Sony fanboys were mad at Sony?
What about on the 20th when they come out promoting their all around entertainment console?
What you fanboys fail to realize is there is just not enough money in producing a couple AAA titles a year to sell to hardcore gamers. The only way console gaming can survive is to offer more than games and hardcore experiences. If they can attract casual gamers and entertainment consumers, they can use that money to further bolster their hardcore gaming efforts. Without that extra revenue console gaming as we know it will die. Sony and Microsoft know this, which is why they concentrate on other things beyond hardcore gaming. I'm positive the ps4 reveal will have a lot to do with alternative experiences other than just gaming. If they just come out and say the ps4 will be a ps3 with more power, nobody but the most dedicated fanboys would be excited about it. If you want sony to survive the next generation you better hope they have something to show other than a bigger processor and another uncharted game.
I wasn't mad at Sony. People forget that EVERY one of their systems introduced a new multimedia standard to gaming/entertainment. I'm just saying that the same cats saying give MS a chance with this were the same ones shyttin on Sony with the PS3/Bluray.

I'm not knocking MS on their plan, but their focus is definitely looking shady when it comes to the hardcore gamers. The last few years is evidence. Their first party IPs were VERY