Since your mexican, can you let me know why so many latin men are marrying white women, at least according to the article, when they have latinas who seem to not be a problem?.
Well, I think that black people and Mexican people in this country have a different history. Therefore there is also a very different coupling relationship dynamic between Mexicans and whites as opposed to blacks with whites. To be honest, I'm not a huge expert on this, but I think that it's safe to say that this is highlighted in the statistic that shows that white woman/Hispanic male marriages are as successful as white/white unions.
Divorce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I guess that there isn't as distinct of a racial/ethnic barrier as there is with black man/white woman coupling. This study also showed, however, that ethnic women marrying white men had little to no effect on the rate of divorce. Something that I found
really interesting, though, was that white male/black woman marriages are
staggeringly successful. Even more so than white/white marriages.
Anyway, I think that the comfort with and affinity for white people in the Hispanic community leads to pursuit of and a high success rate with white people, and therefore the interracial marriage rate is high. The only thing I can't explain by pitting it this way is the lack of success that Asian husband white wife marriages have, as I know that Asians are known to exhibit similar traits.