
All Star
Nov 11, 2017
It’s easy in terms of work to life balance. I believe they started changing how easy it is to get a good grade on performance report so you might have to do other things like volunteer or organize a can drive. Some squadrons do squadron PT we didn’t but it’s easy stuff man. The biggest takeaway is learning a job you can transfer into when you get out the military.

I got to travel a lot through deployments and tdy. Met a lot of cool people lots of woman it will put you ahead use the military don’t let the military use you.

Especially when you have a good unit. If you in a sack of shyt the only thing you want to do is leave. How I had to pcs back to Korea to get the fukk up outta Colorado:mjcry:


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
One other good thing about being an enabler for SOF: No hip pocket training. For example a Land Nav or IED class would be a 4 hour block of instruction on the same lanes we used all the time and usually the Squad Leader would literally read the doctrine right out of the field manual.

On an ODA a land Nav or IED course would be like a week long process usually in a whole other base or in some wilderness area. A land Nav would be in some shytty evironment and if you didn't find the points in time you called for help and slept til they found you. If you called for help That was in the end of your time on the team.

Same thing with Counter IED the team Charlies would set up all kinds of IED's and you had to do a whole react to contact drill no bullshyt 5 and 25 and get back in the truck shyt we hit an IED and there was always a Force on Force Complex attack.

Again way more realistic and defenitely not a waste of time.

:mjlol: Man at one of our schools in Texas them mfs took us on a fukking 16 hour Land Nav course. shyt was all rocks, hills and cliffs. We had this dumbass Lt trying to run point but all he kept doing was taking us off the way points and azimuths. We fired his ass and I took up the point to get us back home. Mfs was arguing about where we was and I kept pointing out the terrain. :francis:

So we made our time with almost two hours to spare. Out of about 8 teams we came in 3rd:ehh: I’m feeling embarrassed because we were so slow but come to find out the last 3 teams never made it in at all. Them mfs got lost and called for help:lolbron:


May 31, 2012
Aloha State
One other think no one talks about is the rampant steroid abuse, Again I stayed away because when they said it could make your balls shrink that's all I needed to hear. But like everyone else I drank gallons of Powerade and Green Protein drinks. The guys on my Team took BPC-157 and trenbolone

Man we had a guy who I’m still friends with to this day almost got caught up cause he was selling to a few guys and another good friend of mines. Long story short dudes ex wife snitched on him during a divorce to the military. They had dudes text message and everything but my mans who was on terminal said OSI would stop by his place in Hawaii. He separated and finally went in and read the text like damn how the fukk did they get this shyt than just denied denied denied :russ:. Never got in trouble.


Feb 16, 2017
:mjlol: Man at one of our schools in Texas them mfs took us on a fukking 16 hour Land Nav course. shyt was all rocks, hills and cliffs. We had this dumbass Lt trying to run point but all he kept doing was taking us off the way points and azimuths. We fired his ass and I took up the point to get us back home. Mfs was arguing about where we was and I kept pointing out the terrain. :francis:

So we made our time with almost two hours to spare. Out of about 8 teams we came in 3rd:ehh: I’m feeling embarrassed because we were so slow but come to find out the last 3 teams never made it in at all. Them mfs got lost and called for help:lolbron:
I remember when I did the course Pre course before BNCOC ( I forgot what that was called but it's the course for E-4 P's) we had a high speed PFC who already had his EIB we were on a mountain looking at the map in the rain and homie pulled out the 550 cord guts and used the finest strand to plot the course. I never forgot that we planned the route around the mountains (because you know they had to make us cross a saddle to fukk us up)

That helped me not look stupid on the Team because you could get super lost in the jungle or the desert with no terrain points to go by.


Feb 16, 2017
Green Bean coffee
Flavored milk in the DFAC
Hot water
Trailer to sleep in (if you got it like that)

The locals drive like shyt, you see those minivans that are crowded like clown cars? Had a contractor rear end one driving back from Kuwait. He broke his leg, but popped for Opium . Got a DUI as well .

Also had a Reservist , she was easily 220, 5’8. Her job was to make sure no terrorists got into the DFAC. She had a heart attack. Ended up living thankfully

The surge from about 2006-2011 was no joke. Dudes with felonies, mental conditions, borderline autistic. I’m sure there are stories for days in that respect
I knew a guy in the 82nd who said he was a Sergeant 3 Times dude was an E-6 when I met him. That probably is not allowed now.

Hell I met a dude who was an E-6 during the training for the Iraq War, turns out he was a veteran of on '91 war. I was a 9/11 volunteer and I was old but I said I was way too young for that one how are you still a Staff Seregant? I wasn't clowning him I was generally surprised.


Feb 16, 2017
No. If HHQ gave a mission or sub mission as a detachment I follow the mission unless otherwise stated or fragged. A Major calling in the air strike coordinates? Man I’d have been hauling ass up outta there! Will have to go back and look at it again but I’m almost for certain it was a grid or shift from a known point type of call. I’m not an expert at calling for fire but I would be wary as fukk if a CC did it. Just from what I know. Even still, someone should check his math and call. I’ve met idiots like that major who didn’t know shyt about nothing tactical. Just waking bags of ass. Some of them mfs have degrees in humanities and no real experience with nothing. Except riding a desk like dude said.
Well if you saw the movie they inflitrated tactically as Snipers should how did this random Major show up out of nowhere with a bum knee and.a field chair?. What if they would've shot his ass when they barged through the door?

Yeah it wouldn't have happened like that there's dozens of dudes in a staff room with a battle captain running ops, I really doubt that they would'nt have given the sniper team a heads up, but I can see why they would've called in an airstrike, Even the ODA that I was attached to was given dog and pony show missions because of reasons. There was a period where regular SF was seen as red headed step children when Kurrilla ( the current CENTOM CO) was a Colonel basically SF got that Village Ops missions and grabbing dudes that the Rangers didn't want to grab.


Feb 16, 2017
No. If HHQ gave a mission or sub mission as a detachment I follow the mission unless otherwise stated or fragged. A Major calling in the air strike coordinates? Man I’d have been hauling ass up outta there! Will have to go back and look at it again but I’m almost for certain it was a grid or shift from a known point type of call. I’m not an expert at calling for fire but I would be wary as fukk if a CC did it. Just from what I know. Even still, someone should check his math and call. I’ve met idiots like that major who didn’t know shyt about nothing tactical. Just waking bags of ass. Some of them mfs have degrees in humanities and no real experience with nothing. Except riding a desk like dude said.
I can't see this happening either:

Again there would be way more people in the TOC than that but the terminology is correct. But There's no way someone would try to call off a fire mission like that. Once the coordinates were checked that's it.


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
I can't see this happening either:

Again there would be way more people in the TOC than that but the terminology is correct. But There's no way someone would try to call off a fire mission like that. Once the coordinates were checked that's it.

Yea, I’ve never seen this movie but dude also said fire for effect which he already knew what it was. Seems like they killed the HVT or whomever the asset was as well. shyt happens, you signed. Wonder why they had not loitering birds or UAVs? Good T is what it is.


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
I remember when I did the course Pre course before BNCOC ( I forgot what that was called but it's the course for E-4 P's) we had a high speed PFC who already had his EIB we were on a mountain looking at the map in the rain and homie pulled out the 550 cord guts and used the finest strand to plot the course. I never forgot that we planned the route around the mountains (because you know they had to make us cross a saddle to fukk us up)

That helped me not look stupid on the Team because you could get super lost in the jungle or the desert with no terrain points to go by.

Lol yep, used that too! Thing about Land Nav is it really is perishable. You don’t know what you doing no big deal, a lotta people feel that way. Our other point man was disoriented when we were doing jungle training and he was literally taking us off a cliff. Squad leader and I (2IC) checked his compass/map and we were way off course lol SL said hey, hey get your head out your ass! :mjlol: Dude was sharp though. Mf was a bloodhound too. Smelled an ambush about a mile out. Good times.


Feb 16, 2017
Lol yep, used that too! Thing about Land Nav is it really is perishable. You don’t know what you doing no big deal, a lotta people feel that way. Our other point man was disoriented when we were doing jungle training and he was literally taking us off a cliff. Squad leader and I (2IC) checked his compass/map and we were way off course lol SL said hey, hey get your head out your ass! :mjlol: Dude was sharp though. Mf was a bloodhound too. Smelled an ambush about a mile out. Good times.
Talk about going off a cliff one time we were going into Fallujah (after the battle) the route was salted with IED's something that is never supposed to happen did happen. The Convoy Commander listened to suggestion that we take an alternate route.

And we did just that. We were trucking along and some Cobras started circling us ( At this time Fallujah was owned by the Marines) we couldn't talk to them and I thought they can't think we're the enemy? Finally we realized what they were saying we were on a cliff if we kept going we would've fell to our deaths.

I talk about how fake military movies are but sometimes truth is stranger than fiction that was one of the many times something almost happened that would've been thought to be something that should've never happened.


Feb 16, 2017
Yea, I’ve never seen this movie but dude also said fire for effect which he already knew what it was. Seems like they killed the HVT or whomever the asset was as well. shyt happens, you signed. Wonder why they had not loitering birds or UAVs? Good T is what it is.

Looking at the movie it seems like this might have been some kind of CAN SOF unit but it could've been a scout team from a regular unit. SOF missions always had top cover certainly drones but also fast movers and Helos. But they didn't move without a JTAC. Regular army? It depends regular deguler KLE maybe a UAV will be ön deck". Choppers for Medvac almost always but sometimes not in the air but on standby. A Pogue unit on a CLP? Absolutely nothing so depending on the situation you might get the Hang tight were pushing Air and The QRF is inbound I've seen some shyt the reason why the chick was so emotional was because the dude on the ground was her boyfriend he seeded her up in the desert (something that also happened a fair amount) So although that was extremely unlikely in war stranger things have happened.

If fact this thread was supposed to be about Military fukkery, I don't want to be the only one posting Military L's.


Feb 16, 2017
It aint that bad atm from what I heard but u still gotta be on ur ps n qs

Syria is actually the hottest zone rn

Nobody tryna go there
shyt going down atleast once or twice a week

I feel you and maybe it's a crusty old GWOT vet talking but I was in and around fallujah after the battle and although I got sniped at before I got my IED attack I really was never really worried.

Hold ya head same way.


All Star
Nov 11, 2017
Well if you saw the movie they inflitrated tactically as Snipers should how did this random Major show up out of nowhere with a bum knee and.a field chair?. What if they would've shot his ass when they barged through the door?

Yeah it wouldn't have happened like that there's dozens of dudes in a staff room with a battle captain running ops, I really doubt that they would'nt have given the sniper team a heads up, but I can see why they would've called in an airstrike, Even the ODA that I was attached to was given dog and pony show missions because of reasons. There was a period where regular SF was seen as red headed step children when Kurrilla ( the current CENTOM CO) was a Colonel basically SF got that Village Ops missions and grabbing dudes that the Rangers didn't want to grab.

Man if you have a JTAC/TACP with you and air support/fire support you literally have miracles on demand. One rager I knew said JTACs were the deadliest mofos on the battlefield. I tend to agree, especially when shyt hits the fan.