Mass Shooting At Orlando Gay Nightclub (Now 50 Dead)


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
And since i'm in this thread i need to address some things. I like to 1st send heartfelt condolence to all the families of the victims that are facing this senseless tragedy in Orlando, Florida. Terrorism Isn't Islam. Terrorism isn't Islamic. There is nothing in the Quran of Mecca, nothing at all that justifies actions of people who commit these senseless acts. Most of these individuals are going off Hadith - which are supposedly sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and from these saying they have created interpretations. These interpretations have replace the Quran of Mecca. has replaced the law revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Men feel they can seek injustice with there own hands, however The Quran of Mecca Surah 10, Verse (or Ayat) states: "Allah does injustice to no man it is man himself thats does injustice to his fellow man". This act highlights something I need to speak about briefly. These people you see over there that are toting, perpetuating as the very face of Islam but they are not. These individuals aren't the face of Islam. If you go back to the historical records of the people that founded the Muhammadan religion looked just like me. For example, you watch Roots bt do you fully understand what you watching? The Mandikya tribe practice Islam. They didnt practice Islam like you see in the middle east. There wasn't' no uniform dress in Islam. Islam was about one thing......ONENESS or what is called Tawhid in Arabic . The oneness of man & Allah (God) . That there is no God but God. The Kalimah. That there is no God but Allah & Prophet Muhammad is his Messenger came years after his death. it was nothing he stated himself.

The situation that happen ---- senseless. It gives blight upon a religion. You go shoot up a gay club, because they don't share your values. feeling that thats morally sinful, it wasn't' this guys place to take these peoples lives into your own hands, by doing so you somehow make God look weak. In the sight of God we as human beings have the right to make choices. It isn't' contingent of ilk to take lives into your own hands. Not Islamic. Not The way of God. More the way of Devils. In order for man to find his devil he must look within name. the very name o devil is called self. They are higher and lower self and the lowest form of self is man beastly, devilish impulses. The same impulses that would cause a man senselessly to walk inside a night club and guns down 50 human beings . All because he doesn't like they sexual preferences as if God put the power in his hands. No beloved. This isn't how Islam works. It is not a injustice for people to practice a lifestyle for them. It may ( im using the term may loosely) be seen as a injustice in the sight o Allah, but it isnt upon man to take it within his won hands. It wasn't his place. It wasn't his place to decapitate men because of a intimidation he despise. It wasn't his place to killed someone because his religious belief doesn't mesh with other religious beliefs because his form of Islam isn't they form of Islam. Show me(if you can) where these things are permissible in The Quran (Maulana Muhammad Ali translation or Yusef Ali). It is high-time for those as a people to step up and show the historicity of Islam (especially those that identify as Muslim), because if not these individuals like Omar are going to become the face of religion. They have sadly to a degree.

It time for those in the United States for those see this for what it really is. Once the region became destabilized in 1948. People blame Obama, People blame Bush. Nah beloved this has been going on since 1948 when hundred thousand Palestinians were displaced from there home & moved by the decree of British Mandate of Palestine which was based on some biblical narrative that the Jews were the chosen people and so they can take any land that they want. All of these things need to need addressed on a international level. They are no chosen people but those who chose to live righteous and peacefully. Those who choose to follow the ordinance with God (or Allah). Any ordinance that treats man any different from his follow man is not in ordinance with God (or Allah). It is ordinance for man himself for purporting himself to speak for Allah. In the biblical narrative Genesis 9:25 " And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. But this not a cause that is coming for God, but a curse that is coming from Noah. And this was use to enslaved my people who were true descendants of Canaan. True Arabians, go back and look at the historical records. The historical records teach that the True Arabians look just like me.Take heed terrorism isnt Islam. We need (especially my Muslim brehs) to start putting things like this in the proper perspective.
Interesting perspective...
Jul 13, 2015
:snoop: him and the "other tall gentlemen" didn't think that through

Lives could have been saved if it wasn't for dude. Another video with another survivor said people was running to the door screaming, trying to get out but they couldn't.

He only heard the shots getting louder because there was a bunch of people piled up behind the door and Mateen must have saw them piled up and started shooting off rounds.

Basically, it's his fault.


what a massive dumbass-- its actually called criminal negligence when you being a dumbass results in people getting hurt or killed--- Dude should def do SOME kinda time

Also he was PLAIN selfish-- Its ok for you to make it out, but everyone is on they own becuase YOU SCARED :francis:

Robo Squirrel

CEO @ Squirrel Burger: Fish & Chips
Jul 20, 2013
San Francisco, CA
Nah nia fukk this. I Demand My Thread Back. Its 6:53am out here Frisco. Mfs ain't gonna steal my shine. Its not easy to make a platinum thread. Mfs better compensate me or something. I want to be in the ballet for
... POSTER OF THE YEAR:ohhh::lolbron::yeshrug::troll::mjcry::blessed:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
And since i'm in this thread i need to address some things. I like to 1st send heartfelt condolence to all the families of the victims that are facing this senseless tragedy in Orlando, Florida. Terrorism Isn't Islam. Terrorism isn't Islamic. There is nothing in the Quran of Mecca, nothing at all that justifies actions of people who commit these senseless acts. Most of these individuals are going off Hadith - which are supposedly sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and from these saying they have created interpretations. These interpretations have replace the Quran of Mecca. has replaced the law revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Men feel they can seek injustice with there own hands, however The Quran of Mecca Surah 10, Verse (or Ayat) states: "Allah does injustice to no man it is man himself thats does injustice to his fellow man". This act highlights something I need to speak about briefly. These people you see over there that are toting, perpetuating as the very face of Islam but they are not. These individuals aren't the face of Islam. If you go back to the historical records of the people that founded the Muhammadan religion looked just like me. For example, you watch Roots bt do you fully understand what you watching? The Mandikya tribe practice Islam. They didnt practice Islam like you see in the middle east. There wasn't' no uniform dress in Islam. Islam was about one thing......ONENESS or what is called Tawhid in Arabic . The oneness of man & Allah (God) . That there is no God but God. The Kalimah. That there is no God but Allah & Prophet Muhammad is his Messenger came years after his death. it was nothing he stated himself.

The situation that happen ---- senseless. It gives blight upon a religion. You go shoot up a gay club, because they don't share your values. feeling that thats morally sinful, it wasn't' this guys place to take these peoples lives into your own hands, by doing so you somehow make God look weak. In the sight of God we as human beings have the right to make choices. It isn't' contingent of ilk to take lives into your own hands. Not Islamic. Not The way of God. More the way of Devils. In order for man to find his devil he must look within name. the very name o devil is called self. They are higher and lower self and the lowest form of self is man beastly, devilish impulses. The same impulses that would cause a man senselessly to walk inside a night club and guns down 50 human beings . All because he doesn't like they sexual preferences as if God put the power in his hands. No beloved. This isn't how Islam works. It is not a injustice for people to practice a lifestyle for them. It may ( im using the term may loosely) be seen as a injustice in the sight o Allah, but it isnt upon man to take it within his won hands. It wasn't his place. It wasn't his place to decapitate men because of a intimidation he despise. It wasn't his place to killed someone because his religious belief doesn't mesh with other religious beliefs because his form of Islam isn't they form of Islam. Show me(if you can) where these things are permissible in The Quran (Maulana Muhammad Ali translation or Yusef Ali). It is high-time for those as a people to step up and show the historicity of Islam (especially those that identify as Muslim), because if not these individuals like Omar are going to become the face of religion. They have sadly to a degree.

It time for those in the United States for those see this for what it really is. Once the region became destabilized in 1948. People blame Obama, People blame Bush. Nah beloved this has been going on since 1948 when hundred thousand Palestinians were displaced from there home & moved by the decree of British Mandate of Palestine which was based on some biblical narrative that the Jews were the chosen people and so they can take any land that they want. All of these things need to need addressed on a international level. They are no chosen people but those who chose to live righteous and peacefully. Those who choose to follow the ordinance with God (or Allah). Any ordinance that treats man any different from his follow man is not in ordinance with God (or Allah). It is ordinance for man himself for purporting himself to speak for Allah. In the biblical narrative Genesis 9:25 " And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. But this not a cause that is coming for God, but a curse that is coming from Noah. And this was use to enslaved my people who were true descendants of Canaan. True Arabians, go back and look at the historical records. The historical records teach that the True Arabians look just like me.Take heed terrorism isnt Islam. We need (especially my Muslim brehs) to start putting things like this in the proper perspective.
then why doesnt allah do something about it :yeshrug:

i mean if i was all powerful, and ISIS wasnt really islamic, they would cease to exist. allah is looking :flabbynsick:


Apr 18, 2013
Some of you guys are really horrible people. A guy goes into a club and shoots 50 people and you're happy because they were gay people? :what:You sound like white people in the comment sections of racial issues.

First off that's a terrible outlook to have on something like this. This could've been anywhere, a hetero club,a supermarket, a burger king lobby. Who's to say the next time it won't be some guy with a immense hatred of black people clapping up a predominately black function.

Secondly, not everyone in a gay club is gay. Hetero girls go to gay clubs because they don't have to worry about being sexually assaulted all night and to hang with their gay friends, dancers go because they get paid to come in and dance, it is what it is. no rule that you have to be gay to work in a gay club. A hetero guy that I worked with in a club years ago who had the night off found out that every guy on the security team but him died last night. Another straight guy with a wife and 3 kids is dead too.

Right now my facebook is full of people begging,pleading,and posting pictures of loved ones and hoping someone has any information while trying to stay strong and not face the reality that their brother,sister,cousin,aunt,uncle,best friend,cool coworker,or neighbor is one of the dead or in the hospital dying but at this point its pretty obvious what phone call they're going to get.That's not something i'd be happy about. Regardless of whether you agree with their lifestyle or not,being happy that 50+ people who were out just enjoying their lives not bother anyone got murdered is straight up clown shyt. Grow the fukk up.
Bumping this post
Apr 11, 2014
So the shooter spared the black people in the bathroom because "they suffered enough" and his problem was us presence in "his country"