I respect everyone's opinion on the ending of
3, but, my goodness if yalll dont sound like entitled teenagers.
They turned on the fans...theyll never get another dollar from me...I wanted totally different...
I get it, I didn't play a Mass Effect game until the third dropped. So, I wasnt following since 2007.
But, there is something to be said about trashing almost 100 hours of gameplay over the last 10 minutes.
The social media wmhas ovverated "endings" so much.
The biggest problem with ending (and this isn't an original thought, but, something I came across); they made the end of the journey about mythos of the Reapers instead of the actual partnerships.
In the end; the Reapers aren't as interesting as they are imposing and relentless (the perfect story villian, imo) and the whole Leviathans-every 50,000 years-thing only kinda makes sense.
They tried to be deep when 99% of fans just wanted to get it over with to see what a Shep/Liara baby would look like.
In the end, forget the "totally different" endings. I just wanted to kill the Reapers and (as a person whose played through all three twice and through 2 and 3 atleast 8x) have different experiences with the crew. The games/series is a 9.8 (the covering and movement is a C) to me.
Edit: Just checked my PC, I've beaten 1 three times. So that's 3 playthroughs of all three.