When did I say it was, I said the aesthetics aren't the same in those shows
Speed Racer is an anime, people though it was an american cartoon
The original Voltron was a japanese show but didn't have the "anime" look
even though it was an anime
some shows are really cartoony like Pokemon which was almost like an archie cartoon
the shonen shows like Sailor Moon do not look like realistic like Attack on titan
Cowboy Bebop doesn't have the weebo aesthetic like that sword art bullshyt
and this netflex He-Man does not look like any japanese show, so what are you talking about, it looks in vain with the korean animation the originals were based on just like thundercats
he-man does not have a shonen design, he has a square jaw like american comics
the answer to this is based in american misappropriation and social language conversion.
so by your post you would be incredibly wrong.
plus if you knew the reason why things are the things they are.
as the brain trust of ideas.
america has misappropriated from importing asian based and rooted properties.
you would be incorrect as well.
as the misappropriation of back and forth of asian animation and american domestic animation is a long discussion.
that can be broken down as a difference in approach to market toys and be successful in the asian marketplace.
leading to the american domestic importing of these properties and brain trust.
yet,...both are rooted adding each other to prominence from simple beginnings.
your post has a complete misunderstanding of how just these terms were misappropriated or rose to be where we are now.
while in essence just making a general random idea and public post.
of someone who was not cognitive.
when these properties were imported and originally presented and marketed on american domestic soil.
in the trailer to the debut of this cartoon.
this he man looks like a hodge podge.
of everything from the foreign animation direction change of the new adventures of he-man. to the the next decade's era reboot.
then you could mix in every influence.
from karas to aeon flux to ninja scroll.
to the france meets asian style of animation from the relaunch of the space heman series.
to the last incarnation of heman to now.
so, this he-man in the basic pocket of the golden era of american domestic toy boom.
would be judged as anime. even if it is not made in asian.
by your ideal.
speed racer being identified as an american cartoon.
is incorrect because speed racer was always identified as an import and the first american domestic cartoon termed as being japanimation.
anime is a revisionist internet, nerdcore term. to play muggle based troll games and appear as someone who was cognitive or knowledgeable. about an era.
then play commercially political correct games. while never distinctly saying.
what or how,..
they came to be this fan of this type of animation .
in 1978 -1981 when speed racer only aired during summers in baltimore, nyc and other eastern seaboard based origin locales and never in chicago originally.
all the kids i played with outside my age and not my cousin's age in baltimore.
to riding on the road to being introduced to speed racer driving to and then back from baltimore.
everyone always identified it as japanimation.
when i went back home and looked for.
or told anyone in chicago about speed racer.
they would look at you like an alien.
talking about some japanimation and it was different.
to what aired in general in most markets not associated with the eastern seaboard programming for children.
as speed racer never aired in chicago originally.
like other eastern seaboard based cities or towns.
i think being in chicago is how we got robotech.
as even the most fluid youtube toyhunter, retroblast'n.
is candidly honest about robotech never ever airing in his marketplace.
so most people's next mainstream connection.
to what was deemed japanimation and now.
the mainstream appropriated accepted termed of anime.
in that era voltron was a gateway domestically and voltron is and was considered japanimation now pc labeled anime.
which is where all the confusion comes from.
while cartoons like gi joe in america domestically in social commonly.
would say g i joe was a domestic cartoon.
or just cartoon.
yet is animated in asia.
in conjunction with an american grassroots property.
pokemon is considered the misappropriated american domestic name of japanimation.
now termed in america right in that gen as anime.
as anime became a mainstream legacy product. to retro market and penny stock squeeze the life out of after the communications act ruined american and children forever.
anime in america.
as a basic social misapproriated term in common general american functional life.
are considered to be,....
cartoons that resemble speed racer in simple build and execution.
plus are not generally associated.
with having or being,.... an american domestic cartoon.
or imported foreign asian animated property.
to be pc about the ideals associated with the practice of importing these properties and their legalities.
plus the misappropriation involved as well.
speed racer = anime
jayce and the wheeled warriors = american domestic cartoon produced in asia or american cartoon
the original gi joe style xmen cartoon = american domestic cartoon produced in asia. or simply an american cartoon
pole position = american domestic property turned cartoon produced in asia. or simply an american cartoon
galaxy rangers = american domestic ip animated in asia. regarded as an american cartoon
robotech = american domestic imported and re-engineered property yet considered anime.
transformers = american domestic imported and re-engineered property yet considered a cartoon and not anime.
anime is just a buzzword rallycall in america.
for kids who were cognitive outside when all this occurred.
in the idea of the children that constructed and made this their own.
is why this is.
yet factually...in america it would actually be factually incorrect.
yet in the americanization of it all.
you would be wrong in a public domestic forum now moving forward.
it is all marketed american ignorance for sale tho.
art barr