I'm Brooklyn born, Queens residing. PM me wheneverIf you in NY, let me know, so I can let you know when I have something in place.
While I have nothing but sympathy for the Martin family...this is nonsense.
This verdict is essentially no different than the Zimmerman case. Basically, this would be like, if Trayvon was walking with three other dudes, and after GZ murdered Trayvon, he shot at the other kids as they were running away.
And once again, THE DAVIS FAMILY GOT ABSOLUTELY NO JUSTICE EITHER.....Dunn wasn't convicted for killing their son.
He might win on appeal for the attempted murders. Jury's verdict damn near sealed his victory on appeal on those other charges.
" We are so happy to have a lilt bit of closure " - Jordan Davis mom
"We are so grateful for the charges that have been brought against him" - J.D mom
"We are grateful the jurors made common sense of it all" J.D mom
turn on CNN coli militant squad
Just rename Stand Your Ground what it actually is: A license to kill black teenagers
Playing rap loudly is the new license for cacs to kill
So these are the same prosecutors that fumbled Trayvon' s case and let the Zimmerfukkboy get to carry on with his pathetic life
did yall just peep that group of cacs drive by the news lady on CNN and scream "not guilty"