I'm on the fence b/c i fully agree and understand the importance of this... but at the same time I don't want that syndrome of trying to throw too many things into a movie, trying to solve too many problems and make every character the remedy to a social ill that the movie starts to lose focus.
"A strong black love interest who can do heroic things without her man saving her"
"A strong black sista who doesn't need a man and can do heroic things all by her damn herself"
"A strong group of black women who work together as a strong black team to do heroic things all by themselves"
"Oh... and that T'Challa guy... i guess we'll have him save... somebody.. or do something heroic too.. whatever scraps are left for him n shyt. he's the main character right?

I'm being a little facetious but seriously, I think all those things can and should come to pass in the BP franchise but i dont think it necessarily has to happen all at once. Like how Rhodey was in the first Iron Man and was a strong supporting character but he didn't actually take on War Machine until the sequel. Same with Van Dyne in Ant-Man. I can see that with Shuri and his love interest where they can have some strong showings of bravery or toughness to whatever extent... but i don't want the movie to lose sight of who the boss is, and whose gonna be saving the day and goin dolo on mfers like a boss.