
Apr 30, 2012
When I was in the Army (Ft. Drum) my roommate use to do heroin in the bathroom. I didn't know until we had a random drug test one morning and the 1st Sgt came looking for him. We told him he got selected for the piss test. 1st Sgt said "Yes, but he didn't show up". :birdman:

We found out he got in his truck and went ghost. He was AWOL for 28 days:russ:

They ended up kicking him out:yeshrug:

I definitely never had an issue with the users they were always the easiest to discharge. Most of the other ones required a shyt ton of paperwork and appointments. A druggie was easy. Long term awols weren’t an issue neither it’s those ones who leave and come back quickly that are the issues.
Dec 4, 2015
Nah being in regiment or a SMU he’s expecting to learn how to man to man be a better fighter. Sure the support we get is great but at the individual level we are expected to go farther and fight harder than anyone else and that’s due to how hard we train and the level we train to and learning advanced skills there’s a sense of pride after passing a selection and knowing you’ve been tested and proven yourself


Dapper Don Don Boss of Bosses Chief of Chiefs
May 11, 2012
East Side!
That's dope, what's the air force like?

AF was like college or being a civilian when I was in. Worked Mon-Fri, 7-4, hour long lunch. Never had to go in on weekends or so any bullshyt like watch. Worst was when we had an inspection coming up so we did 12 hour exercises in full MOP gear/gas mask equipment to prep, but only had to do that once for 6 months, for a week per month in the 4 years I was in. There were times I went to my dorm room, which was across the street from my office, and took a nap at lunch at 12 on a Friday and woke up at 2/3, and said fukk it, I’ll see them Monday. Now this was 10 years ago, so not sure if it’s like that anymore, but it was dumb chill. I did IT when I was in, if you’re on the flight line then you will have extra bullshyt to deal with.
May 29, 2018
It’s a lot of propaganda. What really separates those units are the enablers/assets that support their war fighting functions. None of which are the type of things that are available in the situations I’m assuming you are referring to.

the type of things I believe you are referring to are basic Soldier common core task functions. Common warrior tasks and drills.

I mean ultimately once it is all said and done and you reflect back you will see Infantryman, Engineers, Scouts, Tankers, and artilleryman are all bringing something different to the fight.

your quick reaction forces are not meant to attrit the enemy and seize and hold land.

For the skill set you are referring to u will need to be in a variety of different units and different duty positions.

Thanks for the insight . Yes, I was believing the proproganda. Maybe I was thinking it will strengthen my law school application.
May 29, 2018
When I was in the Army (Ft. Drum) my roommate use to do heroin in the bathroom. I didn't know until we had a random drug test one morning and the 1st Sgt came looking for him. We told him he got selected for the piss test. 1st Sgt said "Yes, but he didn't show up". :birdman:

We found out he got in his truck and went ghost. He was AWOL for 28 days:russ:

They ended up kicking him out:yeshrug:

A soldier in my company went through withdrawals while we were NTC in November.


Apr 30, 2012
Nah being in regiment or a SMU he’s expecting to learn how to man to man be a better fighter. Sure the support we get is great but at the individual level we are expected to go farther and fight harder than anyone else and that’s due to how hard we train and the level we train to and learning advanced skills there’s a sense of pride after passing a selection and knowing you’ve been tested and proven yourself

It’s still just propaganda After it’s all said and done that feeling is fleeting.

having the support and enablers to not having the support and enablers will display the difference
Dec 4, 2015
It’s still just propaganda After it’s all said and done that feeling is fleeting.

having the support and enablers to not having the support and enablers will display the difference
:yeshrug: I still like passing something people dream about, I get it I’m a JTAC I perform a support role for my team. But at a base level with out any support we are better than a regular Marine due to our selection process


Feb 16, 2017
I definitely never had an issue with the users they were always the easiest to discharge. Most of the other ones required a shyt ton of paperwork and appointments. A druggie was easy. Long term awols weren’t an issue neither it’s those ones who leave and come back quickly that are the issues.
Yeah some things they want to rehabilitate the troop but druggies and AWOL's get chaptered with the quickness.


Feb 16, 2017
Nah being in regiment or a SMU he’s expecting to learn how to man to man be a better fighter. Sure the support we get is great but at the individual level we are expected to go farther and fight harder than anyone else and that’s due to how hard we train and the level we train to and learning advanced skills there’s a sense of pride after passing a selection and knowing you’ve been tested and proven yourself
Exactly and as an enabler we deserved to be treated like the red headed step children that we were. I had to meet the same PT standards have to know how to shoot move and certainly communicate but didn't want to pick up a tab.

If I were still in I would've gotten a tab to stick around, Frankly I don't know what I was so afraid of they taught me land nav. I could see a pure pogue in a conventional unit not wanting to attempt because frankly combat support dudes hardly practice land nav and out of all the dudes from my unit @ the 82nd. Land Nav is what made them fail not the rucking.


Feb 16, 2017
:yeshrug: I still like passing something people dream about, I get it I’m a JTAC I perform a support role for my team. But at a base level with out any support we are better than a regular Marine due to our selection process
Exactly. I was support a commo dude and back in the day at the 112th there were no official standards they had PT standards and Airborne quals but a Private could just be randomly assigned to the unit and just be tasked to perform.

To keep it real the only difference between regular SOF and conventional Infantry is there's less bullshyt and less downtime. @ 82 Sig if you weren't tasked out to a battalion you basically did PT in the morning PMCS's the equipment and fukked off for most of the day and maybe you'd have a final formation. We'd have quarterly field problems where we set up Comms for a few days and we were done. Go to the range a couple of times a year work in some jumps and that was that.

Even when tasked out to the Battalions you PTéd with them they did more Mass tac jumps with eqiupment stayed in the field more we did more react to contact drills went to the shoothouse and went back to the company.

A day at the 112th was generally more field time setting up comms in wierd places like Alaska or New Mexico but other than that it was like working with the 504 boyz. A day with an ODA was two a days PT Muscle failure in the morning and either gym time or a long run or ruck in the afternoon. Range every day and in the field either two weeks each month and bumped up to four days a week during lead up to deployment, Zero downtime in the woods 12 hours in the shoothouse or regular range or heavy weapons and unless I was assisting the echo It was land nav development, or battle drills. A day to clean up and turn in equipment and three days off.

When we went to the field we always went in tactically no buses either we drove in for hours or we jumped in or repelled. I was on a ruck team but there was a lot of Halo guys but no nontabbed guy could get HALO qualéd Scuba was completely out of the question.

What's a regular day in Marsoc like? Are you Halo or Scuba qualified?


Feb 16, 2017
Oh if I were assigned to a B-team or a C-team I'd set up the TOC just like in a regular unit but the difference was I'd be kicked out of the TOC a lot of times there would be real world ops with teams down range and they were very funny with need to know if you weren't badged. You work for a regular unit and there was no need to know and even downrange if you were in the tent and especially running comms I'd hear everything.
Last edited:


Feb 16, 2017
AF was like college or being a civilian when I was in. Worked Mon-Fri, 7-4, hour long lunch. Never had to go in on weekends or so any bullshyt like watch. Worst was when we had an inspection coming up so we did 12 hour exercises in full MOP gear/gas mask equipment to prep, but only had to do that once for 6 months, for a week per month in the 4 years I was in. There were times I went to my dorm room, which was across the street from my office, and took a nap at lunch at 12 on a Friday and woke up at 2/3, and said fukk it, I’ll see them Monday. Now this was 10 years ago, so not sure if it’s like that anymore, but it was dumb chill. I did IT when I was in, if you’re on the flight line then you will have extra bullshyt to deal with.

I think that the super lax shyt would've gotten me in trouble. On the conventional side we did jack shyt and because I was in a "rapid deployable unit" I couldn't be more than 90 minutes away without permission, So I went back to New York and DC every weekend. One time I low key got in trouble because they fake recalled me for CQ duty but it was fake my squad leader knew I was out of town. If I didn't have a formation and just had to come in to do a bullshyt check on the equipment and that's it without having to worry about being called to do some additional bullshyt training or some dumbass meeting I would've bounced all the time. I didn't really fukk with military bytches so I would just take my ass to DC even during the day once I was able to predict the training schedule I would be in Fayetteville or Raliegh or Durham during duty hours hollering at girls at State or someting.

I low key needed to be training because if I had to be available during duty hours because of reasons I would be in the room sleep or in civilians at the mall or somewhere.


Apr 30, 2012
Alright I stay away from the racist shyt I been through in here and also the guy that died, that’s for my therapist

another funny story I have is this dude I used to have a love/hate relationship with. We had fun and had bad times together. One day I slide out to his city Sacile, and we hit the town and get wasted. We get back, and dude had work in the AM since he was on 24 hrs and said ima cook something:favre: this nikka pulls out the hamburger helper, and I was like fukk it let’s rock. This crazy ass cac cut himself with a knife and BLED INTO THE FOOD WHILE COOKING. This dude said don’t trip I got tested :blessed: I fukking looked at him and said na. Passed out and that was the last time I went out solo with that motherfukker man
Dec 4, 2015
What's a regular day in Marsoc like? Are you Halo or Scuba qualified?
I’m halo qualed haven’t been to dive yet.
A typical day is usually Morning PT on your own but you’ll have dudes you work out with like it’s 4 of us who all hit the gym run or ruck together.
Morning brief followed by classes throughout the day depending on what you have going on if you’re going to a specific school you’re focusing on that like sniper school, CQB, JTAC simulation training , comm classes, medical lanes.

we try and leave around 1500 because there’s less downtown when you’re here you’re busy. It’s amazing how much you can get done when you’re not hit with a bunch of time wasting tasks

we are in the field almost 1 week out of every month. we have no formations unless it’s the monthly promotion/awards we really just pass all info in the team room
We usually have 2 pool days a week and a long ruck every Friday


Feb 16, 2017
I’m halo qualed haven’t been to dive yet.
A typical day is usually Morning PT on your own but you’ll have dudes you work out with like it’s 4 of us who all hit the gym run or ruck together.
Morning brief followed by classes throughout the day depending on what you have going on if you’re going to a specific school you’re focusing on that like sniper school, CQB, JTAC simulation training , comm classes, medical lanes.

we try and leave around 1500 because there’s less downtown when you’re here you’re busy. It’s amazing how much you can get done when you’re not hit with a bunch of time wasting tasks

we are in the field almost 1 week out of every month. we have no formations unless it’s the monthly promotion/awards we really just pass all info in the team room
We usually have 2 pool days a week and a long ruck every Friday
Wow no specialized PT? On the ODA (and this was several years ago) when you started to work with them you had to see a nutrionist and they put you in this dexafit machine that did all these evaluations and you kinda developed a specialized PT program for you. That was kinda on you during Gym time PT the regular PT was lead by the Team Sergeant and focused on mainly running and rucking We ran or rucked everyday unless we were doing something else. Like you said specialized training or in the field. Although I could go in the Team Room I couldn't just kick it with them like that I mainly came around during deployment work ups and when they went in the field. Although I hung out with a Team technically I could be tasked out as needed so other than that My assignment was with the B-Team were I trained Echos (Team guy Comms dudes) but it was super rare when I was allowed to cross team guys on comms Like I said Red headed stepchild so I didn't matter in the same way a Team Guy would.

The funny thing I was treated with more respect at the B-team level and even got partially read in on the technical surveillance stuff. To this day I don't have much on social media Lot of dudes got whacked due to geotagging photos.

So you are more fully intergrated on aTeam so it's not like a Conventional JTAC at the 82nd who did their own thing with birds and just joined in a stack at the shoothouse or regular battle drills in the field?

That's another thing the Team I was with wasn't always plussed up with a JTAC when they had one even though that's different than Commo they didn't use me. I kinda didn't understand that because the JTAC/TACP guys would be working with Aircraft not talking to higher in the rear.