Microsoft / Activision Deal Leaves Sony Stans in Shambles | M$ Wins Fight Against FTC

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
And which 3rd party studio willing to drop exclusives? Certainly no Japanese studio only shot they have are maybe a few westerns but definitely not the big ones. Microsoft got studios and they got Bethesda time to put them to good use.
So is it all about money or no? Because when I was in talking about Sony blocking deals without having to offer up more money yall was acting like it was crazy fanboy talk. "MS can just pay for exclusivity like Sony"
But now its? Who would drop exclusives?! :mjlol:

They’re just speaking out of pure emotion, hopefully they’ve had time to cool off and think logically. We’ve already seen the consequences of AAA studios tying exclusivity to their platform, it would be even worse now with gamepass.

They need to make sure their 25 studios have the proper resources and time to put out quality games. No reason why something like Redfall should be releasing unfinished
The only one who is emotional is you, because now, 3rd party exclusives won't even help MS brand, and they also shouldn't buy companies because... "consolidation" on top of 3rd party publishers just won't invest in exclusive deals with them :mjlol:

Sony stans just say whatever

9 times out of 10 they still push through with this deal, even more so if AB feels some kinda way about things with the CMA. It just went from a quick and easy thing to a long drawn out process.

The deal is also only "blocked" in the UK which is 20% of xbox play ground, however that doesn't mean that they just don't say AB games can't be downloaded and played in the UK.
Much like Mortal Kombat is banned in Japan or dozen of other games are banned in certain countries.

The celebration is way too early :mjlol:
And this is coming from someone that doesn't really want the deal to go through as a consumer.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
Thought sony fans wanted Microsoft to compete... made fun and often clowned them for having no games.

And they still don't. :heh:

I just like fanboy tears, Got the nerve to lock content in call of duty to only the PS4/5 well guess what nyukkas Microsoft gonna lock all the content. Yeeeeeeeah XBreeeeeeeeehs we stay on your mind.:umad:

I just want to stop your deal he said

This Phil Spencer right now to stans everywhere.

Dread it run from it destiny arrives all the same.

You can't afford to go to war with us, making pursesnatcher acquisitions.

We buy Zenimax and ABK, you buy Haven and Housemarque. Get outta here jive pony, go buy Deviation Games, pursesnatcher.


This is our industry now. :birdman:

Xboxgang neva lost

This guy is a journalist :mjlol:

The deal hasn't even closed yet and that blowback from Sony being hyper aggressive towards MS that people mentioned would happen is already seemingly starting to take place.


Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
So is it all about money or no? Because when I was in talking about Sony blocking deals without having to offer up more money yall was acting like it was crazy fanboy talk. "MS can just pay for exclusivity like Sony"
But now its? Who would drop exclusives?! :mjlol:

The only one who is emotional is you, because now, 3rd party exclusives won't even help MS brand, and they also shouldn't buy companies because... "consolidation" on top of 3rd party publishers just won't invest in exclusive deals with them :mjlol:

Sony stans just say whatever

9 times out of 10 they still push through with this deal, even more so if AB feels some kinda way about things with the CMA. It just went from a quick and easy thing to a long drawn out process.

The deal is also only "blocked" in the UK which is 20% of xbox play ground, however that doesn't mean that they just don't say AB games can't be downloaded and played in the UK.
Much like Mortal Kombat is banned in Japan or dozen of other games are banned in certain countries.

The celebration is way too early :mjlol:
And this is coming from someone that doesn't really want the deal to go through as a consumer.



blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY

9 times out of 10 they still push through with this deal, even more so if AB feels some kinda way about things with the CMA. It just went from a quick and easy thing to a long drawn out process.

The deal is also only "blocked" in the UK which is 20% of xbox play ground, however that doesn't mean that they just don't say AB games can't be downloaded and played in the UK.
Much like Mortal Kombat is banned in Japan or dozen of other games are banned in certain countries.

Lol its not happening man, UK is Xbox’s second largest territory, they are not gonna skirt about restricting sales with their biggest most costliest franchises there. And they still have to battle the FTC here in the US.

Even if they fight for this thing well into next year they are losing in other areas, for their sake i hope they throw in the tile :francis:

Right now, its just a lose/lose situation. Cutting their loses and paying that 3 billion break up fee is probably their best option. You gotta stop listening to those xbox cacs on twitter, they are streering yall down a bad path

this is xbox one era delusional again
Last edited:


Oct 17, 2012
So is it all about money or no? Because when I was in talking about Sony blocking deals without having to offer up more money yall was acting like it was crazy fanboy talk. "MS can just pay for exclusivity like Sony"
But now its? Who would drop exclusives?! :mjlol:

The only one who is emotional is you, because now, 3rd party exclusives won't even help MS brand, and they also shouldn't buy companies because... "consolidation" on top of 3rd party publishers just won't invest in exclusive deals with them :mjlol:

Sony stans just say whatever

9 times out of 10 they still push through with this deal, even more so if AB feels some kinda way about things with the CMA. It just went from a quick and easy thing to a long drawn out process.

The deal is also only "blocked" in the UK which is 20% of xbox play ground, however that doesn't mean that they just don't say AB games can't be downloaded and played in the UK.
Much like Mortal Kombat is banned in Japan or dozen of other games are banned in certain countries.

The celebration is way too early :mjlol:
And this is coming from someone that doesn't really want the deal to go through as a consumer.
Microsoft has done the money hatting though and they never get the return on investment that they want especially with Japanese games. Seems like they would only money hat sellers at this point. Only one I could see them trying to do is GTA 6 but it all depends if Rockstar would do it and that would be a big ass bag Microsoft would have to do just to make it timed.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Microsoft has done the money hatting though and they never get the return on investment that they want especially with Japanese games. Seems like they would only money hat sellers at this point. Only one I could see them trying to do is GTA 6 but it all depends if Rockstar would do it and that would be a big ass bag Microsoft would have to do just to make it timed.

no way in absolute hell for any amount of money in the world Zelnick would ever put a new GTA exclusively on gamepass. They’d damn near have to buy Take Two to get that deal and it would still be a horrible decision lol



Oct 17, 2012
no way in absolute hell for any amount of money in the world Zelnick would ever put a new GTA exclusively on gamepass. They’d damn near have to buy Take Two to get that deal and it would still be a horrible decision lol

Exactly they would have to do that another gotdamn activision deal with take two. This is why they just need to develop the studios they currently have or look at the new and upcoming new indie ones. They still got more studios then Sony there’s no excuse for them to be assed out on the game development side.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
Exactly they would have to do that another gotdamn activision deal with take two. This is why they just need to develop the studios they currently have or look at the new and upcoming new indie ones. They still got more studios then Sony there’s no excuse for them to be assed out on the game development side.

Thats what im saying, theres like 30 new studios with veteran talent that popped up in the past year, fund a few of them, you don’t even have to outright acquire them. It cost a fraction of trying to buy a big publisher and it helps the industry.

Start small and foster growth in your own first party. They just doing too much trying to take on apple, and google, and sony