Marvel just added 4 more movies, including an "Antman and Wasp" sequel

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012

Even though he's playing some amalgam version of baron mordo (shoulda kept that nikka white), I wanted Chiwetel Ejiofor for T'Challa. T'Challa is the same age group as Tony, Bruce, Reed, Steve, Pym, etc. in the comics. They're peers. In this it looks like they're making him like the Ultimate universe t'challa, but I hope not. But I think that's why they went for boseman, cause facially he can be a more convincing young t'challa for the purpose of telling the "ascending to the throne and avenging t'chaka" arc. Then they'll age him in subsequent flicks like steve and thor. I don't want Stark lookin at him like a lil nikka in no way shape or form... unless Iron Man 4 is one of the new flicks planned and they're recasting RDJ for a younger actor, which would explain them putting his Infinity war salary on front street, as a setup to make his replacement a better sell down the line...

Funny enough, Boseman and Ejiofor are literally months apart in age.

Ejiofor was my first pick as well, but after seeing some clips of Boseman's acting, i was like fukk it, I'm in.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Did Feige plan that he created in 2009 or w/e include Black Panther being pushed back for Spidey?

:francis: Just gonna repost this:sas2:

Marvel Contingency Story Plans For Fantastic Four & X-Men?

The short answer is: the most important thing is the standalone movie, relaunching Spider-Man with a standalone movie with a new storyline that fits into this universe – that’s job number one for us. And as is the case, the connectivity is great but it doesn’t drive the train. That being said, if I understand what you’re asking, we had… this has been a dream of ours for a long time, and we always had contingency plans should you know — which we always do anyways. Are we going to be able to make another movie with this actor? If we are then we’ll do this, if not, we’re going to do this. If we get the rights to a certain character that’d be great, then we’d do this, if not, we’d do this. So we always sort of operate with those alternate timelines available and are ready to shift if something happens.

The Mouse has chess players, the Bunny has a bunch of checkers dummies:sas2:
May 16, 2012
@Primetime, to follow up on my Winter Soldier example, WS soldier cast looked like this in terms of importance, imo:

-Winter Soldier
-Black Widow
-Alexander Pierce
-Nick Fury
-Agent Carter
-Maria Hill

About 9 people of some significance. Yet the script made sure the supporting cast has a great showing (we've been highlighting Falcon's showing throughout this thread) while keeping Cap as the lead and the one doing the biggest and most amount of feats.

One can more or less do the same thing with BP. Difference is, there are a bit more women this time:

-Love Interest
-The Dora Milaje (as a unit)

About the same amount of supporting cast as TWS. They can just follow the WS model in making the supporting cast engaging, will keeping T'Challa as the unquestionable star of the show. Doing so can really strengthen the movie.
No mention of Taku?

Taku was more central to BP than any other character after Monica Lynne in his older stories.

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
I have three trains of thoughts on this. One, I agree with your train of thought. CA:TWS was probably my favorite MCU movie at this point and i think they showed they could balance a big cast well... and I think Civil War will trump even that in scale and scope, while still keeping it focused on Steve Rogers. So i can see that same concept working for BP films.

My second train of thought is that since I was never a big CA fan, and hence never watched his first movie, I would be curious as to how the prioritization was handled in his introductory movie? B/c in TWS we were already formally introduced to Steve twice over (in his origin movie and Avengers), plus Natasha/Fury/Maria 2-3 times over. So a lot of the foundation was already built. But i don't know if this was easier to do b/c CA:TFA may have done a lot of the heavy lifting in establishing a personal connection between Steve and the audience.

Third train of thought is that (regardless of what CA:TFA did) since T'Challa's cast would be more intimately tied to his direct origin than the TWS cast was to Steve's, I think TWS route could still work as you suggested. I think it would also depend on if the first movie would have an underlining father-son, coming of age narrative centered on T'Challa dealing with T'Chaka's death, since T'Chaka is essentially his Uncle Ben or perhaps more accurately his Mufasa so to speak. As CW will probably have T'Challa do some bad ass things but the BP movie will probably be the first introspective look at T'Challa as a prince who became king. So it just kinda depends on what elements they want to focus on.

Alright, read the post again. I agree with your first point, so its all good. I'll start with your second point, which was probably the most important one.

I've only seen TFA once, and to be honest, I rather not watch it again: the film was simply OK, imo. It felt very, very, straightforward. Somewhat hollow. Really bordering on average.

The prioritization of TFA: heavily leaning on CAP (Chris Evans did a very good job), then somewhat on Red Skull, Bucky, and Peggy Carter....somewhat. Beyond that, the rest of the supporting cast was very forgettable. I had to go to IMDB to remember that Tommy Lee Jones was in the film and that Howard Stark was in the story.

The result: key parts of the movie not being as hard hitting as it should've been. Bucky's demise in the grand scheme of things felt like whatever. The film just kinda moved on. The most memorable scene was at the end, when Cap's ends up "sleeping" and wakes up to meet Nick Fury and Shield for the first time.

Winter Soldier improved on the first movie's weaknesses (plus had great action scenes). This resulted in a far more engaging supporting cast that made you care about them and, most importantly, care even more about Cap. It's in TWS that you really see what Bucky meant to Cap, and vice versa. Through the supporting cast (Widow, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Pierce, Fury, Crossbones, all of SHIELD), you finally see that Cap is actually a big deal and worthy of respect, not just some near invincible grunt doing shyt in the battlefield. If you were kinda meh about Cap before, you really were rooting for him on TWS. That movie turned my viewpoint of CAP and he moved up a lot in my favorite characters list.

Which brings me to your third point:

The good news is, unlike Cap: TFA, BP's movie isn't the first time we will see him. Therefore, If the BP movie is more directly tied to T'Challa origin, then the supporting cast definitely have to be involved in someway. Outside of maybe the love interest and maaaaaaaybe the Dora Milaje, literally all of them are directly tied to T'Challa's early life before he was king (Klaw kills his father, and the rest are either family he cares about (Shuri, Ramonda, S'yan), or close friends (W'Kabi and Zuri). All of the supporting cast continue to be involved when he gains the throne, some more than others.

Regardless of the narrative they choose, T'Challa will of course have top billing and the best / most amount of feats, and the supporting cast ultimately is just that. But I think the film will miss a great opportunity to be much more than just and all-black version of Cap: TFA, where T'Challa is whooping ass and taking names, with some good dialogue here and there. He may be king, he is still human. I feel his supporting cast can help push the idea that T'Challa is not just a great King with heroic tendencies, but an even greater man as well.
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Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
even white women :francis:

White Women are the most privileged after White men
Yeah @MartyMcFly he got you on this
I formally rescind my dap :wow:
It's all about BP now. These Twitter "feminists" have Wonder Woman to hold them over until 2018 if they want their kick-ass Comic heroine movie they'll live. The only black excellence we'll get between now and BP's premiere is T'Challa's introduction in Civil War. So again, fukk them Cac hoes, and I don't want to hear a damn WORD about white women being "underrepresented" in Hollywood. Those pasty pale broads been given "strong, independent, feisty" representations since Gone With The Wind. You've got Angelina Jolie starring in Tomb Raider and Salt. Charlize Theron in Aeon Flux. Mill Jovovich in The Resident Evil FRANCHISE (spanning SIX films) Kate Beckinsale in the Underworld FRANCHISE and Sigourney Weaver in the Alien FRANCHISE.

I don't want to hear about the poor, overlooked White Woman. Miss me with that bullshyt

:heh: since gone with the wind


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Yeah @MartyMcFly he got you on this
I formally rescind my dap :wow:

:heh: since gone with the wind

lol and that's why I told him it all depends on culture and where you are. Where I work and the shyt I've seen, even in college, we got them beat they get treated like 2nd class citizens if they're lucky. Obviously everyone will have different experiences but I still say on the basis of the shyt men in general, black white or whatever can get away with societal in terms of what we can call them, what we can say about them them and how they live their lives vs how we live our lives, we got them beat. I mean on our site alone, in this very discussion, we've had cats say that none of us want women starring movies because we just want to see t*ts. Or the ridiculous amount of misogynistic comments about the ghostbusters movie. Not on this board but other places I've seen where you'd think we were living in the 40s or 50s and the shyt is acceptable. Men don't police each other or call each other out on shyt like that and all I'm saying is as the product of a single parent home, raised by a strong black woman, I feel like we need to check ourselves a bit before trying to say how unfair we have it

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
No mention of Taku?

Taku was more central to BP than any other character after Monica Lynne in his older stories.

Damn completely forgot about Taku. This is what I get for not reading enough of the Mcgregor / Roy Thomas run :snoop: .

Breh was in the Priest run too, if I remember, but barely featured in it, even as a supporting character. And considering that Marvel appears to be using the Priest run as the starting point, I would be reaallly surprised if he was in the film.

You could include him in the roster though. If one feels the roster is too big with his addition, you sub him for someone else (I would sub him for Zuri for movie purposes).
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Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Im bummed Captain Marvel got pushed back. But Black Panther got pushed up so i can't be too mad.

As far as the feminist. They acting like Jessica Jones not one month away :dahell:
They pushed Black Panther February, from July 6th.

It's really not a good look at all.

While there have been some February blockbusters as of's still a sketchy month.

July is prime season for blockbusters.

Of course, when you add in a possible "Black History Month Boost", it's probably better than a November release (I think it was originally supposed to hit November 2017), so it's not a total fail. But I was excited to see this movie be a genuine summer event film...and this new date kinda suggest that Marvel doesn't see it that way.

Captain Marvel will be fine wherever. She's white. That's what truly matters. People dwelling on this feminist stuff kill me. Act like Hollywood isn't constantly placing white women above minorities. We've seen Lucy, we've seen The Hunger Games, we've seen that Insurgent/Divergent nonsense. If it's about seeing a female superhero, okay. But there are numerous YOUNG white women getting their shots at blockbusters.
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Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Yeah, django only works off the fact.
In some of the most iconic blaxploitation movies, by a major movie house.
Usually would veto the lead and cast someone else.
That was a bit away from the pulse of who the casting should have been.
Like let's say Richard Pryor being looked over for the lead in blazing saddles.
This is one of those types of situations.
Where the execution level as far as casting.
Is far and away from what we saw when they cast their flagship draws.
From just this casting we can tell they don't want bp to be a flagship draw and it should and could be easily.

I just feel sorry for the black kids, and kids in general.
who will have this guy who is not the black panther for real.
As toys and in the long run not buy some great black panther cool tech gadget line of toys.
All, because of disconnect to the black panther with his mask off.
Whomever is casting this.
Is so busy trying to sabotage it with little shyt.
They don't realize off marketing alone.
black panther could be a larger property than any of the marvel toys.
As bp institutes an entire universe from just wakanda being on the big screen.
So, when they could be preparing for a batman like franchise.
from looks to actual toys and products,..
They are looking at it from their racist end and not seeing all the possibilities.
Plus, the fact that the main toy maker of this Gen launched his whole toy line off of a black superhero as well.

Todd McFarlane = McFarlane toys

Black panther could launch an large marketing blitz off the black panther.

Just the fact I want a panther new era hat like one of those Thor or iron man hats and I may not get one pisses me off, too.
This black panther shyt should be marketed like when the white sox switched to the black and silver in the nineties.
That is how big a potential property black panther is and it more than likely won't be.
Just from systematic racism and purposeful lack of attention to detail.

Art Barr

Kids ain't gon get that wakanda playset or black panther toy car and they should.
We should have black panther iconic logo tees already.
Especially, if dc markets redhood tshirts to women.
When, I don't know nobody who even knows who the red hood is.
Or there was more than one robin to begin with.
I really feel this post.

I fukks with Boseman...but the fact that they went with an older, relatively short guy, instead of a young black stud (No homo), was really telling for me.

Another example : Morgan Freeman and Tyler Perry being cast as Alex Cross. Alex Cross in the books is more of a suave, Daniel Craig as James Bond type of cat...but they've gone with Morgan Freeman, who while a GREAT actor, seems like he's always been too old for that part. And fukking Tyler explanation needed.

I think BP's gonna make it's money back and will be a solid character for the universe...but what you were saying about Wakanda almost being its own universe....that really resonates with me. Because the truth is that Asgard was always going to be too strange....but Wakanda done right would be a showcase of African geography, diversity, pride, etc. I've always felt like it's the Marvel film that would really do well to draw upon classic tragedy, and classic hollywood tropes. It's set in a monarchical kingdom for christ sakes.

But alas, as we've known for some time...if we want that shyt, we really just have to make it ourselves....:manny:

And I'm not really feeling these suggestions of all these side characters either. BP should be about....T'Challa killing the white supremacist that killed his father, a young king rising to the occasion to take his country back from a villainous outsider.
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Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
lol and that's why I told him it all depends on culture and where you are. Where I work and the shyt I've seen, even in college, we got them beat they get treated like 2nd class citizens if they're lucky. Obviously everyone will have different experiences but I still say on the basis of the shyt men in general, black white or whatever can get away with societal in terms of what we can call them, what we can say about them them and how they live their lives vs how we live our lives, we got them beat. I mean on our site alone, in this very discussion, we've had cats say that none of us want women starring movies because we just want to see t*ts. Or the ridiculous amount of misogynistic comments about the ghostbusters movie. Not on this board but other places I've seen where you'd think we were living in the 40s or 50s and the shyt is acceptable. Men don't police each other or call each other out on shyt like that and all I'm saying is as the product of a single parent home, raised by a strong black woman, I feel like we need to check ourselves a bit before trying to say how unfair we have it
I see your point, and while valid in some areas I will have to formally disagree with the overall :wow:

a young king rising to the occasion to take his country back from a villainous outsider.
:mjcry: marvels first Oscar :blessed:

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
I really feel this post.

I fukks with Boseman...but the fact that they went with an older, relatively short guy, instead of a young black stud (No homo), was really telling for me.

Another example : Morgan Freeman and Tyler Perry being cast as Alex Cross. Alex Cross in the books is more of a suave, Daniel Craig as James Bond type of cat...but they've gone with Morgan Freeman, who while a GREAT actor, seems like he's always been too old for that part. And fukking Tyler explanation needed.

I think BP's gonna make it's money back and will be a solid character for the universe...but what you were saying about Wakanda almost being its own universe....that really resonates with me. Because the truth is that Asgard was always going to be too strange....but Wakanda done right would be a showcase of African geography, diversity, pride, etc. I've always felt like it's the Marvel film that would really do well to draw upon classic tragedy, and classic hollywood tropes. It's set in a monarchical kingdom for christ sakes.

But alas, as we've known for some time...if we want that shyt, we really just have to make it ourselves....:manny:

And I'm not really feeling these suggestions of all these side characters either. BP should be about....T'Challa killing the white supremacist that killed his father, a young king rising to the occasion to take his country back from a villainous outsider.

Boseman is around the actual height of T'Challa, if I remember. T'Challa is no more than 6'2'', he's not that tall. Boseman is 6'0. Add the angles and movie magic, and many viewers will think that Boseman is tall as fukk. Won't even notice the difference. As for his age, he should be a bit older (Boseman is only 39, yet looks younger than his age). If we expect him to be matched up with the Iron Mans and Captain Americas of the universe, you can't have him as a young buck, he has to appear seasoned, even if he isn't king yet.

Also, about the concerns of the supporting cast:

-They will be there regardless. To what degree, we don't know yet.

- If you want Wakanda to basically be its own world, that is well fleshed out, then you want a good supporting cast for T'Challa anyway. It helps in making T'Challa's world real and vibrant.

-Even if Marvel were to use the plot you suggested...he made lead the way, but he isn't gonna do everything on his own. That's just not possible and is unrealistic considering his position (monarch). Some may even consider it boring and mary sue-ish (see Cap: TFA), which isn't a good thing.

To use a sports analogy: every team has a franchise player. But every great team has a great supporting cast that is built around and compliments the franchise player. That is what we should hope for, among other things, in the film.
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