I feel like they're about on the same level in terms of exposure, but I could be wrong. Teyonah was on Mad Men, right? Coli definitely has love for her, but I don't know much about how either of them are received by black men. Outside of this place, I only see Teyonah mentioned on natural hair blogs and tumblr. They're both very attractive, in my opinion. I can't really speak to their actual talent haven't seen enough.Right Now off Top, Teyonah Parris is very very very underrated.
Beauty, Grace, Confidence, Sex Appeal, Swag.
I low key luh dat chick.
If i was A famous athlete, actor, artist. I would definitely put my bid in. An urgent bid, FAWK DAT.
And Dear White Ppl, is a very good flick, there's alot of gems in it.
Such a coincidence that both Tessa and Teyonah were in that same flick.
Blk Women need to speak up, y'all the loudest ones on the planet......
Y'all need to aim that energy, at the hollywood big wigs.
There's no movement on y'all behalf, on this issue.
That's what ppl fail to understand, How can ppl support causes, when they're given nothing to support?
Once y'all make a movement outta this, like ya did in tearing down Micheal B, then the support will come.
You're exposing yourself with cheap shots like that Why should anyone take anything you have to say seriously, when you clearly harbor negative opinions about black women in general? I won't.
I've written a whole feature length with two very different black female characters in the lead. Got it read by people with real connections. Hollywood don't want any part of that, and a lot of black people in general don't either, but that's their prerogative - I don't really care. And quit with that drama queen woe is us shyt, no one tore him down. Sound like Taye Diggs when he blamed black women for his show getting canceled