Finally beat it yesterday after taking my time leveling up characters and maxing out the game difficulty. I thought the plot was cool, not by TLoU or GoW standards but from what you’d expect from those early/mid 00s superhero cartoons.
I back-read some of the earlier discussions you guys had about characters... and i'll say i found Strange, Hulk, and Wanda to be the most OP tbh. Hulk doesn't have any quicks but his taunt card that builds rage per enemy targeting him + the repetitive hound dogs that gang target you = instant Brolly status. You play Always Angry card that converts Rage to Health, and all of a sudden Hulk has 2K+ health. Or you play World Breaker and it's basically game over. Then factor many of his attack cards apply stun... which means all the gimmick missions that has an enemy with block guarding something or someone = cupcake
At hardest difficulty i solo'd part 1 of the final mission, facing possessed _____, just with Hulk alone.