How old are you breh? You sound 45+ and out of touch.
I'm 31....
So all these restaurants that lost out on a ton of business due to COVID in 2020 are now finally able to open up fully. But you're saying instead of opening up fully and rehiring to start trying to make that money back and get that same level of business pre COVID, theyre putting out fake "for hire" signs. Your theory is they stand to make more profit by having less workers thus having to limit their operating hours, having slow service leading to frustrated customers who will be less likely to return.
No, I'm saying they're fully open (and HAVE BEEN since 2021 or earlier btw), just operating with less staff and overworking the staff they have. Like I said, Covid conditioned a lot of people to just accept slow or shytty service because at one point there WAS a worker shortage due to restrictions and limitations and everyone had to be understanding but businesses quickly realized that people will take what they can get as long as you give them an excuse they can believe in so here we are in September 2022 hearing the same old bullshyt.
What sense does that make? As an owner who just lost a year of business you're willing to lose money getting half the customers doing half the business just so you can save on not having to hire a couple $5/hr waitresses? It doesn't add up
Again you're making the mistake of thinking that being half staffed means a business can only serve half the amount of potential consumers. This is false. Like I said before, they're doing the same business but paying less in labor and working current employees like dogs. They've even been able to squeeze out more profits by playing around with menus and getting rid of items or services they've been wanting to eradicate since BEFORE Corona but couldn't until Covid gave them the perfect excuse (think McDonald's all day breakfast menu).
Secondly you asked where are all those people who didn't want to work for shytty fast food wages. As I said before the average young worker would work fast food jobs for some play money ten or 15 years ago because that was the only option for getting play money.
Please show me all the 16yr olds making bank driving for Uber Eats instead of working at McDonald's or Popeyes. I'll wait.
The average young worker today has more avenues for getting that play money today. Avenues that didn't exist ten or 15 years ago. As mentioned - Uber/doordash/taskrabbit type jobs.
Why do you keep ignoring the fact that I specifically mentioned
teenagers? You know, the ones who folks swore fast food gigs were only meant for all along? The average MINOR cannot do Doordash or drive for Uber but they DO like having pocket money so again, WHY are Burger King and Wendy's allegedly in desperate need of burger flippers?
A ton of remote jobs are available now that we're not ten years ago. Not to mention the extra streams of income they can get on social media platforms. The flexibility of these jobs are for more attractive to young workers than a fast food type job anyday
Yeah, I had my suspicions but this right here let me know that you simply exist in a separate reality. You SAY "a ton of remote jobs are available now" but how many of them are entry-level? Beyond that, in what field(s) exactly? And what type of experience or credentials do they require? Because many of those "remote jobs" actually want potential employees to be somewhat local (at least in-state) and to have a Bachelor's degree + hundreds of hours of very industry-specific training and experience.
I won't even bother with the "extra streams of income from social media" angle because that's a whole different ballgame and just you bringing that up shows you don't know wtf you're talking about.
Funny you called me "out of touch" when you don't even seem to understand WHO "young workers" even are.