having lived in LA, anywhere that's not the hood, black people are c00ns, I've never seen anything like it in my life
Nah....he wants to be an A-list actor. He wants to be in big budget action movies and superhero remakes just like white actors are. He doesn't want to be reduced to tiny budget urban comedy movies or urban romance movies just because he's a black dude. He wants to have that Will Smith lane. As long as he doesn't say anything foul....let him cook. I wish the brother success. I know if I started a business, I wouldn't just want to sell to blacks. It's not enough money. Too niche. I'd want white people to buy my products too, and I'd be marketing to them heavy. Sorry![]()
This is not the first time I heard this from Cali. They say anywhere that is not South LA, Inglewood, Compton, and Oakland, black people c00n hard as fukk over there. Is it really that bad over at Cali?having lived in LA, anywhere that's not the hood, black people are c00ns, I've never seen anything like it in my life
This is not the first time I heard this from Cali. They say anywhere besides South LA, Inglewood, Compton, and Oakland, black people c00n hard as fukk over there. Is it really that bad over at Cali?![]()
Doesn't Tessa Thompson look like a product of a white and black relationship anyway?![]()
He was in a big budget action movie and how well did that work out for him?Perhaps he should have shucked and jived more.
Will never abandoned his core base which is blacks or acted like he was too good for blacks once he become an A-Lister. He regulatory appeared on 106 & Park, Essence mag, NAACP Awards etc. Maybe that's because he has a black wife to check him.![]()
You're pitiful....Will Smith definitely did the same thing. I definitely remember him shying away from being pigeon holed or boxed in as a "black" actor. The dude MBJ didn't abandon anything. He did Fruitvale, which shined a huge light on Oscar Grant's death. And he's taking one of the whitest great white hope films ever made and making a black sequel. You're just upset because you can't live through the women he's dating vicariously. I'm done with this convo.
Sorry, I don't think that I made it clear in my other posts but I'm not suggesting that black people should boycott all of his films; I just don't think that we as a community should go out of our way i.e. pay to watch a terribly bad film of his just because he's in it, to support someone who doesn't really care about us and/or our issues.
Again, what you said had nothing to do with the points that I raised so I don't know why you keep bringing it up against me. I'm sure that as a black guy, you already know the negative effects of generalising people.
Why are you comparing a celebrity apologising due to bad press to a genuine tragedy? It's not the same thing and you know it.
I don't think that Zoe Saldana is fully black- look at her mother. I don't have a problem with Kendrick Lamar and I disagree with those that do based on his relationship, so I don't know why you're bringing this up.
Just as there are black women who hate black men and support white supremacy, there are black men who do the same. Both are just as, if not more, detrimental to the wider black community as actual white supremacists.
Btw, the only reason why I didn't know about Nia Long's comments is because I only joined the Coli about a month ago, not because of bias.
So because he smashed primarily women of the caucasion race ..u won't see a good movie?? Talk to me belovedI most likely won't go to see this.
So because he smashed primarily women of the caucasion race ..u won't see a good movie?? Talk to me beloved
Why do undeserving brothas deserved to be held down?Should undeserving sistas be held down?
Once you reveal yourself to be a new black on some "I don't see color" bull, why should he still be supported?
Brehs like Mike B. treat blacks as if they are frivilous to his success and all he needs is white people. Once he does not get that success he then wants he runs back to blacks for hugs and to pander about how much he loves his people.
You better trust and believe if Fantastic Four did better at the box office there would be no Breakfast Club Interview he would be on Good Morning America talking about how much he loves Seinfeld.
If you treat black women as if they are frivilous don't get upset when they treat you as such, there should be no anger towards black women not being there for you, when you acted as if you didn't need them to begin with.
Agree that is way a named those four places at Cali, it seem like only South LA, Inglewood, Compton, and Oakland is the only places blacks don't c00n as much.Oakland is cool, I just noticed the super c00n shyt in LA, it was like bizarro land