You're just assuming stuff about him with no actual proof. Also, what's the purpose of coming up with these retorts? I know this has to have you feeling some type of way, but as a business person trying to promote themselves this is highly unprofessional. You're publically airing out a business dispute on a public forum. And by saying that he makes "ugly ass bootleg New Eras for a living" that can be considered libel because it's on a public forum. You don't know who reads these boards. What makes you think that Mr. Mollywater co isn't reading this from his iPhone and laughing his ass off cause he know he has you pinned in a corner right now?
This is what people are saying and you're just willfully ignoring it or are just in denial about. This is the business world where there are certain things that have to be taken into consideration because you have a good/product/service/company in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. It's sink or swim and people are cutthroat as f*ck. You should know this, but with the way you're conducting yourself on here (and have been conducting yourself on here in regards to your business/company/product) you seem to have little or no regard to the livelihood of your own business. But that's only if you're product and service was legitimate or actually existed. Other than some party pics, fancy writeups which were fueled by something that was NOT the actual product, and some interviews, you have produced 0 proof that this product is even available for sale in a store, you continue to give the runaround to people who ask you the most basic questions about where to acquire said product, you continue to dodge questions about the origin of said product, you continue to obscure the truth about said product
If you have a problem with him and think he's possibly infringing on any sort of trademark or intellectual property you have legally secured the rights to, then contact him on your own time and talk to him IN PRIVATE with your legal representation that can verify that you have a legitimate claim. Not on a message board like this that's visible for everyone to see. No professional person in the world is airing out their dirty laundry like this and nor would they cause they know it's going to hurt their reputation. This is the internet era in which you had no choice to do business in. At the end of the day, even though you might have detractors and naysayers, the best thing to do is watch from the sidelines, stay quiet, observe, and keep it moving. This is just bordering on irresponsible and can cost you in so many ways.
The real big dogs in this game move in silence.