Also wilt played the entire game most of the time. Look at his numbers(RS/PS)per 36 minutes and they don't look as hot
Wilt Chamberlain NBA & ABA Stats |

Also wilt played the entire game most of the time. Look at his numbers(RS/PS)per 36 minutes and they don't look as hot
Wilt Chamberlain NBA & ABA Stats |
Well my argument was definite facts. I'm not saying that Bird>Kobe is fact, but the I think that it's factual that Bird is better in the areas that I stated. My position seems to threaten you as a Kobe fan. Yes, I think that efficiency does matter quite a bit. Kobe scored more because he shot more. That doesn't automatically make him a better scorer. You keep talking about Kobe being the primary facilitator on championship teams as if that proves that he was as food or better than Bird at playmaking, but that's a joke. We all know that Kobe won all of his rings playing in the triangle offense. We all know that Kobe has always been criticized for his selfishness and gunning. His own coach has criticized him for being too selfish. The main man on the 3peat team used to criticize him for not facilitating enough. You're being disingenuous by not conceding that Bird was a better playmaker.It's been a rough season breh, I been ji snippy with everybody in here. Yeah i'midgaf.
I didn't read anything else you wrote so I'll put it like this, you made your opinion sound like definite facts when it sounded like a bunch of what ifs. I gave you some real examples on how Kobe's better than Bird. But I dunno, if you think efficient scoring > scoring in an of itself then that's where we differ. The way I see it, Kobe scored more than Bird so he's a better scorer, Kobe has lasted longer so his longevity factors in this, he was the facilitator and playmaker on a 3peat team like said and later on ran a back to back.
I dunno, it is what it is. I'll let you think that Larry Bird is better than Kobe Bryant.
Why not?
If we account for resume, longevity, performance, skill level/ability, accolades, and era dominance, who is really ahead of Kobe?
Michael? sure
Kareem? Fine
After that it gets shady. We can say Magic, but Kobe has a clear edge on Defense, we can say Kobe had shaq but Magic had Kareem, so why does he never get credit taken away for it? But when you compare Their teams when they were both the undisputed leader(Magic 85-91, and Kobe 05-today) it's night and day in terms of Talent in favor of Magic. Plus the 80's Western conference was a joke.
Kobe is top 5 or better in most categories we would rank players in
Well my argument was definite facts. I'm not saying that Bird>Kobe is fact, but the I think that it's factual that Bird is better in the areas that I stated. My position seems to threaten you as a Kobe fan. Yes, I think that efficiency does matter quite a bit. Kobe scored more because he shot more. That doesn't automatically make him a better scorer. You keep talking about Kobe being the primary facilitator on championship teams as if that proves that he was as food or better than Bird at playmaking, but that's a joke. We all know that Kobe won all of his rings playing in the triangle offense. We all know that Kobe has always been criticized for his selfishness and gunning. His own coach has criticized him for being too selfish. The main man on the 3peat team used to criticize him for not facilitating enough. You're being disingenuous by not conceding that Bird was a better playmaker.
Well this is all about opinion, what did you expect? Do I really have to provide the facts that prove that Bird was a more efficient scorer, better playmaker, and better rebounder because you're not smart enough to find them yourself? Who are you anyway? Im not here to convince you of anything. I stated an opinion and a short argument to support that opinion. You disagree, so you can either contest my opinion/argument or KIM.
Kareem old ass aint no goat he played 20-21 years of course he gonna rack up mad numbers
Jordan da Goat,Hakeem the Goat center
All Wilt cared about was records. This is the same dude that would not play defense when he was in foul trouble so he wouldn't foul out of the game, just so he could hold his personal record of never getting fouled out in a game ever, since high school!
And he even did that during championship games too.
Now we know why you're unemployed![]()
Actually I am employed, try to find the thread I got "resamay" from. You'll have a good laugh trust me.
Then shut the fukk up.
Big O
in that order
Do it for me since you are unemployed and have so much free time.