Model minority gets his wake up call from PAWG(warning: Extremely Brutal)

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Y'all are gullible as fukk. She's racist as hell against Black people, but you respect that she shyts on other non-White people too?

You're watching a racist use "divide and conquer" in real time and saying you RESPECT that shyt? :dahell:

This is how Ann Coulter feels about Black civil rights:

The segment kicked off with the focus on Michelle Obama’s commencement address at Tuskegee University last weekend. Coulter denounced the first lady’s choice to share how racism played a role in her own life. “I think she’s just letting out her Reverend Wright now,” she declared.

"I mean you have the Muslims and the Jews and the various exotic sexual groups and the black church ladies with the college queers ... you must hate white men. It's the one thing they have in common"

"The Justice-for-Trayvon crowd keeps pretending there hasn't been a trial where the evidence overwhelmingly showed that Trayvon committed the first (and only) crime that night by assaulting Zimmerman. Instead, the race agitators are sticking with the original story peddled by the media, back when we had zero facts. To wit, that Zimmerman had stalked a young black child and shot him dead just for being black and wearing a hoodie. Dozens of these hair-on-fire racism stories are retold in my book, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama."

"Trayvon Martin's Parents are lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzies. I have never seen people enjoying their child's death so much."

"Instead of turning every story about a black person killed by a white person into an occasion to announce, "The simple fact is, America is a racist society," liberals might, one time, ask the question: Why do you suppose there would be a generalized fear of young black males? What might that be based on? Throw us a bone. It's because a disproportionate number of criminals are young black males. It just happens that when Lee Van Houten and George Zimmerman were mugged by two of them, they survived the encounter."

"It must be hard for young black males to always be viewed as criminals by people who notice crime statistics."

"Whatever questionable choices were made at the Republican National Convention last week, I didn't hear of a single speaker whose sole accomplishment was raising a delinquent who attacked a cop....If Brown's mother had done something noteworthy, apart from raising a hoodlum -- perhaps pioneering a cardiac stent that will save people's lives -- then one could understand her being a "headliner" at the Democrats' convention. But, as I understand it, her sole claim to fame is giving birth to, and then carefully nurturing, a violent, cop-assaulting criminal."

“All this nonsense about how many blacks are in prison — how did they get there?” she asked. “In addition to the peaceful Baltimore protester I want to put on a milk carton — ‘Have you seen this?’ — I want to see the innocent person in prison.”

This “predator class” in the black community, Coulter argued, largely targets other members of the black community, as evidenced by the rioting in Baltimore. “This nonsense about ‘the peaceful protesters,’” she said, “I want [to take out] a milk carton ad, ‘Has anyone seen a peaceful protester?’”

“This all comes from illegitimacy,” Coulter said, shifting gears. The New Deal and the War on Poverty, she said, are responsible for the rising illegitimacy rate in the black community — and illegitimacy “just breeds a predator class.”

“We’re making it up now,” she continued, “when you get into Princeton and you can’t read, is that enough” to “make up” for slavery and its legacy?"

"On the gun crimes, we keep hearing how low they are in Europe, and oh, they’re so low, and they have no guns … If you compare white populations, we have the same murder rate as Belgium."

"Let's give that beloved chestnut a rest for a day and consider another way blacks have it harder than whites. Only black people are expected to never speak against their community. Might we spend five minutes admiring the courage of blacks who step forward and tell the truth to cops, juries and reporters in the middle of our periodic racial Armageddons? This one is never discussed at all."

"I think there should be a literacy test and a poll tax for people to vote."

"In 1960, whites were 90 percent of the country. The Census Bureau recently estimated that whites already account for less than two-thirds of the population and will be a minority by 2050. Other estimates put that day much sooner. One may assume the new majority will not be such compassionate overlords as the white majority has been. If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it would be called genocide. Yet whites are called racists merely for mentioning the fact that current immigration law is intentionally designed to reduce their percentage in the population."

"My fav immignt 2 Ta-Nehisi Coates: Consistency=whites get reparations 4 disproportionate homicide that blacks have committed agst whites"

“I think it’s outrageous. He’s making a lot of money off this country. If he doesn’t like it I’m with Donald Trump, he can go to another country,” Coulter said in part when asked about Kaepernick by TMZ Sports.

"Announcing the opening of shythole Air -- Free, 1-way travel, back to the country of your choice!"

"We’re about to see a genocide and if Trump doesn’t keep his promises on immigration, in about two generations that’s going to be the United States of America, so get used to it. But we are seeing a genocide there, and if we’re going to take any refugees it seems to me it ought to be particularly these white farmers who are being chosen and killed in really horrible ways,”

Ann Coulter clearly, with no doubt whatsoever:

- Is against reparations in any way, shape, or form
- Mocks Affirmative Action
- Doesn't support the protections given in the Voting Rights Act or Civil Rights Act
- Mocks any Black person who discusses systemic racism
- Is against Black protests of police violence
- Is against any idea that Black people are unfairly treated by the justice system
- Is pro-Zimmerman and anti-Trayvon, anti-Kaepernick, and anti-BLM
- Likes to play up Black crime and blame racism on Black people
- Repeatedly refers to Black men as violent and dangerous
- Capes for White South Africans while shytting on Black people from literally every country

But let's cape for her because she shyts on other non-white people too and plays the divide-and-conquer card. :mjlol:
This man wrote a whole ass novela because people basically said, "Yeah, she's a piece of shyt, but at least she's honest about it" :heh:

There's not a single person in this thread that said they like Ann or admire Ann, just that they respect the honesty.

Same thing Malcolm X said when he met with the KKK & said White liberals were a bigger threat to Black people than conservatives because of their dishonesty.

Same thing MLK said when he said that White moderates were a bigger threat to Black people than the KKK because all they care about is order & peace rather than justice.

Same thing Marcus Garvey said when he met with the Klan.

Just get a clue, nikka. None of these White folks fukk with you. It's best that you know that straight up.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This man wrote a whole ass novela

I love how coming with a lot of receipts is considered a bad thing.

There's not a single person in this thread that said they like Ann or admire Ann, just that they respect the honesty.

What "honesty"? She was lying out her ass. She doesn't support ANY aspect of ADOS having civil rights, and that's what I proved in the receipts. She was pretending to support ADOS and their civil rights struggle when she saw she could use it as a wedge issue against other non-White people. Her basic position is White Nationalism, and White Nationalists have a 50-year history of trying to use Black folk as cover for their anti-immigrant agenda.

And TLR has a long history of this whitewashing of Ann Coulter bullshyt:

The ADOS thread in particular has so many people flying in to cape it's amazing.

"she can def be an ally."

"I fukks with Ann. She's never been racist towards black folks "

"The liberal con game is coming apart at the seams. The only black people who'll be left supporting liberals will be nikka nerds, queers and swirlers. Nerds bc they don't know any better, queers bc it serves their interests, and swirlers only if they're delusional."

"the brevity and truth of these 2 statements. :wow:"

"Ann counter has always held the position that civil rights are for black Americans."

"She’s been on it for decades."

"Ann Coulter has been saying this for decades, but ADOS detractors will use this, Russian bots, or anything...."

"it's just basic common sense to any educated person that knows american history "

"New to what game? Shes being saying this stuff for years now..."

All those quotes are supposedly by different posters. :mjlol:

"But she's honest" :mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

If she's so honest, then why do all her TLR supporters keep claiming she holds the exact opposite positions of what she actually supports? :dead:


May 3, 2012
"But she's honest" :mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

If she's so honest, then why do all her TLR supporters keep claiming she holds the exact opposite positions of what she actually supports? :dead:
People confuse "correct", which anyone can be depending on what he or she says, with "honest" which is different. "Honest" means free of deceit, but there is definitely some tricknology going on here.

Ann uses the black struggle to undercut other struggles- which some of y'all may agree with. But make no mistake, she is pro WASP America.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
I love how coming with a lot of receipts is considered a bad thing.

What "honesty"? She was lying out her ass. She doesn't support ANY aspect of ADOS having civil rights, and that's what I proved in the receipts. She was pretending to support ADOS and their civil rights struggle when she saw she could use it as a wedge issue against other non-White people. Her basic position is White Nationalism, and White Nationalists have a 50-year history of trying to use Black folk as cover for their anti-immigrant agenda.

And TLR has a long history of this whitewashing of Ann Coulter bullshyt:

"But she's honest" :mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

If she's so honest, then why do all her TLR supporters keep claiming she holds the exact opposite positions of what she actually supports? :dead:
Again, who is delusional enough to think Ann Coulter is "pro-Civl Rights" or "pro-ADOS'? :heh:

Nobody has ever made that statement, just that she is CORRECT about this ONE THING and is willing to be honest about a few things.

Everybody knows she's a racist bytch and always has been, but as the saying goes "a broken clock is right twice a day"

That's it. :heh:

Just because butthurt ass nikkaz fall for racist liberals bullshyt don't mean that everybody else falls for racist conservatives bullshyt.

A lot of us see that BOTH are racist as fukk and have nothing for us:yeshrug:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Again, who is delusional enough to think Ann Coulter is "pro-Civl Rights" or "pro-ADOS'? :heh:

You were delusional enough to think she was pro-reparations though. :mjlol:

And I already linked the TLR Ann Coulter thread where NUMBEROUS posters tried to claim that Ann Coulter is a pro-Black ally. :laff:

Nobody has ever made that statement, just that she is CORRECT about this ONE THING and is willing to be honest about a few things.

But you were wrong about that one thing you thought she was correct on.

Just because butthurt ass nikkaz fall for racist liberals bullshyt don't mean that everybody else falls for racist conservatives bullshyt.

A lot of us see that BOTH are racist as fukk and have nothing for us:yeshrug:

Imagine hating liberals so much that you start to claim a racist arch-conservative is pro-reparations. :deadrose:

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
You were delusional enough to think she was pro-reparations though. :mjlol:

And I already linked the TLR Ann Coulter thread where NUMBEROUS posters tried to claim that Ann Coulter is a pro-Black ally. :laff:

But you were wrong about that one thing you thought she was correct on.

Imagine hating liberals so much that you start to claim a racist arch-conservative is pro-reparations. :deadrose:
Dumb ass, I never said she was "pro-reparations".

Show me where I said that. :stopitslime:

Her statement about Civil Rights being "for the Blacks" & White liberals & everybody eating off our shyt was the statement I was referring to.

That is true whether she says it or Tariq or Yvette or Farrakhan or whoever. It doesn't matter. It will always be the truth.

fakkits like you again, think that because YOU worship White liberals and buy their shyt that to not buy their shyt means that you buy conservatives shyt.

I do not. I only acknowledge true statements and she will make true statements at times, even if they reveal her to be a racist bytch:francis:

Again, I see them ALL as irredeemable racists, which is why I do not vote. :yeshrug:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Dumb ass, I never said she was "pro-reparations".

Show me where I said that. :stopitslime:

You said she was right about "this one thing" in the same comment where you said, "who is delusional enough to think Ann Coulter is "pro-Civl Rights" or "pro-ADOS"?"

So you weren't talking about reparations there like the other poster, you were saying that she was right about Black civil the same post where you say she doesn't favor Black civil rights?

Her statement about Civil Rights being "for the Blacks" & White liberals & everybody eating off our shyt was the statement I was referring to.

But she doesn't actually want Civil Rights for Black folk, she's proved that again and again and YOU acknowledge it. She literally made that statement solely to cause division, not because she believes it at all.

That is true whether she says it or Tariq or Yvette or Farrakhan or whoever. It doesn't matter. It will always be the truth.

What the hell is true about it? No one leading the Civil Rights Movement in real time said, "This should only apply to Black people", the whole moral appeal being made was that Civil Rights should be universal, and that's explicitly written into the laws that were passed.

fakkits like you again, think that because YOU worship White liberals and buy their shyt that to not buy their shyt means that you buy conservatives shyt.

Do you seriously think that "Everyone should have civil rights" is now just a "white liberal" position? :pachaha:

YOU got the accusation of "buying conservative shyt" on yourself because YOU were giving props to Ann Coulter. This thread is about Coulter, not liberals, and YOU decided to support her of your own free will.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
You said she was right about "this one thing" in the same comment where you said, "who is delusional enough to think Ann Coulter is "pro-Civl Rights" or "pro-ADOS"?"

So you weren't talking about reparations there like the other poster, you were saying that she was right about Black civil the same post where you say she doesn't favor Black civil rights?

But she doesn't actually want Civil Rights for Black folk, she's proved that again and again and YOU acknowledge it. She literally made that statement solely to cause division, not because she believes it at all.

What the hell is true about it? No one leading the Civil Rights Movement in real time said, "This should only apply to Black people", the whole moral appeal being made was that Civil Rights should be universal, and that's explicitly written into the laws that were passed.

Do you seriously think that "Everyone should have civil rights" is now just a "white liberal" position? :pachaha:

YOU got the accusation of "buying conservative shyt" on yourself because YOU were giving props to Ann Coulter. This thread is about Coulter, not liberals, and YOU decided to support her of your own free will.
I don't give a fukk about what she wants.

I said it was a 100% true statement and IT IS.

If The Devil says 2 + 2 = 4 does that make it a false statement?


It's true regardless of who says it and WHY they say it.

I swear you nikkaz don't know how to separate your emotions from logic and that's why The Democrats always playing y'all

Y'all trying to make friends & shyt.

I don't give a fukk about Ann Coulter ass. I don't love Ann Coulter ass. I don't trust Ann Coulter ass

But I will acknowledge a true statement as that even if it comes from a vile person because truth is more important than the person telling it. --

Y'all just as bad as Vivek's c00n ass:heh:

Lord Quas

May 24, 2022

Gotta be staged 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kind of. I saw these two people in another TikTok before. The dude gets off on it, he’s not saying “guys” he’s saying “goddess”. He has a weird ass fetish, basically.