Model post domestic violence pics (she only dated him 8 months :mindblown:) Graphic!


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
people worrying about other people will always be that persons downfall.

fukked up what happened to her, but as long as that aint my sister, cousin or aunt...i cant really care too much. her dating a white boy doesnt even matter to me. That shyt doesnt affect me, whether it was a white boy or a black boy....fukk her and him, i dont know them :manny:

when I finally entered this mind state, I became successful in life.


Nov 12, 2013
people worrying about other people will always be that persons downfall.

fukked up what happened to her, but as long as that aint my sister, cousin or aunt...i cant really care too much. her dating a white boy doesnt even matter to me. That shyt doesnt affect me, whether it was a white boy or a black boy....fukk her and him, i dont know them :manny:

when I finally entered this mind state, I became successful in life.

Pretty much my mindset and approach to life to a TEE. :myman:

+REP sent.

I'm just here for the fukkery & entertainment. :lolbron:

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
i think it's moreso because they get all of their opportunities from whites, this is an important dynamic. most women of other races get some type of help and opportunity from men of their own race. most black men aren't in a position to provide an education, job, or just a comfortable living to our women. our women have to go to white folks for a check, that automatically makes them conform and respect white men more than black men. then we've got the media all in their ear, telling them we're either criminals, or sell outs that white women. then to top it off, we've got black men that dont understand it's natural to protect the GOOD women of your race, and help provide a better lifestyle for them. nikkas just write it off as simping/tricking, etc.

the whole situation is fukked up because cacs come through and continuously instigate the situation. most of these sites that black women frequent aren't even owned by black people. some chick, i forgot her name, was awarded mother of the month by huffpost


and this chick was basically a staunch feminist that made it clear she would never submit to gender roles. so it's "like geee, i wonder how she became a single mother. maybe because you've made it clear that you wont submit?" but we've got white people all in black womens ear telling them they're great and amazing for continously having b*stards. meanwhile, they make sure they've got the right finances before they bring a kid into the world.

bruh, our women have been compromised, that's all i can really say.


Some real shyt here,

And now you've got all this shyt trying to associate black masculinity with gayness....we aren't going to be able to dig ourselves out of this hole without some very hard choices and sacrifices.

Jamilah is fukking terrible. She's *constantly* shytting on black men on twitter. Her and her little acolytes are constantly involved in that "White Boy Wednesday" hashtag shyt as well.

Edit : Was browsing through theroot, and came across this article :

Why would a black orientated website post something like this? What are they thinking?

And this is a relatively good site. But even our positive sources have to pull this kind of crap.
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Mar 24, 2013
**smacks her**
"you're bout to be ugly as fukk for saying that!!"
**punches her in face several times**
"fukk yo t*ts!!!!"
**scratches t*ts off with fingernails**

Ghetto Denizen

May 2, 2012
damn brehs, was not expecting a justin beiber cac to be the perp, I was expecting some Ike Turner nikka

Am I racist brehs?:bryan:


Oct 29, 2012
16 pages tho brehs, 240 posts?

651 post :merchant:


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
i think it's moreso because they get all of their opportunities from whites, this is an important dynamic. most women of other races get some type of help and opportunity from men of their own race. most black men aren't in a position to provide an education, job, or just a comfortable living to our women. our women have to go to white folks for a check, that automatically makes them conform and respect white men more than black men. then we've got the media all in their ear, telling them we're either criminals, or sell outs that white women. then to top it off, we've got black men that dont understand it's natural to protect the GOOD women of your race, and help provide a better lifestyle for them. nikkas just write it off as simping/tricking, etc.

the whole situation is fukked up because cacs come through and continuously instigate the situation. most of these sites that black women frequent aren't even owned by black people. some chick, i forgot her name, was awarded mother of the month by huffpost


and this chick was basically a staunch feminist that made it clear she would never submit to gender roles. so it's "like geee, i wonder how she became a single mother. maybe because you've made it clear that you wont submit?" but we've got white people all in black womens ear telling them they're great and amazing for continously having b*stards. meanwhile, they make sure they've got the right finances before they bring a kid into the world.

bruh, our women have been compromised, that's all i can really say.

Great post.

This is why I clown and chastise black men for thinking they can run everything with their d#ck and sex game. Black women hail black men for making their toes curl but will call the cops on that same dude or have him set up for a robbery or will lie on him in child support court or will snitch on him at the job all the same.

Black men have been taught to base their value on their physical prowess whether it be their physical strength and/or their ability to f#ck. Gee, I wonder where that originates? This is why black men tend to boast about being able to control a woman by making her orgasm. Any dude with his head on straight who has some experience knows that you can't truly gain submission from between a woman's happens between her ears.

And even if she does submit after getting her back blown out, after she regains feeling in her legs, if you're on Baby Boy status, she's going to treat you as such. And if you have to bang her out just to make her agreeable, what does that say about your value on that woman's eyes? That kind of dude is nothing more than an in-house gigalo....and gigalos are hired and fired.

As stated above, black women typically have their resources outside of black men. This is NOT the case with non-black women for the most part.

When a black woman wants a job, she goes to the white-owned company to get interviewed by the white HR person. Not a black man.
When a black woman wants some food and shelter for her kids, she goes to the WIC and Section 8 office. Not the black man.
When a black woman needs help and protection, she calls 911. Not the black man.
When a black woman wants to shop at a retail store, she goes to the suburbs or downtown at white-owned retailers. Not a black man's store.

See the pattern? See why black women gain an affinity for one group and a disdain for their own? See why black women trust one group and don't trust their own? See why black women would respect one group and not their own?

The attitudes we see in black women are a problem, but they are a bi-product of something larger. Black men have helped create the very issues that we dislike, don't want and can't tolerate. Having an apathetic worldview on their role in the household and allowing outside forces to dictate internal dynamics has come back to bite us in more ways than one.

This post is already long, but I just wanted to add to the quote. Black women are a problem right now, but black men are the leaders, so we have to be the solution.

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Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Breh men and women gotta find people with other qualities besides looks and money. Otherwise their life could turn out to be hell with some psychotic bytch with a phat ass or some crazy fakkit with money.

I can't even respond to those two cuz they aren't making much sense, the last thing a woman wants to do is chase a man due to his financial status in this society we currently live in. 30 years ago... fine but in the social media days you're gonna lose that battle.

I'd probably say alot of sisters aren't taken seriously by white men because they're mostly seeking financial support and white guys usually know this and they know our communities already.

White boy got emotional, couldn't deal with a fine, colored woman with dudes hitting her up on instragram.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
I was thinking the same thing. There's always more to the story, especially when a woman is telling it. That's why a dude should never try to take up for a woman before he gets every inch of the story from multiple angles. Because women have dudes going to war over some "he beat me up" tip only to find out that she was engaging in some very foul play. Now, he's at war with a dude over some omissions.

Something tells me that her dude's flirting/cheating allegations weren't totally baseless. She's a typical attention whore...posting pictures all over social media, flirting with dudes on public sites, shouting out different dudes, etc. She knew this got under her dude's skin, but she did it anyway because that's what she's about. This kept adding up and up until dude finally began to confront her about it, which she didn't take serious.

One thing that black women who date white guys have to keep in mind is that those types of white guys tend to be very sensitive about their woman interacting with black men. They know that she's probably been with black guys before, probably slept with them before and probably loved one or two before. Plus, they tend to feel that the black dudes have a one-up on them in their woman's eyes because they're black. This can make the situation extra tenuous when the chick is flirting with black men.

Something tells me this dynamic came into play.


Also some white boys feel sisters like them due to a better ability to provide so when shes all on instagram that's not a good look at all.


May 3, 2012
why is this so many pages? cliff notes anybody? :dahell:

-Pics of the chick get posted... dudes like :angry: - Man that's fukked up what happened to her, I wonder who did it?
-Pic posted of her with a black guy. MAN that nikka aint shyt! blah blah blah, black men this, black men that.:violent:
-Pic posted of actual abuser.. white guy that looks like Bieber .... :unsure:
-People who went in on black guy = :ufdup:
-White guy gets berated but not as hard as the black guy at first :lupe:, Black chick gets kind of berated too but gets a bunch of :cape: from devil's advocate ass :troll:types
-Info about black chick's views gets posted or exposed as some might see it.. such as.... she really about that :mjpls: life
*"white boys are life"
*pics of her crushes... :mjpls: x5
*bedwench/c00nisms etc. etc.
-Black chick gets :camby: treatment
-The :cape: & :troll: types attempt to shame the :birdman: types from being honest but neither side gives up any ground :wow:
-And the thread itself has been moved around alot... buried then dug back up and now here...

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Top 75 All-Time
May 23, 2012
-Pics of the chick get posted... dudes like :angry: - Man that's fukked up what happened to her, I wonder who did it?
-Pic posted of her with a black guy. MAN that nikka aint shyt! blah blah blah, black men this, black men that.:violent:
-Pic posted of actual abuser.. white guy that looks like Bieber .... :unsure:
-People who went in on black guy = :ufdup:
-White guy gets berated. Black chick gets kind of berated too but gets a bunch of :cape: from devil's advocate ass :troll:types
-Info about black chick's views gets posted or exposed as some might see it.. such as.... she really about that :mjpls: life
*"white boys are life"
*pics of her crushes... :mjpls: x5
*bedwench/c00nisms etc. etc.
-Black chick gets :camby: treatment
-The :cape: & :troll: types attempt to shame the :birdman: types from being truthful but neither side gives up any ground :wow:
-And the thread itself has been moved around alot... buried then dug back up and now here...


If there was an exam on this thread :blessed