'Masters of the Universe: Revelation/Revolution' | Netflix | 80's He-Man sequel | New Season Jan 25th 2024


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
He-mans lore has been fleshed out via comics tho. There’s more to these characters. There’s reason why skeletor be on his bullshyt. It’s not bad even tho it was done be Geoff John’s almost a decade ago. :yeshrug:

I bought those comics and even there, there wasn't much to them either. I staye around up to issue 8-9 or so. They pretty much went off what the '02 series did, and even then, you're still talking 30 years later, too late for most to care - and it was still He-Man and crew good, The old 80s reference guides were the same. Skeletor and squad bad. The Sorceress prob has the most backstory.

With a 5 episode show, if you want it to be good you need more character and worldbuilding instead of cramming everything in there
I haven't watched old He-Man, but this show is clearly trying to be more mature
So even if it was barebones before, that's no excuse for it being barebones now

As someone who's not familiar with He-Man, I'm telling you, it didn't set anything up to make me care about this shyt

shyt was trash

You're looking at it from a fanboy point of view
So does the show and it suffers for jt

I'm not even a He-Man fanboy. I never really liked it, only the toys. But I have had the boxset for like 15 years now, and unlike most of the others, there was never a string of years in my life where I didn't watch 80's cartoons

This show doesn't seem like it's trying to be mature. There's been 1 ounce of blood, no mutilations. It's a string of adventures. There's no world to build, and characters are one note. Even if this is your first foray into Eternia, they showed you everything you needed to know about the characters already. .If you haven't gravitated towards anyone yet, you won't. The only thing is they threw Man-at-Arms in the bushes, and they didn't have to do that to prop up Teela

But had they called it Teela's Journey, i would have been better received. Her attitude still needs fixing. RIP Moss Man
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Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
And they took "Let this be our final battle" and the hoverboards, old Sorceress from the movie.
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Extensive Enterprises
Aug 29, 2018
Elizabeth, NJ by way of East Orange
I liked it. It’s flawed for sure but all the bytching isn’t needed. Looking at Clownfish and others like them, whose channels are just about bytching. Kevin Smith should have just been honest that He-Man was taking a back seat in these first five episodes. It would not have changed the reactions. If anything it would have just added more fuel to the fire. He knows how those fukkers are. He put out this shyt:russ:



May 1, 2012
This seems like Kevin Smith made this show for 70/80s babies who grew up watching the OG show. This series is strictly fan service, has a TON of Easter Eggs, and wasn't really made for newcomers.

The 1980's He-Man show is on YouTube. You can watch some episodes, and maybe Google some of the Marvel Comics issues; you'll catch up pretty quickly.

As someone who grew up on He-Man and had ALL the toys, I'm still a little confused on the direction he took. It's not a "bad" story, but it's not the He-Man I grew up on outside of the characters. Only Man-At-Arms was gully IMO on the hero side. Still hoping part 2 redeems it. But it could have just been named Teela so far.


May 2, 2012
I watched it all last night, and I have many thoughts. I do not understand the creative decisions behind this show.

As someone who knows absolutely nothing about He-Man or its lore, it's quite a bit to process because the show just throws you into things. I get the idea that this is mostly for OG He-Man fans, but that doesn't make any sense. They knew this was going to attract the Netflix anime crowd who watched other Powerhouse shows like Castlevania, and there's no way in hell Netflix greenlit this show to only appeal to 50-year-old nerds who watched He-Man in the 80s.
:beli: It also doesn't make any sense because of reasons I'll get into later. But the show really doesn't get new viewers familiarized with the franchise.

Because of that, big moments like Orko's death probably meant a lot to longtime fans, but I didn't have much emotional connection to it.

Also, the Teela stuff also makes no sense. If they wanted to make the show for OG fans, I am certain that they wanted to see He-Man beating people up, not the Adventures of Teela and Friends. I guess they thought they had some license to focus on her more because the show doesn't have He-Man's name in the title, but if they wanted to do a Teela show, they could have just done a Teela show. The only thing I'll defend on that front is that even though there are women and POC characters in the forefront, I didn't feel like it was beating you over the head to be 'woke.' I did read up on the show and I found it interesting that King Grayskull was never in the original series, only in the 2002 reboot, so I assume introducing him here and making him black doesn't contradict anything.

I like Sarah Michelle Gellar but I didn't really buy her as the voice of Teela. She didn't quite hit the emotional range I expect from an anime protagonist.

The cliffhanger at the end was interesting, but it speaks to the larger problem with the show. People came in expecting He-Man, and you had Prince Adam/He-Man get killed twice in the first five episodes, and the rest of the show doesn't even focus on him. If the season were longer, or if we knew this show was getting multiple seasons, I might buy it, but for what was only planned to be a single 10-episode miniseries the structure and pacing are off. The frustration that people have with this would have been lessened if this were the first arc of a 26-episode season, but they already burned through half the show on this.

And of course Teela's motivation has been criticized a lot, and I didn't get it either. Was she a love interest in the OG show? Because that's the only way I could headcanon why she was that mad. When she tells Adam, "I couldn't mourn my friend because I didn't know who you were!" I scratched my head because I could not understand the logic of that if they were only just 'friends.'

I'll probably still watch part 2 because it's something you can binge in one sitting, but the first part was very bizarre to me.