOVING HERE

so if you replace 'here' with the 'us', it reads

The US recognizing my citizenship (and taxing me) is good if I'm moving to the united states

its just a weird are moving to the united states? what? lol

and then you follow it with this

it will be less beneficial if I have another passport from before and I'M LEAVING for good.

both sentences have weird structures that makes it hard to understand what you are saying, but if i gather correctly you are saying a us passport is only beneficial if you are living in the us and its not advantageous for tax reasons if you are living for good in another country and are never coming back

and my response is that what you are saying is not true, the us passport is less beneficial only if you are rich and only if the country you are moving to has a passport that has the equivalent privileges as a us passport, like a swiss passport, the advantages of international travel with a us passport are actually worth the taxes that you are paying

I think you got what I meant to say. Also I'm gonna assume when you say

"... if you are living for good in another country..."

you mean living permanently. That's weird syntax but Im pretty sure that's what you meant.

At the end of the day, your saying is just your opinion. Well here's mine; If I were rich (or "super rich") enough to constantly be traveling internationally, I would be be happy with an inferior passport and much less annual tax if I had dual citizenship (and all the benefits that come with it) to two countries where it's not a disadvantage to be black.


May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
fukk that never. other than Canada and Australia this passport has the best entry pass, meaning almost all countries I dont need a visa, except of course Russia, China, Brazil and India. Thats fukking 4 out of like 196. you know how sick that is? if anything goes wrong, U.S consulate is always on top of shyt. If shyt gets crackin, they issue a message to go to the nearest consulate or embassy and you get a free ride back. If something bad happens, the U.S govt is very protective of its citizens and will come to the rescue to investigate. Having a U.S passport is like having a gold shield abroad. You can hate cacs, but there's no denying we live in a super power with the most global influence. fukk that, you know how many people would literally KILL for a U.S passport. Its like an AMEX black card.

at the same time I don't want to live in america, but its whatever tho, Ill pay the tax its still less than paying taxes there, and most expats know how to go around the lil tax anyways. :myman:

Yep. This breh summed it up. talking powerful passports and don't mention the UK :wtf:

Britain tops list of world’s most powerful passports
British passport holders have visa-free access to the highest number of countries in the world, new research suggests.

British travel documents were cited as among the most powerful in the world, with passport holders in the UK, along with those in Finland and Sweden, able to enter 173 countries either without a visa or with a visa-on-arrival, according to research by, a website for people moving abroad.

The US, Denmark, Germany and Luxembourg were joint second in the ranking, with passport holders able to access 172 countries.



Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Yep. This breh summed it up. talking powerful passports and don't mention the UK :wtf:


Yea I forgot the brits have the best, then austrailia (they have trade deals with all of asia due to location) then canada (less restrictions like cuba and iran) then america. Brits dont need a visa for India and Russia, but we do. (not that its hard to get, but still a hassle) thing with the brits is they're not as hostile as america, brits get fukked up, they have the resources to get them out, but depending on the country, like a powerful like china, they dont really have the power to force an investigation like america. America puts A LOT of pressure and heat on countries.

as for the taxes, over the weekend I went to an american party and I asked around how many people were paying the 'abroad tax' and not one single person said they filed. :heh:
there's no system to tell how much you made or not, all they can do is look at your bank account overseas, but that doesnt measure how much you made, you could always take the money out before they check, plus, unless you're making 6 figures, they dont give a shyt. places like asia dont have a central bank alliance with america, so american cant demand they hand over overseas account receipts to even check lol.

and this is what yall worried about? you read too much news. The shyt was actually meant for overseas contractors, like big oil company workers and things like that. If you're teaching english they're not actually checking for your lil ass. LOL
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Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
Yea I forgot the brits have the best, then austrailia (they have trade deals with all of asia due to location) then canada (less restrictions like cuba and iran) then america. Brits dont need a visa for India and Russia, but we do. (not that its hard to get, but still a hassle) thing with the brits is they're not as hostile as america, brits get fukked up, they have the resources to get them out, but depending on the country, like a powerful like china, they dont really have the power to force an investigation like america. America puts A LOT of pressure and heat on countries.

as for the taxes, over the weekend I went to an american party and I asked around how many people were paying the 'abroad tax' and not one single person said they filed. :heh:
there's no system to tell how much you made or not, all they can do is look at your bank account overseas, but that doesnt measure how much you made, you could always take the money out before they check, plus, unless you're making 6 figures, they dont give a shyt. places like asia dont have a central bank alliance with america, so american cant demand they hand over overseas account receipts to even check lol.

and this is what yall worried about? you read too much news. The shyt was actually meant for overseas contractors, like big oil company workers and things like that. If you're teaching english they're not actually checking for your lil ass. LOL


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The U.S. raised the cost of renunciation from $450 to $2,350? That's outrageous.
