I dont hate anything, I just dont like blatant attempts at pushing trending propaganda.
Comic books were super diverse and tackled every kind of subject.
Its reason I got into them, the reason I gravitated towards the xmen in particular was because of the issues they dealt with that lowkey I identified with.
It hasn't been to recent years were certain agendas are pushed. Northstar being gay was never a shocker or felt forced or out of place, daken being an pan sexual either.
Marvel for the most part was really diverse and it wasnt something that had to force you to recognize...then it kicked into over drive like they had something to prove or money to make...
I'm not going to doubt profits are a huge reason, but I think they're trying a desensitization route. As comic fans we generally can be slow to accept change, especially visual changes, and they really all depend how its done
An easy example is Wally West. You can make Wally West black because

why not? Fastest man alive being black is more accurate anyway. On the flip side, you can't make T'Challa white without looking like a dumbass. An African king should be black. I look at character's sexuality the same way. If you made Wolverine bi I'd be

its not a tough reach. Now, it becomes an agenda when Wolverine's not only bi, but the movie makes that sexuality a main plot point. At that point you're taking a character and using it to sell your narrative, mostly as a cash grab
I don't disagree with what you said though

Seen my fair share examples of when you try and force representation in to a point where the "diversity" (usually its just a token character) that the creator is going for ends up clashing/taking away from the overall plot. MCU deserves the benefit of the doubt from us, though. The vast majority of their movies handle story telling really well and know what themes and notes they want to hit