white female juror says it was originally 10-2 to convict him for 1st degree and they were deadlocked from the start. she didn't say who the holdouts were, but we already know it was two of the white males on their racist bs.

then they bullied another juror into switching their vote and it ended at 9-3 vote.
she basically says the holdouts made the case that davis threatened dunn and he was right to shoot in self defense. the only reason why they convicted him of attempted murder on the other 3 boys is because dunn continued to shoot at the car after it pulled away when they were no longer a threat.
she said most the jurors felt dunn was egotistical and mad cause the boys didn't follow his orders. they took issue with dunn calling them thugs according to his fiance, but dunn said on the stand he would never use those words. dunn never made any mention of being threatened or seeing a weapon to his fiance, but later said he did. basically most of the jurors didn't believe his story at all, but of course all it takes are a few racists on the jury to fukk up what should have been an open an shut case.