'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
twhatever said:
Real one was possibly kept by family and later sold. I imagine such a rarity (just 100 moon rocks) would fetch a hefty price tag.
The fam simply donated a fake.

Bro, there was no 'fam'. The whole story is fake. Three months after the astronauts return from the mission, they just GAVE a moon rock to a private citizen (NOT the Government of Holland as reported in the story) who just kept it in a drawer somewhere in his house?

Buzz was like 'Yo, son. I got these rocks. Imma let you get this one fo' free. Don't tell nobody, though. There's more where that came from. Errbody else just got crumbs, but Imma give you this boulder.'

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May 1, 2012
And NONE of the other rocks were proven to be anything other than genuine.........:sas2:

So, based on ONE rock being fake, the entire moon landing is fake?

Yeah that's logical........:mjlol:
care to explain this..

dead serious.. anyone who thinks thats a legit module, taking off from the moon.. is, straight-up gullible..

anyone who thinks they cant redo the technology.. is straight-up gullible..

its clear, we can go to what we see, as "space".. a dude just sent a fukkin balloon there, with a Go-Pro.. theres a space station.. those are both, undeniable facts.. if you think its a fact, we got that raggety ass module on the moon.. got it back off, with no problem.. theres not something wrong with the people you're questioning..



Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
hustlemania said:
care to explain this..

No problem......


The lunar module had two stages:
1. A silver-and-black ascent stage, containing the crew's pressurized compartment and the clusters of rockets that controlled the spacecraft
2. A gold-and-black descent stage, similar to the ascent stage, containing a main, centrally located rocket engine and tanks of fuel and oxidizer

The descent (lower) stage was equipped with a rocket motor to slow the rate of descent to the lunar surface. It contained exploration equipment and remained on the Moon when the astronauts left. The ascent (upper) stage contained the crew compartment and a rocket motor to return the astronauts to the orbiting command module. After the crew entered the command module for the trip back to Earth, the lunar module was released and eventually crashed into the Moon.

To rejoin the command module, the astronauts fired the ascent-stage rocket engine and lifted off, leaving the descent stage on the Moon. The ascent stage met and docked with the command module in lunar orbit. The ascent stage then was programmed to crash into the Moon.

The descent and ascent stages are still on the Moon......TILL THIS DAY!!!​

hustlemania said:
dead serious.. anyone who thinks thats a legit module, taking off from the moon.. is, straight-up gullible..

Then how come the Russians didn't expose it as a sham since they got there two years later?

I guess they're gullible, too?

How come you can actually see the descent stage on the Moon?

What are these you nikkas have?​

hustlemania said:
anyone who thinks they cant redo the technology.. is straight-up gullible..

They can redo the tech. Problem is, it'd take upwards of $1 TRILLION to do it and the US's current budget is about $3-4 trillion. So, basically, 1/4 of the Nation's budget would have to go into ONE similar program to do what they did 50 years ago while still maintaining ALL the other programs the US has to budget for, today, to keep this country running. How'd you like your taxes to go up about 500%?​

hustlemania said:
its clear, we can go to what we see, as "space".. a dude just sent a fukkin balloon there, with a Go-Pro.. theres a space station.. those are both, undeniable facts.. if you think its a fact, we got that raggety ass module on the moon.. got it back off, with no problem.. theres not something wrong with the people you're questioning..

Getting into space and getting to the Moon are two different objectives with different issues......like the difference between getting a ship to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and sending a vessel to the bottom of the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. No one said there were 'no problems'. That's a misnomer. Nothing about that entire project was in any way 'easy'. I think many people forget that there were quite a few people that died in-pursuit of getting to the Moon on the American AND Russian side and that's why there's something wrong with those who question the whole enterprise. There were a LOT of human beings involved in that endeavor and just because you didn't see it with your own eyes while simultaneously discounting everything they accomplished is not a good enough reason to say it didn't happen at all. Especially when there is an overabundance of evidence contrary to that opinion from America, it's allies, and it's adversaries, rendering it invalid.​
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
care to explain this..

dead serious.. anyone who thinks thats a legit module, taking off from the moon.. is, straight-up gullible..

anyone who thinks they cant redo the technology.. is straight-up gullible..

its clear, we can go to what we see, as "space".. a dude just sent a fukkin balloon there, with a Go-Pro.. theres a space station.. those are both, undeniable facts.. if you think its a fact, we got that raggety ass module on the moon.. got it back off, with no problem.. theres not something wrong with the people you're questioning..

@Dafunkdoc_Unlimited already educated you, but what do you think a lunar module from the 1970s is supposed to look like? :why:

Don't you think it's weird that millions of scientists and engineers from across the world have no problems whatsoever with that video, that not a single of the hundreds of thousands of NASA employees who worked on the moon program at some point found anything wrong with the idea, that 200 foreign governments, many of whom are hostile to the USA, see no reason to challenge that, but in your mind....the evidence is right there in public on the internet and any idiot who knows nothing about space or engineering can debunk the whole thing.


The Dust King

A Childrens Story
Jul 25, 2012
the tri-state
Bro, there was no 'fam'. The whole story is fake. Three months after the astronauts return from the mission, they just GAVE a moon rock to a private citizen (NOT the Government of Holland as reported in the story) who just kept it in a drawer somewhere in his house?

Buzz was like 'Yo, son. I got these rocks. Imma let you get this one fo' free. Don't tell nobody, though. There's more where that came from. Errbody else just got crumbs, but Imma give you this boulder.'


@Dafunkdoc_Unlimited already educated you, but what do you think a lunar module from the 1970s is supposed to look like? :why:

Don't you think it's weird that millions of scientists and engineers from across the world have no problems whatsoever with that video, that not a single of the hundreds of thousands of NASA employees who worked on the moon program at some point found anything wrong with the idea, that 200 foreign governments, many of whom are hostile to the USA, see no reason to challenge that, but in your mind....the evidence is right there in public on the internet and any idiot who knows nothing about space or engineering can debunk the whole thing.


just to help my boy @hustlemania out my question to you two scholars is

what is the procedures for sheilding humans from space radiation?

seems all the modules and rockets had paper thin aluminum cases and radiation is stopped by lead lines

also forgive me for questioning the god Rakim


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The Dust King said:
just to help my boy @hustlemania out my question to you two scholars is

what is the procedures for sheilding humans from space radiation?

It ultimately depends on quite a few different factors: type, intensity, and amount of time of exposure being the primary concerns I think. There are two primary vectors for radiation on spacecraft/astronauts: Galactic cosmic rays and solar particle radiation from the Sun.​

The Dust King said:
seems all the modules and rockets had paper thin aluminum cases and radiation is stopped by lead lines

That's not actually true. NOTHING stops radiation. What the suits/vehicles are designed to do is minimize the amount of radiation human beings absorb by causing the particles to smash against matter other than human tissue. The human compartments were sufficiently shielded to prevent excessive cosmic rays and UV rays while the EVA suits were designed to prevent excessive UV. Human skin also provides natural UV protection. Since cosmic rays are far more prevalent in open space than near a large body of gravity, like the Moon, there wasn't as much concern about it for the suits since the particles had a better, easier target to hit.​


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
YouMadd? said:
Keep believing Whites and Jewish people got to the moon brehs......
WE put them there..........


Summary: Worked with tracking teams of manned and unmanned orbital missions. Spacecraft include the Earth Resources Satellite, lunar orbital missions, and Apollo moon missions. Received Group Achievement Award presented to NASA’s Lunar Spacecraft and Operations Team.

Born: 8/26/1918, White Sulphur Springs, WV

NACA: Computer, June 1953

Aerospace Technologist, 1958

Retired, 1986

Notable Calculations

1959 - Trajectory for Alan Shepard‘s flight

Back-up navigation charts for astronauts

1962 – Verified calculations made for the 1st time by electronic computer for John Glenn’s orbit

1969 – Apollo 11 trajectory to the Moon

You also might wanna check this movie......


:salute:...........Black Excellence!!!!​
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la force de l'avenir
Apr 2, 2017
[QUOTE="ouMadd?]Keep believing Whites and Jewish people got to the moon brehs......
WE put them there..........


Summary: Worked with tracking teams of manned and unmanned orbital missions. Spacecraft include the Earth Resources Satellite, lunar orbital missions, and Apollo moon missions. Received Group Achievement Award presented to NASA’s Lunar Spacecraft and Operations Team.

Born: 8/26/1918, White Sulphur Springs, WV

NACA: Computer, June 1953

Aerospace Technologist, 1958

Retired, 1986

Notable Calculations

1959 - Trajectory for Alan Shepard‘s flight

Back-up navigation charts for astronauts

1962 – Verified calculations made for the 1st time by electronic computer for John Glenn’s orbit

1969 – Apollo 11 trajectory to the Moon

You also might wanna check this movie......


:salute:...........Black Excellence!!!!​

I admire your rationality
Jun 24, 2012
^^^^All that is great and all and shows how the NASA used these women for a PR stunt. No one is denying her or the black women in their mathematics or abilities to calculate. However it shows that their were no calculations of the Van Allen Belt, Stratosphere or Ionosphere. None of these women have ever been in space let alone been up in high altitude. Calculations are just educated guesses. Plus their access to any real secrets of the Moon landing is limited.


May 1, 2012
^^^^All that is great and all and shows how the NASA used these women for a PR stunt. No one is denying her or the black women in their mathematics or abilities to calculate. However it shows that their were no calculations of the Van Allen Belt, Stratosphere or Ionosphere. None of these women have ever been in space let alone been up in high altitude. Calculations are just educated guesses. Plus their access to any real secrets of the Moon landing is limited.

So your saying these black woman are not smart enough to know when they are being lied to.

May 1, 2012
just to help my boy @hustlemania out my question to you two scholars is

what is the procedures for sheilding humans from space radiation?

seems all the modules and rockets had paper thin aluminum cases and radiation is stopped by lead lines

also forgive me for questioning the god Rakim
man.. these dudes in here talking in circles.. talking about “you can still see it on the moon.. :mjgrin:

@Dafunkdoc_Unlimited Show us a picture.. YOU have taken, of those parts on the moon..

should be easy, since you speak so definitive about the subject.. :unimpressed:

^^^^All that is great and all and shows how the NASA used these women for a PR stunt. No one is denying her or the black women in their mathematics or abilities to calculate. However it shows that their were no calculations of the Van Allen Belt, Stratosphere or Ionosphere. None of these women have ever been in space let alone been up in high altitude. Calculations are just educated guesses. Plus their access to any real secrets of the Moon landing is limited.
breh.. there were Black nurses involved in the Tuskegee Experiment..

folks try to act like their throwing Black folks a bone, saying there was “Black women were behind the Apollo mission, too.. I think they even knew Corn Pop.. :smugbiden:
