Aesthetically he is not believeable as the panther.
Just like Jaime is just there as the black guy in django.
With Bozeman as the lead.
Imo, it was done.
So, bp would not possibly have the ability to actually draw on par as high as the main draws in the comic world.
When, it actually could and the movie is missing a real lead.
Imo, they did not look hard enough.
Plus, did not do the same type of integral casting.
As they did to find, the perfect Thor, or perfect iron man, or perfect wolvie, or perfect Xavier and mags, etc.
The bp actor choice is just black flavor of the only season they let black film's draw in the past few years.
Bozeman is not the believeable perfect choice.
Nor does it illustrate the time they put into their other flagship characters.
This bp casting is all matter of fact casting.
Similar to all the lame castings they did not put time into.
from ghost rider to anyone not named ironman, cap or Thor.
Art Barr
Yeah Bossman was picked by default, the talent pool for Black Actors outside of the old guard right now is just

Characters like Black Panther, Doom, Magneto, Nick Fury etc who are running things need to be played by strong actors with a certain presence to add that air of believability. You should immediately know that they're big players from the moment you see them. I aint seeing it with Boseman at all.
I just can't see Boseman flexing and talking down to people without it looking corny