'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake

Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
Not even that. The audacity of someone pulling news from 10 years ago and folks acting like that shyt is something brand new. All these debates about the moon landing being real for years on here and that same article could have been used. Folks must be bored.

Thread went this long cause the moon landing deniers saw this article posted and was quick to be on some "Haha, I told ya'll!" shyt. They didn't give a fukk if it was from 2009, 1923 or from today.


Dec 29, 2016
Not even that. The audacity of someone pulling news from 10 years ago and folks acting like that shyt is something brand new. All these debates about the moon landing being real for years on here and that same article could have been used in a reply somewhere that could have been ignored. Folks must be bored. Any new updates since then?
It's been posted before

By me and a couple others
May 1, 2012
How do you know these "astronauts" made it all the way to Holland? What evidence do you have? (Any evidence you post is fake, by the way) The Van Allen radiation belt is between here and Holland, they couldn't possibly have made it.

I mean, really. "The Nether Lands." Sure. Like I'm supposed to believe any such place exists. Stop being naive, breh.
i bet the old guy was never deaf & blind.. and, he actually still has the real moon rock.. :krs:




Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
Not even that. The audacity of someone pulling news from 10 years ago and folks acting like that shyt is something brand new. All these debates about the moon landing being real for years on here and that same article could have been used in a reply somewhere that could have been ignored. Folks must be bored. Any new updates since then?
Moon landing was how long ago? Every single piece of information we have about the topic at hand is decades old. :camby:


God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
Curators at Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, where the rock has attracted tens of thousands of visitors each year, discovered that the "lunar rock", valued at £308,000, was in fact petrified wood.


Gave him a piece of the stage set :russ:

You got it :eddiegotcha:

Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
Neil Degrasse Tyson best plea cop of why they haven’t “went to the moon” since the damn 1960’s is because there’s no point to, there’s nothing of value there :mjlol:

What of value is on the moon? Just asking. From my knowledge there's nothing basically. No life, atmosphere, can't live there...if I'm wrong please educate me. nikkas supposed to just be going there collecting rocks?


Mar 11, 2015
This nikka :snoop:

fukk the moon landing shyt for one second. Let's just concentrate on this article and this supposed piece of tree.

How can you read an article that claims that these "moon rocks" were given out by the same government to hundreds of countries around the same time DECADES ago and viewed by hundreds of thousands of people yet in the same article they claim only recently some "researchers" glanced at it and knew it was fake? And this article is a decade old. How come no information at all on the other countries these rocks were given to doing their own tests to check the authenticity of these rocks they were given? You really gonna tell me that don't sound funny as fukk to you?

I fukking detest Trump and I hope he gets his assed dropped kicked out of the White House as soon as possible but his Fake News shyt gained real traction amongst alot of people (even with people that don't support him) because more people are seeing that there's so much bullshyt in print media and the internet...like this article. shyt is dumb and you got ya dikk all hard over it because you thought it lent some legitimacy to one of your cracked out conspiracy theories.

Not even that. The audacity of someone pulling news from 10 years ago and folks acting like that shyt is something brand new. All these debates about the moon landing being real for years on here and that same article could have been used in a reply somewhere that could have been ignored. Folks must be bored. Any new updates since then?

Are really talking about what sounds funny,as well as audacity? Thats right up my alley. Oddly enough most of you never want to discuss that when people ask why all of the technology used to go to the moon was tossed out casually during NASAS spring cleaning? or why NASA lost files,and erased the moon tapes to reuse it to record an episode of Gimme A Break,starring the feisty but loveable Nell Carter?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Well, let's shoot this old-ass story down, shall we?

With receipts......

MOON HOAX: DEBUNKED!: 9.8 How come the Moon rock donated to Holland is fake?

THE DETAILS:* In August 2009, several media outlets began reporting that the curators of the Dutch national museum in Amsterdam, the Rijksmuseum, had discovered that an exhibit that had been presented for years as an Apollo 11 Moon rock was actually a chunk of petrified wood (Figure 9.8-1).


Figure 9.8-1. The fake “Moon rock” and its descriptive card.

The reports stated that the alleged Moon rock had been donated on October 9, 1969 by J. W. Middendorf II, who was the US ambassador to the Netherlands at the time, to a former Dutch prime minister, Willem Drees, during the world tour of the Apollo 11 astronauts following their historic mission. When Drees died, in 1988, the item was reportedly put on display in the museum.

However, in 2006 Arno Wielders, a physicist and aerospace entrepreneur, saw it and warned the museum that it was highly unlikely that NASA had donated such a priceless Moon rock just three months after returning from the Moon and before any further samples were brought back by later Apollo flights. Moreover, the lunar samples donated to other countries were tiny fragments, whereas this “Moon rock” measured 55 by 20 millimeters (2.2 by 0.8 inches).

A phone call to NASA’s lunar rock sample management office confirmed these doubts: the curator stated that the item could not possibly be a Moon rock.

The investigation conducted in 2009 by Xandra Van Gelder, chief editor of the museum’s Oog magazine, confirmed that the exhibit was a fake. Van Gelder reported that NASA hadn’t authenticated the specific item but had merely stated that it was likely that the Netherlands had received a Moon rock, since the US had donated small samples to over 100 countries in the early 1970s.

Van Gelder also noted that the history of the item was suspicious. Real samples would be donated by the US government to the people of a country through a representative of the then-current government, not to a former prime minister who in 1969 had been out of office for eleven years. The US ambassador explained that he had received the exhibit from the US State Department, but he could not recall the details of the matter.

In addition to its inconsistent and implausible history, the fakery, if intended, wasn’t particularly subtle. The reddish color of the item was completely different from the usual color of lunar samples. Petrologist Wim van Westrenen, of the Amsterdam Free University, reported that he was immediately aware that something was wrong. Spectroscopic and microscopic inspection of a fragment taken from the item found quartz and cell-like structures typical of petrified wood.

Further anomalies become evident if the item is compared with a real sample donated to the Netherlands and stored at the Boerhaave museum (Figure 9.8-2).


Figure 9.8-2. At the top, encapsulated in clear plastic, a genuine sample of Moon rock donated to the Netherlands by the US. Credit: Museumboerhaave.nl.

The real Dutch sample is encapsulated in plastic and accompanied by a national flag and by plaques that clearly identify it as fragments of Moon rocks retrieved by Apollo 11 and “presented to the people of the Kingdom of the Netherlands by Richard Nixon, President of the United States of America”. Specifically, the plaque states that “this flag of your nation was carried to the Moon and back by Apollo 11, and this fragment of the Moon’s surface was brought to Earth by the crew of that first manned lunar landing.”

The alleged “Moon rock” is not encapsulated or mounted in any way and is simply accompanied by a gold-colored card. This card doesn’t even say it’s a lunar sample and spells center with an incongruous British spelling (centre) and hyphenates the name of the mission (“Apollo-11”).

Another questionable issue is the fact that such a rare and important item (there are only 382 kilograms (842 pounds) of Apollo moon rocks in the entire world) surfaced only during an “art exhibition” organized in 2006 by Rotterdam artists Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol and not during a science-oriented event. The exhibition was rather tongue-in-cheek, since it asked visitors what they thought of the museum’s plans to open an exhibition center on the Moon.

However, it is true that on October 9, 1969 the Apollo 11 astronauts actually were in Amsterdam on an official visit.


Figure 9.8-3. The “Moon rock” as shown in the Rijksmuseum catalog (where it was classified as fake).

For all these reasons, the “Moon rock” is now cataloged by the Rijksmuseum as item number NG-1991-4-25 and described as a “piece of black and red petrified wood” and classified unquestionably as “fake”. The words “Moon rock retrieved by the Apollo 11 crew” are described as merely the title of the artwork.

All this suggests an art exhibit that created a fictional backstory which was misinterpreted or deliberately presented as factual. This would explain the fact that the artists who found the “rock” in the storage section of the museum reported in 2007 that “in a drawer they saw a very small rock with a note with it. On that note it said that this stone came from the moon.” Yet the photographs of the note show that it doesn’t say that the stone is a lunar specimen.

Moreover, the book Museums: A Visual Anthropology by Mary Bouquet describes NG-1991-4-25 as follows on page 58:

Bikvanderpol’s Fly Me to the Moon was a meditation on the social life of a piece of moonrock donated to the national collection by former Dutch premier Willem Drees’s family after his death (Bikvanderpol 2006). Although NG-1991-4-25 was subsequently unmasked as a piece of fossilized wood, this only augments its heritage interest.

Bouquet’s book, on page 210, also references the item with the words “Bikvanderpol (2006), NG-1991-4-25 Fly Me to the Moon, New York: Sternberg”. This appears to be a reference to a book by the same name written by Liesbeth Bik and Jos van der Pol and available for purchase through Google Books and online stores with ISBN 1933128208.

The book, which I purchased in 2019, includes a few photographs of the “Moon rock”: two are shown in Figures 9.8-4 and 9.8-5. The text of the book seems to suggest that a misunderstanding is more likely than an intentional prank.


Figure 9.8-4. Bottom left: the alleged Moon rock in a photograph described as “Drawer with collection of Drees objects” in the book NG-1991-4-25. Scan from my personal book collection.


Figure 9.8-5. The alleged Moon rock in a photograph described as “Card belonging to moonrock” in the book NG-1991-4-25. Scanned from my personal book collection.

In any case, it is unquestionable that the item was not formally authenticated by NASA and that anyone arguing that this is evidence of faking the trips to the Moon would have to explain why the perpetrators of a conspiracy on which the worldwide standing of the US depended would be so dumb as to manufacture such a crude and easily detectable fake.

TL;DR Version: The entire story concerning it being donated to a Dutch official 3 months after the Apollo mission is a hoax. It was only on exhibit in 2006-2009 for an art exhibition, not for almost 20 years. Anyone who believes this proves the Moon landing was faked is a moron.


Billy Ocean

Divine Universal Black Man Representin'
May 9, 2012
Well, let's shoot this old-ass story down, shall we?

With receipts......

MOON HOAX: DEBUNKED!: 9.8 How come the Moon rock donated to Holland is fake?

TL;DR Version: The entire story concerning it being donated to a Dutch official 3 months after the Apollo mission is a hoax for an art exhibit in 2006. Anyone who believes this proves the Moon landing was faked is a moron.


Read the article in the OP one time and knew it was unadulterated bullshyt.


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Billy Ocean said:
Read the article in the OP one time and knew it was unadulterated bullshyt.

I only let it go on this long because I wanted the idiots to show themselves.

This is like when dudes go apeshyt over some IG thot only to find out it's a tranny.

Let's see how many of them try and edit their posts.
