Michael B Jordan: "We don't have any Black mythology or Folklore"


Nov 18, 2016
When he says "Black mythology" does he mean African American mythology or African Mythology? In Nigeria alone we have thousands of cultures with their own mythology and origin stories


Aug 3, 2015
Nothing but facts. The lore behind the LongChains is really interesting and I could see stories being done incorporating them.

I got ya breh. The concept of the LongChains was from Lupes new album Drogas Waves. They were basically the spirits of slaves murdered during the middle passage, come to life and they attacked and destroyed slave ships regularly. I have to give him props for it, the concept is one of the more interesting things he's done.

Im legit angry that Lupe didnt drop a short film to go along with the Drogas Wave album.. even if it was animated. Would have been HUUGE. Guarantee it would be all anyone would be talking about for a while


Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
Nah, he just never heard about Br'er Rabbit, Signifying Monkey or Dolomite. Doesn't mean that we don't have our own mythology or folklore.

We just don't pass the tales down. The Africans did a much better job keeping their mythologies and stories alive then us African Americans. He has a point in saying we need more black stories however...
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Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
:dwillhuh:So all of those books I've read in my black history class as a lad was bullshyt?
History books are not the same as folklore or mythology. Unless you read books on folklore or mythology then it's not the same breh.
ancient Egypt doesn't count? :why:

That's history and not mythology or folklore that gets passed on.

Folklore-the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed through the generations by word of mouth.

So ancient egypt doesn't count as African American folklore.

I think he spoke wrong, he mean't African American folklore or mythology. That's the only thing that makes sense. Cause Africa is filled with it and so is the Caribbean.

All these people are referencing Marvel/DC characters like white people didnt invent them. Or Anansi etc. which are from the motherland

Every mythos black america creates gets stripped from us and white washed for some cac kids. I think thats what MBJ was referring to. Us not have our own stories in America.
Exactly. Even Br'er rabbit ended up becoming Bugs Bunny over time.

I'm sure we had a lot of our own folkore and mythology but a lot of it got lost over time. Now that I think about it, the caribbean did a better job preserving their folklore and I'm sure those Geechi brothers and sisters have some as well but we don't know those stories :jbhmm:
Well at least you answered your own question. :martin:

Also, Ogun, Osiris, OT, NT, Koran, Vodou, and the rest of Africa would like to have a word with young Killmonger.
That's African but not African American. I thought of that myself but we don't have that here in the states. We got Jesus and the bible though but some of us don't think parts of that is mythology lol :russ: Like Jonah could really be swallowed by a whale then spat back out and live.


Aug 6, 2015
No Nnedi Okorafor?:wtf:

Not a fan. Her "Akata Witch" and Akata series is high-key -- a diss and very Anti-Black American.

Nnedi's Wahala Zone Blog: The Word "Akata" and the Pain Behind It

“Dirty African booty scratcher,” Faye spat. “Filthy diseased Shaka Zulu bytch. Yo mama probably got AIDS and yo’ daddy got syphilis that’s why you came out looking like that.”

Yinka cackled hysterically. I couldn’t believe it. What was wrong with that girl? Who was diseased?! Even at eight years old I knew when something was completely twisted. Shanika looked a little worried but she didn’t do anything to shut her friend up. The one at the door, whose name I didn’t know, was looking back as she peeked into the hallway. The bell rang. Lunch was over. I felt more rage boil in me.

Faye was about to hit me again when I looked her right in the face. I was sweating and shaking, and that’s when I saw it. Right there on Faye’s white pants. On the side. A large circle of red. Blood. My mom had explained periods to me earlier that year. So I knew exactly what I was seeing and why Faye was probably so angry. I knew many things in that moment. So I went for the kill.

“I’m filthy?” I growled. “YOU, YOU’RE the one who is filthy! Look at your pant. You’re bleeding all over it. Phew! Stinking! Filthy akata! Who are you?”

The word was something my mother sometimes called African Americans when she was talking to her friends. Some told me the word meant “cotton picker”, others claimed it meant “bush animal”. Whatever anyone thinks it means, it is a nasty word. At the time, the way those girls were behaving, I was glad to call them “akata”. I’d have loved to see the pain in their faces if they then learned what the word meant. But a word like that, you don’t really need to know what it means. The meaning is all in the way it’s said, the sound of it. It’s ugly. It’s an insult. It’s like a dagger that is a word. She was bleeding and I’d just drawn more blood.



Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
John Henry, forgot about this story.

I know the kids today probably never heard about this shyt.


May 1, 2012
You know whats crazy is that The Sphinx is probably the biggest folklore in mankinds history. But most Black folks dont even acknowledge that the Sphinx is a Black king. They dont even know that Black kings name. Yet we know the story of why his nose was blown off. I once brought to my co workers attention that The Spinx is never a name that pops up during Black history month....Yet he's more popular then Malcolm and Martin. One of my co workers replied "Most Black people just dont know about The Sphinx"..But then the question is why don't they know?

Probably cause most Black American don’t feel that connection with Africa like that

So we rather prop our own legends who helped us push forward

That’s why most AA loved kill mongers character on BP, cause lowkey we all feel that way, like damn y’all really sold us or let us get taken and never came for us and let us be tortured and mentally destroyed for 100s of years.

Even tho it’s not logical that they could do this cause of white people power and technology on the world at the time, so that connection is kinda broken, but is being repaired slowly tho.


Jul 10, 2014
BA DOS Af pr
You think this single sentence pronounced by an actor during a youtube/magazine interview will prove to be "very harmful" for the world down the line?

He's arguably the hottest 'Black' star right now, riding a tremendous wave from B.P, carrying that into another assured box office smash w/ Creed II. Good, and bad he has the world's attention, with that comes additional responsibility, especially when speaking about DOS themes to an international audience. Fair?
Maybe not, but it is what it is, and when u speak either know what ur talking about, & ablt to articulate it, correctly, shut the fuk up! If not you run the risk of doing a diservice like for ex: feeding into harmful, ignorant sterotypes like these.


Mar 11, 2015
It should! These are the bedtime stories we should be telling our children while they are young.

And think of the pride they’ll feel when they grow up and realize, oh shyt, that magical person in that bedtime story daddy used to read to me when I was young was a real person.

Its insulting,Harriet Tubman didn't have magical powers. She was a real woman ,a righteous woman with real stakes going against all odds,who was called on by god:martin:

"When Tubman refused to help tie up another disobedient slave, an overseer hurled a two-pound weight toward her, which struck her head and cracked her skull, according to the book Bound For the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero by Kate Larson.

Bleeding and unconscious, she was carried back to her owner’s house and laid on the seat of a loom, where she remained without medical care for two days.

Then she was sent back into the fields to work. As she bent over the crops, blood and sweat rolled down her face until she couldn’t see and could work no more.

Tubman began having seizures in the weeks and months that followed her injury and she would fall asleep at irregular times without warning. Her slave master recognized her diminished capacity and tried unsuccessfully to sell her.

Larson believes she may have suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy as a result of the damage to her skull, which stayed with Tubman the rest of her life.

Sadly, Tubman’s bouts of uncontrollable sleepiness caused some to think she lacked intelligence. But appearances in this case were deceiving. In spite of the injury, she retained acute mental faculties and began to pray for her master: “Oh, dear Lord, change that man’s heart and make him a Christian.”

One day she learned that she would be sent to a chain gang in the far south – considered a terrible fate for any slave. The tone of her prayers shifted, and began to mimic the imprecatory prayers of David. “Lord, if you ain’t never going to change that man’s heart, kill him Lord, and take him out of the way, so he won’t do no more mischief.”

The prayer proved prophetic. Tubman’s master died suddenly shortly after the prayer and she was filled with remorse."

What the coli can do,is stop being athiest,start banning athiest who seek to spread athiesm like @cac_mamba and @Take It In Blood immediately. To be a black athiest is borderline agent behavior. But i understand how the whitewashing of black people has effected some of us mentally. Start reading the bible to your kids as it is supposed to be read to them,with the knowledge that the people in those books are black. Can't skip over the mythology that created the Harriets,Nats and Martin Luther Kings of our time. To call that thing a white book and downplay its importance to black people?be glad I'm not a mod,I would ban you nikkas on site:martin:

Brer Dog

Nov 19, 2017
Nnedi's Wahala Zone Blog: The Word "Akata" and the Pain Behind It

Dirty African booty scratcher,” Faye spat. “Filthy diseased Shaka Zulu bytch. Yo mama probably got AIDS and yo’ daddy got syphilis that’s why you came out looking like that.”

Yinka cackled hysterically. I couldn’t believe it. What was wrong with that girl? Who was diseased?! Even at eight years old I knew when something was completely twisted. Shanika looked a little worried but she didn’t do anything to shut her friend up. The one at the door, whose name I didn’t know, was looking back as she peeked into the hallway. The bell rang. Lunch was over. I felt more rage boil in me.

Faye was about to hit me again when I looked her right in the face. I was sweating and shaking, and that’s when I saw it. Right there on Faye’s white pants. On the side. A large circle of red. Blood. My mom had explained periods to me earlier that year. So I knew exactly what I was seeing and why Faye was probably so angry. I knew many things in that moment. So I went for the kill.

“I’m filthy?” I growled. “YOU, YOU’RE the one who is filthy! Look at your pant. You’re bleeding all over it. Phew! Stinking! Filthy akata! Who are you?”

The word was something my mother sometimes called African Americans when she was talking to her friends. Some told me the word meant “cotton picker”, others claimed it meant “bush animal”. Whatever anyone thinks it means, it is a nasty word. At the time, the way those girls were behaving, I was glad to call them “akata”. I’d have loved to see the pain in their faces if they then learned what the word meant. But a word like that, you don’t really need to know what it means. The meaning is all in the way it’s said, the sound of it. It’s ugly. It’s an insult. It’s like a dagger that is a word. She was bleeding and I’d just drawn more blood.

Everyone dark skin was called these things, myself included. If you were dark skin you got called this. It's got nothing to do with being African. These nikkas be holding lifelong grudges and calling calling us ethnic slurs because of childhood roasting. Which is just apart of our culture

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Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
Its insulting,Harriet Tubman didn't have magical powers. She was a real woman ,a righteous woman with real stakes going against all odds,who was called on by god:martin:

"When Tubman refused to help tie up another disobedient slave, an overseer hurled a two-pound weight toward her, which struck her head and cracked her skull, according to the book Bound For the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman, Portrait of an American Hero by Kate Larson.

Bleeding and unconscious, she was carried back to her owner’s house and laid on the seat of a loom, where she remained without medical care for two days.

Then she was sent back into the fields to work. As she bent over the crops, blood and sweat rolled down her face until she couldn’t see and could work no more.

Tubman began having seizures in the weeks and months that followed her injury and she would fall asleep at irregular times without warning. Her slave master recognized her diminished capacity and tried unsuccessfully to sell her.

Larson believes she may have suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy as a result of the damage to her skull, which stayed with Tubman the rest of her life.

Sadly, Tubman’s bouts of uncontrollable sleepiness caused some to think she lacked intelligence. But appearances in this case were deceiving. In spite of the injury, she retained acute mental faculties and began to pray for her master: “Oh, dear Lord, change that man’s heart and make him a Christian.”

One day she learned that she would be sent to a chain gang in the far south – considered a terrible fate for any slave. The tone of her prayers shifted, and began to mimic the imprecatory prayers of David. “Lord, if you ain’t never going to change that man’s heart, kill him Lord, and take him out of the way, so he won’t do no more mischief.”

The prayer proved prophetic. Tubman’s master died suddenly shortly after the prayer and she was filled with remorse."

What the coli can do,is stop being athiest,start banning athiest who seek to spread athiesm like @cac_mamba and @Take It In Blood immediately. To be a black athiest is borderline agent behavior. But i understand how the whitewashing of black people has effected some of us mentally. Start reading the bible to your kids as it is supposed to be read to them,with the knowledge that the people in those books are black. Can't skip over the mythology that created the Harriets,Nats and Martin Luther Kings of our time. To call that thing a white book and downplay its importance to black people?be glad I'm not a mod,I would ban you nikkas on site:martin:
