Monster Hunter: World | PS4/XB1/PC | Out Now

Dec 18, 2013
Just defeated Rathalos now on to Diablos.

Biggest mistake for me is just not picking up all this stuff throughout the game. I want some Dragon equipment and needed to grab bones and now I have to go back. I truly need like a session where I just do that and beat up on the monsters again. Plunderblade is good money, too. Ate well off of Rathalos, Odogaron and the second Radobann I killed.
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The Manslayer
May 2, 2012
Where do you get Monster Bone+?

Need to upgrade my switch axe

It's a semi-rare drop from hunting certain monsters. Rathalos and Odogaron will give it to you. Just be sure to break as many parts as possible when hunting them

Just defeated Rathalos now on to Diablos.

Biggest mistake for me is just not picking up all this stuff throughout the game. I want some Dragon equipment and needed to grab bones and now I have to go back. I truly need like a session where I just do that and beat up on the monsters again. Plunderblade is good money, too. Ate well off of Rathalos, Odogaron and the second Radobann I killed.

ABL - Always be looting, even then drops can be very, very rare. Fangs seem to be especially hard to come by cause you need to break their face to get it and even then you'll get like 1 for a whole quest
Dec 18, 2013
Am I wasting my time with dual blades? I currently use a hammer, but I keep coming back to them because they make the gameplay seem faster, even though they're weaker. Talk to me brehs.

It's a semi-rare drop from hunting certain monsters. Rathalos and Odogaron will give it to you. Just be sure to break as many parts as possible when hunting them

ABL - Always be looting, even then drops can be very, very rare. Fangs seem to be especially hard to come by cause you need to break their face to get it and even then you'll get like 1 for a whole quest

Yea, now I know. I went back looking for Coral Bones and couldn't find them and now I'm sick.


The Manslayer
May 2, 2012
Am I wasting my time with dual blades? I currently use a hammer, but I keep coming back to them because they make the gameplay seem faster, even though they're weaker. Talk to me brehs.

The strength of this game is that every single weapon is great and useful. What matters is your play style and preference. I main dual blades and do just fine. Whatever weapon you use, you must keep upgrading though, cause they will get outclassed after a bit.

Coral bones are in random bone piles in the coral highlands

Notorious Jerry

Change&Hope Ambassador
Oct 18, 2012
Am I wasting my time with dual blades? I currently use a hammer, but I keep coming back to them because they make the gameplay seem faster, even though they're weaker. Talk to me brehs.

Yea, now I know. I went back looking for Coral Bones and couldn't find them and now I'm sick.
Db has amazing damage potential and has the only weapon with two element types.

Notorious Jerry

Change&Hope Ambassador
Oct 18, 2012
As a weapon goes I really suggest y’all pick a path and shoot for it. Raw damage is better then elemental damage in most cases outside of duel blades

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
For Elder Dragons and the like, yeah, I'll roll with this for the most part. I still need the numbers on the raw damage over time though. I'm never entirely sure if its worth it
Been playing for like 35 hours and this shyt is like a foreign language to me :mindblown:

Do what....with what??

How do you "stack" anything? I just build the armor, as far as I know there are no attributes to level up.

What the hell is a phial type and/or a tyrannous and affinity?:francis:

Blend and stack what:what:....sharpness? I just use a whetstone

Speak English breh

It'll make sense the further you get in the game and move into high rank. Most of those skills have to do with raising critical chance and how you can increase elemental damage/part damage/etc on each crit.

As for Sharpness, its not just keeping your attacks from bouncing off (and even that can be mitigated on certain weapons). Red = 50% damage. Orange =75%. Yellow = 100% or the actual attack value on your stats page. Green =105%. Blue=120%. White = 132%

Elemental damage is affected by Sharpness as well. Just not as drastically. Red/Orange/Yellow stay the same, but Green/Blue/White are 100/106/112 respectively.

Sharpness also directly effects what things you can or can't hit due to a monsters armor. A green attack against a Barroth might bounce off many of its armored parts for example, but white would cut through it like butter. It also makes it MUCH easier to cut off monster parts. For the most part, any single attack is taking -1 off your sharpness but any attack that hits a strong area will take more. Blocking will also reduce it by a lot.

So keeping it high will allow you to knock off parts quicker - and knocking off parts is how you stop a lot of attacks that'd otherwise change the way you play.

Phials are for Charge Blades and one of the lances I think. Its basically the mechanic they use to power up their abilities. They get two types of Phials (may as well call them charges but Japan so whatever), Impact and Elemental. Elemental takes on whatever element the weapons is - so for better or worse you're hitting with all of that element on all of your charge attacks. Impact however is flat, non-elemental damage based off your raw attack damage. It ignores affinity. Both of those don't obey the rules of Sharpness/Armor either. So for enemies that are armored to hell and back like Kirin, a well placed charge attack will hit it harder than anything else in the game could ever hope to.

^regarding that, the Tyrannis weapons have the highest attack numbers but the worst affinity overall. Affinity effects crit in BOTH directions though. So positive affinity = chances to hit for 25% more damage. Negative affinity = chances to hit for 25% LESS damage. For some weapon types that's a complete after thought. Won't ever matter due to how they do damage. For weapons like Dual Blades or Glaive though? Huge problem unless you've got ways to mitigate that.

You'll see plenty more ways to add skills and elements to weapons/armor the further you get into the game though. Early on just do what feels good for you, keep upgrading your equipment, and git gud. High Rank is when things open up. Then the 'real' endgame after that is where shyt gets crazy.

Sorry if that came off long winded or sloppy, trying to summarize as efficiently as I can because the game loves to over explain everything or simply not tell you. Hunter games in general will let you drop 100+ hours easy so don't even sweat the early stuff.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Nah bro poison is hot trash end game wait until you clear and get to end game and get to see the element less gem and how broken it is.
Yeah that's how I feel. I need to see the numbers on it still.

If you can ALWAYS keep it up, the damage over time is solid - and there's enough monsters that are immune to everything else to warrant it. I'm just not sure if it counts as a real element though. Going off of what other elemental lists in-game show, the only things that should apply are fire/ice/water/thunder/dragon. Poison/Paralysis/Blast/Sleep values *shouldn't* change a weapon from non-elemental status as those numbers only effect the build up for that status effect.

Poison has to pretty much never stop for it to be worth it. Blast will catch it on the damage end eventually if you're consistent enough, and that can KO a monster. Paralysis and Sleep let you drop stupid damage on a monster for free.

But I don't know :manny: I'm still trying to find ways to fluff the numbers using that Odogaron armor set ability. I feel like I've seen all there is to see from Charge Blade at least. While its fun (especially once you get the guardpoint punishes down), its pretty straightforward no matter what the situation is. For weapons like that, the Poison weapon actually makes a lot of sense since you're throwing pebbles at a monster until you get your charge ready.