Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
I don't think I'm copping this till the other one drop
I turned it off in BF4.I think only Black Ops is the only COD game that lets you turn it off in MP. to be clear, I'm talking about "aim assist" aka "sticky aim", and not "auto-aim" aka when you can easily 'snap' to a target
I turned it off in BF4.
I don't think you can turn it off in Titanfall though
I've turned off the aim-assist on BF4 on PS4. I don't see the option to turn it off on Titanfall on PC though.I was talking about console games. it is an option in many PC games that support controllers
Already got chico.
Damn what they did to him was fukked up.
Paz tho.
Kojima went fullwith this one.
I could've told you it was tech demo basically.
but you didn't
I still come back to Metal Gear though