Cartier Murphy
Apathy’s a Tragedy & Boredom is a Crime
I saw this at a matinee today. Just $2 for my ticket since I had a T-Mobile discount 
This was 2 hours of absolute flames from start to finish. There’s not much I can say without echoing what others have. I was on the edge of my seat especially during the last 20 minutes, also in part because I killed 2 large drinks and had to sprint Cruise style to the bathroom
Made it back just in time for the climax though
I’ve slept on this series forever but the trailers for this one sold me on it, so now I’m gonna have to go back and watch all the other MIs to see what I’ve missed.

This was 2 hours of absolute flames from start to finish. There’s not much I can say without echoing what others have. I was on the edge of my seat especially during the last 20 minutes, also in part because I killed 2 large drinks and had to sprint Cruise style to the bathroom