'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
no you big dummy. I actually believe we did go to the moon. I just hate you hl fakkits that act like you know everything.

Look at you jumping to conclusions about shyt you really dont know :jbhmm:
What have I claimed to know in this thread besides that we went to the moon and that there's nothing impossible about that? :dahell:

Yet the opposite shows in this subject. You don't even have one doubt of the Moon landing. You trust all info 100%. Christian you said...how did God stop man from getting to the Heavens with Babylon but not with NASA?
I don't trust "all info 100%." But yes, I do tend to trust that actual events happened when ten of thousands of people independently verifys the actual process of said events and tens of millions more verify their scientific and engineering soundness.

"Believing we really did land on the moon" isn't scientism. :mjlol:
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2012
I don't trust "all info 100%." But yes, I do tend to trust that actual events happened when ten of thousands of people independently verifys the actual process of said events and tens of millions more verify their scientific and engineering soundness.

"Believing we really did land on the moon" isn't scientism. :mjlol:

1. What info don't you trust?
2. There is no tens of thousands of verifications. There are no books, articles or documentaries of those people of that amount claiming such a thing.
3. I bet you believe those 7 astronauts died on 1986 on the challenger.
4. Scientism is a belief system...ill leave it as that.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
1. What info don't you trust?
From scientists?

I don't believe there's any evidence that evolution over any meaningful scale is random or undirected. I don't believe there's any evidence for the many-worlds hypothesis and think thatusing such to explain away fascinating pro-humanity aspects of our universe is a huge cop-out. I believe that many scientists dismiss the supernatural without justification. I think string-theory and brane-theory is a bunch of modeling bullshyt that has zero value in the real world. I think that many ecological, agricultural, medical, and nutrition studies are fundamentally flawed and overstate their conclusions. I think there is systematic bias among scientists for pro-technological solutions and this is especially dangerous when agriculture and environmentalism are in play. I think scientists are overly biased towards testable and provable answers and thus avoid considering answers that may be true but can't be easily tested. I think that many "scientific" conclusions on hot-button moral and political issues are influenced by the value systems of the scientists as much as by the data. I think IQ studies show massive methodological errors, especially when attempting to compare different races to each other. I think IQ in general is a bit bullshyt of a measurement. I think the fact that the "we don't have free will!" experiments were broadcast so much while the "oh, never mind, that was just a methodological error" fix was so quiet was due to value systems. I think Stephen Hawking is an uninformed idiot on most non-physics subjects and should shut up and model equations. I think Carl Sagan could be an a$$hole and should have shut up more often too. I think nuclear weapons, commercial agriculture, and many other technologies were driven overly hard by scientists who didn't realize the consequences of what they were doing or the systems involved. I think that one day CRISPR might go into that same category and is likely to be a huge mistake.

That's off the top of my head but I'm sure there's more.

2. There is no tens of thousands of verifications. There are no books, articles or documentaries of those people of that amount claiming such a thing.
There are that many people who were directly involved. You want to claim that they think the whole thing was a hoax but only keep that information among family and friends who then proceeded not to tell anyone?

3. I bet you believe those 7 astronauts died on 1986 on the challenger.
I bet you believe Dylann Roof didn't kill those black folk.

4. Scientism is a belief system...ill leave it as that.
Yes, a belief system held by people who would go apeshyt if they read what I said up there in that top paragraph.
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2012
From scientists?

I don't believe there's any evidence that evolution over any meaningful scale is random or undirected. I don't believe there's any evidence for the many-worlds hypothesis and think thatusing such to explain away fascinating pro-humanity aspects of our universe is a huge cop-out. I believe that many scientists dismiss the supernatural without justification. I think string-theory and brane-theory is a bunch of modeling bullshyt that has zero value in the real world. I think that many ecological, agricultural, medical, and nutrition studies are fundamentally flawed and overstate their conclusions. I think there is systematic bias among scientists for pro-technological solutions and this is especially dangerous when agriculture and environmentalism are in play. I think scientists are overly biased towards testable and provable answers and thus avoid considering answers that may be true but can't be easily tested. I think that many "scientific" conclusions on hot-button moral and political issues are influenced by the value systems of the scientists as much as by the data. I think IQ studies show massive methodological errors, especially when attempting to compare different races to each other. I think IQ in general is a bit bullshyt of a measurement. I think the fact that the "we don't have free will!" experiments were broadcast so much while the "oh, never mind, that was just a methodological error" fix was so quiet was due to value systems. I think Stephen Hawking is an uninformed idiot on most non-physics subjects and should shut up and model equations. I think Carl Sagan could be an a$$hole and should have shut up more often too. I think nuclear weapons, commercial agriculture, and many other technologies were driven overly hard by scientists who didn't realize the consequences of what they were doing or the systems involved. I think that one day CRISPR might go into that same category and is likely to be a huge mistake.

That's off the top of my head but I'm sure there's more.

There are that many people who were directly involved. You want to claim that they think the whole thing was a hoax but only keep that information among family and friends who then proceeded not to tell anyone?

I've been personally connected to about former and current 20 NASA employees which makes me second-hand connected to thousands. There is zero hint of the slightest leak from within. That's impossible to do among that many people.

I bet you believe Dylann Roof didn't kill those black folk.

Yes, a belief system held by people who would go apeshyt if they read what I said up there in that top paragraph.

1. Speaking on NASA scientists not other scientists.

2. There is a thing called "Need to Know" and there things held by government that are classified. Jail or losing job are key components of why people keep their mouths shut.

2B. I don't care what NASA people you met or are in touch with...dont make it any less fake. Again throwing your creditals around mean nothing. Blind faith relies on you to believe it when you haven't seen it yourself.

3. Ignore my question with a irrelevant question to this topic. Should I expose NASA lies again.

4. It's not just apeshyt but quick to defend it like their life depended on it.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
Oh so you travelled on those trajectories yourself??

How was it?

You have a physics degree yet you dont know that its scientific fact that a math equation cannot prove the existence of physical phenomena???
I dont need to because i already know that the earth is flat and unmoving and i can prove it with simple math and simple shapes

Why dont you?
@Black Panther @Rhakim Here's an example of the bad faith and hypocrisy I was talking about